Does scoped CSS affect on build performance? [closed] - vue.js

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Closed 5 months ago.
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We use massive bunch of components in our products with Vue 2 (migrating on 3rd version) and Nuxt SSR. Could we improve our project performance with removing scoped block of styles (how much)?

Scoped CSS can have some performance impact:
So you could improve it if you can achieve the styling without the CSS scoping (even tho, depending of the solution replacing it, that may be more heavy overall).
How much is hard to answer here because it depends of your app and if you have some performance benchmarks already.
Migrating to Vue3 will bring quite some performance tho. But as everything, it all depends on the current bottlenecks. If you have a Google UTM tag importing à whole 3rd party chat library, removing the scoped styles will only have a minor impact.
So yeah, to broad of a question with too much variables to give a concrete answer.


How is determined which modules are included with the Rakudo Star release [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Rakudo Star is a release targeted towards end users (if I'm not mistaken). As such, it includes a number of useful modules that can be used in a wide range of projects.
But how does the team behind it decide which modules to include? Do module developers talk to them and ask for inclusion, or do they look at usage statistics and include the most popular? Or is inclusion completely arbitrary?
What process should one go through to get their module included?
The collection of modules is in the star repository, includes as sub-modules of the repo. I haven't seen any kind of description of what modules are installed there and why, but I guess using the issues and/or pull requests is the way to go. In fact there's this closed issue which points in that direction, including a reference to ecosystem statistics, so I guess regarding your three questions.
There's no established procedure that I have been able to see.
Apparently, they look at statistics, after some developer asks for them.
I don't think that's the case. They at least have to pass all the tests in all platforms to be included. Also, I don't think my evolutionary algorithms module will be included any time soon.

Photoshop & Gimp simpler alternatives [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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While doing web development, I often need to edit images. Not photos, not creative work, just simple editing. For example: adding shadow on a button, resizing multiple images, tweaking few pixels here and there, etc.
Photoshop always felt like a huge overkill (not to mention the price). Gimp's price tag is right, but it's still an overkill and somehow I feel clumsy while using it.
So what free/ open source Windows products are simpler yet do the same job?
Note that if product was really great, I would consider paying up to $50 but no more than that.
This may be an option. I know that I have used this in the past but it may not be exactly what you need. There are plugins for it though I believe.
you can use Paint.Net on
Its free

Which documentation package more actively maintained: NaturalDocs or RoboDoc? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am documenting a small itcl project. Due to shortcomings in itcl support in doxygen, and the fact that Ruff! does not support itcl, I am left with NaturalDocs and RoboDoc as the leading candidates. However, I don't want to pick an unsupported system, and was wondering which is going to be there in the long term?
What will be there in the long term? Who knows! It depends on how much people use it, really, as with all open source code systems. It should be noted that both the tools you refer to are really slow developing at this point: they do what they do and need little significant change to keep on doing it.
As far as I can see, ROBODoc requires that you do pretty much all the annotation work yourself, whereas NaturalDocs will derive a bit more for you. Not very much though; in particular, you will have to write plenty of annotations on things whichever route you use. (I've no particular experience with either though; I tend to prefer to maintain documentation in a separate file with something like doctools but that's a very different approach. I've also done nasty custom things in the past; you really don't want to use them.)

osCommerce, ZenCart & CubeCart - Which is easier to customize? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Which one of OsCommerce, ZenCar and CubeCart is the easiest to customize with a custom design template? I know ZenCart is an offshoot of osCommerce so I'd guess they would be similar.
ZenCart and OSC are similar, but I would recommend Zencart over a standard OSC for template customization. I haven't used CubeCart.
If your modifications are only html/css customizations for one shop you should be fine with Zencart, although there are quite a lot of files to make a full template, with the modification of a few files on an already made template you will go a long way.
With the default template, I would suggest starting with:
Under the common folder: html_header.php, tpl_header.php, tpl_tabular_display.php, tpl_columnar_display.php, tpl_main_page.php and tpl_footer.php.
Sideboxes folder: the sideboxes you plan to use if you require html changes to them, perhaps you won't, with CSS you should be able to modify their appearance quite a lot.
Under the Templates folder: you will probably need to modify the html in the checkout pages, the product_info_display page and the half a dozen listing pages.
You don't mention Prestashop. It is a much more modern software than Zencart or OSC (code wise), completely written with OOP and, more importantly, it uses Smarty for its easy to follow template system.

While preparing a gantt chart, which things we should take care? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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In software developement project..
While preparing a gantt chart, which things we should take care?
A very vague question, kind of like "What is the meaning of life?".
Things that occur to me:
Knowing what you will build
the order in which things have to be build,
resources required,
when things have to be finished,
who will have to check the build items,
when are people and resources available.
The WBS 100% rule (see this)
Where relevant, use abstract time units in the chart and scale to meet a fixed release date.
Don't overuse. Use it for what it's good for. For example, avoid showing too many dependencies: Draw out a separate dependency tree
If you have several tasks which are proving difficult to estimate then try to have them run in parallel. That way you reduce the overall risk should one or more of them overrun.