Switch between the heads of a model during inference - tensorflow

I have 200 neural networks which I trained using transfer learning on text. They all share the same weights except for their heads which are trained on different tasks. Is it possible to merge those networks into a single model to use with Tensorflow such that when I call it with input (text, i) it returns me the prediction task i. The idea here is to only store the shared weights once to save on model size and also to only evaluate the head of the task we want to predict in order to save on computations. The important bit is to wrap all of that into a Tensorflow model as I want to make it easier to serve it on google-ai-platform .
Note: It is fine to train all the heads independently, I just want to put all of them together into a single model for the inference part

You probably have a model like the following:
# Create the model
inputs = Input(shape=(height, width, channels), name='data')
x = layers.Conv2D(...)(inputs)
# ...
x = layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D(name='penultimate_layer')(x)
x = layers.Dense(num_class, name='task0', ...)(x)
model = models.Model(inputs=inputs, outputs=[x])
Until now the model only has one output. You can add multiple outputs at model creation, or later on. You can add a new head like this:
last_layer = model.get_layer('penultimate_layer').output
output_heads = []
taskID = 0
while True:
head = model.get_layer("task"+str(taskID))
taskID += 1
# add new head
new_head = layers.Dense(num_class, name='task'+str(taskID), ...)(last_layer)
model = models.Model(inputs=model.input, outputs=output_heads)
Now since every head has a name you can load your specific weights, calling the head by name. The weights to load are the weights of the last layer of (an)other_model. You should have something like this:
When you want to obtain predictions, all you need to know is the task ID of the head you want to look at:
taskID=0 # obtain predictions from head 0
outputs = model(test_data, training=False)
predictions = outputs[taskID]
If you want to train new heads later on, while still sharing the same backbone, you just have to freeze the other heads, otherwise even those will be trained, and you don't want that:
for layer in model.layers:
if "task" in layer.name:
layer.trainable = False
# code to add the new head ...
Training new tasks, so a new set of classes, in a later moment is called task-incremental learning. The major issue with this is catastrophic forgetting: it is pretty easy to still forget prior knowledge while training new tasks. Even if the heads are frozen, the backbone obviously isn't. If you do this you'll have to apply some technique to avoid this.


Simultaneous multi-model predictions in Keras

Here's the situation I'm working with. I've got ONE model but of a bunch of different pre-trained sets of weights for this model. I need to iterate through all these sets of weights and make a prediction for the same input once for each set of weights. I am currently doing this basically as follows:
def ModelIterator(model,pastModelWeights,modelInput):
elapsedIters = len(pastModelWeights)
outputs = []
for t in range(elapsedIters):
iterModel = model #This is just a Keras model object with no pre-set weights
iterOutput = iterModel.predict(x=modelInput)
return outputs
As you can see, this is really just a single model whose weights I'm changing for each iteration t in order to make predictions on the same input each time. Each prediction is very fast, but I need to do this with many (thousands) sets of weights, and as elapsedIters increases, this loop becomes quite slow.
So the question is, can I parallelize this process? Instead of setting the model's weights for each t and generating predictions in series, is there a relatively simple (heh...) way any of you know of to make these predictions simultaneously?

Training of multi-headed neural network with labels only for certain heads at a time

I am trying to train NN with 3 heads sharing some initial layers. However each of my training targets has only output for 2 of them.
I would like to create separate batches with samples that contains output only for the same heads and use them to update only respective heads.
Is there any way how to achieve this in any DL framework?
As your question is somewhat general, I will answer assuming you are using PyTorchLightning.
I suggest you use a model that looks like this:
class MyModel(LightningModule):
def training_step(self, batch: MyMultiTaskBatch):
backbone_output = self.backbone(batch.x)
head = self.heads[batch.task_name]
head_output = head(backbone_output)
loss = self.losses[batch.task_name]
return loss(head_output, batch.y)
Where your batch tells the model which head it should run, and which loss it should use out of dictionaries that map task names to heads and losses. You will also need to implement a dataloader that returns a MyMultiTaskBatch as its batches.

