SQL Server use same Guid as primary key in 2 tables - sql

We have 2 tables with a 1:1 relationship.
1 table should reference the other, typically one would use a FK relationship.
Since there is a 1:1 relationship, we could also directly use the same Guid in both tables as primary key.
Additional info: the data is split into 2 tables since the data is rather separate, think "person" and "address" - but in a world where there is a clear 1:1 relationship between the 2.
As per the tags I was suggested I assume this is called "shared primary key".
Would using the same Guid as PK in 2 tables have any ill effects?

To consolidate info from comments into answer...
No, there are no ill effects of two tables sharing PK.
You will still need to create a FK reference from 2nd table, FK column will be the same as PK column.
Though, your example of "Person" and "Address" in 1:1 situation is not best suited. Common usage of this practice is entities that extend one another. For example: Table "User" can hold common info on all users, but tables "Candidate" and "Recruiter" can each expand on it, and all tables can share same PK. Programming language representation would also be classes that extends one another.
Other (similar) example would be table that store more detailed info than the base table like "User" and "UserDetails". It's 1:1 and no need to introduce additional PK column.
Code sample where PK is also a FK:
, name NVARCHAR(100)
CREATE TABLE [Candidate]
, actively_looking BIT
CREATE TABLE [Recruiter]
, currently_hiring BIT
PS: As mentioned GUID is not best suited column for PK due to performance issues, but that's another topic.


What is the necessity of junction tables?

I have implemented the following ways of storing relational topology:
1.A general junction relation table:
Table: Relation
Columns: id parent_type parent_id parent_prop child_type child_id child_prop
On which joins are not generally capable of being executed against by most sql engines.
2.Relation specific junction tables
Table: Class2Student
Columns: id parent_id parent_prop child_id child_prop
On which joins are capable of being executed against.
3.Storing lists/string maps of related objects in a text field on both bidirectional objects.
Class: Class
Class properties: id name students
Table columns: id name students_keys
Rows: 1 "history" [{type:Basic_student,id:1},{type:Advanced_student,id:3}]
To enable joins by the sql engines, it would be possible to write a custom module which would be made even easier if the contents of students_keys was simply [1,3], ie that a relation was to the explicit Student type.
The questions are the following in the context of:
I fail to see what the point of a junction table is. For example, I fail to see that any problems the following arguments for a junction table claim to relieve, actually exist:
Inability to logically correctly save a bidirectional relations (eg
there is no data orphaning in bidirectional relations or any
relations with a keys field, because one recursively saves and one can enforce
other operations (delete,update) quite easily)
Inability to join effectively
I am not soliciting opinions on your personal opinions on best practices or any cult-like statements on normalization.
The explicit question(s) are the following:
What are the instances where one would want to query a junction table that is not provided by querying a owning object's keys field?
What are logical implementation problems in the context of computation provided by the sql engine where the junction table is preferable?
The only implementation difference with regards to a junction table vs a keys fields is the following:
When searching for a query of the following nature you would need to match against the keys field with either a custom indexing implementation or some other reasonable implementation:
search for Classes that have a particular student and name "history"
As opposed to searching the indexed columns of the junction table and then selecting the approriate Classes.
I have been unable to identify answers why a junction table is logically preferable for quite literally any reason. I am not claiming this is the case or do I have a religious preference one way or another as evidenced by the fact that I implemented multiple ways of achieving this. My problem is I do not know what they are.
The way I see it, you have have several entities
Name NVarChar(50)
(1, 'Basic'),
(2, 'Advanced'),
(3, 'SomeOtherCategory')
Name NVarChar(200),
OtherAttributeCommonToAllStudents Int,
Type Int,
CONSTRAINT FK_Student_StudentType
CREATE TABLE StudentAdvanced
AdvancedOnlyAttribute Int,
CONSTRIANT FK_StudentAdvanced_Student
CREATE TABLE StudentSomeOtherCategory
SomeOtherCategoryOnlyAttribute Int,
CONSTRIANT FK_StudentSomeOtherCategory_Student
Any attributes that are common to all students have columns on the Student table.
Types of student that have extra attributes are added to the StudentType table.
Each extra student type gets a Student<TypeName> table to store its specific attributes. These tables have an optional one-to-one relationship with Student.
I think that your "straw-man" junction table is a partial implementation of an EAV anti-pattern, the only time this is sensible, is when you can't know what attributes you need to model, i.e. your data will be entirely unstructured. When this is a real requirment, relational databases start to look less desirable. On those occasions consider a NOSQL/Document database alternative.
A junction table would be useful in the following scenario.
Say we add a Class entity to the model.
Its concievable that we would like to store the many-to-many realtionship between students and classes.
CREATE TABLE Registration
StudentId Int,
ClassId Int,
CONSTRAINT FK_Registration_Student
CONSTRAINT FK_Registration_Class
This entity would be the right place to store attributes that relate specifically to a student's registration to a class, perhaps a completion flag for instance. Other data would naturally relate to this junction, pehaps a class specific attendance record or a grade history.
If you don't relate Class and Student in this way, how would you select both, all the students in a class, and all the classes a student reads. Performance wise, this is easily optimised by indices on key columns.
When a many-to-many realtionships exists without any attributes I agree that logically, the junction table needn't exist. However, in a relational database, junction tables are still a useful physical implmentaion, perhaps like this,
StudentId Int,
ClassId Int,
CONSTRAINT PK_StudentClass PRIMARY KEY (ClassId, StudentId),
CONSTRAINT FK_Registration_Student
CONSTRAINT FK_Registration_Class
this allows simple queries like
// students in a class?
SELECT StudentId
FROM StudentClass
WHERE ClassId = #classId
// classes read by a student?
FROM StudentClass
WHERE StudentId = #studentId
additionaly, this enables a simple way to manage the relationship, partially or completely from either aspect, that will be familar to relational database developers and sargeable by query optimisers.

