Why use Hub.listen inside useEffect - Amplify Auth - authentication

I'm looking through the documentation at https://docs.amplify.aws/lib/auth/social/q/platform/js/#full-samples
and can't understand why Hub.listen is being used within use Effect.
Hub.listen('auth', ({ payload: { event, data } }) => {
switch (event) {
case 'signIn':
case 'cognitoHostedUI':
getUser().then(userData => setUser(userData));
If I'm creating an event listener why should I create in useEffect instead of in the main body of the function.
What am I misunderstanding?

Figured it out, I was getting confused between functions and classes.
The useEffect with an empty array is being used to only create the event listener on initial render and not on subsequent renders.
Leaving the question up in case anyone else gets similarly confused

This has little to do with functions and classes. It is inside the useEffect(() => {/*...*/}, []) (note the empty dependency list) as it acts as the constructor of the component and is therefore only called once.
If Hub.listen is called inside the render function, this will result in growing list of event listeners, because everytime the component rerenders, a new listener is attached.
To keep you free from any memory issues, you would also detach a listener inside the useEffect hook. So for common listeners, would look like the following:
const App = () => {
useEffect(() => {
const listener = () => { console.log('foo'); }
window.addEventListener('resize', listener);
// destruct
return () => {
window.removeEventListener('resize', listener)
}, []);


useState does not work in SQLlite SELECT function react-native [duplicate]

So I have this:
let total = newDealersDeckTotal.reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + b;
console.log(total, 'tittal'); //outputs correct total
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({ dealersOverallTotal: total });
}, 10);
console.log(this.state.dealersOverallTotal, 'dealersOverallTotal1'); //outputs incorrect total
newDealersDeckTotal is just an array of numbers [1, 5, 9] e.g.
however this.state.dealersOverallTotal does not give the correct total but total does? I even put in a timeout delay to see if this solved the problem.
any obvious or should I post more code?
setState() is usually asynchronous, which means that at the time you console.log the state, it's not updated yet. Try putting the log in the callback of the setState() method. It is executed after the state change is complete:
this.setState({ dealersOverallTotal: total }, () => {
console.log(this.state.dealersOverallTotal, 'dealersOverallTotal1');
In case of hooks, you should use useEffect hook.
const [fruit, setFruit] = useState('');
useEffect(() => {
console.log('Fruit', fruit);
}, [fruit])
setState is asynchronous. You can use callback method to get updated state.
changeHandler(event) {
this.setState({ yourName: event.target.value }, () =>
Using async/await
async changeHandler(event) {
await this.setState({ yourName: event.target.value });
The setState is asynchronous in react, so to see the updated state in console use the callback as shown below (Callback function will execute after the setState update)
this.setState({ email: 'test#example.com' }, () => {
I had an issue when setting react state multiple times (it always used default state). Following this react/github issue worked for me
const [state, setState] = useState({
foo: "abc",
bar: 123
// Do this!
setState(prevState => {
return {
foo: "def"
setState(prevState => {
return {
bar: 456
The setState() operation is asynchronous and hence your console.log() will be executed before the setState() mutates the values and hence you see the result.
To solve it, log the value in the callback function of setState(), like:
setTimeout(() => {
this.setState({dealersOverallTotal: total},
console.log(this.state.dealersOverallTotal, 'dealersOverallTotal1');
}, 10)
If you work with funcions you need to use UseEffect to deal with setState's asynchrony (you can't use the callback as you did when working with classes). An example:
import { useState, useEffect } from "react";
export default function App() {
const [animal, setAnimal] = useState(null);
function changeAnimal(newAnimal) {
// here 'animal' is not what you would expect
console.log("1", animal);
useEffect(() => {
if (animal) {
console.log("2", animal);
}, [animal]);
return (
<div className="App">
<button onClick={() => changeAnimal("dog")} />
First console.log returns null, and the second one returns 'dog'
just add componentDidUpdate(){} method in your code, and it will work.
you can check the life cycle of react native here:
As well as noting the asynchronous nature of setState, be aware that you may have competing event handlers, one doing the state change you want and the other immediately undoing it again. For example onClick on a component whose parent also handles the onClick. Check by adding trace. Prevent this by using e.stopPropagation.
I had the same situation with some convoluted code, and nothing from the existing suggestions worked for me.
My problem was that setState was happening from callback func, issued by one of the components. And my suspicious is that the call was occurring synchronously, which prevented setState from setting state at all.
Simply put I have something like this:
render() {
ref={_ => this.control = _}
onUpdated={this.handleUpdate} />
handleChange() {
handleUpdate() {
The way I had to "fix" it was to put doUpdate() into setTimeout like this:
handleChange() {
setTimeout(() => { this.control.doUpdate(); }, 10);
Not ideal, but otherwise it would be a significant refactoring.

