pass the status from the parent screen to the children screen - react-native

hi everyone i am new to react-native and i have a problem in passing the status from the parent component (HomePage.js) to the daughter component (SecondPage.js). On the parent screen (HomePage)
instead of just having the button, I also have the result of the daughter's status. i.e. on the Homepage I have:
"result is: ooo" and below I have the button. If I click on the button, the SecondPage screen appears with the result "result is:" without passing the value of the state of the parent component "ooo".
in HomePage.js
export default class HomePage extends Component {
static navigation={}
this.state = {alreadyLaunched: null,sid:"ooo"};
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<SecondPage stato={this.state.sid} />
onPress={ () => this.props.navigation.navigate('SecondPage')}
title="DETAILE" color="orange"/>
And in SecondPage.js
export default class SecondPage extends Component {
return (
<View >
<Text>result is: {this.props.stato}</Text>
I want to have in the parent screen (HomePage), a button that takes me to the child screen that shows me the result "result is:ooo". how can I solve my problem? because in the parent screen (HomePage) I have the result of the child screen (SeconPage )?

you have two mode of using second page. the first mode is using component in your home page and it's correct.but in the navigation mode you should pass the parameter in this way =>
<Button onPress={ () => this.props.navigation.navigate('SecondPage', {stato: this.state.sid})} title="DETAILE" color="orange"/>
and in the second page =>
result is: {this.props.stato ? this.props.stato : this.props.navigation.state.params.stato}
if you use new version of react navigation instead of (this.props.navigation.state.params.stato) use route.params.stato


How can we create a react-native component which can be displayed with .show() method

I am looking for pointers where I can start from.
I want to create a react native feedback form which can be displayed with .show method.
for eg:
export class FeedbackComponent extends React.component{
show() {
// define this method in a way so that can be called from outside as
// which eventually create a new screen with below rendered View
render (){
return <View>Feedback Form</View>
I should be able to use this Component in any other component as
import FeedbackComponent from './FeedbackComponent'
I would always start with considering the application state. UI in React is updated whenever the State of our components changes.
In your case I would have to think of the parent context in which your feedback form will need to be displayed. In its simplest form, this context will likely be a parent screen-component within which your FeedbackForm component is either shown or hidden.
I've made a Snack of a simple implementation you can find it here:
In my case, the App component is the parent screen-component within which we need to render or not render a FeedbackForm Component.
So I would start with adding the relevant state property to the App (parent screen) component like so:
state = {
feedbackFormVisible : false
I would then define a method within the same parent class in order to toggle the state when we need to like so:
handleFeedbackFormVisibility = () => this.setState(prevState => ({feedbackFormVisible:!prevState.feedbackFormVisible}))
This handler takes in the previous state in our parent component and toggles the value of the feedbackFormVisible property (i.e. from false to true).
In my case, I call this handler every time we press a Button component like so:
<Button title="Give Feedback" onPress={this.handleFeedbackFormVisibility}/>
You could however trigger the same handler and update the state of the parent component in any other way (i.e. after a timer expires or after a specific scroll point is passed).
The App Component's render method will then decide if the FeedbackForm component should be displayed based on the value of the feedbackFormVisible in our App Component's state. We achieve this by wrapping our FeedbackForm component within an Elvis Conditional within the render method which will return the the appropriate UI (i.e. either with a visible feedback form or not):
{ this.state.feedbackFormVisible ? () : null}
Below the full App component code:
import * as React from 'react';
import { Text, View, StyleSheet, Button } from 'react-native';
import FeedbackForm from './components/FeedbackForm';
export default class App extends React.Component {
state = {
feedbackFormVisible : false
handleFeedbackFormVisibility = () => this.setState(prevState => ({feedbackFormVisible:!prevState.feedbackFormVisible}))
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.paragraph}>
This is the App Parent Component
this.state.feedbackFormVisible ?
(<FeedbackForm />)
: null
<Button title="Give Feedback" onPress={this.handleFeedbackFormVisibility}/>
And below the Feedback Component code (Notice that the shown/hidden logic is actually handled in the parent component not in here):
import * as React from 'react';
import { Text, View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
export default class FeedbackForm extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.paragraph}>
This is the feedback form!

