Karate test framework - How to check presence of parameter in response? - karate

My response (from REST API) can be have an gg.Errors array in body.
* def tag = response['gg:CreateClientRS']['gg:Errors']['gg:Error']['#Tag'][0];
* ???
* match tag contains "org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException"
How to write this part in case without gg.Errors array?
case 1: no errors => run next step
case 2: errors + contains "org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException" => next step
case 3: errors + not contains "org.codehaus.jackson.JsonParseException" => KO

Maybe not contains (not) !contains
* match response !contains {gg:Errors}
or contains any match contains any URL
* def response = ['gg:CreateClientRS']['gg:Errors']['gg:Error']['#Tag'][0]
* match response.gg contains any [ 'CreateClientR', 'Errors', 'Error']
For more info check:
/Index /Assert section URL


how to pass a string in parm request and loop it in my request path without saving to a file and creating table

so i created/def a object with
And def memeberIDs = $.users[*].id
And print memeberIDs
and i get a list like so
My next request looks like
Given url 'https://api.someurl.com/v2/users//meetings?type=all&page_size=30&page_number=1'
Take some time and study this example. And read this part of the documentation: https://github.com/intuit/karate#dynamic-scenario-outline
* def list = ['foo', 'bar']
* def data = karate.mapWithKey(list, 'name')
Scenario Outline:
* url 'http://httpbin.org'
* path 'anything'
* param test = name
* method get
| data |
This example will make 2 requests,
1) GET http://httpbin.org/anything?test=foo
2) GET http://httpbin.org/anything?test=bar

Karate - match fails for inline array

I am trying to take some values from json and compare with array.
Feature: sample
Scenario: Sample scenario
* def exp = {"firstname":"AAAA", "lastName":"XXXX"}
* def actual = ['AAAA','XXXX']
* match actual == [exp.firstname,exp.lastName]
# I get error: path: $[0], actual: 'AAAA', expected: 'exp.firstname'
# However Below code works fine
* def arr = [exp.firstname,exp.lastName]
* match actual == arr # Works fine
Is it as expected ? is match not supporting making inline array ?
Read this section of the docs carefully: https://github.com/intuit/karate#enclosed-javascript
* match actual == ([exp.firstname, exp.lastName])
* match actual == [ '#(exp.firstname)', '#(exp.lastName)' ]

Karate framework variable usage

I have this steps:
Then status 200
And match response.requests[0].request.url == "/endpoint"
And json body = response.requests[0].request.body
And match body == { "something": "something"}
To simplify, I tried to put response.requests[0].request in a variable called request:
Then status 200
And def request = response.requests[0].request
And match request.url == "/endpoint"
And json body = request.body
And match body == { "something": "something"}
I'm having the following error:
'request' is not a variable, use the form '* request <expression>' instead
I read the documentation and the use of request seems to be fine:
Given def color = 'red '
And def num = 5
Then assert color + num == 'red 5'
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.
Just make this change:
* def req = response.requests[0].request
# other steps
* request req
We simply disallow def request (using request as a variable name) because a lot of newbie users get confused. The error message has worked 99.9% of the time for users to understand what the problem is, but I guess you fall in the 0.1% :)

How to pass single param to separate feature file

I've tried below to send a param to separate feature file ( by following this example ) but, it is not working as expected.
* def id = '55000000005021'
* def result = call read('delete_project.feature')
Given path 'project', '#(id)'
When method DELETE
Then status 200
Then match response.status == 'success'
Getting below exception
com.intuit.karate.exception.KarateException: projects.feature:48 -
delete_project.feature:11 - status code was: 404, expected: 200,
response time: 239, url: https://localhost:8080/project/%23(id)
check if the URL trying to access is a correct one"}} at ✽.* def
result = call read('delete_project.feature') (projects.feature:48)
One more doubt, How to iterate this by passing list of ids. I've multiple id in foo variable, I would like call delete_project.feature for each id availble in that foo variable.
* def foo = get response.data[*].id
I think you over-complicated the path params, change to:
Given path 'project', id
And read this part of the docs: https://github.com/intuit/karate#rules-for-embedded-expressions

How to pass the json list response of one feature file as parameter to another feature file

My requirement is, I want to pass the response of first feature file as input to second feature file. The first feature file response is a json list, so the expectation is second feature file should be called for each value of json list.
Scenario: identify the reference account
* def initTestData = read('../inputData.feature')
* def accountData = $initTestData.response
* print “Account Details”+accountData // output of this is a json list [“SB987658”,”SB984345”]
* def reqRes = karate.call('../Request.feature', { accountData : accountData })
In Request.feature file we are constructing the url dynamically
Given url BaseUrl + '/account/'+'#(accountId)' - here am facing issue[“SB987658”,”SB984345”]
My requirement is Request.feature should be called for each value in ‘accountData’ Json list
I have tried:
* def resAccountList = karate.map(accountData, function(x){accountId.add(x) })
* def testcaseDetails = call read('../requests/scenarios.feature') resAccountList.accountId
Result is same, accountId got replaced as [“SB987658”,”SB984345”]
my I need to call Request.feature twice and use the response of each call to the subsequent feature file calls.
I think you have a mistake in karate.map() look at the below example:
* def array = ['SB987658', 'SB984345']
* def data = karate.map(array, function(x){ return { value: x } })
* def result = call read('called.feature') data
And called.feature is:
Given url 'https://httpbin.org'
And path 'anything', value
When method get
Then status 200
Which makes 2 requests: