Selenium | Chromedriver Android - selenium

I can't find the answer to this question anywhere.
Chromedriver has a page that tells you that it can be installed on android. But I didn't really understand anything, I didn't find the file for the jump and the installation, too. I downloaded a file for linux, I thought maybe Google meant it, but no, it doesn't open in termix.
Please, if you know or can find the answer, then share. I will be incredibly happy.
And if there are no options, how to do it. That is, does anyone have instructions for installing a NORMAL and full-fledged Linux on Samsung A5?


Unable to launch URL in edge browser (using replit platform)- Selenium Python

I tried to use replit online platform for web scraping using selenium in Edge browser. replit automatically install selenium 4.1.3 but I couldn't find msedge-selenium-tools to support this version.
How can I install selenium (3.141) to support msedge-selenium-tools?
Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thank You
I don't know much about this online IDE, but I did some testing and found that it seems to be able to control the version of the referenced package via a configuration in the pyproject.toml file.
First, uninstall selenium 4.1.3 in installed Packages. When installing edge-selenium-tools package, you will find that it bundles selenium 3.141 installed with edge-selenium-tools. Second, add this line in pyproject.toml file.
selenium = "^3.141.0"
Something like this:
In addition, for more questions related to IDE replit, I suggest you post your questions in its community, I think there may be someone with more relevant experience who can answer your questions.

Ubuntu Freeze if kept untouched for a few minutes

So I have Ubuntu 14.04 Installed on my system with a few "tweaks", mainly ccsm. I also have google chromium browser installed as well. I do a lot of work in the browser and usually have 10+ tabs open in my system.
I also like to use the multi-window (Workspace) and have 8 Workspaces (thus one of the reasons for ccsm).
Once I leave the computer and try to come back (before the screen locks), the computer is COMPLETELY frozen with my HDD running at very high speeds. I have a system monitor that monitors the CPU activity and HD activity and right before those things freezes, my RAM is at 100% and so is my HDD.
I'm wondering if anyone can help me FIGURE OUT what the problem is? I've been using ubuntu since '08 so I'm familiar with it. I just don't know where to start!
I can not deal with the problem until I install the following packages as follows
sudo apt-get install linux-generic-lts-quantal xserver-xorg-lts-quantal
You could get the detailed reason from
Maybe you have to consider the Google Chrome or Chromium, whose two or more different Flash plugins conflict with each other, and the freeze problem disappear after you Disable the Flash plugins in the webpage opened by inputting
in the URL address of Chrome
Or another useful method of changing the chrome plugins is to uninstall the google-chrome completely,and then install the current chrome with newest flash plugin.
After all the above are done, the system need restart.
Hope it can help. Good luck!

SensorKinect not installing?

I was recently following a tutorial in a "Kinect Hacking" book that I purchased on Amazon. The first thing I was asked to do, is to check to see if my Kinect plug would fit into my laptop's which it did. I was then asked to download OpenNI from the following link:
The only problem is that the link given above redirects to a "unknown page" (which is probably due to a recent site update...Anyway, I download OpenNI from here instead: (for Windows), and it installed fine, though after then asked to additionally install Sensor Kinect from the following link: (that link did work) and executing the .exe file, I received an error message saying to: "Please install OpenNI version or higher!"
So...what should I do?
Thanks in advance! (I haven't had any help on the OpenNI forums, so I posted here).
P.S I'm running Windows 8
Apparently I'm not the only one with this problem, and after some research I found that the new OpenNI isn't compatible with the SensorKinect, so in order to fix this I have to download the version that is slightly dated, luckily a site called "ZigFu" has all the necesary plugins built onto one:

OpenJDK's JDK location

I'm running Minecraft on a headless Linux server with OpenJDK. I've added a bunch too many mods and its lagging (even on my local network) without using too much CPU or memory (e.g. its lagging, but its still got resources it can use). So I'm pretty sure its a mod fault.
To save the hassle of removing/adding mods one by one to see whats causing the error, my research led me to VisualVM where you can profile the java application and see which entities are doing what and with what resources. With any luck it should point out the mod consuming the most resources, and the most ticks.
Given its a headless server, and VisualVM is a window/GUI application, I've successfully managed to get it running and passing the GUI back to my Windows client using X over SSH.
Trouble is now, that its telling me that I need to use JDK and not JRE. Which is fair enough. Except OpenJDK has JDK in its name, rendering all googling futile. I cannot for the life of me, find if JDK is included in OpenJDK, what its named, and where it may be located. The other problem is, most of the troubleshooting guides I find are for Windows, and dont help me find the JDK on linux.
As some background information, I'm running Debian, and I know OpenJDK's JRE is installed here: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64/jre
Can someone tell me please, if JDK is in OpenJDK, or I need to install it as well? If I do need to install it, is there an OpenJDK equivelant for JDK? If its already included, can someone provide some tips on locating it, so I can point VisualVM at it instead of the JRE?
The OpenJDK has a JDK, but there is also a cut down version which is just the JRE. I would use locate javac and if it can't find it, you need to install the JDK.

Selenium not working with Firefox 3.x on linux

I am using selenium-server , selenium rc for UI testing in my application . My dev box is Windows with FireFox 3.5 and every thing is running fine and cool. But when i try to run selenium tests on my build server which is a linux box , i get this error
Caution: '/usr/bin/firefox': file is a script file, not a real executable. The browser environment is no longer fully under RC control
basically the selenium-rc is not able to find the firefox executable on linux(actually its a .sh file here), which is present in the case of Windows .
Has anyone faced this error before. Please let me know for any pointers.
Thanks for any help
This is occurring because Selenium wants to start the FireFox binary directly, rather than delegate to the normal launch script. Before checking for "firefox" (which is a script on many installations), it checks for "firefox-bin". You can circumvent this problem by creating a link named "firefox-bin" that points directly at your desired version of the firefox binary.
This is described under "Ubuntu fix" (though it actually applies to other Linux'es as well) in the Cucumber Wiki at:
Hey, I have Selenium running on Karmic with no issues. I can't quite remember how I did it, but I think it was a case of grabbing a more recent version ot the selenium-rc-serve.jar.
I also remember looking at this post:
Hope something there points you in the right direction!