CNN + LSTM model for images performs poorly on validation data set

My training and loss curves look like below and yes, similar graphs have received comments like "Classic overfitting" and I get it.
My model looks like below,
input_shape_0 = keras.Input(shape=(3,100, 100, 1), name="img3")
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(Conv2D(8, 3, activation="relu"))(input_shape_0)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(Dropout(0.3))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(MaxPooling2D(2))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(Conv2D(16, 3, activation="relu"))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(MaxPooling2D(2))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(Conv2D(32, 3, activation="relu"))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(MaxPooling2D(2))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(Dropout(0.3))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(Flatten())(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(Dropout(0.4))(model)
model = LSTM(16, kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l2(0.007))(model)
# model = Dense(100, activation="relu")(model)
# model = Dense(200, activation="relu",kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l2(0.001))(model)
model = Dense(60, activation="relu")(model)
# model = Flatten()(model)
model = Dropout(0.15)(model)
out = Dense(30, activation='softmax')(model)
model = keras.Model(inputs=input_shape_0, outputs = out, name="mergedModel")
def get_lr_metric(optimizer):
def lr(y_true, y_pred):
return optimizer.lr
return lr
opt = tf.keras.optimizers.RMSprop()
lr_metric = get_lr_metric(opt)
# merged.compile(loss='sparse_categorical_crossentropy',
optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])
optimizer=opt, metrics=['accuracy',lr_metric])
In the above model building code, please consider the commented lines as some of the approaches I have tried so far.
I have followed the suggestions given as answers and comments to this kind of question and none seems to be working for me. Maybe I am missing something really important?
Things that I have tried:
Dropouts at different places and different amounts.
Played with inclusion and expulsion of dense layers and their number of units.
Number of units on the LSTM layer was tried with different values (started from as low as 1 and now at 16, I have the best performance.)
Came across weight regularization techniques and tried to implement them as shown in the code above and so tried to put it at different layers ( I need to know what is the technique in which I need to use it instead of simple trial and error - this is what I did and it seems wrong)
Implemented learning rate scheduler using which I reduce the learning rate as the epochs progress after a certain number of epochs.
Tried two LSTM layers with the first one having return_sequences = true.
After all these, I still cannot overcome the overfitting problem.
My data set is properly shuffled and divided in a train/val ratio of 80/20.
Data augmentation is one more thing that I found commonly suggested which I am yet to try, but I want to see if I am making some mistake so far which I can correct it and avoid diving into data augmentation steps for now. My data set has the below sizes:
Training images: 6780
Validation images: 1484
The numbers shown are samples and each sample will have 3 images. So basically, I input 3 mages at once as one sample to my time-distributed CNN which is then followed by other layers as shown in the model description. Following that, my training images are 6780 * 3 and my Validation images are 1484 * 3. Each image is 100 * 100 and is on channel 1.
I am using RMS prop as the optimizer which performed better than adam as per my testing
I tried some different architectures and some reularizations and dropouts at different places and I am now able to achieve a val_acc of 59% below is the new model.
# kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l2(0.004)
# kernel_constraint=max_norm(3)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(Conv2D(32, 3, activation="relu"))(input_shape_0)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(Dropout(0.3))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(MaxPooling2D(2))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(Conv2D(64, 3, activation="relu"))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(MaxPooling2D(2))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(Conv2D(128, 3, activation="relu"))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(MaxPooling2D(2))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(Dropout(0.3))(model)
model = tf.keras.layers.TimeDistributed(GlobalAveragePooling2D())(model)
model = LSTM(128, return_sequences=True,kernel_regularizer=tf.keras.regularizers.l2(0.040))(model)
model = Dropout(0.60)(model)
model = LSTM(128, return_sequences=False)(model)
model = Dropout(0.50)(model)
out = Dense(30, activation='softmax')(model)
Try to perform Data Augmentation as a preprocessing step. Lack of data samples can lead to such curves. You can also try using k-fold Cross Validation.
There are many ways to prevent overfitting, according to the papers below:
Dropout layers (Disabling randomly neurons). https://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/absps/JMLRdropout.pdf
Input Noise (e.g. Random Gaussian Noise on the imges). https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.07532.pdf
Random Data Augmentations (e.g. Rotating, Shifting, Scaling, etc.).
Adjusting Number of Layers & Units.
Regularization Functions (e.g. L1, L2, etc)
Early Stopping: If you notice that for N successive epochs that your model's training loss is decreasing, but the model performs poorly on validaiton data set, then It is a good sign to stop the training.
Shuffling the training data or K-Fold cross validation is also common way way of dealing with Overfitting.
I found this great repository, which contains examples of how to implement data augmentations:
Also, this repository here seems to have examples of CNNs that implement most of the above methods:
The goal should be to get the model predict correctly irrespective of
the order in which the 3 images in the sample are arranged.
If the order of the images of each sample is not important for the training, I think your model does the inverse, the Timedistributed layers succeded by LSTM take into account the order of the three images. As a solution, primarily, you can add images by reordering the images of each sample (= Augmented data). Secondly, try to consider the three images as one image with three-channel and remove the Timedistributed layers (I'm not sure that the three-channels are more efficient but you can give it a try)

How to create two graphs for train and validation?