MS SQL creating many-to-many relation with a junction table

I'm using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio and while creating a junction table should I create an ID column for the junction table, if so should I also make it the primary key and identity column? Or just keep 2 columns for the tables I'm joining in the many-to-many relation?
For example if this would be the many-to many tables:
Should I make the junction table:
[and make the Movie_Category_Junction_ID my Primary Key and use it as the Identity Column] ?
[and just leave it at that with no primary key or identity table] ?
I would use the second junction table:
The primary key would be the combination of both columns. You would also have a foreign key from each column to the Movie and Category table.
The junction table would look similar to this:
create table movie_category_junction
movie_id int,
category_id int,
CONSTRAINT movie_cat_pk PRIMARY KEY (movie_id, category_id),
FOREIGN KEY (movie_id) REFERENCES movie (movie_id),
FOREIGN KEY (category_id) REFERENCES category (category_id)
See SQL Fiddle with Demo.
Using these two fields as the PRIMARY KEY will prevent duplicate movie/category combinations from being added to the table.
There are different schools of thought on this. One school prefers including a primary key and naming the linking table something more significant than just the two tables it is linking. The reasoning is that although the table may start out seeming like just a linking table, it may become its own table with significant data.
An example is a many-to-many between magazines and subscribers. Really that link is a subscription with its own attributes, like expiration date, payment status, etc.
However, I think sometimes a linking table is just a linking table. The many to many relationship with categories is a good example of this.
So in this case, a separate one field primary key is not necessary. You could have a auto-assign key, which wouldn't hurt anything, and would make deleting specific records easier. It might be good as a general practice, so if the table later develops into a significant table with its own significant data (as subscriptions) it will already have an auto-assign primary key.
You can put a unique index on the two fields to avoid duplicates. This will even prevent duplicates if you have a separate auto-assign key. You could use both fields as your primary key (which is also a unique index).
So, the one school of thought can stick with integer auto-assign primary keys, and avoids compound primary keys. This is not the only way to do it, and maybe not the best, but it won't lead you wrong, into a problem where you really regret it.
But, for something like what you are doing, you will probably be fine with just the two fields. I'd still recommend either making the two fields a compound primary key, or at least putting a unique index on the two fields.
I would go with the 2nd junction table. But make those two fields as Primary key. That will restrict duplicate entries.

