Re-initialize scripts after Barba.js v2 transition? - gsap

I have a transitions I'm trying to perform that works. But when I change page I should reset my javascript but I can't. Someone to help me?
First image
Second image


Animated blocks in AOS and NUXT JS tends to disappear whenever the page reloads

I'm working on a project and using AOS animation but all div blocks that have an animation on them disappear whenever I refresh the page. I want to trigger a function whenever the page is refreshed so I can use the AOS.refresh(). Is there any way to do this in nuxt.js or maybe a way to go around this AOS bug?
here's an example this is how the page looks before reloading:
then after reloading:
As you can see. the elements that still appear after the reloading are the ones without AOS animation.
Additionally, if you focus your eyes on the sidebar, notice I have a home page. this problem happens literally everywhere except the home page. When I go to the home page then I go back to other pages the problem basically disappears.
Not sure where is your bug coming from but so far, the homepage of the library achieves to have an animation on a page refresh. Maybe it is a lifecycle code issue at some point. Maybe post some for us to help you debug this one.
To my knowledge, there is no way of watching if your webpage is actually refreshed because there is nothing related to state before this. The only somehow useful thing that may be used sometime is this.$router.history._startLocation, which will give you the first path your webapp was loaded on.
Not sure if it may help you anyhow.
Also, you can maybe give a shot to this library in VueJS and wire it to Nuxt. Should behave pretty much the same.

Google Optimize test with universal Analytics

I'm using Google Optimize with Analytics (UA).
I've made a couple of simple tests with succes but now I'm a little clueless how make to following test:
On a category-page we have an overview of products. The case is that I would like to know if the click-throughs to a product-detail are the same if I remove the button... (image & title are still clickable).
If anyone can put me in the right direction how to test this, it would be highly appreciated! :)
BTW: it must be a/b test, not a multi-variation...
first in your variant code you can remove these buttons (if you are developer is easy with JS in Global JS).
Second you have to check if all links in the card are measured, when title, image or button are clicked must be send an event to Google Analytics.
Third, you have to use this event as primary goal, you can create a custom goal with its action, category and label.

Sitefinity - How to add link to internal page

I'm new to Sitefinity. So far I see some built in widgets to add image and text and let other edit them later on. However, I want to build a block which contains an image, a short description and when click that block will jump to an internal page. I'm stuck at figuring out how to make the internal URL editable.
Anybody has experience about this?
Thank you

making a swf file into a linkable button

I'm not very handy with actionscript 2 let alone 3, but I simply want to make the flash animation on my website entry page into a link that connects my about page. I understand it can't be done the easy way with an href on the html page. So my research tells me that I can somehow use an invisible button in the fla file, but I can never each the details.
I have made buttons in flash, but never something that uses the entire stage.
thanks for the help
Your problem can be solved by the way click tag works, see how clicktag is implemented, thats excactly what you need.
oh, here's a link

jQuery Animation

I am trying to recreate some effects similar to the div loading effects on this site i.e. there is no visible content when you load the page but upon clicking on a navigation link, it dynamically loads the divs.
It is for a film studio website and I would like it to be interactive like this site. Does anyone know how I could achieve these effects with Javascript and/or jQuery?
Thanks for all the help in advance!
Have you used jQuery before or looked at the docs? This is really quite simple using jQuery's built-in animation effects such as fadeIn. The site you've linked to doesn't dynamically load the content - it's all part of the same page and simply displayed and hidden as appropriate.
Here's a rough fiddle showing how it works. Of course, you'd need to work out the styles and quirks in animations.