cant understand this kotlin companion object code - kotlin

I went through this code example but i can't get it to run neither do understand what it does exactly.
data class Order(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val data:String
data class OrderResponse(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val data: String
) {
companion object {
fun Order.toOrderResponse() = OrderResponse(
id = id,
name = name,
data = data ?: "",

The function in the companion object extends Order with a help function to turn Order instances into OrderResponse instances. So for example like
val order = Order("a", "b", "c")
val orderResponse = order.toOrderResponse()


kotlin data class constructors not getting picked up

I am creating a data class in kotlin as such
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
constructor(name: String, age: Int, size: String): this(name, age) {
In my main function, I can access the objects as such:
fun main(){
val x = User("foo", 5, "M")
println(x.size) // does not work
My problem is that I can't get access to size.
What I am trying to do is, create a data class where top level params are the common items that will be accessed, and in the constructors, have additional params that fit certain situations. The purpose is so that I can do something like
// something along the lines of
if (!haveSize()){
val person = User("foo", 5, "M")
} else {
val person = User("foo", 5)
Any ideas?
In Kotlin you do not need separate constructors for defining optional constructor params. You can define them all in a single constructor with default values or make them nullable, like this:
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int, val size: String = "M")
fun main(){
val x = User("foo", 5, "L")
val y = User("foo", 5)
println(x.size) // "L" from call site
println(y.size) // "M" from default param
You can not access size variable, because this is from secondary construct, but we have alternative variant.
data class User(var name: String, var age: Int) {
var size: String
init {
size = "size"
constructor(name: String, age: Int, size: String) : this(name, age) {
this.size = size
In short, you want to have one property that can be one of a limited number of options. This could be solved using generics, or sealed inheritance.
Here I've added an interface, MountDetails, with a generic parameter, T. There's a single property, val c, which is of type T.
data class User(
val mountOptions: MountOptions,
val mountDetails: MountDetails<*>,
data class MountOptions(
val a: String,
val b: String
interface MountDetails<T : Any> {
val c: T
data class MountOneDetails(override val c: Int) : MountDetails<Int>
data class MountTwoDetails(override val c: String) : MountDetails<String>
Because the implementations MountDetails (MountOneDetails and MountTwoDetails) specify the type of T to be Int or String, val c can always be accessed.
fun anotherCaller(user: User) {
fun main() {
val mt = MountOptions("foo", "bar")
val mountOneDetails = MountOneDetails(111)
anotherCaller(User(mt, mountOneDetails))
val mountTwoDetails = MountTwoDetails("mount two")
anotherCaller(User(mt, mountTwoDetails))
MountTwoDetails(c=mount two)
Generics have downsides though. If there are lots of generic parameters it's messy, and it can be difficult at runtime to determine the type of classes thanks to type-erasure.
Sealed inheritance
Since you only have a limited number of mount details, a much neater solution is sealed classes and interfaces.
data class User(val mountOptions: MountOptions)
sealed interface MountOptions {
val a: String
val b: String
data class MountOneOptions(
override val a: String,
override val b: String,
val integerData: Int,
) : MountOptions
data class MountTwoOptions(
override val a: String,
override val b: String,
val stringData: String,
) : MountOptions
The benefit here is that there's fewer classes, and the typings are more specific. It's also easy to add or remove an additional mount details, and any exhaustive when statements will cause a compiler error.
fun anotherCaller(user: User) {
// use an exhaustive when to determine the actual type
when (user.mountOptions) {
is MountOneOptions -> println(user.mountOptions.integerData)
is MountTwoOptions -> println(user.mountOptions.stringData)
// no need for an 'else' branch
fun main() {
val mountOne = MountOneOptions("foo", "bar", 111)
val mountTwo = MountTwoOptions("foo", "bar", "mount two")
mount two
This is really the "default values" answer provided by Hubert Grzeskowiak adjusted to your example:
data class OneDetails(val c: Int)
data class TwoDetails(val c: String)
data class MountOptions(val a: String, val b: String)
data class User(
val mountOptions: MountOptions,
val detailsOne: OneDetails? = null,
val detailsTwo: TwoDetails? = null
fun main() {
fun anotherCaller(user: User) = println(user)
val mt = MountOptions("foo", "bar")
val one = OneDetails(1)
val two = TwoDetails("2")
val switch = "0"
when (switch) {
"0" -> anotherCaller(User(mt))
"1" -> anotherCaller(User(mt, detailsOne = one))
"2" -> anotherCaller(User(mt, detailsTwo = two))
"12" -> anotherCaller(User(mt, detailsOne = one, detailsTwo = two))
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(switch)

