Why does a custom document not show up in the bulk edit mode? - shopware6

I added a custom document as describied in the documentation. Which worked fine, and I can generate it on a single order.
When I go to the bulk edit mode, the standard documents are there, but not my custom document.
Do I have to do something else besides creating my doucument and type for it?

As of today the document types available in the bulk edit form seem to be hardcoded. You will have to override the component to add your custom document type:
Component.override('sw-bulk-edit-order', {
computed: {
documentsFormFields() {
const formFields = this.$super('documentsFormFields');
name: 'your_document_technical_name',
labelHelpText: this.$tc('path.to.help-text'),
config: {
componentName: 'plugin-bulk-edit-order-documents-generate-custom-document',
changeLabel: this.$tc('path.to.label'),
return formFields;
You'll also need register a custom component like plugin-bulk-edit-order-documents-generate-custom-document to set the data for the document like a date or add a comment like for invoices. Have a look at the existing sw-bulk-edit-order-documents-generate-invoice for reference.


Vue: Setting Data by matching route query

I'm attempting to set data fields provided by an array based on the Vue Router query. For example, when someone lands on my website using example.com/?location=texas, I want to set the location data by an array.
An example the array:
locations {
slug: "texas",
tagline: "Welcome to Texas",
}, {
slug: "california",
tagline: "Welcome to California",
I know this should be done using a computed property, however I am unable to get anything functioning. I've tried simple tests like if (this.slug.location === "texas"), and I cannot get the location data to populate. I would also like to provide default data in case there are no route matches.
Any help is extremely appreciated!
I can accomplish this in a very manual way. Right now, I'm setting the query in data by the following:
slug: this.$route.query.location
I can display specific text by doing something like:
h3(v-if="slug === 'texas'") This will show for texas
h3(v-else-if="slug === 'california'") This will show for California
h3(v-else) This is default
The issue with this approach is there are various elements I need to customize depending on the slug. Is there any way I can create an array, and move whichever array matches a key in an array to the data??
You should be able to access a query param using the following (link to Vue Router documentation):
So based on what you listed I would do something like...
export default {
computed: {
displayBasedOnLocationQueryParam() {
switch(this.$route.query.location) {
case 'texas':
return 'Welcome to Texas'
return 'hello there, generic person'
Note that I'm not using your array explicitly there. The switch statement can be the sole source of that logic, if need be.

Vue2-Dropzone process form when files manually added

Is it possible to manually process the dropzone form (or queue) when the file is manually loaded?
We have the concept of a drivers license. The user uploads a photo and enters other information such as the license number, expiration date, etc.. The user clicks the save button and I call processQueue() which submit the entire form. This all works just fine.
Next, we display this license in a non-form way with an edit button. When they click the "Edit" button, I display the form again and populate the fields with previously entered data including manually adding the previously submitted photo of their license. Basically like this from the documentation:
mounted: () {
var file = { size: 300, name: "Icon", type: "image/png" };
var url = "https://example.com/img/logo_sm.png";
this.$refs.myVueDropzone.manuallyAddFile(file, url);
This appears to all work as expected. I see the dropzone with a thumbnail of the previously uploaded file. The input fields are all populated with previously entered data.
The problem occurs when I try to process this form again with:
onSubmit() {
If they only make changes to the input fields like the license number and do not upload a new file, the onSubmit() or processQueue() does not work. It only works if I remove and re-add a file or add a second file. It's as if it does not recognize a file has been added. Is manuallyAddFile only for displaying and not actually adding the file?
How can I submit this form when the file is manually added?
After a bit of research on Vue2 Dropzone
Manually adding files
Using the manuallyAddFile method allows you to programatically add files to your dropzone area. For example if you already have files on your server that you'd like to pre-populate your dropzone area with then simply use the function when the vdropzone-mounted event is fired.
So the solutions is to check and see if anything needs to be processed in your queue. Since you manually added the file you already have it, it does not need to be uploaded again. Only if the user adds a new file does it need to be uploaded.
You could do this a few ways, but I would recommend something like the example below for it's simplicity:
onSubmit() {
if (this.$refs.myVueDropzone.getQueuedFiles().length) {
If you need to wait until the queue has finished processing to send your form you can leverage vdropzone-queue-complete. Below is a quick example:
<button #click="saveForm">Save</button>
export default {
methods: {
saveForm () {
if (this.$refs.myVueDropzone.getQueuedFiles().length) {
} else {
errorUploading (file, message, xhr) {
// do something when a file errors
// perhaps show a user a message and create a data element to stop form from processing below?
fileUploaded (file, response) {
// do something with a successful file upload. response is the server response
// perhaps add it to your form data?
submitForm () {
// Queue is done processing (or nothing to process), you can now submit your form
// maybe check for errors before doing the below step
// do what ever you need to submit your form this.$axios.post(...) etc.

