Get environment variable .env in KMM project - kotlin

Let's say I have a new KMM project. In the backend target, I need to get the property PORT from .env located in the root.
Project Root:
- backend
- Android
- shared
- iOS
using System.getenv("PORT") doesn't work, and always returns null.
Where do I put my properties so I can access them from the project's code?


Missing .env in Vue CLI after run build

I'm building an app using Vue CLI 3.
I've included .env in my project and everything works fine.
But when i'm building the app for production via npm run build there is no .env file in my dist folder, so i can't change my environmental variables in production server.
Any solution or it's just fine?
This is supposed to happen. The env variables are embedded in your build.
You can make seperate .env files for production. These variables will be used during the production build.
Create a new .env file named: .env.production
It is normal because application needed to be recompiled when .env file changed.
For convenience you can use or for your CI/CD pipeline.

Provide enviroment variables for production vue build

I would like to achieve following:
a Vue application is build with npm build,
then the /dist result is copied to some environment
in this enviroment I have some static setting file with name=value settings
the Vue application should read this setting from local folder where it is running or default to some setting
What is the best way to do this.
If you want "to inject" some settings to the bundled app so I think it can be possible only with another js file (globalConfig.js) with global object like:
window.myAppSettings = {
MY_VARIABLE: 'some_value'
Which will be copied somehow to your dist folder on a particular environment.
You should also prepare your app to reference that file:
Firstly, add this settings object as external lib in vue.config.js
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {
'my-app-settings': 'myAppSettings'
So you can get your settings in code:
import mySettingsObject from 'my-app-settings'
let myValue = mySettingsObject.MY_VARIABLE
Add reference to globalConfig.js in index.html file in the head section:
<script src="<%= BASE_URL %>globalConfig.js"></script>
Local Development
Probably you will need some default settings to be able to debug your app locally. In this case you can create localConfig.js in your public folder with some default values.
Then change your script in index.html to this:
<script src="<%= BASE_URL %><%= VUE_APP_GLOBAL_SETTINGS_VERSION %>Settings.js"></script>
Then create two files in the project root .env.local and .env.production:
// .env.local
// .env.production
So when you run npm run serve it will load your local config and your app will load localSettings.js.
And when it builds with npm run build it will load globalSettings.js because building uses a production mode by default.
If you created your project using Vue CLI 3 you can do like this.
Make sure your settings file is named .env and place it in your project root.
In the .env file, your variables should be prefixed with "VUE_APP_"
Access them with process.env.*.
console.log(process.env.VUE_APP_SOMEKEY) // SOME_KEY_VALUE
Here's some more info on evironment variables in vue: Vue CLI 3 - Environment Variables and Modes
Sorry. I probably misunderstood your question. This solution will not work if your settings file is in the dist folder.

Vue webpack environment variables configuration

I am new to vue in general and i am trying to configure some environment variables for some projects of mine so i can do some tests with cookies but apperently i ran the simple webpack configurations when creating these projects, therefore i dont have access to the config directory to edit said variables.
I created a vue.config.js file and used the following lines:
module.exports = {
publicPath: 'myAppName'
However if i run it on development mode, or simply use npm run serve my app runs at "http://localhost:8080/myAppName" instead of simply "myAppName".
How do i correctly configure my environment variables for my projects without having to start over from scratch? I am using vueCli 3 btw.
I tried following these examples but none have worked:
Using Environment Variables with Vue.js
I also have .env file and a .env.development file but i am not sure what to add to it.

Specify the assets output directory when building in development mode

I'm using the Vue CLI to build my application into one of my existing php projects. In case to work with generated files in php, I need to move the assets to the ../public/assets/ directory. Unfortunately, this does not seem to work in development environment (production mode works just fine, but I'd really need to test the integration of vue in the php app).
Am I doing something wrong or is it a known restriction?
Here's the config:
// vue.config.js
module.exports = {
outputDir: '../public',
assetsDir: './assets',
indexPath: './views/index.html'
As per the documentation, you can just copy the assets into your public/assets folder and reference them via absolute path.
Static assets can be handled in two different ways:
Imported in JavaScript or referenced in templates/CSS via relative paths. Such references will be handled by webpack.
Placed in the public directory and referenced via absolute paths. These assets will simply be copied and not go through webpack.
Because of HMR in development mode this is not yet possible to implement. Here's the reference to the communication on Vue.js' forum.

How to use deploy specific .env in Vuejs

I have several environments that I build my Vuejs application to. Each of those environments has a different API that I'd like to call.
My ideal scenario is that I have an .env file in the root of each of the servers I deploy to, so that when I deploy my build, the Vue app looks at the .env that is in it's environment specific location and pulls the relevant API path variables from inside of it.
This way, I can build the app once, and have it deployed on multiple servers and I don't need to make a specific build for each server.
I've tried using dotenv-webpack but it seems that the .env that's included in the build is just from whatever the value is when I create the build, and not fetched from any .env on the individual servers.
I've found that I can use axios to GET a js file from /static but this doesn't really seem like the cleanest approach.