NSTableView with NSArrayController editing a field throwing an error - objective-c

On my NSTableView I have two columns Name and Surname, these are linked with keys with NSArrayController the keys are name and surname - the Name fields I wish to be editable. So I have selected Conditionally Sets Editable in interface builder like so:
I've checked Raises For Not Applicable Keys and this is what is showing the error - so I know the error is from a not applicable key.
This is the error I get when I try and edit one of the entries of Name on the table view:
Error setting value for key path name of object {
name = "James";
surname = Smith;
} (from bound object <NSTableColumn: 0x600000ab7aa0> identifier: width: 351 hidden: NO): [<__NSDictionaryI 0x6000034a0d80> setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key name.
I have two questions on what's causing the error - I can see it says it's setting an undefinedkey, why is it undefined and how can I set it to be defined?
Secondly what notification or function is called when a textcell in an NSTableView is edited - and can I edit what happens on this event?
I am new to NSTableViews and NSArrayControllers so apologies if my question seems obvious but I am trying to learn!


Odoo 12: Many2one ondelete message?

Is it possible to change(edit) default ondelete message in Many2one field?
My field is:
parent_id = fields.Many2one("pgp.organizational.classifications", string="Parent classification", select=True, ondelete='restrict')
Default message is like this, but I won't to add my message:
"Odoo Server Error - Greška kod provjere
The operation cannot be completed, probably due to the following:
- deletion: you may be trying to delete a record while other records still reference it
- creation/update: a mandatory field is not correctly set
[objekt s referencom: pgp.organizational.classifications - pgp.organizational.classifications] "
You cannot change it in the Many2one field's declaration.
Code which generates this message is there: https://github.com/odoo/odoo/blob/12.0/odoo/service/model.py#L120-L154
Seems to be tricky to overload
Restricting and cascading deletes are the two most common options. RESTRICT prevents deletion of a referenced row. NO ACTION means that if any referencing rows still exist when the constraint is checked, an error is raised; this is the default behavior if you do not specify anything. (The essential difference between these two choices is that NO ACTION allows the check to be deferred until later in the transaction, whereas RESTRICT does not.) CASCADE specifies that when a referenced row is deleted, row(s) referencing it should be automatically deleted as well. There are two other options: SET NULL and SET DEFAULT. These cause the referencing columns to be set to nulls or default values, respectively, when the referenced row is deleted. Note that these do not excuse you from observing any constraints. For example, if an action specifies SET DEFAULT but the default value would not satisfy the foreign key, the operation will fail.
I solved it by overloading unlink method.
Here is the code if it helps someone:
> #api.multi
> def unlink(self):
> for field in self:
> if field.parent_id:
> raise UserError(_('It is not possible to delete a record that is already used in transactions!'))
> return super(YourClass, self).unlink()

Removing children entries from parent causes error on SaveChanges

I am getting the following error:
The association between entity types 'Docket' and 'DocketLine' has been severed but the foreign key for this relationship cannot be set to null. If the dependent entity should be deleted, then setup the relationship to use cascade deletes.
The issue comes about because I have a Docket (header) than has multiple children (DocketLines), and I am doing an update where I am adding new Lines to the docket header, and I am just adding those new DocketLines to the Docket.DocketLines collection (which works fine). But when I attempt to remove a DocketLine from the same collection using Docket.DocketLines.Remove(deletedLine), then this generates the error message above. Any idea why?
I had to change my code to remove the Lines directly from the _context.DocketLines.Remove/RemoveRange(...) collection in the end, and this works, but it seems odd that I would add new items to a child collection to insert new DocketLines, but couldn't remove items from that same collection to remove DocketLines.
Inside the DbContext/OnModelCreating method, comment the OnDelete behaviour of the entity that is giving you that problem:
That will allow you to avoid that problem.

