Expo: console.log stopped showing up - react-native

SDK Version: 45
Platforms(Android/iOS/web/all): iOS
Add the appropriate "Tag" based on what Expo library you have a question on.
My managed expo project suddenly stopped showing console.log on terminal when I run expo run:ios.
Also, auto bundling on file changes also stopped.
The following is the version information I get when I run npm list.
├── #babel/core#7.18.10
├── #primer/primitives#7.9.0
├── #react-native-async-storage/async-storage#1.17.9
├── #react-native-firebase/analytics#15.3.0
├── #react-native-firebase/app#15.3.0
├── #react-native-firebase/auth#15.3.0
├── #react-native-firebase/firestore#15.3.0
├── #react-navigation/bottom-tabs#6.3.2
├── #react-navigation/native-stack#6.7.0
├── #react-navigation/native#6.0.11
├── #sanity/client#3.3.3
├── #shopify/restyle#2.1.0
├── #types/flat#5.0.2
├── #types/lodash#4.14.184
├── #types/react-native#0.66.21
├── #types/react#17.0.48
├── dotenv#16.0.1
├── expo-apple-authentication#4.2.1
├── expo-av#11.2.3
├── expo-build-properties#0.2.0
├── expo-dev-client#1.0.1
├── expo-splash-screen#0.15.1
├── expo-status-bar#1.3.0
├── expo#45.0.8
├── flat#5.0.2
├── lodash#4.17.21
├── react-dom#17.0.2
├── react-native-pager-view#5.4.15
├── react-native-reanimated#2.8.0
├── react-native-safe-area-context#4.2.4
├── react-native-screens#3.11.1
├── react-native-web#0.17.7
├── react-native#0.68.2
├── react#17.0.2
└── typescript#4.3.5

I solved this problem by upgrading expo sdk from 45 to 46 by executing expo-cli upgrade.
To find more information about expo sdk migration: please refer to "Upgrading your app" section of this post.


Request failed with status 400 due to invalid cookie domain: Cookie 'domain' mismatch

I am using webdriver io and getting below error.
webdriver: Request failed with status 400 due to invalid cookie domain: invalid cookie domain: Cookie 'domain' mismatch
I have removed node modules and restarted system ,installled again .Still facing issue.These step worked for me earlier but not now.Below are the versions of packages I am using.Chrome version on my system is 91.0.4472.114
── #babel/cli#7.12.10
├── #babel/core#7.12.10
├── #babel/preset-env#7.12.11
├── #babel/register#7.12.10
├── #wdio/allure-reporter#7.7.3
├── #wdio/cli#7.7.4
├── #wdio/devtools-service#7.7.4
├── #wdio/jasmine-framework#7.7.3
├── #wdio/local-runner#7.7.4
├── #wdio/selenium-standalone-service#7.7.4
├── #wdio/spec-reporter#7.7.3
├── #wdio/sync#7.7.4
├── allure-commandline#2.13.8
├── atob#2.1.2
├── eslint-plugin-import#2.22.1
├── eslint#5.16.0
├── fs-extra#7.0.1
├── jasmine-allure-reporter#1.0.2
├── jasmine-expect#4.0.3
├── jasmine#3.7.0
├── lodash#4.17.21
├── prettier#1.18.2
├── randomstring#1.1.5
├── superagent#5.3.1
├── wd#1.13.0
├── wdio-docker-service#2.4.0
├── wdio-timeline-reporter#5.1.4
└── webdriverio#6.12.1

Force include node_modules in package?

I want to npm publish my dist dir that looks like this:
├── README.md
├── node_modules
│   └── clap
│   └── dist
│   └── es
│   ├── index.js
│   └── index.js.map
├── package.json
└── utils
├── memory-stream.js
├── memory-stream.js.map
├── mysql-users.js
├── mysql-users.js.map
├── sql.js
├── sql.js.map
├── utils.js
└── utils.js.map
Notice how there's a node_modules dir in there. I want to publish that along with everything else.
The files in there are compiled, but they're part of a local package not distributed on npm, so I do want it bundled.
My code references it like this:
var index = require('../node_modules/clap/dist/es/index.js');
So it should work perfectly fine.
The problem is that it looks like npm publish has it hardcoded to ignore directories called node_modules. Is there any way to override that behaviour?

