How to remove active classes from all buttons before making another one active? - vue.js

I'm new to vue, I still don't understand everything, tell me. I have buttons that I display through v-for, I need to get the active class of only one button when pressed, all the others need to be turned off, tell me, preferably visually, how can I do it better?
I am using the method activeBtn, but this doesn't turn off the active class from the previous buttons
activeBtn(event, index) {
this.buttons[index].isActive = !this.buttons[index].isActive;
data() {
return {
buttons: [
label: "A",
isActive: false,
type: "border-left",
name: "BorderLeftComonent",
label: "A",
isActive: false,
type: "text-balloon",
name: "TextBalloonComponent"
label: "A",
isActive: false,
type: "dashed",
name: "DashedComponent"
methods: {
activeBtn(event, index) {
this.buttons[index].isActive = !this.buttons[index].isActive;
<div id="btn-box">
v-for="(button, index) in buttons"
:class="button.isActive ? 'on' : 'off'"
#click="component =, activeBtn($event, index)">
<div :class="`btn btn-${button.type}`">{{ button.label }}</div>

Since you only want to get one active button at any one point, it doesn't make sense to manage the active state inside each button.
Instead, you should manage it at group level by storing the currently selected button's id. A button would then be active when its id matches the currently selected id.
Here's an example:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: () => ({
buttons: [
id: "button-1",
label: "A",
type: "border-left",
name: "BorderLeftComonent"
id: "button-2",
label: "A",
type: "text-balloon",
name: "TextBalloonComponent"
id: "button-3",
label: "A",
type: "dashed",
name: "DashedComponent"
activeButtonId: "button-1"
methods: {
activate(id) {
this.activeButtonId = id;
.on {
background-color: red
.off {
background-color: blue
.on, .off {
color: white
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
v-for="{id, type, label} in buttons"
:class="activeButtonId === id ? 'on' : 'off'"
<div :class="`btn btn-${type}`" v-text="label" />


Google Maps showing grey box in Vue modal

I have a <b-modal> from VueBootstrap, inside of which I'm trying to render a <GmapMap> (
It's rendering a grey box inside the modal, but outside the modal it renders the map just fine.
All the searching I've done leads to the same solution which I'm finding in some places is google.maps.event.trigger(map, 'resize') which is not working. Apparently, it's no longer part of the API [Source:]
<div class="text-center">
<h1>{{ title }}</h1>
<div class="row d-flex justify-content-center">
<div class="col-md-8">
:center="{ lat: 42, lng: 42 }"
<template v-slot:cell(actions)="row">
#click="info(row.item, row.index, $"
:center="{ lat: 42, lng: 42 }"
// import axios from "axios";
import { gmapApi } from 'gmap-vue';
export default {
name: "RenderList",
props: {
title: String,
computed: {
google() {
return gmapApi();
updated() {
this.$refs.modalMapRef.$mapPromise.then((map) => {
map.setCenter(new, -2));
map.setZoom(2);, 'resize');
data: function () {
return {
items: [
{ id: 1, lat: 42, long: 42 },
{ id: 2, lat: 42, long: 42 },
{ id: 3, lat: 42, long: 42 },
isBusy: false,
fields: [
key: "id",
sortable: true,
class: "text-left",
key: "text",
sortable: true,
class: "text-left",
key: "actions",
label: "Actions"
mapModal: {
id: "map-modal",
title: "",
item: ""
methods: {
// dataProvider() {
// this.isBusy = true;
// let promise = axios.get(process.env.VUE_APP_LIST_DATA_SERVICE);
// return promise.then((response) => {
// this.isBusy = false
// return;
// }).catch(error => {
// this.isBusy = false;
// console.log(error);
// return [];
// })
// },
info(item, index, button) {
this.mapModal.title = `Label: ${}`;
this.mapModal.item = item;
this.$root.$emit("bv::show::modal",, button);
resetInfoModal() {
this.mapModal.title = "";
this.mapModal.content = "";
<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>
h1 {
margin-bottom: 60px;
.gmap {
width: 100%;
height: 300px;
margin-bottom: 60px;
Does anyone know how to get the map to display properly in the modal?
Surely, I'm not the first to try this?
Had this problem, in my case it was solved by providing the following options to google maps:
mapOptions: {
center: { lat: 10.365365, lng: -66.96667 },
clickableIcons: false,
streetViewControl: false,
panControlOptions: false,
gestureHandling: 'cooperative',
mapTypeControl: false,
zoomControlOptions: {
style: 'SMALL'
zoom: 14
However you can probably make-do with just center and zoom.
Edit: Try using your own google maps components, follow this tutorial:
You can use the package described in the tutorial to load the map, dont be scared by the big red "deprecated" warning on the npm package page.
However for production, you should use the package referenced by the author, which is the one backed by google:
The only big difference between the two:
The 'google' object is not returned by the non-deprecated loader, it is instead attached to the window. See my answer here for clarification:
'google' is not defined Using Google Maps JavaScript API Loader
Happy coding!

