How do I get a call's id in Voximplant's scenario? - voximplant

I am trying to setup my Voximplant call scenario, and i need callId, how can i get it? I've searched the documentation, but failed to found an answer.

You can use the following method:
This method returns the call's ID.


Facing 401 problem for youtube api for get method

I'm trying to get list of all the youtube channel, but I'm facing some problem. I didn't know what I'm doing wrong.
I'm sending request something like this
You have provide one of these parameters in the request forUsername or mySubscribers or managedByMe or categoryId or idParam or id or mine along with part.[YOUR_API_KEY]
the part parameter specifies only channel resource properties like these
so use snippet instead of snippets, that might also be a reason why the API call fails

Add IM message to UCMA AudioVideo Call

I have a UCMA AudioVideo call going to (Use called the bot). I could not figure out how to add an IM message to same call. Can anybody give a hint please.
And when IM and AV are in same call, then how to get the state of both calls?
Figured out the answer, There is conversation object associated with one type of call, same object is to be used to create another type of call.

Using jsSIP in A Project

We're using jsSIP in our project and I'm trying to get phone number of the caller when receiving an incoming call. I could't find the answer in the jsSIP documentation.
In the above image, i want to take "1004" telephone number. How can i do that?
You can also use
for incoming calls
You can try this for incoming and outgoing calls and you will get the user that is calling you or you are calling
You can try this for incoming and outgoing calls and you will get the user call-id name
In newRTCSession Event you will get a session object.
Use session.request.getHeader('From') to get From number
console.log('call Id',session.request.getHeader('From'));

How to solve "wl_deviceNoProvisioningRealm. null returned for key: userId" error?

I'm using the command
WL.Client.getUserInfo("wl_deviceNoProvisioningRealm", "userId");
to get the deviceId of the user and send it with other informations with an adapter.
The problem is that every time I update the app, even giving it another version number, I start getting the error below every time the code is called
wl_deviceNoProvisioningRealm. null returned for key: userId
I can fix it if I call a WL.JSONStore.destroy inside wlCommonInit(), but of course I can't do it in a production environment.
The code to get deviceId is called twice, one of them is when I initialize the collections, inside "adapter..load..params".
Is that a way to fix it?
Thank you in advance.
I discovered my problem.
Actually, the method I was using to get deviceId uses a realm that lies in worklight server.
So, I need to set connectOnStartup to true or call WL.Client.connect().
As my application need to work offline, I'm using the Apache Cordova device.uuid instead.

Invalid Signature - Creating Flickr Photoset

I'am trying now for hours to get a valid api call for flickr. The following link is build by my clojure program:
And that is the message the browser returns:
Calls with method "flickr.photosets.getPhotos" and "flickr.photosets.getList" are working.
Thanks for any help!
The signature is invalid. The result you're getting is the correct string you should have sent. Please post the signature you sent and the signature it posted back. You need to compare them and see what's wrong with the one you sent.