Getting a Method from a method reference - kotlin

I have a method inside a class:
class Foo {
fun bar()
And I want to pass the method bar to a third-party library method that takes a java.lang.reflect.Method argument:
fun baz(Method method)
How do I do that? Ideally is there some function call f(Foo::bar) that takes a method reference and returns a Method?

With dependency org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-reflect you can write
import kotlin.reflect.jvm.javaMethod
val method = Foo::bar.javaMethod


Dagger Dependency Injection in main function

I am calling a function in a class S3FileOperationsAdapter from the main function in my kotlin code. I am injecting the class S3FileOperationsAdapter in the main function file. So it looks like
class Runner {
lateinit var s3FileOperationsAdapter: S3FileOperationsAdapter
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
Now the issue is:
When I try to run the above code, I get the error Error: Main method is not static in class, please define the main method as:. This is understandable.
And we can only make a static function within an object in kotlin. So upon doing that, I cannot Inject the dependency, because Dagger does not support injection into Kotlin objects. So it feels like a deadlock.
My question is, I want to inject the dependency in this file anyhow so that I can call the respective function. And I am calling this function from the "fun main()" in kotlin. How can I achieve this? Has anyone ever faced this before?
In order to inject anything in Dagger, you must first create an instance of your component. Since no code at all will run before fun main(), this needs to be done during main itself (or in a field initializer).
After creating an instance of the component, you can ask it for an instance of S3FileOperationsAdapter directly.
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Create the component.
val component = DaggerMyComponent.create()
// or use the Component.Builder or Component.Factory you defined for MyComponent.
// Get an object from the component.
// This method should be defined in your component interface.
val adapter = component.s3FileOperationsAdapter()
// Use the object.
If your actual code is more complicated, with multiple injected objects and a longer main() function, this may be a bit unwieldy. In that case, you can extract your current main() into its own class and let Dagger provide that class in main().

Calling lifecycle.addObserver from a Kotlin abstract class

I have an abstract class that implements DefaultLifecycleObserver. I'd like to call lifecycle.addObserver(this) from the init block, but it says "Leaking 'this' in constructor of non-final class MyAbstractClass".
My code:
abstract class MyAbstractClass(protected val activity: AppCompatActivity) : DefaultLifecycleObserver {
init {
I can move this line of code to the init block of each final class that extends this abstract class, but I don't like the idea, especially because I want to guarantee that each new class that will extend MyAbstractClass in the future will call it as well.
Is there a better place to call this without creating a leak?
I suppose you could post your call so it only happens after the object is fully instantiated:
abstract class MyAbstractClass(protected val activity: AppCompatActivity) : DefaultLifecycleObserver {
init {
Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()).post {
Or it might be less surprising to create an extension function you can tack onto your constructor calls. Then you can explicitly start the observation immediately. You'd have to make activity public, though. By defining it in an extension like this, your subclasses can call this and return themselves so you can chain it to constructor calls.
fun <T: MyAbstractClass> T.alsoBegin(): T {
return this
val foo = SomeImplementation(myActivity).alsoBegin()

Static methods in Kotlin as static method in Java

I am trying to create a static method in Kotlin, that allows proper inter-op with Java.
Context: I want to pass a java.lang.reflect.Method reference to so add custom functionality to Spring's expression Language.
I created a companion object:
companion object {
fun foo(): Boolean = true
And get the reference via
However, when I call Modifier.isStatic on the result, it returns false and when I try to evaluate an expression with the registered function, I also get
EL1039E: Only static methods can be called via function references.
The method '…$' referred to by name 'foo' is not static.
How can I fix that?
Works for me this way:
class C {
companion object {
fun foo(): Boolean = true
val method ="foo")
Modifier.isStatic(method.modifiers) // true
Note that and C.javaClass are different things: the former returns Class<C> and the latter returns Class<C.Companion>.

extension function is virtual to dispatch reciever?

In kotlin Declaraing extensions as members, what does it mean "the dispatch of such functions is virtual with regard to the dispatch receiver type, but static with regard to the extension receiver type."
Is this mean that "the extension function doesn't follows its reciever's class type. It follows parameter type(?in this code call method parameter)."
please give your warmhearted and generous advice
open class Base { }
class Derived : Base() { }
open class BaseCaller {
open fun Base.printFunctionInfo() {
println("Base extension function in BaseCaller")
open fun Derived.printFunctionInfo() {
println("Derived extension function in BaseCaller")
fun call(b: Base) {
b.printFunctionInfo() // call the extension function
class DerivedCaller: BaseCaller() {
override fun Base.printFunctionInfo() {
println("Base extension function in DerivedCaller")
override fun Derived.printFunctionInfo() {
println("Derived extension function in DerivedCaller")
fun main() {
BaseCaller().call(Base()) // "Base extension function in BaseCaller"
DerivedCaller().call(Base()) // "Base extension function in DerivedCaller" - dispatch receiver is resolved virtually
DerivedCaller().call(Derived()) // "Base extension function in DerivedCaller" - extension receiver is resolved statically
Since you have linked the documentation, I take it that you have read the following part
The instance of the class in which the extension is declared is called
dispatch receiver, and the instance of the receiver type of the extension method is called extension receiver.
After you have understood the above terminology, you need to understand following points
If you don't know about virtual methods read this
Extensions are resolved statically. Consider the following code block
fun call(b: Base) {
// This will always call extension function defined on the Base class
// even if you pass an object of Derived class
b.printFunctionInfo() // call the extension function
// This calls the printFunctionInfo defined on the Base, even though we pass Derived
Now to your question
the dispatch of such functions is virtual with regard to the dispatch
receiver type, but static with regard to the extension receiver type.
With the Extensions are resolved statically point we have established that no matter which object you pass (Base or Derived) the call function will always invoke an extension function defined on the Base type.
But which extension function will be invoked? one in the Base class or the one in Derived class ?
This depends on the type of object which invokes the call function, if you invoke the call with an Object of Base then the extension in the base class will be invoked and if you use the Derived object then the extension in Derived class will be invoked.

Kotlin inheritance: pass this as constructor argument

Im trying to create a GsonRequest class that extends a normal volley request, and also implements the error listener. The code I'm using to do this is
public class GsonRequest<T>(url: String, val clazz: Class<T>) :
Request<T>(Request.Method.GET, url, this), ErrorListener
However, I'm getting the following error: 'this' is not defined in this context. Is what I'm trying to do possible?
You can not use this on the JVM before the super-constructor finished working, so you can not pass it to the super-constructor.
What you can do is use an object expression or a lambda for an error listener:
public class GsonRequest<T>(url: String, val clazz: Class<T>) :
Request<T>(Request.Method.GET, url, { <handling code here> } )
Alternatively, consider taking the listener as a parameter for constructor of class GsonRequest