Get CSV Data from Blob Storage to SQL server Using ADF - sql

I want to transfer data from csv file which is in an azure blob storage with the correct data types to SQL server table.
How can I get the structure for the table in the CSV file? ( I mean like when we do script table to new query in SSMS).
Note that the CSV file is not available on premise.

If your target table is already created in SSMS, copy activity will take care of the schema of source and target tables.
This is my sample csv file from blob:
In the sink I have used a table from Azure SQL database. For you, you can create SQL server dataset by SQL server linked service.
You can see the schema of csv and target tables and their mapping.
if your target table is not created in SSMS, you can use dataflows and can define the schema that you want in the Projection.
Create a data flow and in the sink give our blob csv file. In the projection of sink, we can give the datatypes that we want for the csv file.
As our target table is not created before, check on edit in the dataset and give the name for the table.
In the sink, give this dataset (SQL server dataset in your case) and make sure you check on the Recreate table in the sink Settings, so that a new table with that name will be created.
Execute this Dataflow, your target table will be created with your user defined data types.


Azure Data Factory Copy Activity for JSON to Table in Azure SQL DB

I have a copy activity that takes a bunch of JSON files and merges them into a singe JSON.
I would now like to copy the merged single JSON to Azure SQL DB. Is that possible?
Ok, it appears to be working however the output in SQL is just countryCode and CompanyId
However, I need to retrieve all the financial information in the JSON as well
Azure Data Factory Copy Activity for JSON to Table in Azure SQL DB
I repro'd the same and below are the steps.
Two json files are taken as source.
Those files are merged into single file using copy activity.
Then Merged Json data is taken as source dataset in another copy activity.
In sink, dataset for Azure SQL db is created and Auto create table option is selected.
In sink dataset, edit checkbox is selected and sink table name is given.
Once the pipeline is run, data is copied to table.

How Paramterize Copy Activity to SQL DB with Azure Data Factory

I'm trying to automatically update tables in Azure SQL Database from another SQLDB with Azure Data Factory. At the moment, the only way to update the table Azure SQL Database is to physically select the table you want to update in Azure SQL Database, as shown here:
My configuration to automatically select a table the SQLDB that I want to copy to Azure SQL Database is as follows:
The parameters are as follows:
#concat('SELECT * FROM ',pipeline().parameters.Domain,'.',pipeline().parameters.TableName)
Can someone let me know how to configure my SINK and/or connection to automatically insert the table selected from SOURCE.
My SINK looks like the following:
And my connection looks like the following:
Can someone let me know how to configure my SINK and/or connection to
automatically insert the table selected from SOURCE.
You can use Edit option in the SQL dataset.
Create a dataset parameter for the sink table name. In the SQL sink dataset check the Edit checkbox in it and use the dataset parameter. If you want, you can use dataset parameter for the database name also. Here I have given directly (dbo).
Now in the copy activity sink, you can give the table name dynamically from any pipeline parameter (give your parameter in this case) or any variable using the dynamic content.
Also, enable the Auto create table which will create new table if the table with the given name not exists and if it exists it ignores creation and copies data to it.
My sample result:

Hi, Can we store Big XML file into azure sql db using power automate?

I need to store xml file from blob to azure sql db. Can I put it in single column in my db?
To insert xml file data from blob storage to SQL database, follow below steps
Step1: Upload XML file to blob storage
Step2: Create table in SQL database.
Step3: Create copy activity in Azure Data Factory
Step4: Add Blob storage as a Source
Step5: Add SQL database as a Sink
Step6: Do the mappings
Step7: Now you can run copy activity and get required output as shown in below image.

Bulk copy multiple csv files from Blob Container to Azure SQL Database

MS Azure:
Blob Container, multiple csv files saved in a folder. This is my source.
Azure Sql Database. This is my target
Use Azure Data Factory and build a pipeline to "copy" all files from the container and store them in their respective tables in the Azure Sql database by automatically creating those tables.
How do I do that? I tried following this but I just end up having tables incorrectly created in the database, where table is created with a single column having same name as the table name.
I believe I followed the instructions from that link pretty must as they are.
My CSV file is as follows, one column contains the table name.
The previous steps will not be repeated,it is the same as the link.
At Step3 inside the Foreach activity, we should add a Lookup activity to query the table name from the source dataset.
We can declare a String type variable tableName pervious, then set the value via expression #activity('Lookup1').output.firstRow.tableName.
At sink setting of the Copy activity, we can key in #variables('tableName').
ADF will auto create the table for us.
The debug result is as follows:

Best way to merge JSON blob files to SQL table using Azure Data Factory

I have a bunch of JSON files coming into Azure data lake gen 2, the JSON files contains new data as well as updates.
The data needs to be merged into a SQL table so I can start to do some reporting. The way I solved the problem has been to create a Azure Data factory that looks like this
Create and copy to temp table:
First I use the copy data to take the JSON and create a table from the schema and dump the content into the table.
Create delivery table:
Creates a table with the right schema if it doesn't already exsist
Merge temp with delivery:
Here I use a merge clause to cast and merge the data from the table that was created at step 1 with the table from step 2.
Delete temp data:
Deletes the table from step 1
This data factory gets triggered each time there's a new file in the data lake.
The pipeline solves my problem but I feel like there's a lot of unnecessary overhead by creating and dropping a new table each time I process a file.
Is there a way to optimize this flow, maybe by merging the JSON directly to the "Delivery" table?
Thanks in advance