React - native StackNavigator refresh previous component after hitting back button

I'm stuck for weeks on this problem that I can't solve. I have been through a lot of different solution and none of them is working..
Let-s say I have component A and component B
Component A : contains a flatlist, when click on one item leads me to component B.
Component B: contains details of component A items, when clicking on a button update data, data that component A is using in state current, which make the clicked items turn to orange. I would like when hitting back button to update those data in component A and actually have the clicked items in orange, right now nothing is happening..
Component A :
async interventionList(){
const planningList = await getInterventionList(this.state.userToken, '2019-02-27', '2019-02-27');
this.setState({list: planningList});
renderItem = ({ item }) => (
<TouchableHighlight onPress={
() => this.props.navigation.navigate('InterventionStart', { getIntervention: () => this.interventionsList() })}>
<View style={[styles.block, this.state.current !== null && this.state.current.remoteInterventionId === item.num ? styles.began : styles.notbegan]}>
<Text> {SomeData} <Text>
Component B :
componentWillUnmount() {
But nothing happens. I tried to console log, to see if those functions where called after clickin on back button and they are... So I don't understand what I am doing wrong or is it not the way to do this at all ?
You can use willFocus method of react-navigation
in your componentDidMount or in your constructor
this.willFocus = this.props.navigation.addListener('willFocus', () => {
It will call your interventionList method whenever your component is about to be focused. Make sure you remove the listener on your componentWillUnmount
For reference

Pass touch event to view's parent in react native.

I have a <view> touching which will open a collapsible view. I have used react-native-collapse-view for it ( I have <text> on top of <view> which is covering it full. I am setting some conditions in onPress event of the <text> element.
Now what I want is if I touch the <text> (obviously I cannot touch view as text is covering it fully), along with onPress event of the <text> the underlaying <view> should also be touched so that it opens the collapsible view.
In short I want to pass the touch event to the parent view in order to complete all work in one touch. I searched and found some content related to onStartShouldSetResponder and pointerEvents but I couldn't get the complete grip as I am a newbie to react native.
in short you need pass function to children for handling events
import React from "react";
class ChildComponent extends React.PureComponent {
render() {
const {handleChildPress} = this.props;
return <Text onPress={handleChildPress}/>;
class ContainerComponent extends React.PureComponent {
// you need pass this func to children
// =()=> means bind it
console.log('child pressed')
render() {
return <ChildComponent handleChildPress={this.handleChildPress}/>;
export default ContainerComponent

undefined is not a function (evaluating 'this.props.navigation.state.params

I have a parent and child, I am using navigator to route between them, I have some state in the child component and I want to pass the state value in that component to the parent without routing the parent.
so far I have the code as follow:
on my parent:
onPress={() =>
this.props.navigation.navigate('Riddles', {
onChangeCount: this.onChangeCount.bind(this)
as you can see on my parent (which is the home screen) I have butten that onPress navigate to Riddles screen (which is my child component)
on the child component I setup as follow:
nextQuestion() {
userAnswer: '',
count: this.state.count + 1,
diamonds: + 5
const { navigate } = this.props.navigation
and render it (on child - riddles screen ):
return (
onPress={() => this.nextQuestion()}
as much as I understod, the line " this.props.navigation.state.params.onChangeCount(1)" send the value "1" to my parent screen and in the parend screen I need to bind this (
, but it doesn't work for me, please help....

React Native: passing data between screens

I'm trying to create a small app, but have many questions)
I have 3 screen and use react-navigation to pass data. the scheme is following:
1) loading screen (fetch data and save it to AsyncStorage+handling data and save to obj1 for pickers)
(pass obj1)
2)main screen (get data,render pickers based on it, take selected values and pass them next)
(pass pickers selection+input)
3)some results(get data from Asyncstorage, some calculating and render results)
so I have two questions.
when I navigate back from 3) to 2) I have an error that screen2 need data, which was passed from screen1. yes - i've checked if this data pass to 3 and then to 2 when Back Button is pressed, and there is no error, but I'm sure this is bad solution
and second..trying to explain) on screen 3 some calculations made on pickers selection, so it hasn't problem. but rest of them needed get data from AsyncStorage and then convert it according to Picker values and render to ListView. Despite I'm putting getting from AS on componentWillMount it's still take much time so data for rendering is undefined. Of course I'm using states, but I think this is a bad logic of data handling..
so I'm trying pass data from child(screen) to parent(index.ios.js), where it define as first loading view( I'm using navigator's stack screens)
export default class App extends Component {
constructor(props) {
myCallback(dataFromChild) {
console.log("yeah", dataFromChild);
render() {
return (
<LoadingScreen callbackFromParent={this.myCallback}/>
and LoadingScreen.js:
render() {
<View style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: '#dc143c', marginTop:20}}>
style={{flex:3, height: undefined, width: undefined, marginLeft:20, marginRight:20}}
<Spinner color='white' style={{flex:1}}/>
and I've got an error "Unhandled JS Exception: this.props.callbackFromParent is not a function"
AsyncStorage might not be the best solution for what you are trying. Using react-navigation for data delivery is not the best neither. I would suggest checking redux for storing states globally and delivering it to the pages when needed. There is also another way which is passing functions to the props of child components for pulling up any data from child to parent components. You can check this and this or the sample code is below.
class Parent extends Component {
updateState (data) {
render() {
<Child updateParentState={this.updateState.bind(this)} />
class Child extends Component {
render() {
<Button title="Change" onPress={() => {this.props.updateParentState({name: 'test})}} />