Vue.js: Including same instance of component multiple times in page

What I am trying to accomplish:
I have some filters that display on a page to filter the products that display on the page. In mobile, I want to hide these filters behind a button that, once pressed, will show the filters in a slide out menu from the side.
While I can duplicate the same components on the page twice, the components are not the exact same instance, that is, clicking on a filter will trigger that function to filter the products on the page, but it sets its own data attributes, which I am using to say "if data attribute 'selected' is true, add a 'selected' class to the component. When I resize the window, the other instance of the component does not have the 'selected' data attribute marked as 'true'.
I expect this, because, from the docs:
Notice that when clicking on the buttons, each one maintains its own, separate count. That’s because each time you use a component, a new instance of it is created.
...but what would be the best way to do this?
I played around with the idea of just setting a class 'mobile' on the component, and the .mobile css would style the components differently, but I need for it to break out where it is nested.
<!-- desktop -->
<!-- mobile -->
Here is my Vue component 'guitar-filters' that displays several components called 'instrument-filter':
Vue.component('guitar-filters', {
data: function() {
return {
isMobile: false
mounted: function() {
var comp = this;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
methods: {
setIsMobile: function() {
this.isMobile = (window.innerWidth <= 900) ? true : false;
template: `
<ul class="filters" :class="{mobile: isMobile}">
<instrument-filter filter-by="series" filter="All">All</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="series" filter="Frontier">Frontier</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="series" filter="Legacy">Legacy</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="series" filter="USA">USA</instrument-filter>
Body Shape
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="All">All</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="Concert">Concert</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="Concertina">Concertina</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="Concerto">Concerto</instrument-filter>
<instrument-filter filter-by="bodyType" filter="Orchestra">Orchestra</instrument-filter>
The instrument-filter component:
Vue.component('instrument-filter', {
data: function() {
return {
selected: false
props : [
methods: {
addFilter: function() {
this.$root.$emit('addFilter',{filterBy: this.filterBy,filter: this.filter});
clearFilter: function() {
this.$root.$emit('clearFilter',{filterBy: this.filterBy,filter: this.filter});
template: `
<li :class="{ 'selected' : selected }" #click="selected = !selected; selected ? addFilter() : clearFilter()"><slot></slot></li>
ul.filters > li > ul > li.selected::before {
content: "✔️";
The goal is to have a filter have the 'selected' class in both instances. If I click on 'concert' body shape, and then resize the window to mobile breakpoint, the other instance of that filter component will be selected also.
EDIT: I could hack this. I could move one instance of the component with javascript, but I'm learning Vue, and want to do this the Vue way and best practices.
There's a number of different ways you can handle this. It looks like you've started down the event bus path. Another option could be to use shared app state (see Vuex).
What I've done is similar to shared state, but just using app (same would apply to a common parent component) data. The shared object is passed to both instances of the component. If an item is selected, the appropriate entry is toggled. Since the object is shared, both components stay in sync.
If there was no common parent component, you'd have to look at events or state.
Take a look and see if that helps.
Vue.component('guitar-filters', {
props: [ 'data' ],
data: function() {
return {
isMobile: false
mounted: function() {
var comp = this;
window.addEventListener('resize', function() {
methods: {
setIsMobile: function() {
this.isMobile = (window.innerWidth <= 900) ? true : false;
template: `
<ul class="filters" :class="{mobile: isMobile}">
<instrument-filters :list="data.seriesFilters"/>
Body Shape
<instrument-filters :list="data.bodyFilters"/>
Vue.component('instrument-filters', {
props : [ 'list', ],
methods: {
toggle(toggleItem) {
let itemInList = this.list.find((item) => item.value === toggleItem.value);
itemInList.selected = !itemInList.selected;
template: `
<li v-for="item in list" :class="{ 'selected' : item.selected }" #click="toggle(item)">{{ item.label }}</li>
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
filterData: {
seriesFilters: [
{ label: 'All', value: 'All', selected: false },
{ label: 'Frontier', value: 'Frontier', selected: false },
{ label: 'Legacy', value: 'Legacy', selected: false },
{ label: 'USA', value: 'USA', selected: false },
bodyFilters: [
{ label: 'All', value: 'All', selected: false },
{ label: 'Concert', value: 'Concert', selected: false },
{ label: 'Concertina', value: 'Concertina', selected: false },
{ label: 'Concerto', value: 'Concerto', selected: false },
{ label: 'Orchestra', value: 'Orchestra', selected: false },
ul {
ul > li {
cursor: pointer;
ul.filters > li > ul > li.selected::before {
content: "✔️";
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<!-- desktop -->
<guitar-filters :data="filterData" />
<!-- mobile -->
<guitar-filters :data="filterData" />