Generic Database table design

Just trying to figure out the best way to design my table for the following scenario:
I have several areas in my system (documents, projects, groups and clients) and each of these can have comments logged against them.
My question is should I have one table like this:
Where only one of the ids will have data and the rest will be NULL or should I have a separate CommentType table and have my comments table like this:
ResourceID (this being the id of the project/doc/client)
My thoughts are that option 2 would be more efficient from an indexing point of view. Is this correct?
Option 2 is not a good solution for a relational database. It's called polymorphic associations (as mentioned by #Daniel Vassallo) and it breaks the fundamental definition of a relation.
For example, suppose you have a ResourceId of 1234 on two different rows. Do these represent the same resource? It depends on whether the CommentTypeId is the same on these two rows. This violates the concept of a type in a relation. See SQL and Relational Theory by C. J. Date for more details.
Another clue that it's a broken design is that you can't declare a foreign key constraint for ResourceId, because it could point to any of several tables. If you try to enforce referential integrity using triggers or something, you find yourself rewriting the trigger every time you add a new type of commentable resource.
I would solve this with the solution that #mdma briefly mentions (but then ignores):
CREATE TABLE Commentable (
ResourceType INT NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (ResourceId, ResourceType)
CREATE TABLE Documents (
ResourceId INT NOT NULL,
ResourceType INT NOT NULL CHECK (ResourceType = 1),
FOREIGN KEY (ResourceId, ResourceType) REFERENCES Commentable
ResourceId INT NOT NULL,
ResourceType INT NOT NULL CHECK (ResourceType = 2),
FOREIGN KEY (ResourceId, ResourceType) REFERENCES Commentable
Now each resource type has its own table, but the serial primary key is allocated uniquely by Commentable. A given primary key value can be used only by one resource type.
ResourceId INT NOT NULL,
ResourceType INT NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (ResourceId, ResourceType) REFERENCES Commentable
Now Comments reference Commentable resources, with referential integrity enforced. A given comment can reference only one resource type. There's no possibility of anomalies or conflicting resource ids.
I cover more about polymorphic associations in my presentation Practical Object-Oriented Models in SQL and my book SQL Antipatterns.
Read up on database normalization.
Nulls in the way you describe would be a big indication that the database isn't designed properly.
You need to split up all your tables so that the data held in them is fully normalized, this will save you a lot of time further down the line guaranteed, and it's a lot better practice to get into the habit of.
From a foreign key perspective, the first example is better because you can have multiple foreign key constraints on a column but the data has to exist in all those references. It's also more flexible if the business rules change.
To continue from #OMG Ponies' answer, what you describe in the second example is called a Polymorphic Association, where the foreign key ResourceID may reference rows in more than one table. However in SQL databases, a foreign key constraint can only reference exactly one table. The database cannot enforce the foreign key according to the value in CommentTypeID.
You may be interested in checking out the following Stack Overflow post for one solution to tackle this problem:
MySQL - Conditional Foreign Key Constraints
The first approach is not great, since it is quite denormalized. Each time you add a new entity type, you need to update the table. You may be better off making this an attribute of document - I.e. store the comment inline in the document table.
For the ResourceID approach to work with referential integrity, you will need to have a Resource table, and a ResourceID foreign key in all of your Document, Project etc.. entities (or use a mapping table.) Making "ResourceID" a jack-of-all-trades, that can be a documentID, projectID etc.. is not a good solution since it cannot be used for sensible indexing or foreign key constraint.
To normalize, you need to the comment table into one table per resource type.
If only one comment is allowed, then you add a unique constraint on the foreign key for the entity (DocumentID, ProjectID etc.) This ensures that there can only be one row for the given item and so only one comment. You can also ensure that comments are not shared by using a unique constraint on CommentID.
EDIT: Interestingly, this is almost parallel to the normalized implementation of ResourceID - replace "Comment" in the table name, with "Resource" and change "CommentID" to "ResourceID" and you have the structure needed to associate a ResourceID with each resource. You can then use a single table "ResourceComment".
If there are going to be other entities that are associated with any type of resource (e.g. audit details, access rights, etc..), then using the resource mapping tables is the way to go, since it will allow you to add normalized comments and any other resource related entities.
