here we're calling api through http request connector by get method and todoSubjectline is The api field name which we're receiving from thirdparty ( "todoSubjectLine" : " Maternity Leave- Unpaid Optional J( 12/09/2022 - 11/10/2022) and in this I need the data till date only which need to send to the main system
We are migrating from Mule 3 to Mule 4 and in one of our functionalities we need to publish messages to a topic and downstream another mule component is consuming from the queue which is bridged to the topic.
Nothing special here .
To ensure we are able to trace the flow via logs we were sending a 'TrackingId' attribute while publishing messages to the topic ( Mule 3 )
message.setOutboundProperty("XYZ_TrackingID", flowVars['idFromUI']);
return payload;
However when I try the same in Mule 4 we get the following exception :
ERROR 2020-12-20 10:09:12,214 [[MuleRuntime].cpuIntensive.14: [mycomponent].my_Flow.CPU_INTENSIVE
#66024695] org.mule.runtime.core.internal.exception.OnErrorPropagateHandler:
Message : groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method:
org.mule.runtime.api.el.BindingContextUtils$MessageWrapper.setOutboundProperty() is applicable for
argument types: (java.lang.String, org.mule.weave.v2.el.ByteArrayBasedCursorStream) values:
[XYZ_TrackingID, "1234567"].\nError type : (set debug level logging or '-
Dmule.verbose.exceptions=true' for
Checked internet and it seems in Mule4 setting outbound properties is removed as per here
So how do I achieve the same in Mule 4 ?
Don't even try to do that for several reasons. For one message structure is different, so output properties doesn't exist anymore and that method doesn't even exists. On the other hand, in Mule 4 components like the Groovy component can only return a value and cannot change the event. They can not decide to what that value is going to be assigned. You can set the target in the configuration (payload or a variable) and not change the attributes. Note that variables in Mule 4 are referenced by var., not by flowVars. like in Mule 3 (ie vars.idFromUI).
There is a simpler way to set message properties in the Mule 4 JMS connector. Use the properties element and pass it an object with the properties.
For example it could be something like this:
<jms:publish config-ref="JMS_config" destination="${bridgeDestination}" destinationType="TOPIC">
<jms:body>#["bridged_" ++ payload]</jms:body>
XYZ_TrackingID: vars.idFromUI
It is in the documentation: I adapted my example from there.
I am not sure if Correlation Id serves the purpose of a tracking ID for your scenario. But you can pass a CID as below. It's there in the mule documentation.
<jms:publish config-ref="JMS_config" sendCorrelationId="ALWAYS" destination="#[attributes.headers.replyTo.destination]">
<jms:message correlationId="#[attributes.headers.correlationId]"/>
If your priority is to customise the Tracking ID you want to publish, then try passing below format. The key names may differ as per your use case.
<jms:publish config-ref="JMS_config" destination="${bridgeDestination}" destinationType="TOPIC">
<jms:body>#["bridged_" ++ payload]</jms:body>
AUTH_TYPE: 'jwt',
AUTH_TOKEN: attributes.queryParams.token
In the above the expression attributes.queryParams.token is basically trying to access a token query parameters which is passed to JMS as a property AUTH_TOKEN key-name , consumed by the API through a HTTP Listener or Requestor earlier.
However, attributes.headers.correlationId is a header. Both queryParams and headers are part of attributes in Mule 4.
This question already has answers here:
Can we parameterize the request file name to the Read method in Karate?
(2 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
I want help for validating API response using karate framework.
I have API’s which are “Independent” on each other.
I have POST method along with request parameters. when I hit that particular API got the response with different parameters (no single match from request parameter and response parameter).
Now I want to validate response parameter value.
example : request: “method” post
school name: “abcd”
register date : “1:10:2010″
Principle name : ” pqrs”
Principle Email id “
now I want to validate that “principle name ” should not be null
I have implemented like this but it it doesn’t work
Feature: School info
* url baseUrl
Scenario: check Principles info
Given path ‘School info’
And request {school name: “abcd” ,register date : “1:10:2010”}
When method post
Then status 200
And match response.response contains {“type”: “Success”,”code”:20000}
And match response.principle list[*] { “Principle name”: “#notnull”}
whenever I run this file it always passes the API wvwnt if the Principle name filed is null.
