NPX command not running in Azure pipeline - npm

I need your help
I was trying to run my cypress test cases which I generally run using command
"npx cypress run"
so I tried to have the same command in tasks when I created Azure pipeline
after NPM Install
I even tried installing npx via
npm task and custom command "npm install nx"
and this causing the below issue so can anyone suggest to me how to proceed in this case
"##[warning]Couldn't find a debug log in the cache or working directory
##[error]Error: Npm failed with return code: 1

From the error screenshot, it shows that you are using the Npm Task and running the command: npm npm install nx.
The command is invalid.
To solve this issue, you need to remove the npm in the NPM task -> Command and arguments .
Refer to the following sample:
YAML Pipeline:
- task: Npm#1
displayName: 'npm custom'
command: custom
verbose: false
customCommand: 'install nx'
Classic Pipeline:


Azure DevOps - npm invisible

I have a strange problem with a release pipeline in Azure DevOps.
I have two tasks:
1) Install packages
2) Run npm using the above packages
All seems to be easy so what I do is:
1) Command line task
npm install -g mkdirp 1.0.3
npm install -g newman
npm install -g newman-reporter-junitfull
2) PowerShell task
$(newman run $collection -e $environment --env-var "x=$(x)" -r junit --reporter-junit-export $resultFile)
This all worked fine until today. I tried a lot, but nothing works.
The error I have is:
newman : The term 'newman' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,
function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the
name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and
try again.
Did anyone have a similar issue?
I ran above npm install scripts in a Command line task, and found only the first npm install command got executed. And my following powershell task to run newman command failed with above error message too. You can check the log of Command line task to see if it is the same issue.
If you want to report this issue, you can report a problem here.
The workaround i found is to run the npm install commands in a Powershell task too, do not use Command line task. Then the npm install commands will all get executed and the following powershell task can run successfully.
Or you can separate above three npm install commands into three Command line tasks to install them separately, which will make sure the newman library is installed.

When I run cypress as npm run cypress run build fails

I have installed cypress using npm as npm install cypress --save-dev .
I used the same command in .gitlab-ci.yml file
When i run the command npm run cypress run locally , IDE opens and when i double click the spec.js file , then the tests run.
But I i use the same command on the gitlab pipeline , it says
cypress open "run"
It looks like this is your first time using Cypress: 4.1.0
[07:45:16] Verifying Cypress can run /osmc/ux/framework-acceptance-tests/cache/Cypress/4.1.0/Cypress [started]
[07:45:18] Verifying Cypress can run /osmc/ux/framework-acceptance-tests/cache/Cypress/4.1.0/Cypress [completed]
Opening Cypress...
and build fails .
Am i missing anything here ?
It's because it's opening the test runner, which is used locally via npx cypress open.
From that output it looks like you're running npx cypress open run, which isn't a real command and will open the runner
In CI you need to use npx cypress run, which will run tests without user interaction.
Your gitlab.yml file should accomodate for the npm installations.
One example is as below. Meanwhile also please check the test/run command for your specs under package.json file. use the same command to trigger the test in pipeline.
- test
image: cypress/browsers:node12.14.1-chrome85
stage: test
npm i
npm run start:ci &
npx cypress run
You should have your .gitlab-ci.yml with:
- test
image: cypress/browsers:node16.14.0-slim-chrome99-ff97
stage: test
- npm ci
- npx cypress run

GitLab private runner stuck on npm install

I'm trying to set up a CI pipeline on using a private runner instead of a shared one. The project uses Node, so I'm using a node:6 image.
The .gitlab-ci.yml looks like this:
image: node:6
- test
stage: test
- npm install
- npm run test:unit
when: always
The runner stays on "running" stage for about 30 minutes and only then started to output something relevant:
npm ERR! fetch failed
npm WARN retry will retry, error on last attempt: Error: connect ETIMEDOUT
What can I do to solve this? I thought that installing gitlab-runner on a DigitalOcean droplet would be the only things to worry about.
Replacing node:6 with node:latest fixed this problem.

Error Executing NPM command In VSTS CI Build

I'm new to CI Builds in VSTS and as a result, having a struggle with a specific npm task.
In the Build process, after the first five tasks execute, I use an npm task with a custom command. This command executes webpack script defined in my package.json
npm run prod
"prod": "webpack --env.NODE_ENV=production --config webpack.config.js --progress"
When this task runs, it errors with the following message
Error: Npm failed with return code: 1
Thoughts? Suggestions? This is trying me a little insane, I'm sure there's a simple solution :)
Replace npm run prod to run prod in command and arguments box.

Mocha command is not found after adding in environment Variables in CodeBuild

In my buildspec.yml file I have a post-build command that runs my mocha tests:
npm run mochatest
That is something I have set in package.json as follows:
"scripts": {
"mochatest": "mocha --timeout 30000 test/functional_api_crud.js"
CodeBuild runs and it starts mocha and then I had a test failure because an environment variable I used in my Node.js code was not set. So, I went into the advanced settings of CodeBuild and added in the needed environment variables. Now when the run happens I get an error that mocha cannot be found! The error lines are:
[Container] 2017/12/28 19:24:29 Running command npm run mochatest
newswatcher#0.0.1 mochatest /codebuild/output/src251232826/src
mocha --timeout 30000 test/functional_api_crud.js
sh: 1: mocha: not found
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /codebuild/output/src251232826/src/npm-debug.log
This started happening after I added in my own environment variables! Did some other environment variable get upset because I did this?
It turns out that I had set the NODE_ENV environment variable to production and thus, an npm install does not bring in my devDependencies modules!