grouper day and cumsum speed - pandas

I have the following df:
I want to group this df on the first column(ID) and on the second column(key), from there to build a cumsum for each day. The cumsum should be on the last column(speed).
I tried this with the following code :
df = pd.read_csv('df.csv')
df['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Time'], format='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
df = df.sort_values(['ID','key'])
grouped = df.groupby(['ID','key'])
test = pd.DataFrame()
test2 = pd.DataFrame()
for name, group in grouped:
test = group.groupby(pd.Grouper(key='Time', freq='1d'))['Speed'].cumsum()
test = test.reset_index()
test['ID'] = ''
test['ID'] = name[0]
test['key'] = ''
test['key'] = name[1]
test2 = test2.append(test)
But the result seem quite off, there are more rows than 5. For each day one row with the cumsum of each ID and key.
Does anyone see the reason for my problem ?
thanks in advance

Friendly reminder, it's useful to include a runable example
import pandas as pd
data = [{"cid":33613,"key":14855,"ts":1550577600000,"value":50.0},
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df['ts'] = pd.to_datetime(df['ts'], unit='ms')
I believe what you need can be accomplished as follows:
df.set_index('ts').groupby(['cid', 'key'])['value'].resample('D').sum().cumsum()
cid key ts
33613 14855 2019-02-19 150.0
2019-02-20 250.0
2019-02-21 300.0
2019-02-22 350.0
2019-02-23 375.0
2019-02-24 425.0
Name: value, dtype: float64


If column is substring of another dataframe column set value

df1 = pd.DataFrame({'Key':['OK340820.1','OK340821.1'],'Length':[50000,67000]})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'Key':['OK340820','OK340821'],'Length':[np.nan,np.nan]})
If df2.Key is a substring of df1.Key, set Length of df2 as value of Length in df1
I tried doing this:
df2['Length']=np.where(df2.Key.isin(df1.Key.str.extract(r'(.+?(?=\.))')), df1.Length, '')
But it's not returning the matches.
Map df2.Key to a "prepared" Key values of df1:
df2['Length'] ='\..+', '', regex=True), df1.Length)))
In [45]: df2
Key Length
0 OK340820 50000
1 OK340821 67000
You can use a regex to extract the string, then map the values:
import re
pattern = '|'.join(map(re.escape, df2['Key']))
s = pd.Series(df1['Length'].values, index=df1['Key'].str.extract(f'({pattern})', expand=False))
df2['Length'] = df2['Key'].map(s)
Updated df2:
Key Length
0 OK340820 50000
1 OK340821 67000
Or with a merge:
import re
pattern = '|'.join(map(re.escape, df2['Key']))
.merge(df1, how='left', left_on='Key', suffixes=(None, '_'),
right_on=df1['Key'].str.extract(f'({pattern})', expand=False))
Alternative if the Key in df1 is always in the form XXX.1 and removing the .1 is enough:
df2['Length'] = df2['Key'].map(df1.set_index(df1['Key'].str.extract('([^.]+)', expand=False))['Length'])
Another possible solution, which is based on pandas.DataFrame.update:
df2.update(df1.assign(Key = df1['Key'].str.extract('(.*)\.')))
Key Length
0 OK340820 50000.0
1 OK340821 67000.0

Pandas to mark both if cell value is a substring of another

A column with short and full form of people names, I want to unify them, if the name is a part of the other name. e.g. "James.J" and "James.Jones", I want to tag them both as "James.J".
data = {'Name': ["Amelia.Smith",
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
I can't figure out how to do it in Pandas. So only a xlrd way, with similarity ratio by SequenceMatcher (and sort it manually in Excel):
import xlrd
from xlrd import open_workbook,cellname
import xlwt
from xlutils.copy import copy
workbook = xlrd.open_workbook("C:\\TEM\\input.xlsx")
old_sheet = workbook.sheet_by_name("Sheet1")
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
wb = copy(workbook)
sheet = wb.get_sheet(0)
for row_index in range(0, old_sheet.nrows):
current = old_sheet.cell(row_index, 0).value
previous = old_sheet.cell(row_index-1, 0).value
sro = SequenceMatcher(None, current.lower(), previous.lower(), autojunk=True).ratio()
if sro > 0.7:
sheet.write(row_index, 1, previous)
sheet.write(row_index-1, 1, previous)"C:\\TEM\\output.xls")
What's the nice Pandas way to do it/ Thank you.
using pandas, making use of str.split and .map with some boolean conditions to identify the dupes.
df1 = df['Name'].str.split('.',expand=True).rename(columns={0 : 'FName', 1 :'LName'})
df2 = df1.loc[df1['FName'].duplicated(keep=False)]\
df['NewName'] = df1['FName'].map(df2.assign(newName=df2.agg('.'.join,1))\
Name NewName
0 Amelia.Smith Amelia.S
1 Lucas.M NaN
2 James.J James.J
3 Elijah.Brown NaN
4 Amelia.S Amelia.S
5 James.Jones James.J
6 Benjamin.Johnson NaN
Here is an example of using apply with a custom function. For small dfs this should be fine; this will not scale well for large dfs. A more sophisticated data structure for memo would be an ok place to start to improve performance without degrading readability too much:
df = df.sort_values("Name")
def short_name(row, col="Name", memo=[]):
name = row[col]
for m_name in memo:
if name.startswith(m_name):
return m_name
return name
df["short_name"] = df.apply(short_name, axis=1)
df = df.sort_index()
Name short_name
0 Amelia.Smith Amelia.S
1 Lucas.M Lucas.M
2 James.J James.J
3 Elijah.Brown Elijah.Brown
4 Amelia.S Amelia.S
5 James.Jones James.J
6 Benjamin.Johnson Benjamin.Johnson