Vue.js - Select / dropdown selected item vm binding is not working (bootstrap-vue)

I'm trying to create a simple vue that binds the selected item from a select/dropdown to a property in the vm.
I haven't been able to find a clear and simple example of how this is down when using an options collection that is also in the view model.
<h1>Select box</h1>
<b-dropdown id="ddCommodity"
text="Select Item"
class="m-md-2" v-on:change="changeItem">
<b-dropdown-item disabled value="0">Select an Item</b-dropdown-item>
<b-dropdown-item v-for="option in ddTestVm.options":selected="option.value == 'LME/ST_TNI_ALL'":value="option.value">{{option.text}}</b-dropdown-item>
</b-dropdown> <span>Selected: {{ ddTestVm.ddTestSelectedOption }}</span>
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
someOtherProperty: null,
ddTestVm: {
originalValue: [],
ddTestSelectedOption: "Value1",
disabled: false,
readonly: false,
visible: true,
color: "",
options: [
"value": "Value1",
"text": "Value1Text"
"value": "Value2",
"text": "Value2Text"
"value": "Value3",
"text": "Value3Text"
methods: {
changeItem: async function () {
//grab some remote data
try {
let response = await this.$http.get('' + this.ddTestVm.ddTestSelectedOption + '.json');
this.someOtherProperty =;
} catch (error) {
watch: {
async created() {
Regardless of what i've tried i cannot get the selected value in the dropdown to change the ddTestSelectedOption property of the vm.
Could anyone assist on this issue?
b-dropdown in bootstrap-vue does not support v-model. As the documentation states:
Dropdowns are toggleable, contextual overlays for displaying lists of
links and actions in a dropdown menu format.
In other words, b-dropdown is essentially a UI component for displaying a menu or similar set of options.
I expect what you want is b-form-select.
That said, you could add a click handler to the options that sets the value.
<b-dropdown-item v-for="option in ddTestVm.options"
#click="ddTestVm.ddTestSelectedOption = option.value">
Here is a working example.
I thing you need b-form-select
<b-form-select v-model="selected" :options="options"></b-form-select>
<b-form-select v-model="selected" :options="options" size="sm" class="mt-3"></b-form-select>
<div class="mt-3">Selected: <strong>{{ selected }}</strong></div>
export default {
data() {
return {
selected: null,
options: [
{ value: null, text: 'Please select an option' },
{ value: 'a', text: 'This is First option' },
{ value: 'b', text: 'Selected Option' },
{ value: { C: '3PO' }, text: 'This is an option with object value' },
{ value: 'd', text: 'This one is disabled', disabled: true }
Only b-form-select can achieve the selected value behaviour.
Non-Selected Value Preview:
Selected Value Preview:
Sample Code:
<b-form-select v-model="selected" :options="options"></b-form-select>
export default {
data() {
return {
selected: null,
options: [
{ value: 1, text: 'Please select an option' },
{ value: 2, text: 'This is First option' },
{ value: 3, text: 'Selected Option' }
Wanted to leave a comment, but code example looks pale there :)
Yes, b-dropdown does not properly support Vue model, but it doesn't have to.
For those still interested in exactly dropdown (f.e. because it looks fancier), consider:
<b-dropdown :text="$i18n.locale" >
<b-dropdown-item v-for="(lang, i) in $i18n.availableLocales" :key="`Lang${i}`" :value="lang" v-on:click="$i18n.locale = lang;" >{{lang}}</b-dropdown-item>
Slecifically v-on:click, which can handle the model value change for you.

How to delete a dynamically generated form based on the click of the delete button with respect to its ID in vuejs2

