How to create scheduled query that writes to new table everyday? - sql

I have a query that I want to run every day, but the results need to be populated to a new table each day due to the amount of data each table will contain (~10B rows/day).
Essentially want to write to a new table like: my_database_name.my_table_name.my_results_{today's_date} each day.
I see the feature that allows creating a "Scheduled Query" but don't see any option to write to a new table each day.
Is this possible to do in BigQuery? How can I achieve this?

You can use query parameters to achieve this:
More detail can be found here:


In HIVE SQL, a table refreshes every day. How can I retrieve data in a past date?

The table digital_fans has two columns, blogger_id and fans_volumn. It refreshes everyday.
I'd like to retrieve fans_volumn in the last month to check who has the highest incremental in fans_volumn.
Specifically it should be (fans_volumn data in 2021.07.31) - (fans_volumn data in 2021.07.01) for each blogger_id.
I'm not sure how to do that in HIVE SQL. Appreciate your help guys

Need to create Period over Period Issue Reporting in SQL Server 2016

I am responsible for creating period-over-period and trend reporting for our Team's Issue Management Department. What I need to do is at copy table Issues at month-end into a new table IssuesHist and add a column with the current date example: 1/31/21. Then at the next month-end I need to take another copy of the Issues table and append it to the existing IssuesHist table, and then add the column again with the current date. For example: 2/28/21.
I need to do this to be able to run comparative analysis on a period-over-period basis. The goal is to be able to identify any activity (opening new issues, closing old ones, reopening issues, etc.) that occurred over the period.
Example tables below:
Issues Table with the current data from our front-end tool
I need to copy the above into the new IssuesHist and add a date column like so
Then at the following month end I need to do the same thing. For example if the Issues table looked like this (changes highlighted in Red)
I would need to Append that to the bottom of the existing IssuesHist table with the new Date. So that I could run queries comparing the data periods to identify any changes.
My research has shown that a Temporal Table may be the best solution here, but I am unable to DIM our existing database's tables to include system versioning.
Please let me know what solution would work, best, and if you have any SQL Statement Tips.
Thank you!

Adding a new column into Athena (Presto) table calculated by taking the difference between two rows

Over the past few weeks, I've written a pipeline that picks up all the clickstream data that is being broadcasted from a website. The pipeline makes use of AWS in the following way: S3 > EC2 (for transforms) > Athena (scanning a clean, partitioned s3). New data comes into the pipeline every 24hour and this works great - my clickstream data is easily queriable. However, I now need to add some additional columns i.e. time spent on each page. This can be achieved by sorting by user ID, timestamp and then taking the difference between the timestamp column of row_n1 and row_n2. So my questions are:
1) How can I do this via an SQL query? I'm struggling to get it to work, but my thinking is that once I do I can trigger this query every 24hours to run on the new clickstream data that's coming into Athena.
2) Is this a reasonable way to add additional columns or new aggregate tables? for example, build a query that runs every 24hours on new data to append to a new table.
Ideally, I don't want to touch any of the source code that's been written to do the "core" ETL pipeline
for reference my table looks similar to the following (with the new column time spent on page) :
| userID | eventNum | Category| Time | ...... | timeSpentOnPage |
'103-1023' '3' 'View' '12-10-2019...' 3s
Thanks for any direction/advice that can be provided.
I'm not entirely sure what you are asking, and some example data and expected output would be helpful. For example, I don't quite understand what you mean by row_n and row_m.
I'm going to guess that you mean something like calculating the difference between the timestamps of consecutive rows. That can be achieved by a query like
timestamp - LAG(timestamp, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY userID ORDER BY timestamp) AS timeSpentOnPage
FROM events
The LAG window function returns the value from a previous row (1 in this case means the previous row) in the window given by the window frame (in this case all rows with the same userID and sorted by timestamp). It's kind of like GROUP BY but for each row, if that makes sense.
It wouldn't quite give you the time spent on each page, some page views would look like they were very long when in fact there was just not any activity between them (say someone browsed some, went to lunch, and browsed some more – the last page view before lunch would look like it spanned the whole lunch).
There is no way to do the equivalent of UPDATE in Athena. The closest thing is doing a "CTAS" (Create Table AS) to create a new table (which with some automation can be turned into creating new partitions for existing tables).
If you provide some more information about your data I can revise this answer with other suggestions.

