Select XML element name and value using T-SQL - sql

The SQL Server database has a table with an xml type column of the following form
<SettingsXml xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<DetectorSettings StreamId="11111111">
<DetectorName1 id="0">
<DetectorSettings StreamId="222222222">
<DetectorName2 id="0">
<DetectorSettings StreamId="NNNNNNNN">
<DetectorNameN id="0">
At the same time, the count of DetectorName (DetectorName1,DetectorName2..DetectorNameN) is not known in advance, but possible names of detectors are known, let's say they are DetectorName1, DetectorName2, DetectorName3, DetectorName4, DetectorName5.
I need to extract data from each xml in the following form
DetectorName1, StreamId, Bitrate
DetectorName2, StreamId, Bitrate
DetectorNameN, StreamId, Bitrate
How to do this using TSQL?


i want write a sql query to fetch data between two tags in soap xml which present in the clob column of a oracle table

xml which is present ina clob column of xml_message table :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:oag="" xmlns:oag1="" xmlns:soapenv="">
<oag:UpdateConsumerAndOpportunityData_v1 xmlns:ns3="">
<oag1:Sync confirm="Always">
<oag1:SyncCriteria expressionLanguage="XPath">
<oag1:SyncExpression action="change"/>
<oag:ConsumerDetails Category="Person">
<oag:EmailAddress Active="true"></oag:EmailAddress>
<oag:EmailAddress Active="true" Usage="Business"></oag:EmailAddress>
<oag:EmailAddress Active="true" Usage="Invoice"></oag:EmailAddress>
Now i want all the email address from this xml to fetch and insert into another table.
this xml contain 3 email address ,i want till n number of email address to be fetched that a xml file will contain
As the linked answer shows, you can use XMLTable to extract multiple values; but you need to define at least the namespaces you use, and construct the XPath properly. So to get just the email addresses you can do:
select x.emailaddress
from xml_message m
cross apply xmltable (
xmlnamespaces (
'' as "soapenv",
'' as "oag",
'' as "oag1",
'' as "ns3"
passing xmltype(m.xml_clob)
EmailAddress varchar2(64) path '.'
) x;
The XPath doesn't refer to oag1 or ns3 but it doesn't hurt to include them anyway, and you might need them to extract other information from the same XML document.
This also lets you extract multiple values at once; or to filter base on an attribute - you might, for example, only want to include the email addresses with attribute Active set to true, which you can do by adding that condition to the XPath:
You can read more about manipulating XML in the documentation.

Query XML data from a table - Use schema collection?

I need to re-write an old DTS/SQL2000 process that exports xml data stored as a varchar from a table to an xml file only to read it back and populate some tables such as contract/customer/business activity. I want to query the xml column directly instead but always get Blank or NULL depending on the method I use and I am having a really having a hard time. My latest quick version based on another answer is....
XML_MESSAGE.value('(Transaction_Id/text())[1]','varchar(100)') AS TransactionID
OUTER APPLY t.XML_MESSAGE.nodes('Contract_Interface') AS bm(XMLData)
--OUTER APPLY bm.XML_MESSAGE.nodes('food') AS f(XMLData)
However, I have created an Schema collection based on the old xsd files for each collection (contract/customer etc) so the real question is how can I use that to extract the relevant data? A cut down version of the xml is below..
<Contract_Interface xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://dataplace/xmlschemas/Policy_Transaction_Interface_1_1_9.xsd">
<Business_Activity_Type_Desc>New Binder</Business_Activity_Type_Desc>
<Effective_Dt>4/18/2021 12:00:00 AM</Effective_Dt>
<Expiration_Dt>4/18/2022 12:00:00 AM</Expiration_Dt>
<Insured_Nm>Make Money PLC</Insured_Nm>
<Address_Line_1>Alex Jones Terrace</Address_Line_1>
<Address_Line_2 />
<Country_Desc>United States</Country_Desc>
<Producer_Nm>Brokerage Limited</Producer_Nm>
<Address_Line_1>Suite 1000</Address_Line_1>
<Address_Line_2>Free Road</Address_Line_2>
<State_Cd />
<State_Desc />
As I mentioned, you need to define your Namespace. This uses a variable, instead of your table, but gives you the overlying idea:
DECLARE #XML xml = '<Contract_Interface xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=" http://dataplace/xmlschemas/Policy_Transaction_Interface_1_1_9.xsd">
<Business_Activity_Type_Desc>New Binder</Business_Activity_Type_Desc>
<Effective_Dt>4/18/2021 12:00:00 AM</Effective_Dt>
<Expiration_Dt>4/18/2022 12:00:00 AM</Expiration_Dt>
<Insured_Nm>Make Money PLC</Insured_Nm>
<Address_Line_1>Alex Jones Terrace</Address_Line_1>
<Address_Line_2 />
<Country_Desc>United States</Country_Desc>
<Producer_Nm>Brokerage Limited</Producer_Nm>
<Address_Line_1>Suite 1000</Address_Line_1>
<Address_Line_2>Free Road</Address_Line_2>
<State_Cd />
<State_Desc />
SELECT bm.XMLData.value('(Transaction_Id/text())[1]','varchar(100)') AS TransactionID --Should this not be a int or bigint?
FROM #XML.nodes('Contract_Interface') AS bm(XMLData);

Save data into table from soap xml

I am trying to save data values into a table so that I can use them but can't get my head around it. I am currently running SQL Server 2012. How do I read soap XML which is saved in #x variable?
declare #x xml
set #x = '<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<ListResponse xmlns="">
<Notes />
This is what I come up but it is only returning data in a single column with no way of knowing which data belongs to which column
select convert(varchar, n.c.value('.', 'varchar(max)'))
from #X.nodes('//text()[1]') n(c)
Data is coming in column format where as i wants in row with each API returns. currently only 1 API return what if more then 1 ?

Modify xml element name in SQL Server

How to change element name from Cust to Customer?
<Cust id="1">
When I'm using following statement
select #myXml.query('/node()[1]/node()') for xml raw('Customer')
sql removes attributes
Try this:
#myXml.value('(/Cust/#id)[1]', 'int') AS '#id',
FOR XML PATH('Customer')
Gives me an output of:
<Customer id="1">
With the FOR XML PATH, you can fairly easily "restore" that attribute that gets lost in the conversion.
You could use replace:
replace(replace(#YourXml, '<Cust id', '<Customer id)', '</Cust>', '</Customer>')
This is fairly safe, as < is not valid as data in XML, it would appear as < or an ASCII or UNICODE sequence.

How can I select tags from an SQL XML Query?

How can I retrieve the fields within an XML field in MS SQL?
Every query I try does not work as intended whenever I use this XML code:
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="[URI]" xmlns:xsd="[URI]" xmlns:soap="[URI]">
<RunPackage xmlns="[URI]">
I don't know how to reference the first two tags. I've tried
SELECT TransactionID, T2.Loc.query('data(Request/SubscriberCode)') as 'SubscriberCode'
FROM TempWorksRequest
CROSS APPLY RequestXML.nodes('soap:Envelope/soap:Body/RunPackage/xmlDoc') as T2(Loc)
With no luck.
You need to declare the XML namespaces ("soap" in this case, plus another one for the node and anything below) in your XQuery operations:
T2.Loc.query('declare namespace ns="[URI1]";data(ns:Request/ns:SubscriberCode)')
as 'SubscriberCode'
RequestXML.nodes('declare namespace soap="[URI]";
declare namespace ns="[URI1]";
soap:Envelope/soap:Body/ns:RunPackage/ns:xmlDoc') as T2(Loc)
[URI1] needs to be the URI that's defined on the <RunPackage> tag.