Why this navigation.goBack is not working as I intended ? How can I get the Last Active State?

I got 3 pages
homepage, productList and productDetails
When going from homepage to productList I pass a route param,
navigation.navigate('productList', { showCategory: 'productListA'} )
InitialProcess when component mounted
Inside the productList page when the component is mounted. I am declaring use state like this.
const {showCateory} = route.params;
const [activeTab, setActiveTab] = useState(showCateory);
and calling api using that activeTab
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
async function fetchData() {
try {
await dispatch(
} catch (err) {
return unsubscribe;
}, []);
User Interaction
But I also add the button in the productList so that user can change the current active tab
<TouchableOpacity onPress={() => changeTab()}></TouchableOpacity>
const changeTab = async () => {
await setActiveTab('productListB'),
await dispatch(fetchProductList(activeTab)
Take note that right now active tab and data coming from api is different from when the component is start mounted.
Navigation Change again
When use goes from productList to productDetails. All thing is fine.
But inside the product details I am going back to productList with this.
When I am back in productList page The activeTab is change back to productListA and the data is change back to when component is mounted
Can I pass or change the route params when calling navigation.goBack()?
add activeTab in useEffect depedineces.
as docs say
The array of dependencies is not passed as arguments to the effect function. Conceptually, though, that’s what they represent: every value referenced inside the effect function should also appear in the dependencies array. In the future, a sufficiently advanced compiler could create this array automatically.
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
async function fetchData() {
try {
await dispatch(
//this value will always updated when activeTab change
} catch (err) {
return unsubscribe;
}, [activeTab]); //<<<<< here
also you need to know setState() does not always immediately update the component. see here
so change this
const changeTab = async () => {
//await setActiveTab('productListB'),
//await dispatch(fetchProductList(activeTab)
This might be happening because route.params is still set to { showCategory: 'productListA'} when you are coming back to the screen.
If this is the case, you can fix it by Changing params object in changeTab() like
showCategory: 'productListB',
I hope this will fix your problem.
This happens because the callback function inside the focus listener uses the initial value of the state when the function was defined (at initial page render) . Throughout the lifespan of listener the callback function uses this stale state value.You can read more about this behaviour in this answer
Although the answer by Ahmed Gaber works in this case as the listener is cleared and redefined after each state change.Another common work-around is to use an useRef instead of useEffect.A ref is basically a recipe that provides a mutable object that can be passed by reference.
In your case you can initialise activeTab with navigation param value using useRef hook as :
const activeTab = useRef(showCateory);
and the focus listener callback function should be changed to use the Reference current value as
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
async function fetchData() {
try {
await dispatch(
activeTab.current, //<<<<<<---------here
} catch (err) {
return unsubscribe;
}, []);
and the changeTab function can directly update reference current value
const changeTab = async () => {
setActiveTab.current = 'productListB';

How to use addListener in useEffect

I want to run method when focus screen, i use this:
useEffect(() => {
const unsubscribe = navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
return unsubscribe;
}, [navigation]);
but it doesnt work. it gives an error like this :
An effect function must not return anything besides a function, which
is used for clean-up. You returned: [object Object]
also even i dont return anything, console.log(
) doest work
I am using navigation V4
Is this working?
import { useFocusEffect } from '#react-navigation/native';
useFocusEffect(useCallback(() => {
}, [something]));
If not check if react navigation is configured correctly.
In React navigation 4.x you will have to follow one of the methods in this guide https://reactnavigation.org/docs/4.x/function-after-focusing-screen/
For useEffect to work properly, the flow is following:
in the square brackets in the end you add a variable which triggers the action. In your case it only triggers on the firs run, and on navigation variable change
you should run your function within useEffect. You have only defined a constant in the body of useEffect, but you never run it.
optionally you may return a function in the end of a run. This function is triggered only when the component unmounts, and used to avoid memory leaks.
Based on this: I'm not sure what are you trying to achieve (unclear from your original post), but this may be what you want:
useEffect(() => {
navigation.addListener('focus', () => {
const unsubscribe = () => navigation.removeListener('focus'); // !!! I'm not sure about this one, check the docs how to unsubscribe !!!
return unsubscribe;
}, [navigation]); // << triggers useEffect
Assuming you are using the latest version of react-navigation you must the use-focus-effect.
Your code should be updated as mentioned below
useCallback(() => {
const unsubscribe = () => {
return () => unsubscribe();
}, [userId])