Finding the query that created a table in BigQuery

I am a new employee at the company. The person before me had built some tables in BigQuery. I want to investigate the create table query for that particular table.
Things I would want to check using the query is:
What joins were used?
What are the other tables used to make the table in question?
I have not worked with BigQuery before but I did my due diligence by reading tutorials and the documentation. I could not find anything related there.
Brief outline of your actions below:
Step 1 - gather all query jobs of that user using Jobs.list API - you must have Is Owner permission for respective projects to get someone else's jobs
Step 2 - extract only those jobs run by the user you mentioned and referencing your table of interest - using destination table attribute
Step 3 - for those extracted jobs - just simply check respective queries which allow you to learn how that table was populated
I have been looking for an answer since a long time.
Finally found it :
Go to the three bars tab on the left hand side top
From there go to the Analytics tab.
Select BigQuery under which you will find Scheduled queries option,click on that.
In the filter tab you can enter the keywords and get the required query of the table.
For me, I was able to go through my query history and find the query I used.
Step 1.
Go to the Bigquery UI, on the bottom there are personal history and project history tabs. If you can use the same account used to execute the query I recommend personal history.
Step 2.
Click on the tab and there will be a list of queries ordered from most recently run. Check the time the table was created and find a query that ran before the table creation time.
Since the query will run first and create the table there will be slight differences. For me it stayed between a few seconds.
Step 3.
After you find the query used to create the table, simply copy it. And you're done.

Bigquery and Tableau

I attached Tableau with Bigquery and was working on the Dash boards. Issue hear is Bigquery charges on the data a query picks everytime.
My table is 200GB data. When some one queries the dash board on Tableau, it runs on total query. Using any filters on the dashboard it runs again on the total table.
on 200GB data, if someone does 5 filters on different analysis, bigquery is calculating 200*5 = 1 TB (nearly). For one day on testing the analysis we were charged on a 30TB analysis. But table behind is 200GB only. Is there anyway I can restrict Tableau running on total data on Bigquery everytime there is any changes?
The extract in Tableau is indeed one valid strategy. But only when you are using a custom query. If you directly access the table it won't work as that will download 200Gb to your machine.
Other options to limit the amount of data are:
Not calling any columns that you don't need. Do this by hiding unused fields in Tableau. It will not include those fields in the query it sends to BigQuery. Otherwise it's a SELECT * and then you pay for the full 200Gb even if you don't use those fields.
Another option that we use a lot is partitioning our tables. For instance, a partition per day of data if you have a date field. Using TABLE_DATE_RANGE and TABLE_QUERY functions you can then smartly limit the amount of partitions and hence rows that Tableau will query. I usually hide the complexity of these table wildcard functions away in a view. And then I use the view in Tableau. Another option is to use a parameter in Tableau to control the TABLE_DATE_RANGE.
1) Right now I learning BQ + Tableau too. And I found that using "Extract" is must for BQ in Tableau. With this option you can also save time building dashboard. So my current pipeline is "Build query > Add it to Tableau > Make dashboard > Upload Dashboard to Tableau Online > Schedule update for Extract
2) You can send Custom Quota Request to Google and set up limits per project/per user.
3) If each of your query touching 200GB each time, consider to optimize these queries (Don't use SELECT *, use only dates you need, etc)
The best approach I found was to partition the table in BQ based on a date (day) field which has no timestamp. BQ allows you to partition a table by a day level field. The important thing here is that even though the field is day/date with no timestamp it should be a TIMESTAMP datatype in the BQ table. i.e. you will end up with a column in BQ with data looking like this:
2018-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC
The reasons the field needs to be a TIMESTAMP datatype (even though there is no time in the data) is because when you create a viz in Tableau it will generate SQL to run against BQ and for the partitioned field to be utilised by the Tableau generated SQL it needs to be a TIMESTAMP datatype.
In Tableau, you should always filter on your partitioned field and BQ will only scan the rows within the ranges of the filter.
I tried partitioning on a DATE datatype and looked up the logs in GCP and saw that the entire table was being scanned. Changing to TIMESTAMP fixed this.
The thing about tableau and Big Query is that tableau calculates the filter values using your query ( live query ). What I have seen in my project logging is, it creates filters from your own query.
select 'Custom SQL Query'.filtered_column from ( your_actual_datasource_query ) as 'Custom SQL Query' group by 'Custom SQL Query'.filtered_column
Instead, try to create the tableau data source with incremental extracts and also try to have your query date partitioned ( Big Query only supports date partitioning) so that you can limit the data use.