When I read tensorflow guidance about graph and session(Graphs and Sessions), I found they suggest to create two graphs for train and validation.
I think this reasonable and I want to use this because my train and validation models are different (for encoder-decoder mode or dropout). However, i don't know how to make variables in trained graph available for test graph without using tf.saver().
When I create two graphs and create variables inside each graph, I found these two variables are totally different as they belong to different graphs.
I have googled a lot and I know there are questions about this problems, such as question1. But there is still no useful answer. If there is any code example or anyone know how to create two graphs for train and validation separately, such as:
def train_model():
g_train = tf.graph()
with g_train.as_default():
def validation_model():
g_test = tf.graph()
with g_test.as_default():
One easy way of doing that is to create a 'forward function' that defines the model and change behaviour based on extra parameters.
Here is an example:
def forward_pass(x, is_training, reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE, name='model_forward_pass'):
# Note the reuse attribute as it tells the getter to either create the graph or get the weights
with tf.variable_scope(name=name, reuse=reuse):
x = tf.layers.conv(x, ...)
x = tf.layers.dense(x, ...)
x = tf.layers.dropout(x, rate, training=is_training) # Note the is_training attribute
return x
Now you can call the 'forward_pass' function anywhere in your code. You simply need to provide the is_training attribute to use the correct mode for dropout for example. The 'reuse' argument will automatically get the correct values for your weights as long as the 'name' of the 'variable_scope' is the same.
For example:
train_logits_model1 = forward_pass(x_train, is_training=True, name='model1')
# Graph is defined and dropout is used in training mode
test_logits_model1 = forward_pass(x_test, is_training=False, name='model1')
# Graph is reused but the dropout behaviour change to inference mode
train_logits_model2 = forward_pass(x_train2, is_training=True, name='model2')
# Name changed, model2 is added to the graph and dropout is used in training mode
To add to this answer as you stated that you want to have 2 separated graph, you could to that using an assign function:
train_graph = forward_pass(x, is_training=True, reuse=False, name='train_graph')
test_graph = forward_pass(x, is_training=False, reuse=False, name='test_graph')
train_vars = tf.get_collection('variables', 'train_graph/.*')
test_vars = tf.get_collection('variables','test_graph/.*')
test_assign_ops = []
for test, train in zip(test_vars, train_vars):
test_assign_ops += [tf.assign(test, train)]
assign_op = tf.group(*test_assign_ops)
sess.run(assign_op) # Replace vars in the test_graph by the one in train_graph
I'm a big advocate of method 1 as it is way cleaner and reduce memory usage.

How to initialize a keras tensor employed in an API model

I am trying to implemente a Memory-augmented neural network, in which the memory and the read/write/usage weight vectors are updated according to a combination of their previous values. These weigths are different from the classic weight matrices between layers that are automatically updated with the fit() function! My problem is the following: how can I correctly initialize these weights as keras tensors and use them in the model? I explain it better with the following simplified example.
My API model is something like:
input = Input(shape=(5,6))
controller = LSTM(20, activation='tanh',stateful=False, return_sequences=True)(input)
write_key = Dense(4,activation='tanh')(controller)
read_key = Dense(4,activation='tanh')(controller)
w_w = Add()([w_u, w_r]) #<---- UPDATE OF WRITE WEIGHTS
to_write = Dot()([w_w, write_key])
M = Add()([M,to_write])
cos_sim = Dot()([M,read_key])
w_r = Lambda(lambda x: softmax(x,axis=1))(cos_sim) #<---- UPDATE OF READ WEIGHTS
w_u = Add()([w_u,w_r,w_w]) #<---- UPDATE OF USAGE WEIGHTS
retrieved_memory = Dot()([w_r,M])
controller_output = concatenate([controller,retrieved_memory])
final_output = Dense(6,activation='sigmoid')(controller_output)`
You can see that, in order to compute w_w^t, I have to have first defined w_r^{t-1} and w_u^{t-1}. So, at the beginning I have to provide a valid initialization for these vectors. What is the best way to do it? The initializations I would like to have are:
M = K.variable(numpy.zeros((10,4))) # MEMORY
w_r = K.variable(numpy.zeros((1,10))) # READ WEIGHTS
w_u = K.variable(numpy.zeros((1,10))) # USAGE WEIGHTS`
But, analogously to what said in #2486(entron), these commands do not return a keras tensor with all the needed meta-data and so this returns the following error:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'inbound_nodes'
I also thought to use the old M, w_r and w_u as further inputs at each iteration and analogously get in output the same variables to complete the loop. But this means that I have to use the fit() function to train online the model having just the target as final output (Model 1), and employ the predict() function on the model with all the secondary outputs (Model 2) to get the variables to use at the next iteration. I have also to pass the weigth matrices from Model 1 to Model 2 using get_weights() and set_weights(). As you can see, it becomes a little bit messy and too slow.
Do you have any suggestions for this problem?
P.S. Please, do not focus too much on the API model above because it is a simplified (almost meaningless) version of the complete one where I skipped several key steps.