How to make a normalizated series from pandas dataframe?

I have the following code:
df = pd.DataFrame({
'FR': [4.0405, 4.0963, 4.3149, 4.500],
'GR': [1.7246, 1.7482, 1.8519, 4.100],
'IT': [804.74, 810.01, 860.13, 872.01]},
index=['1980-04-01', '1980-03-01', '1980-02-01', '1980-01-01'])
df = df.iloc[::-1]
df2 = df.pct_change()
df2 = df2.iloc[::-1]
df = df.iloc[::-1]
serie = []
for i in list(df.index.values[::-1][1:]):
last = last*(1+df2['FR'][i])
I got what i expected:
[100, 95.88666666666667, 91.02888888888891, 89.7888888888889]
but i look for a more simple way to do that.
Try with cumprod:
1980-01-01 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
1980-02-01 0.958867 0.451683 0.986376
1980-03-01 0.910289 0.426390 0.928900
1980-04-01 0.897889 0.420634 0.922856

Pandas - get_loc nearest for whole column

I have a df with date and price.
Given a datetime, I would like to find the price at the nearest date.
This works for one input datetime:
import requests, xlrd, openpyxl, datetime
import pandas as pd
file = "E:/prices.csv" #two columns: Timestamp (UNIX epoch), Price (int)
df = pd.read_csv(file, index_col=None, names=["Timestamp", "Price"])
df['Timestamp'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Timestamp'],unit='s')
df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Timestamp'], keep='last')
df = df.set_index('Timestamp')
file = "E:/input.csv" #two columns: ID (string), Date (dd-mm-yyy hh:ss:mm)
dfinput = pd.read_csv(file, index_col=None, names=["ID", "Date"])
dfinput['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(dfinput['Date'], dayfirst=True)
exampledate = pd.to_datetime("20-3-2020 21:37", dayfirst=True)
exampleprice = df.iloc[df.index.get_loc(exampledate, method='nearest')]["Price"]
print(exampleprice) #price as output
I have another dataframe with the datetimes ("dfinput") I want to lookup prices of and save in a new column "Price".
Something like this which is obviously not working:
dfinput['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(dfinput['Date'], dayfirst=True)
dfinput['Price'] = df.iloc[df.index.get_loc(dfinput['Date'], method='nearest')]["Price"]
dfinput.to_csv('output.csv', index=False, columns=["Hash", "Date", "Price"])
Can I do this for a whole column or do I need to iterate over all rows?
I think you need merge_asof (cannot test, because no sample data):
df = df.sort_index('Timestamp')
dfinput = dfinput.sort_values('Date')
df = pd.merge_asof(df, dfinput, left_index=True, right_on='Date', direction='nearest')

df.groupby('columns').apply(''.join()), join all the cells to a string

df.groupby('columns').apply(''.join()), join all the cells to a string.
This is for a junior dataprocessor. In the past, I've tried many ways.
import pandas as pd
data = {'key':['a','b','c','a','b','c','a'], 'profit':
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df = df.set_index(‘key’)
#df2 is expected result
data2 = {'a':['12j5g9d'],'b':['3d6d'],'c':['4d7t']}
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2)
df2 = df2.set_index(‘key’)
Here's a simple solution, where we first translate the integers to strings and then concatenate profit and income, then finally we concatenate all strings under the same key:
data = {'key':['a','b','c','a','b','c','a'], 'profit':
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df['profit_income'] = df['profit'].apply(str) + df['income']
res = df.groupby('key')['profit_income'].agg(''.join)
a 12j5g9d
b 3d6d
c 4d7t
Name: profit_income, dtype: object
This question can be solved couple different ways:
First add an extra column by concatenating the profit and income columns.
import pandas as pd
data = {'key':['a','b','c','a','b','c','a'], 'profit':
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df = df.set_index('key')
1) Using sum
2) Using apply and join
Results from both of the above would be the same:
a 12j5g9d
b 3d6d
c 4d7t