I wouldn't go with either of those solutions. Depending on some of the specifics of your requirements you could go with a super-type table:
CREATE TABLE Commentable_Items (
commentable_item_id INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Commentable_Items PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (commentable_item_id))
commentable_item_id INT NOT NULL,
... (other project columns)
CONSTRAINT PK_Projects PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (commentable_item_id))
CREATE TABLE Documents (
commentable_item_id INT NOT NULL,
... (other document columns)
CONSTRAINT PK_Documents PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (commentable_item_id))
If the each item can only have one comment and comments are not shared (i.e. a comment can only belong to one entity) then you could just put the comments in the Commentable_Items table. Otherwise you could link the comments off of that table with a foreign key.
I don't like this approach very much in your specific case though, because "having comments" isn't enough to put items together like that in my mind.
I would probably go with separate Comments tables (assuming that you can have multiple comments per item - otherwise just put them in your base tables). If a comment can be shared between multiple entity types (i.e., a document and a project can share the same comment) then have a central Comments table and multiple entity-comment relationship tables:
comment_id INT NOT NULL,
comment_text NVARCHAR(MAX) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE Document_Comments (
document_id INT NOT NULL,
comment_id INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Document_Comments PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (document_id, comment_id))
CREATE TABLE Project_Comments (
project_id INT NOT NULL,
comment_id INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_Project_Comments PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (project_id, comment_id))
If you want to constrain comments to a single document (for example) then you could add a unique index (or change the primary key) on the comment_id within that linking table.
It's all of these "little" decisions that will affect the specific PKs and FKs. I like this approach because each table is clear on what it is. In databases that's usually better then having "generic" tables/solutions.
Of the options you give, I would go for number 2.
Option 2 is a good way to go. The issue that I see with that is you are putting the resouce key on that table. Each of the IDs from the different resources could be duplicated. When you join resources to the comments you will more than likely come up with comments that do not belong to that particular resouce. This would be considered a many to many join. I would think a better option would be to have your resource tables, the comments table, and then tables that cross reference the resource type and the comments table.
If you carry the same sort of data about all comments regardless of what they are comments about, I'd vote against creating multiple comment tables. Maybe a comment is just "thing it's about" and text, but if you don't have other data now, it's likely you will: date the comment was entered, user id of person who made it, etc. With multiple tables, you have to repeat all these column definitions for each table.
As noted, using a single reference field means that you could not put a foreign key constraint on it. This is too bad, but it doesn't break anything, it just means you have to do the validation with a trigger or in code. More seriously, joins get difficult. You can just say "from comment join document using (documentid)". You need a complex join based on the value of the type field.
So while the multiple pointer fields is ugly, I tend to think that's the right way to go. I know some db people say there should never be a null field in a table, that you should always break it off into another table to prevent that from happening, but I fail to see any real advantage to following this rule.
Personally I'd be open to hearing further discussion on pros and cons.
Pawnshop Application:
I have separate tables for Loan, Purchase, Inventory & Sales transactions.
Each tables rows are joined to their respective customer rows by:
customer.pk [serial] = loan.fk [integer];
= purchase.fk [integer];
= inventory.fk [integer];
= sale.fk [integer];
I have consolidated the four tables into one table called "transaction", where a column:
transaction.trx_type char(1) {L=Loan, P=Purchase, I=Inventory, S=Sale}
A customer initially pawns merchandise, makes a couple of interest payments, then decides he wants to sell the merchandise to the pawnshop, who then places merchandise in Inventory and eventually sells it to another customer.
I designed a generic transaction table where for example:
transaction.main_amount DECIMAL(7,2)
in a loan transaction holds the pawn amount,
in a purchase holds the purchase price,
in inventory and sale holds sale price.
This is clearly a denormalized design, but has made programming alot easier and improved performance. Any type of transaction can now be performed from within one screen, without the need to change to different tables.

