Why are numpy array called homogeneous? - numpy

Why are numpy arrays called homogeneous when you can have elements of different type in the same numpy array like this?
I understand that I cannot perform some types of broadcasting operations like I cannot perform
np1*4 here and it results in an error.
but my question really is when it can have elements of different types, why it is called homogeneous?

Numpy automatically converts them to most applicable datatype.
>>> np.array([1,2,3,4,"a"]).dtype.type
In short this means all elements are of string.
>>> np.array([1,2,3,4]).dtype.type


which float precision are numpy arrays by default?

I wonder which format floats are in numpy array by default.
(or do they even get converted when declaring a np.array? if so how about python lists?)
e.g. float16,float32 or float64?
float64. You can check it like
>>> np.array([1, 2]).dtype
>>> np.array([1., 2]).dtype
If you dont specify the data type when you create the array then numpy will infer the type, from the docs
dtypedata-type, optional - The desired data-type for the array. If not given, then the type will be determined as the minimum type
required to hold the objects in the sequence

Only size 1 arrays can be converted to python scalars

I created a 3 dimensional object using numpy.random module such as
import numpy as np
b = np.random.randn(4,4,3)
Why can't we cast type float to b?
actual code
You can't float(b) because b isn't a number, it's a multidimensional array/matrix. If you're trying to convert every element to a Python float, that's a bad idea because numpy numbers are more precise, but if you really want to do that for whatever reason, you can do b.tolist(), which returns a Python list of floats. However, I don't believe you can have a numpy matrix of native Python types because that doesn't make any sense.

Python: What's the proper way to convert between python bool and numpy bool_?

I kept getting errors with a numpy ndarray with booleans not being accepted as a mask by a pandas structure when it occured to me that I may have the 'wrong' booleans. Edit: it was not a raw numpy array but a pandas.Index.
While I was able to find a solution, the only one that worked was quite ugly:
mymask = mymask.astype(np.bool_) #ver.1 does not work, elements remain <class 'bool'>
mymask = mymask==True #ver.2, does work, elements become <class 'numpy.bool_'>
What's the proper way to typecast the values?
Ok, I found the problem. My original post was not fully correct: my mask was a pandas.Index.
It seems that the pands.Index.astype is behaving unexpectedly (for me), as I get different behavior for the following:
mask = pindex.map(myfun).astype(np.bool_) # doesn't cast
mask = pindex.map(myfun).astype(np.bool_,copy=False) # doesn't cast
mask = pindex.map(myfun).values.astype(np.bool_) # does cast
Maybe it is actually a pandas bug? This result is surprising to me because I was under the impression that pandas is usually just calling the functions of the numpy arrays that it is based on. This is clearly not the case here.

check if a numpy array is a numpy masked array

As output of a script, I have numpy masked array and standard numpy array. How do I easily check while running the script if an array is a masked (has data, mask attributes) one or not?
You can check explicitly if it is a masked array by isinstance(arr, np.ma.MaskedArray), or you can check for the attributes hasattr(arr, 'mask'). I'd probably recommend the first approach in general.

Evaluate several elements of numpy object array

I have an ndarray A that stores objects of the same type, in particular various LinearNDInterpolator objects. For example's sake assume it's just 2:
>>> A
array([ <scipy.interpolate.interpnd.LinearNDInterpolator object at 0x7fe122adc750>,
<scipy.interpolate.interpnd.LinearNDInterpolator object at 0x7fe11daee590>], dtype=object)
I want to be able to do two things. First, I'd like to evaluate all objects in A at a certain point and get back an ndarray of A.shape with all the values in it. Something like
>> A[[0,1]](1,1) =
array([ 1, 2])
However, I get
TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
Is it possible to do that?
Second, I would like to change the interpolation values without constructing new LinearNDInterpolator objects (since the nodes stay the same). I.e., something like
A[[0,1]].values = B
where B is an ndarray containing the new values for every element of A.
Thank you for your suggestions.
The same issue, but with simpler functions:
In [221]: A=np.array([add,multiply])
In [222]: A[0](1,2) # individual elements can be called
Out[222]: 3
In [223]: A(1,2) # but not the array as a whole
TypeError: 'numpy.ndarray' object is not callable
We can iterate over a list of functions, or that array as well, calling each element on the parameters. Done right we can even zip a list of functions and a list of parameters.
In [224]: ll=[add,multiply]
In [225]: [x(1,2) for x in ll]
Out[225]: [3, 2]
In [226]: [x(1,2) for x in A]
Out[226]: [3, 2]
Another test, the callable function:
In [229]: callable(A)
Out[229]: False
In [230]: callable(A[0])
Out[230]: True
Can you change the interpolation values for individual Interpolators? If so, just iterate through the list and do that.
In general, dtype object arrays function like lists. They contain the same kind of object pointers. Most operations requires the same sort of iteration. Unless you need to organize the elements in multiple dimensions, dtype object arrays have few, if any advantages over lists.
Another thought - the normal array dtype is numeric or fixed length strings. These elements are not callable, so there's no need to implement a .__call__ method on these arrays. They could write something like that to operate on object dtype arrays, but the core action is a Python call. So such a function would just hide the kind of iteration that I outlined.
In another recent question I showed how to use np.char.upper to apply a string method to every element of a S dtype array. But my time tests showed that this did not speedup anything.