webpack load amd path modules dependency

I am testing the loading of modules in webpack. How would you indicate the path of the dependency in an AMD module?
My project has something like this:
├── modules
│   ├── mod1.js
│   ├── mod2.js
│   └── others
│   └── mod3.js
├── public
│   └── bundle.js
├── src
│   └── app
│   └── app.js
└── webpack.config.js
in app.js I import only mod3.js therefore you must compile the three JS (mod1, mod2, mod3) since mod3.js depend on them.
I have a "others" route. Every time I create a folder I have to include the following line in webpack.config.js?
path.resolve(__dirname, 'modules/others'),
Is it not possible to indicate the path of the dependency in the module itself without webpack compiling go to the hard defined in the config?
Thank you

Which elm package versions are installed?

elm-package can manage dependencies for elm, but the only commands it supports (as of version 0.18.0) are install, publish, bump and diff according to running it without arguments. I was expecting something like elm-package list to show the installed packages.
Is there a command to list the currently installed elm package versions?
I think there is no one, but you can execute tree elm-stuff/packages -L 3 --noreport in your command line.
You will get a tree like this:
├── debois
│   ├── elm-dom
│   │   └── 1.2.3
│   └── elm-mdl
│   └── 8.1.0
├── elm-lang
│   ├── core
│   │   └── 5.1.1
│   ├── dom
│   │   └── 1.1.1
│   ├── html
│   │   └── 2.0.0
│   ├── http
│   │   └── 1.0.0
│   ├── mouse
│   │   └── 1.0.1
│   ├── virtual-dom
│   │   └── 2.0.4
│   └── window
│   └── 1.0.1
├── mgold
│   └── elm-date-format
│   └── 1.2.0
└── thaterikperson
└── elm-strftime
You can also just do cat elm-stuff/exact-dependencies.json, but there is no guarantee of have them installed:
"debois/elm-mdl": "8.1.0",
"elm-lang/virtual-dom": "2.0.4",
"elm-lang/mouse": "1.0.1",
"mgold/elm-date-format": "1.2.0",
"elm-lang/dom": "1.1.1",
"elm-lang/html": "2.0.0",
"elm-lang/http": "1.0.0",
"debois/elm-dom": "1.2.3",
"elm-lang/window": "1.0.1",
"elm-lang/core": "5.1.1"
If you use the Lighttable editor with the elm-light plug in then you would have a command to show (and add) packages.

Change modules loading priority

I would like to know the right way to change modules loading priorities in Linux. I want to have hdmi and LCD output the most quickly.
For now it take 3 seconds to came, I know it's not delay due to hdmi or TV because the first stuff I see on screen is some lines about mali init (mali is the name of the GPU here).
I use a A10-Olinuxino-Lime board with an homemade rootfs generated using buildroot and a custom Linux made for this kind of processor (linux-sunxi).
The tree of /etc/:
├── dhcp
│   ├── dhclient.conf
│   └── dhcpd.conf
├── dropbear
├── fstab
├── group
├── hostname
├── hosts
├── init.d
│   ├── rcK
│   ├── rcS
│   ├── S01logging
│   ├── S20urandom
│   ├── S40network
│   ├── S50dropbear
│   ├── S80dhcp-relay
│   ├── S80dhcp-server
│   ├── S80mali
│   └── S99TVOS
├── inittab
├── inittab~
├── inputrc
├── issue
├── ld.so.cache
├── ld.so.conf
├── ld.so.conf.d
├── mtab -> /proc/mounts
├── network
│   ├── if-down.d
│   ├── if-post-down.d
│   ├── if-post-up.d
│   ├── if-pre-down.d
│   ├── if-pre-up.d
│   ├── if-up.d
│   └── interfaces
├── nsswitch.conf
├── os-release
├── passwd
├── profile
├── protocols
├── random-seed
├── resolv.conf -> ../tmp/resolv.conf
├── securetty
├── services
├── shadow
├── ts.conf
└── wpa_supplicant.conf
Do you have any ideas ?
I'd create an /etc/init.d/S00modules script containing a sequence of insmod (or modprobe if your env supports it) lines.
If that doesn't help, then your modules are loaded even earlier,and you'll have to find how and where that happens. I'd first look at /sbin/init or what is used instead.