Jsreport XLSX recipie: Saving jsreport response to an excel file

I am trying to save the response received from jsreport API. How to save jsreport response to an excel file?
I am assuming you have a little knowledge of JSReport.
First of all, make sure that you set up your report to run as an excel report and that you have xlsx selected in the template type.
I assume you've already done all of that.
Next, in the JSON object that you send to JSReport, you will probably have created something like this:
let dataOptions = {
template: {
shortid: 'xx2346kn'
data: reportData
Add an options property so that you end up with this:
let dataOptions = {
template: {
shortid: 'xx2346kn'
data: reportData,
options: {
preview: true
Assuming you've set everything else up correctly, this will
save jsreport response to an excel file
in your default downloads location.

OpenUI5 sap.m.Input Currency Formatting

This looks to be answered many different times but I can't seem to get it working with my implementation. I am trying to format and limit the data in a sap.m.Input element. I currently have the following:
var ef_Amount = new sap.m.Input({
label: 'Amount',
textAlign: sap.ui.core.TextAlign.Right,
value: {
path: '/amount',
type: 'sap.ui.model.type.Currency'
The first problem is that it kind of breaks the data binding. When I inspect the raw data (with Fiddler) submitted to the server it is an array like this:
"amount": [1234.25,null]
The server is expecting a single number and as such has issues with the array.
When I use the following, the binding works as desired but no formatting is performed.
var ef_Amount = new sap.m.Input({
label: 'Amount',
textAlign: sap.ui.core.TextAlign.Right,
value: '{/amount}'
The second problem is that the data entered is not limited to numbers.
I have tried using sap.m.MaskedInput instead but I don't like the usage of the placeholders because I never know the size of the number to be entered.
And lastly, it would be nice if when focus is placed on the input field, that all formatting is removed and re-formatted again when focus lost.
Should I be looking into doing this with jQuery or even raw Javascript instead?
Thank you for looking.
the array output is a normal one according to documentation. So you need to teach your server to acccept this format or preprocess data before submission;
this type is not intended to limit your data input;
good feature, but ui5 does not support this, because the Type object has no idea about control and it's events like "focus" it only deals with data input-output. So you have to implement this functionality on your own via extending the control or something else.
I would suggest using amount and currency separately. It's likely that user should be allowed to enter only valid currency, so you can use a combobox with the suggestions of the available currencies.
So, after much work and assistance from #Andrii, I managed to get it working. The primary issue was that onfocusout broke the updating of the model and the change event from firing. Simply replacing onfocusout with onsapfocusleave took care of the issues.
The final code in the init method of my custom control:
var me = this;
var numberFormat = sap.ui.core.NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance({maxFractionDigits: 2});
onAfterRendering: function() {
// for formatting the figures initially when loaded from the model
path: me.getBindingPath('value'),
formatter: function(value) {
return numberFormat.format(value);
onfocusin: function() {
// to remove formatting when the user sets focus to the input field
onsapfocusleave: function() {
path: me.getBindingPath('value'),
formatter: function(value) {
return numberFormat.format(value);

Rally rallyaddnew with Portfolio Items

I have been trying to use a rallyaddnew to add Features and Rollups, which will then be rendered in a grid/cardboard. I got it to work and display, but I cannot customize the text to say create a new "Feature" or "Rollup", rather it says create a new "PortfolioItem/Feature" and "PortfolioItem/Rollup"
xtype: 'rallyaddnew',
recordTypes: ['PortfolioItem/Feature', 'PortfolioItem/Rollup'],
listeners: {
recordAdd: function() {
beforeRecordAdd: function() {
I couldn't find anything in the SDK on how to customize this.
This is a defect. It should be using the display name of the type instead of its type path. I'll file a defect for this. FYI there is also an existing defect around PI types and adding with details that has been fixed but has not been released in an SDK version yet.