It just checks the success message (And match response.response contains {“type”: “Success”, ”code”:20000}) and pass the API
your code for validating principlelist doesn't have proper assertions.
match each will be more convenient for validating json array with a schema
* match each response.principlelist contains {"Principal name" : "#notnull"}
With Mule Salesforce Connector using sfdc:create, the document says we can send up to 200 records at a time (single round trip call). If that's the case, what benefit do we get using Mule Batch flow with Batch Commit and Salesforce (sfdc:create) within the Batch Commit?
Example create below.
<xml<sfdc:create type="Account">
<BillingStreet>I live here </BillingStreet>
<BillingCity>My City</BillingCity>
.......200 such objects
Please keep in mind that in Salesforce, the SOAP API Call Limit for a client application is up to 200 records in a single create() call. If a create request exceeds 200 objects, then the entire operation fails.
Please refer reference from Salesforce.
I am coding some test software to simulate something like a router. It will send URL requests on behalf of multiple users.
Is there any HTTP GET header field which I can send which the receiving server will always send back to me unchanged in the response so that I can associate the response with a user?
This is test software for use on a local LAN only, so I don't mind misusing a field, just as long as I get it returned unchanged.
according to http 1.1 rfc, response is:
Response = Status-Line ; Section 6.1
*(( general-header ; Section 4.5
| response-header ; Section 6.2
| entity-header ) CRLF) ; Section 7.1
[ message-body ] ; Section 7.2
and here is notation:
The character "*" preceding an element indicates repetition. The
full form is "<n>*<m>element" indicating at least <n> and at most
<m> occurrences of element. Default values are 0 and infinity so
that "*(element)" allows any number, including zero; "1*element"
requires at least one; and "1*2element" allows one or two.
Square brackets enclose optional elements; "[foo bar]" is
equivalent to "*1(foo bar)".
so, the only requirement for server is to respond with status code, other components are optional, always, which effectively means there is no requirement to send any header back
also, this contains list of all possible headers, none of them meet your requirements
I'm not sure about http 2.0, maybe somebody could add information about it
I am using Restlet2.0 (java) to build passbook server. When I send a Push Notification to APNs with PushToken, I got message 'if-modified-since (null)' from the server log:
entity.getText() : {"logs":["[2013-03-31 00:18:29 +1100] Get pass task
(pass type pass.xxxxxx.freehug, serial number ABC, if-modified-since
(null); with web service url encountered error:
Server response was malformed (Missing response data)"]}
This responding URL matches the router defined for the LoggingResource class (Line 4), but not the SerialNumbersPassWithDeviceResource class (Line 2) which defines the passUpdatedSince={tag} parameter to be captured for the latest pkpass comparison:
router.attach("/v1/devices/{deviceLibraryIdentifier}/registrations/{passTypeIdentifier}/{serialNumber}", DeviceRegistrationResource.class); //1/4. Registration - POST/DELETE
router.attach("/v1/devices/{deviceLibraryIdentifier}/registrations/{passTypeIdentifier}?passUpdatedSince={tag}", SerialNumbersPassWithDeviceResource.class); //2. SerialNumbers - GET
router.attach("/v1/passes/{passTypeIdentifier}/{serialNumber}", LatestVersionPassResource.class); //3. LatestVersion - GET
router.attach("/v1/log", LoggingResource.class); //5. Logging - POST
So where can I set the Update Tag (passUpdatedSince={tag}) and how can I get it under the router in above Line 2? Is my router setup for getting Update tag correct?
The passUpdatedSince={tag} value is set from the last successful response that your web service gave to the requsest:
You set it by providing a key of lastUpdated in the JSON dictionary response to the above request. The value can be anything you like, but the simplest approach would be to use a timestamp.
The if-modified-since value is set by the Last-Modified HTTP header sent with the last .pkpass bundle received matching the passTypeIdentifier and serialNumber. Again, you can choose what value to send in this header.
The specific error that you mention above is not due to either of these. It is caused by your web service not providing a .pkpass bundle in response to the request to:
You may want to try hooking your device up to Xcode, turning on PassKit logging (Settings -> Developer), then monitoring the device's console log as you send the push. This may give you more detail as to why the device sent the message to your web service log.