I am creating an application using Quasar and VueJS. I am able to generate a dynamic form on click of the add button, but not able to delete any of the newly generated form based on the click of the delete button.Find the code below:
<div v-for="h in htmlList">
<div v-for="r in h" >
<div v-html="r" v-on:click="useRemoveFromProject(1)" v-bind:id="">
* Root component
import Vue from 'vue'
export default {
name: 'q-app',
data () {
return {
flag: 0,
htmlList: [],
select: 'fb',
select1: 'fb1',
multipleSelect: ['goog', 'twtr'],
usersInProject: [],
selectOptions: [
label: 'Google',
value: 'goog'
label: 'Select',
value: 'fb'
label: 'Twitter',
value: 'twtr'
label: 'Apple Inc.',
value: 'appl'
label: 'Oracle',
value: 'ora'
selectOptions1: [
label: 'Integer',
value: 'goog1'
label: 'Float',
value: 'fb1'
label: 'String',
value: 'twtr1'
methods: {
useRemoveFromProject: function (id) {
Vue.delete(this.htmlList, id)
identifyMe: function (event) {
alert('hi - ' +
process: function () {
this.flag += 1
let temp = []
temp.push('<div class="card" id="a_' + this.flag + '"> <div class="card-content content-center "> <large id="l4">Expression LHS:</large> <input><br> <large id="l5">Operators:</large> <q-select type="radio" v-model="" :options="this.selectOptions"></q-select><br><large id="l4">Expression RHS:</large> <input><br><large id="l5">Data type:</large> <q-select type="radio" v-model="select1" :options="selectOptions1"></q-select><br></div><button class="cordova-hide circular red " style="margin-bottom:5px; margin-right:30px;" v-on:click="userRemoveFromProject(i)"><i>delete</i></button><input value="click" type="button"> </div>')
let ids = ['a_' + this.flag]
After looking to your code i noticed that you have some errors:
Call function useRemoveFromProject without the 'r' of 'user'
Call userRemoveFromProject when clicking on the element and not only the delete button
Call userRemoveFromProject(i) with a 'i' variable, but what is 'i' ?
Why using a double v-for? The first level is enough.
I propose to you a working example on a fiddle. Please let me know if it's useful for you (and mark it as resolve if it's the case).
EDIT: for Vue.js 2

VueTwo Way Data Binding with Nested Components

Suppose I want to display a List of Questions. For each question, there is a list of answers, none of which are right or wrong. For each question, the user can choose an answer. I'm wondering how to create two-way binding on the selected answer.
The Vue:
new Vue(
el: "#app",
questions: [{}]
Example Question Model:
id: 1,
name: "Which color is your favorite?",
selectedAnswerId: null,
selectedAnswerName: null,
{id: 1, name: red, photoUrl: ".../red", selected: false},
{id: 2, name: green, photoUrl: ".../green", selected: false},
{id: 3, name: blue, photoUrl: ".../blue", selected: false},
var myAnswer =
props: ["id", "name", "url", "selected"],
<div class="answer" v-bind:class="{selected: selected}">
<img class="answer-photo" v-bind:src="url">
<div class="answer-name">{{name}}</div>
props: ["id", "name", "answers"],
"my-answer": myAnswer
<div class ="question">
<div class="question-name">{{name}}</div>
<div class="question-answers">
<my-answer v-for="answer in answers" v-bind:id="" v-bind:name="" v-bind:url="answer.photoUrl" v-bind:selected="answer.selected"></my-answer>
When the user selects an answer to a question by clicking on the div, I want the Question model's selectedAnswerId/selectedAnswerName along with the answers selected property to be set accordingly. Therefore, what do I need to add to my components in order to accomplish this two-way binding? I believe it requires input elements and v-model, but I couldn't quite figure it out. Also, I am only one day into Vue.js and have no experience with related frameworks. So if I am doing anything blatantly wrong or against best practice, that would be good to know as well. Thanks in advance!
The answer will handle a click event and emit a (custom) selected-answer event. The question will have its own data item to store the selected answer ID; the answer component's selected prop will be based on that. The question will handle the selected-answer event by setting its selectedId.
var myAnswer = {
props: ["id", "name", "url", "selected"],
template: `
<div class="answer" v-bind:class="{selected: selected}"
<img class="answer-photo" :src="url">
<div class="answer-name">{{name}}</div>
methods: {
setSelection() {
Vue.component("my-question", {
props: ["id", "name", "answers"],
data() {
return {
selectedId: null
components: {
"my-answer": myAnswer
template: `
<div class ="question">
<div class="question-name">{{name}}</div>
<div class="question-answers">
<my-answer v-for="answer in answers"
:id="" :name="" :url="answer.photoUrl"
:selected=" === selectedId" #selected-answer="selectAnswer"></my-answer>
methods: {
selectAnswer(answerId) {
this.selectedId = answerId;
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
questions: [{
id: 1,
name: "Which color is your favorite?",
answers: [{
id: 1,
name: 'red',
photoUrl: ".../red"
id: 2,
name: 'green',
photoUrl: ".../green"
id: 3,
name: 'blue',
photoUrl: ".../blue"
.answer {
cursor: pointer;
.selected {
background-color: #f0f0f0;
<script src="//"></script>
<div id="app">
<my-question v-for="q in questions" :name="" :answers="q.answers"></my-question>