using nuxt with vue 3 without using composition api - vue.js

I want to do a project by nuxt and vue but I have a question that can I use nuxt with Vue3 without using composition API?

Yes, you totally can.
Composition API is an opt-in. You may see a lot of composition API examples but you can totally use Options API still.


How to make a website multilingual using VueJS and Strapi?

I'm coding a website that uses VueJS 2 for frontend and Strapi for CMS and api management. What I am wondering here is that I am limited in terms of algorithms to make them work, hoping to get some help from experienced people who have done this before.
You can try out the utility libraries for vue for localization.
vue-i18n or vue-multilanguage.
Here is a list of libraries that support localization

SSR suggestions for Vue 3 SPA

I'm looking to develop a SPA with Vue 3 that will be deployed as a PWA. I was banking on Nuxt to provide support for Server Side Rendering, however, Nuxt Composition API doesn't seem to be a good option yet for production (at least until Nuxt 3 is released).
Since I'm looking to launch my site within the next few months, does anyone have any stable recommendations for Vue 3 compatible SSR solutions that are available today?
I could recommend Quasar framework. The best by far: Quasar

How to create a mutli page Vue.js app without Vue-Cli?

I created a Vue.js app without using Vue CLI, so that means I did everything from scratch including setting up Webpack 4. The reason I did this was because I don't like the idea of frameworks concealing the inner workings of things so that I can't fix things myself.
As an SPA, I have got the basic demo site working with an Home and About view. But I am looking to create a multi-page app with Express. The only information on multi-page Vue.js apps seems to be linked to the pages option that only comes with Vue CLI (see here)
Is there a way to have a multi-page app for projects created without Vue CLI?
Sure, you could handle routing with Express and have the page rendered server-side.
You can use Vue official package for routing, vue-router and choose between SSR (server-side rendering) or client side.
I suggest you to check this official doc about it:

Can I Mix Laravel With Vue-storefront Template

Is it possible if I mix Laravel 5.7 with this vue template : ?
Vue Storefront is not a template. It's a eCommerce framework with it's own API and database (see this architecture diagram).
If your question is about using Vue Storefront with your custom Laravel backend then it's doable. VS is meant to be backend agnostic which means it can work with any backend if you provide appropiate connector. - here you can find integration boilerplate. There are few more resources on this topic in VS readme.
Also in case of any problems feel free to ask on community slack

How to structure vue app when using global components

Currently, we try to figure out, how we can structure our vue code for this use case:
routing will be handled by the backend, so basically we don't creating an SPA here
we want to use vue to replace some jquery plugins. So on some sites of our website we have e.g. a drop-down component or a date picker component ...
one site will be small SPA
on each site, we have a navigation, where we also want using vue
How should this be structured? Is it one big vue application?
My idea is to build two vue applications:
one for the small SPA
one for all the components we need on different sites
Anybody can help out here?
For developing SPA in vuejs. Please refer to these two links
And for integerating VueJS in existing web page
you can follow the official website of vuejS