Apache Ignite - Rest API timestamp format - ignite

I have upgraded Ignite 2.7.6 on Java 8 to Ignite 2.13 on Java 11.
In the REST API response the timestamp format has changed.
Locale and all other ENV variables on the host are equal.
Is there a possibility to define the format of the timestamp output in the
Ignite configuration?
Example of timestamp data, difference is in "," after year.
Ignite 2.7.6 Java 8 -> "Sep 18, 2019 12:57:35 PM"
Ignite 2.13 Java 11 -> "Aug 31, 2022, 12:43:44 PM"

The issue is related to the default locale provider change in the Java 9+, see JEP 252.
As a workaround, you can set the next option to enable behavior compatible with Java 8:


Get Jaeger agent error when distributed trace spans Node.js and Java services

In our application a Node.js front end talks to a Java Spring backend. Everything is containerized and running in Kubernetes. Some time ago we added support for Jaeger distribtued tracing across the front end and back end services. Jaeger has been running fine until recently.
Our Elasticsearch cluster was out of date so we upgraded. That mandated an upgrade of Jaeger--we ended up with the following bits:
Jaeger Helm Chart: 0.13.3 from https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/incubator/jaeger
Jaeger Client for Node: 3.17.1
Jaeger Client for Java:
opentracing-spring-jaeger-cloud-starter 2.0.3
opentracing-spring-jaeger-web-starter 2.0.3
Both of the opentracing libraries have a dependency on the version 0.35.1 of the Jaeger Java client.
Since upgrading, traces that are created on one side or the other seem to be fine. But traces that span the boundary (i.e. start on the Node.js front end and complete on the Java backend) generate errors in the jaeger-agent pod like this:
"msg":"Processor failed","error":"*jaeger.Batch error reading struct: *jaeger.Span error
reading struct: *jaeger.Log error reading struct: *jaeger.Tag error reading struct:
error reading field 3: Invalid data length","stacktrace":"github.com/jaegertracing/jaeger/cmd/agent/app/processors.
For these traces, the Jaeger UI shows us the spans that were created by the front end before invoking the backend API, but the child backend spans do not show up as you would expect.
What might cause this sort of processor error?
It looks like you have different versions of opentracing. The spring-starter-jaeger version 2.x upgrade the version of opentracing, so you might have introduced this breaking changes when you upgraded the dependency version.

spring data solr , set timezone UTC

all the data in solr are in UTC, my spring boot app is running on a EST JVM ( Tomcat).
Is there is a way to configure solrClient/ SolrTemplat to use UTC timezone for Date?
Try setting this in you spring boot app file
public void init(){
TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); // It will set UTC timezone

Java options in weblogic server and servlet debugging

We are migrating from weblogic 8.1 to weblogic 12.1 version. Most of the java.applications are.working fine.We have one java application which refers the JAVA OPTIONS set in custom startup script.Though we have set the options , the file set on those JAVA OPTIONS doesn't seem to be picking up.Is there any way to debug this in WLS?
WebLogic is printing out JAVA_OPTIONS in the first lines of the .out log file when it starts up.
If it is not printed, then it is not used.
You should change the startup options of the managed server if you want to add custom JAVA OPTIONS.

ClassNotFoundException while deploying new application version (with changed session object) in active Apache Ignite grid

We are currently integrating Apache Ignite in our application to share sessions in a cluster.
At this point we can successfully share sessions between two local tomcat instances, but there's one use case, which is not working so far.
When running the two local instances with the exact same code, it all works great. But when the Ignite logic is integrated in our production cluster, we'll encounter the following use case:
Node 1 and Node 2, runs version 1 of the application
At this point we'd like to deploy version 2 of the application
Tomcat is stopped at Node 1, version 2 is deployed, and at the end of the deployment Tomcat at Node 1 is started again.
We now have Node 1 with version 2 of the code and Node 2, still with version 1
Tomcat is stopped at Node 2, version 2 is deployed, and at the end of the deployment Tomcat at Node 2 is started again.
We now have Node 1 with version 2 of the code and Node 2, with version 2
Deployment is finished
When reproducing this use case locally with two tomcat instances in the same grid, the Ignite web session clustering fails. What I tested, was removing one 'String property' of a class (Profile) which resided in the users session. When starting Node 1 with this changed class, I get the following exception:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
Optimized stream class checksum mismatch
(is same version of marshalled class present on all nodes?) [expected=4981, actual=-27920, cls=class nl.package.profile.Profile]
This will be a common/regular use case for our deployments. My question is: how to handle this use cases? Are there ways in Ignite to resolve/workaround this kind of issue?
In my understanding your use case perfectly fits for Ignite Binary objects [1].
This feature allows to store objects in class-free format and to modify objects structure in runtime without full cluster restart when a version of an object is changed.
Your Person class should implement org.apache.ignite.binary.Binarylizable interface that will give you full control on serialization and deserialization logic. With this interface you can even have two nodes in the cluster that use different versions of Person class at both deserialization & serialization time by reading/writing only required fields from/to binary format.
[1] https://apacheignite.readme.io/docs/binary-marshaller