Refer to attribute previously defined in constructor in Kotlin

I was wondering if there is any way to refer to a previously defined property in a constructor in Kotlin. Something like:
data class Order(
val id: String,
val transformedId: String
and then when initiating the class, do:
val orderId = getOrderId()
id = orderId,
transformedId = transform(id)
You can do this with a secondary constructor.
data class Order(
val id: String,
val transformedId: String
) {
constructor(id: String): this(id, transform(id))
If you want this to be the only way to create the class, you can make the primary constructor private:
data class Order private constructor(
val id: String,
val transformedId: String
) {
constructor(id: String): this(id, transform(id))

Why class member property reflection in Kotlin?

In 'Kotlin in Action', it says "if a memberProperty refers to the age property of the Person class, memberProperty.get(person) is a way to dynamically get the value of person.age" with code(10.2.1 The Kotlin Reflection API):
class Peron(val name: String, val age: Int)
>> val person = Person("Alice", 29)
>> val memberProperty = Person::age
>> println(memberProperty.get(person))
I can't understand why this example refers to "dynamically" getting the value of property. It just works when I run this code:
Is there any other case or example of member property reflection?
For example, say you want to write a function which prints all the properties of an object along with their values, this is how you can do that:
inline fun <reified T: Any> T.printProperties() {
T::class.memberProperties.forEach { property ->
println("${} = ${property.get(this)}") // You can't use `` here
data class Person(val firstName: String, val lastName: String)
data class Student(val graduate: Boolean, val rollNumber: Int)
fun main() {
val person = Person("Johnny", "Depp")
val student = Student(false, 12345)
firstName = Johnny
lastName = Depp
graduate = false
rollNumber = 12345

I want to merge two lists of Mcqs and True false type questions in List of quiz type

The data class of Mcqs look like this:
data class Mcqss(
var answer: String,
val mcqs: String,
val option1: String,
val option2: String,
val option3: String,
val option4: String,
var topicId: String,
var sequence: String,
True false data class:
data class tf(
val answer: String,
val question: String,
val topicId: String,
val sequence: String,
Quiz data class:
data class quiz(
var topicId: String,
var sequence: String,
var mcq_question:String,
var trf_question:String
Function to combine two lists:
fun <T, U> combine(first: ArrayList<Mcqss>, second: ArrayList<tf>): MutableList<Any> {
val list: MutableList<Any> = { i -> i }.toMutableList()
list.addAll( { i -> i })
return list
But when I execute this line it gives me a class cast exception:
val joined: ArrayList<quiz> = combine<Any,Any>(mcqlist, tfs) as ArrayList<quiz>
for (item in joined) {
Any suggestions please.
Please try next code:
fun combine(first: ArrayList<Mcqss>, second: ArrayList<Tf>): ArrayList<Quiz> {
// I assume the sizes of `first` and `second` lists are the same
require(first.size == second.size)
val result = mutableListOf<Quiz>()
for (i in 0 until first.size) {
val quiz = Quiz(first[i].topicId, first[i].sequence, ...)
return ArrayList(result)
val joined: ArrayList<Quiz> = combine(mcqlist, tfs)
I would recommend to name classes starting with a capital letter, e.g. quiz->Quiz.
val mcqlist: List<Mcqss> = ...
val tfs: List<TrueFalse> = ...
val joined = mcqlist + tfs
for (item in joined) {
if (item is Mcqss) {
} else if (item is TrueFalse) {

How do I get context inside a companion object that is inside a data class Kotlin?

I'm trying to use a resource string inside a companion object that is inside a data class. but I don't Know how to obtain context in that case in Kotlin.
Anyone knows how to do it?
data class PhoneCall(
val type: String,
val code: String,
val description: String){
companion object{
const val SOLUTION_TODAY = "72_INAT"
val solutions = listOf(
PhoneCall(Service.Traffic.PICK_UP, SOLUTION_NO_SOLUTION, Resources.getSystem().getString(R.string.makeService))
I need to use a resource string in the 3 parameter, but I'm not able to get the context.
You can modify you PhoneCall model to store a string resource id instead of the actual string.
data class PhoneCall(
val type: String,
val code: String,
#StringRes val description: Int
) {
companion object {
const val SOLUTION_TODAY = "72_INAT"
val solutions = listOf(
PhoneCall(Service.Traffic.PICK_UP, SOLUTION_NO_SOLUTION, R.string.makeService)
Then, when you need to display this data in the UI (say a TextView), you can fetch the string from the resource id.
descriptionTextView.text = getString(phoneCall.description)