How to use useFocusEffect hook

As the docs https://reactnavigation.org/docs/en/next/use-focus-effect.html,
"Sometimes we want to run side-effects when a screen is focused. A side effect may involve things like adding an event listener, fetching data, updating document title, etc."
I'm trying to use useFocusEffect to fetch data everytime that the user go to that page.
on my component I have a function which dispatch an action with redux to fetch the data:
const fetchData = ()=>{
Actually I'm using useEffect hook to call fetchData(), but I'd like to fetch data everytime that the user go to that page and not only when rendered the first time.
It's not clear from the documentation how to use useFocusEffect and I'm not having success on how to do it.
Any help?
The docs show you how to do it. You need to replace API.subscribe with your own thing:
React.useCallback(() => {
}, [dispatch, companyJobsFetch, userDetails.companyId])
For version react navigation 4.x, you can use addEvent listener
useEffect(() => {
if (navigation.isFocused()) {
resetReviews(); // replace with your function
}, [navigation.isFocused()]);
useEffect(() => {
const focusListener = navigation.addListener('didFocus', () => {
// The screen is focused
// Call any action
_getBusiness({id: business?.id}); // replace with your function
return () => {
// clean up event listener
}, []);
For later version 5.x, you can use hooks to achieve this
import { useIsFocused } from '#react-navigation/native';
// ...
function Profile() {
const isFocused = useIsFocused();
return <Text>{isFocused ? 'focused' : 'unfocused'}</Text>;

Refresh Component on navigator.pop()

I'm using React Native's Navigator. Is there anyway to refresh the component so when I pop back to it, it'll make a new API call and grab the updated data to display in the component. I found a few similar questions, but no good answer...
Adding Api Call in callBack using a subscription. sovles the issue
componentDidMount() {
this.willFocusSubscription = this.props.navigation.addListener(
() => {
componentWillUnmount() {
You can send a callback function to nextscene from previous one as a prop.
name: *nextscene*,
passProps: {
text: response,
callBack: this.callback
async callback(){
await ....//make new api request grab the udpated data
Then in your nextscene you call callback method and then pop. You can also send parameters
When pop () to refresh before a page is not a good idea
You can try DeviceEventEmitter object
previous page DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('xxx', callback) in componentDidMount
current page DeviceEventEmitter.emit('xxx', anythingInCallback...) before pop()
ps:previous pageDeviceEventEmitter.removeAllListeners('xxx') in componentWillUnmount
I doubt you're still looking for an answer to this, but holy crap has this kept me up tonight. I'm very new to React Native, but I finally had some success.
The React Navigation API docs have a section for adding event listeners! Check it out! I shared some of my own code below too.
This is an example event handler in a Component that is the top screen of the StackNavigator stack. It grabs the current state and saves to the backend using an API call. After completion, StackNavigator's pop is called.
handleSubmit = () => {
const { value, otherValue } = this.state
addThingToDatabase({ value, otherValue })
.then(() => this.props.navigation.pop())
Now over to the other Component which is the screen "underneath" in the StackNavigator stack. This is screen being shown after the "pop". Here's what I used to have in ComponentDidMount.
componentDidMount() {
const { index } = this.props.navigation.state.params
getAllThingsFromDatabase({ index })
.then(({ arrayOfThings }) => this.setState({
But the Component wouldn't update with the new thing, until addListener! Now I have pretty much the same code except it's in the constructor. I figured I only need to run it one time, and I need to store it too.
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context)
this.state = {
index: null,
arrayOfThings: []
this.willFocusSubscription = this.props.navigation.addListener(
(payload) => {
const { index } = payload.state.params
getAllThingsFromDatabase({ index })
.then(({ arrayOfThings }) => this.setState({
Note that the docs also mention unsubscribing the event listener using the .remove() function. I put that in ComponentWillUnmount().
componentWillUnmount() {
There are four different events to subscribe to. I went with willFocus thinking it'll update before the screen is seen.
You should save the state of the page and emit an action in componentDidMount since it is invoked immediately after a component is mounted.
Since your component has been already mounted you should listen ComonentWillReceiveProps instead.
The simple way is to use react native navigation resetTo function. It will replace the top item and pop to it.
If we do like this componentWillReceiveProps will call. So we can provide the API calls in that function and make it simple.
for more details https://facebook.github.io/react-native/docs/navigatorios.html#resetto