Core data relationship fault : null key

I have an entity named Person that may have one home, and an entity named Home that may have one to N homes:
Then I have two array controllers:
Homes Controller, bound with managed object context, in entity mode: Home;
People Controller, bound with managed object context, in entity mode: person.
I have a cell based table view, bound with the People Controller.I am able to display successfully the first three columns (name, surname and age), but the problem is with the 4th column: the home's name.Inside the column there is a popup button cell, these are the bindings:
Content: Homes Controller.arrangedObjects ;
Content values: Homes Controller.arrangedObjects.name;
Selected object: People Controller.home.
The problem comes at runtime, when I try to click to the popup button to choose the home:
Like you see instead of the choice I see "Core data relationship fault", and if I try to change the home by clicking on the menu items, I see a lot of code printed to the console, I post only the most significant line:
2012-11-04 01:47:45.181 Test[4390:303] [<NSManagedObject 0x100156e60> valueForUndefinedKey:]: the entity Home is not key value coding-compliant for the key "(null)".
And after this the application freezes.
Edit: With some debug I am now able to know the state of the object when the exception occurs:
2012-11-09 02:42:02.495 Test[4650:303] <NSManagedObject: 0x100157460> (entity: Person; id: 0x10013d9d0 <x-coredata:///Person/t0182F6F4-9CCC-4F51-A82F-D00CE026DB752> ; data: {
age = 20;
home = "0x101953480 <x-coredata:///Home/t0182F6F4-9CCC-4F51-A82F-D00CE026DB753>";
name = "New Name";
surname = "New Surname";
2012-11-09 02:42:02.497 Test[4650:303] <NSManagedObject: 0x101953420> (entity: Home; id: 0x101953480 <x-coredata:///Home/t0182F6F4-9CCC-4F51-A82F-D00CE026DB753> ; data: {
name = "New Home";
people = (
"0x10013d9d0 <x-coredata:///Person/t0182F6F4-9CCC-4F51-A82F-D00CE026DB752>"
It seems that the values are regular, there are not nil keys.I suspect the problem is with the bindings.
It's hard to tell what is actually going on without seeing how you are fetching objects and their relationships from Core Data.
But, just because you see the word "fault" doesn't actually mean that there is a problem. A Core Data Fault just means that the data hasn't been retrieved from the store into the Managed Object Context yet.
Faults are very handy. They are like little stubs that stand in for objects in a relationship so that you don't pull too much into memory. It's only when you try to access the objects that they are swapped out for the actual objects.
See Core Data Relationship Fault for a bit more explanation.
Home-people and Person-home need to be declared as inverse relationships of one another using the model builder in order to function properly. The relationship will then appear as a single line.

The "X" property on "Y" could not be set to a 'null' value. You must set this property to a non-null value of type 'Int32'

