Is it possible to override the auto-generated mule-artifact.json when creating a custom mule extension?
Yes it can be overridden, you need to place your custom mule-artifact.json under META-INF/mule-artifact/mule-artifact.json inside your project's src/main/resources.
A work around for overriding the auto-generated mule-artifact.jsonis to add maven-resources-plugin to your pom and run it after the mule-extensions-maven-plugin creates the file. Here is what I used:
I'm trying to build a jar file using 2 different source directories. So I'm using the maven-compiler-plugin. Here is my config:
It builds alright but my jar file is empty (almost)... and my usual "target/classes" dir is empty. I suppose by default the compiler creates this directory and puts all the packages with the built classes. Can I do manually when I use the maven-compiler-plugin?
Thank you
Found a solution:
Basically, use the helper plugin instead, and it works perfectly.
I am using maven-compile plugin to compile classes. Now I would like to add one jar file into the current classpath. That file stays in another location (let's say c:/jars/abc.jar . I prefer to leave this file here). How can I do that?
If I use classpath in the argument:
it will not work because it will override the current classpath (that includes all the dependencies)
This might have been asked before. See Can I add jars to maven 2 build classpath without installing them?
In a nutshell: include your jar as dependency with system scope. This requires specifying the absolute path to the jar.
See also
The classpath setting of the compiler plugin are two args. Changed it like this and it worked for me:
I used the gmavenplus-plugin to read the path and create the property 'cp':
Use Groovy to read classpath and store into
file named value of property <cpfile>
In second step use Groovy to read the contents of
the file into a new property named <cp>
In the compiler plugin this is used to create a
valid classpath
<!-- any version of Groovy \>= 1.5.0 should work here -->
def file = new File(
/* create a new property named 'cp'*/ = file.getText()
println '<<< Retrieving classpath into new property named <cp> >>>'
println 'cp = ' +
From docs and example it is not clear that classpath manipulation is not allowed.
But see Java docs (also
-classpath path Specifies the path javac uses to look up classes needed to run javac or being referenced by other classes you are
compiling. Overrides the default or the CLASSPATH environment variable
if it is set.
Maybe it is possible to get current classpath and extend it,
see in maven, how output the classpath being used?
Read file (Read a file into a Maven property)
def file = new File( = file.getText()
and finally
We mixed two of the answers found here to solve a similar problem. Our project needs a JAR only in compile stage, but add a local dependency, using system scope, it is unuseful because Maven refuse the artifact publication with an error related to a missing dependency.
The snippets used are the following:
def file = new File( = file.getText()
Maven is able to compile and successfully deploy the artifacts.
If anyone is interested the full POM is available in GitHub under project NuReflector, defaultPOM.template under src/NuReflector.
I'm trying to get Maven to perform several executions with the WAR plugin. It works fine as long as it's defined in the following way:
But not in the following manner
Where Maven can't find any of the resources I defined in the <configuration> tag. Have I missed anything important, and/or is there a better way of constructing multiple WAR files in a single build?
I didn't see how to turn off the war that's generated by default, but you can use one configuration outside the <executions> element and the rest inside:
<!-- temp directory that the webapp is assembled in (each must be different) -->
<!-- exclude prior configuration -->
For me, this builds artifact-0.1-with-junk.war and artifact-0.1-with-other-junk.war and both have the correct files included.
The second version applies the configuration only to the phase you've specified. I'm not able to confirm this right now, but I'd guess it is not being applied because you haven't specified a goal for the configuration to be applied to.
If you add the war goal definition into the execution does it get applied? Like so:
The Junits I have in my project need to load property files from the classpath. How can I specify the directory of those property files so that Maven will set that in the classpath before running the tests?
You can also add new test resource folders.
The first path, src/test/resources, is the default. Assuming you still want the default path to be used, make sure it's included. (The testResources tag overwrites your defaults, so if you don't include the default path explicitly, it will stop being used.)
You can use the build-helper-maven-plugin to specify additional test-resource directories as follows. Using the configuration below, the contents of the test-resources directory will be copied to the target/test-classes directory during the generate-test-sources phase:
If you just want to put your property files someplace on disk and don't want to copy those property files to target/test-classes during the build, you can do it this way
Why not just use test/resources and place your properties in the classpath from that point. They'll only be there for the test phase.
If you have multiple resource environment you can use maven profile and put your various resources according to the profile you are testing.
But usualy if you need that you are making integration test then you don't need the build-helper-maven-plugin.
The maven-resources-plugin has a copy-resources goal that will allow you to copy resources. For example:
This will copy the contents of the conf folder in the base of your project to the target/test-classes folder (unless you modified which will be added to the classpath during your unit tests.
I managed to create main jar, copy dependencies to a single directory, the only step left is to sign all jars.
I can sign my own produced jar as a part of jar:sign, but how do i sign dependencies?
Here are a couple of options:
Use the Maven ant task to run jarsigner from the JDK against all the dependencies.
Use the webstart plugin which can sign all your JARs, even if you aren't using it for the purpose of JNLP-izing your app. I'm using it to actually JNLPize one app.
Look at what the webstart plugin source is doing to iterate over all dependencies and sign them and start a new Maven Plugin/Mojo that does the same thing, sans JNLP.
Onejar your app and its dependencies and just sign that.
add to plug-in config <archiveDirectory>target</archiveDirectory>
If you are using maven-jar-plugin, you can specify which single jar to sign using the "jarPath" setting. The following configuration causes the jar-with-dependencies file to be signed instead of the dependency-less jar file:
<!-- NOTE: The secret key is in shared version control. The
password is in shared version control. This IS NOT
SECURE. It's intended to help avoid accidentally
loading the wrong class, nothing more. -->
If you want to sign both, I don't know how to do that with maven-jar-plugin, so you may need to look into the other options mentioned above.
One can also create a single JAR using the maven-assembly-plugin.
Together with the other suggestion by Eric Anderson (of signing another JAR) one can then sign this assembled JAR (instead of the original JAR). Note that the order of the plugin definitions matters here.
It is assumed that sign.keystore.file etc are set elsewhere (e.g. in a profile).
<!-- It seems that maven-assembly-plugin must be declared before the maven-jar-plugin,
so that it is executed first in the package phase,
and then the signing of the packaged jar can succeed. -->
<!-- ... -->
<!-- <addClasspath>true</addClasspath> -->
<!-- ... -->