If I have two tables in SQL with a many-many relationship, do I need to create an additional table?

Take these tables for example.
An item can belong to many categories and a category obviously can be attached to many items.
How would the database be created in this situation? I'm not sure. Someone said create a third table, but do I need to do that? Do I literally do a
create table bla bla
for the third table?
Yes, you need to create a third table with mappings of ids, something with columns like:
item_id (Foreign Key)
category_id (Foreign Key)
edit: you can treat item_id and category_id as a primary key, they uniquely identify the record alone. In some applications I've found it useful to include an additional numeric identifier for the record itself, and you might optionally include one if you're so inclined
Think of this table as a listing of all the mappings between Items and Categories. It's concise, and it's easy to query against.
edit: removed (unnecessary) primary key.
Yes, you cannot form a third-normal-form many-to-many relationship between two tables with just those two tables. You can form a one-to-many (in one of the two directions) but in order to get a true many-to-many, you need something like:
id primary key
id primary key
itemid foreign key references Item(id)
categoryid foreign key references Category(id)
You do not need a category in the Item table unless you have some privileged category for an item which doesn't seem to be the case here. I'm also not a big fan of introducing unnecessary primary keys when there is already a "real" unique key on the joining table. The fact that the item and category IDs are already unique means that the entire record for the ItemCategory table will be unique as well.
Simply monitor the performance of the ItemCategory table using your standard tools. You may require an index on one or more of:
depending on the queries you use to join the data (and one of the composite indexes would be the primary key).
The actual syntax for the entire job would be along the lines of:
create table Item (
id integer not null primary key,
description varchar(50)
create table Category (
id integer not null primary key,
description varchar(50)
create table ItemCategory (
itemid integer references Item(id),
categoryid integer references Category(id),
primary key (itemid,categoryid)
There's other sorts of things you should consider, such as making your ID columns into identity/autoincrement columns, but that's not directly relevant to the question at hand.
Yes, you need a "join table". In a one-to-many relationship, objects on the "many" side can have an FK reference to objects on the "one" side, and this is sufficient to determine the entire relationship, since each of the "many" objects can only have a single "one" object.
In a many-to-many relationship, this is no longer sufficient because you can't stuff multiple FK references in a single field. (Well, you could, but then you would lose atomicity of data and all of the nice things that come with a relational database).
This is where a join table comes in - for every relationship between an Item and a Category, the relation is represented in the join table as a pair: Item.id x Category.id.

What's the proper name for an "add-on" table?

I have a table a with primary key id and a table b that represents a specialized version of a (it has all the same characteristics to track as a does, plus some specific to its b-ness--the latter are all that are stored in b). If I decide to represent this by having b's primary key be also a foreign key to a.id, what's the proper terminology for b in relation to a?
A real world example might be a person table with student and teacher add-on tables. A student might also be a teacher (a TA for example) but they're both the same person.
I would call it a 'child table' of a but I already use that as a synonym for 'detail table', like lines on a purchase order, for example.
Your design sounds like Concrete Table Inheritance.
I'd call table B a concrete table that extends table A.
The relationship is one-to-one.
Other answers have suggested storing only the columns specific to the extended table. This design would be called Class Table Inheritance.
Ok this is sort of off topic but first things first, why does B have all of A's columns? It should only have the added columns, ESPECIALLY if you are referencing A with a foriegn key.
"Add on" records are usually called "Detail(s)"
For example, lets say my Table A is "Cars" my Table B would be "CarDetails"
As Neil N said, you shouldn't have the columns in both places if you're referencing table A in table B through a foreign key.
What your describing sounds a bit like a parallel to inheritance in object oriented programming. Personally, I don't use any specific naming convention in this case. I name A what it is and I name B what it is. For example, I might have:
people_id INT NOT NULL,
first_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
last_name VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,
CREATE TABLE My_Application_Users
people_id INT NOT NULL,
user_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,
security_level INT NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT PK_My_Application_Users PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (people_id),
CONSTRAINT UI_My_Application_Users_user_name UNIQUE (user_name)
This is just an example, so please don't tell me that my name columns are too long or too short or that they should allow NULLs, etc. ;)
what's the proper terminology for b in relation to a?
Table B is a child of Table A (the parent), because in order for a record to exist in the child, it must first exist in the parent.
Tables should be modeled based on either having one-to-many or many-to-one relationships depending on the context, and of those options they can be either optional or required. Tables that link two sets of lists together will relate to other tables in a many-to-one fashion for every table involved. For example, users, groups, and user_groups_xref - the user_groups_xref can support numerous specific user instances of a user records, and the same relationship to the groups table.
There's no point in one-to-one relationships - these should never be allowed to exist because it should only be one table.