Mule ESB: Is it possible to start 2 instances of the Mule ESB

I created two sepaerate directories in which I installed the Standalone Mule ESB server:
I start up the first server, and below is the status:
[root#x240perf2 mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1]# ./status.sh
MMC is running as PID=1998.
Mule Enterprise Edition is running as PID=2619.
Then I try to start the second instance:
[root#x240perf2 mmc-distribution-mule-console-bundle-3.5.2-HF1]# ./startup.sh
Port 8585 is in use, please make it available and try again.
So apparently the port 8585 is being used by the original instnace
So I stop the first instnace, and start the second istance, which comes up successfully, as follows:
Please enter the desired port for Mule [Default 7777]:
Starting MMC, please wait...
class com.sun.jersey.multipart.impl.MultiPartConfigProvider
class com.sun.jersey.multipart.impl.MultiPartReader
class com.sun.jersey.multipart.impl.MultiPartWriter
[11-13 16:49:19] WARN HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository [http-bio-8585-exec-1]: Failed to create a session, as response has been committed. Unable to store SecurityContext.
[11-13 16:49:32] WARN HttpMethodBase [http-bio-8585-exec-12]: Going to buffer response body of large or unknown size. Using getResponseBodyAsStream instead is recommended.
[11-13 16:49:38] WARN HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository [http-bio-8585-exec-12]: Failed to create a session, as response has been committed. Unable to store SecurityContext.
Nov 13, 2014 4:49:50 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer await
INFO: A valid shutdown command was received via the shutdown port. Stopping the Server instance.
Nov 13, 2014 4:49:50 PM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol pause
INFO: Pausing ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8585"]
But notice it seems to be using 8585 for tomcat (of which I know little about, except it some sort of app server, never used it)
I examined this site:
but it does nto discuss the issue., and the page it points do does not seem current. Did I misunderstand something
Is it possible to run two separate instances of Mule ESB at the same time
and if so, how ? (how would I change the port its using, what file should I modify)
Edit: my second post in response to answer:
(BTW: I am using Mule ESB standalone Enterprise Edition 3.5.2)
To make sure I did not have any apps that were running
on port 8585, I shutdown my original instance, and created two new instances, and made sure no apps were deployed to either instance.
I brought up the first instance without issue, but the second instance I brought up still gives me the port 8585 in use error (from startup.sh)
This site says that the MMC default port is 7777, but the tomcat default port on which it runs is 8585
I used the following command to find all files within my second instance of por t 8585
find . -type f |xargs grep "8585
Other than log files I got two hits
I did NOT find in either instance the $MULE_HOME/apps/mmc/mule-config.xml (probably because I have no apps deployed)
In the server.xml, the MMC apparently uses tomcat to
handle the MMC applicaiton, and server.xml contains
the following:
<Connector port="8585" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
So I guess I could change 8585 to 8586 at this point, but ...
The startup.sh has serveral (about 9 or 10) hardcode dreferences to 8585 to check that the MMC is running and take action if it is or is not running
So do I actually have to change the entire startup.sh to replace 8585 with 8586 i the second instance as well as change the server.xml port 8585 reference ?
You can run as many instances as you want, as long they don't use the same ports. Looks like you are deploying something in port 8585, so in the second instance you have to select a different port.
Is that port being used in any application that you developed and deployed in the Mule runtime?
Also, if you are using the Mule runtime with the MMC agent activated, you also have to change the port for the agent in the second instance. I think you can do that in the /conf/wrapper.conf or by passing to the startup script the following parameter:
(or any port that is free).
You can run as many as you want.
In MMC we can able to deploy and run many applications each applications has its own instance