Hiding Scrollview items when there isn't enough room to show them - react-native

I'm currently developing an app where a list of items are being rendered in a ScrollView that's positioned before and after a View just like shown in the image.
Now as I scroll the first and last items tend to get occluded by the padding/Views. Is there any way to handle this behavior by making any partially occluded item not make it to the view?


Animating FlatList items

In my application I want to create a couple animations on my FlatList.
For example, after fetching the data and feeding it to the list I want the items that should be visible to slide from the left. When I'm scrolling each item (at the top) that supposed to disappear will slide out to the right and each item that should appear (at the bottom) should slide from the left. Is it possible in React Native?
I only managed to create one type of animation - items sliding right when they are about to disappear, but I don't have any idea how to make the items to appear from the left.
My Animated.View can receive only one type of transform. So how can create different types of input/output ranges for the top and the bottom of the list?
I tried to find some examples on the internet but couldn't find any for multiple animations, only for one type.
I think you will find React Native Reanimated's Entering and Exiting Animations API
useful for this task. It greatly simplifies animations like this in my experience.
In case you want to get more control. Using a FlatList, you can also use its onScroll prop to get the current value for YOffset (contentOffset.y) via the Reanimated useAnimatedScrollHandler. Thus you can figure out how much has been scrolled.
Which you could then use to manually apply any translateX's required to the Animated.View of whatever items the flatlist is rendering. The logic you'll of course have to figure out though. But it's a start.
Be sure to do any animation interpolates using UI thread worklets on Reanimated only. Good luck!

React Native (Flatlist)

Is there any way to set when the flatlist should become scrollable, I don't want my list items to get all the way to the bottom of the screen. I want it to start scrolling at a certain point in the array.

RN ScrollView reduce amount of swipe needed

I'm using a ScrollView for my app onboarding (horizontal scrolling/swiping).
How can I reduce the amount of swipe needed to move to the next page? (with pagingEnabled).
I want the user to be able to scroll with shorter swipe lengths rather than having to drag a lot to one side or the other.
And if I don't use pagingEnabled and instead use snapToInterval/Alignment and decelerationRate, I have this issue where the user can scroll multiple pages at once.

How to set the scrolling threshold for a react native ScrollView to switch to next/previous page

I currently have a ScrollView/Flatlist containing 4 items with paging enabled. When rendered, each item covers the entire screen in portrait mode. On Android, when the user tries to swipe vertically from one item to another, this requires "large" swipe gestures.
I am trying to increase the "sensitivity" of the react native ScrollView so that the user requires smaller swipe gestures to switch from one item to another.
At the moment the switch to the next/previous page requires that roughly 50% of the target page is visible. I want to reduce this value so that the user does not need to do big swipe gestures.
Any suggestions on how I could fine-tune the props of the ScrollView/FlatList would be great!

How to maintain position in scrollable view when elements load above the current position?

I have a react-native SectionList that contains multiple FlatLists in the view. When a user touches one of the elements in the bottom FlatList, some of the FlatLists above will load new data causing the user's current view to seem be pushed up. In other words, the user's y-position remains the same but the content that was previously in view now has a greater y-position.
How can I keep the user's y-position in sync with the elements they had in view before the elements in the other FlatLists above were added?
It is hard to answer without any code example.
Seems scrollToLocation method with animated: false after data was changed should do the trick.