When I run my application and I click a specific button I get the error:
"The "X" property on "Y" could not be set to a 'null' value. You must set this property to a non-null value of type 'Int32'."
Cool so I go to my Entity project, go to Y table, find X column, right-click and go to X's properties and find that Nullable is set to False.
I verify in SQL that in Y table, X is set to allow nulls, and it is.
I then go back to my Entity project, set Nullable to True, save and build and I receive:
Error 3031: Problem in mapping fragments starting at line 4049:Non-nullable column "X" in table "Y" is mapped to a nullable entity property.
I've heard that deleting the table from the .edmx file and then re-adding it is a possibility but have never done that and don't understand the implications enough to feel comfortable in doing that.
I've heard that it could be in the view, could be in the stored procedure...
Also have heard that this is a bug.
Has anyone come across this and found an "across the board" fix or somewhat of a road map of sorts on where to look for this error?
"The "X" property on "Y" could not be set to a 'null' value. You must set this property to a non-null value of type 'Int32'."
In your EDMX, if you go under your Y table and click on X column, right-click, click on Properties, scroll down to Nullable and change from False to True.
If you get a "mapping fragment" error, you'll have to delete the table from the EDMX and re-add it, because in the Model Browser it stores the table properties and the only way to refresh that (that I know of) is to delete the table from the Model Browser under <database>.Store then retrieving it using Update Model from Database.. command.
I just replace data type int to int32?
public Int32 Field{ get; set; }
public Int32? Field{ get; set; }
and the problem is solved
My problem was that my Model database was out of sync with the actual (dev) database. So the EDMX thought it was smallint but the actual column was int. I updated the model database to int and the EDMX to Int32 and now it works.
For future readers.
I got this error when I had a multiple result stored procedure.
As seen here:
If you try to access an item in the first-result, after doing a .NextResult, you may get this error.
From the article:
var reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
// Read Blogs from the first result set
var blogs = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db)
.Translate<Blog>(reader, "Blogs", MergeOption.AppendOnly);
foreach (var item in blogs)
// Move to second result set and read Posts
var posts = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db)
.Translate<Post>(reader, "Posts", MergeOption.AppendOnly);
foreach (var item in posts)
Now, if before the line
foreach (var item in posts)
you put in this code
Blog foundBlog = blogs.FirstOrDefault();
I think you can simulate the error.
Rule of Thumb:
You still gotta treat this thing like a DataReader (fire-hose).
For my needs, I had to convert to a List<>.
So I changed this:
foreach (var item in blogs)
to this:
List<Blog> blogsList = blogs.ToList();
foreach (var item in blogsList )
And I was able to navigate the objects without getting the error.
Here is another way I encountered it.
private void DoSomething(ObjectResult<Blog> blogs, ObjectResult<Post> posts)
And then after this code (in the original sample)
foreach (var item in posts)
put in this code:
If I called that routine and started accessing items/properties in the blogs and posts, I would encounter the issue. I understand why, I should have caught it the first time.
I verified that the entity was pointing at the correct database.
I then deleted the table from the .edmx file and added it again.
Problem solved.
Check your model & database both should be defined accordingly....
public Int32? X { get; set; } ----> Nullable
Accordingly in DB 'X' should be Nullable = True
public Int32 X { get; set; } ----> not Nullable
Accordingly in DB 'X' should be Nullable = false
In my case in created view in DB column that I select that contains null value I change that value by this select statement:
Before my change
..., GroupUuId , ..
after my change
..., ISNULL(GroupUuId, 0), ...
Sorry for my bad English
This may happen when the database table allows NULL and there are records that have a null value and you try to read this record with EF and the mapping class does not allow a null value.
The solution is either change the database table so that it does not allow null or change your class to allow null.
For me the following Steps corrected the Error:
Remove the 'X'-Property from the 'Y'-Table
build Database from Model
Add the 'X'-Property to 'Y'-Table again (with non-nullable and int16)
build Database from Model
to fix the error
Error 3031: Problem in mapping fragments starting at line 4049:Non-nullable column "X" in table "Y" is mapped to a nullable entity property.
open your EDMX file with and xml editor and lookup you table in
find the propertie which gives the error and set or add
Nullable="false" >> to Nullable="true"
save the edmx, open it in visual studio and build it. problem solved
Got same error but different context, tried to join tables using linq where for one of the tables in database, a non-null column had a null value inserted, updated the value to default and the issue is fixed.

canEdit not working in dgrid while loading by default

I have a tree grid with following ui requirements on edit.
Cost column for certain rows are editable.
Editable rows should be available for edit by default always and not
based on any event.
Each row has min max range. As and when the user enters a value that
needs to be validated.
Here is the column structure I have defined for dgrid.
var columns = [
tree({label: "Name", field:"name" }),
{ label : "Description", field:"description" },
editor({label: "Cost", field: "cost", canEdit : function(rowItem){ return rowItem.isEditable;}}, dijit.form.NumberTextBox),
{label:"Min - Max Range", field:"minRange", get:getMinMax, id:'minMax'}
Though the tree and edit is working fine, I have few issues to be resolved.
When editOn is not provided for editor, the column is made editable
by default. However, canEdit is getting invoked only when we provide
spl event in editOn parameter. Is there a way to get canEdit invoked
even during default load.
I need to set a range constraint for NumberTextBox dynamically for
each row. Is there an easy way to set the constraint based on row
Thank you very much for your help
As for canEdit invoked when editOn is false check:
As for dynamic set value based on row values you can try :
on the widget level Extend the Widget : in
startup after inherited(arguments)
var _row=this.grid.grid.row(this.domNode.parentNode);