Refreshing another subform upon changing a value in first - vba

In my form called HPCC I have 2 subforms: Items_form and Item_details_form. Item_details_form is linked with Items_form so whenever you select a record in Items_form coresponding record in Item_details_form is selected. I want to refresh Item_details_form whenever I change Id field in Items_form I can see changes immediately without manualy refreshing whole form.
I've tried creating an event in Items_form:
Private Sub nr_AfterUpdate()
End Sub
nr is my auto incremnet primary key in both subforms.


How to link dynamically loaded unbounded subforms to main form?

I have a bound main form (FormA) with a combobox on it and two unbound subforms (subfrmA & subfrmB). (Both forms are attached to a table however I want them to load onto the main form where I placed an unbound subform as a placeholder.)
The combobox has two values “a” and “b.” When a is selected I want subfrm A to load onto Form A. When b is selected I want subfrmB to load onto Form A. I think have this part working.
However when I select a record on the main form the associated subforms don’t appear. When I try to link the subforms to the main form an error message appears saying I can’t build a link between unbound forms.
The packageID is the link between the main form and subform and is a hidden field on all forms. Whenever the packageID is automatically updated the psckageID in the subform fields are also updated.
Case “B”
EDIT: I ended up creating two subforms subfrmA (Form A) and subfrmB (Form B). Then I linked both to the parent form via the master and child links.
I make one of the subforms visible and the other invisible depending on what the user selects in the combobox of the main form.
Everything works except Form B won’t load, but the container loads. I tried loading Form B separately by itself it still won’t load. I also deleted subfrmA and Form B still doesn’t load.
Here is my edited code:
Select Case Me.Authorization.Text
Case “A”
Me.subfrmA.Visible = True
Me.subfrmB.Visible = False
Me.subfrmA.SourceObject = “Form.A”
Case “B”
Me.subfrmB.Visible = True
Me.subfrmA.Visible = False
Me.subfrmB.SourceObject = “Form.B”
End Select
The only line that doesn’t work is the Me.subfrmB.SourceObject=“Form.B” and really there’s something that’s preventing the form specifically loading. I wrote the same code for Form A and Form B but can’t figure out what’s wrong with Form B.
Can certainly be done. Here is a simple example that works for me.
Main form is bound to table Games. Forms used as subform are Umpires and Teams.
Combobox properties:
ControlSource: UNBOUND
RowSource: Umpires;Plate;UmpID;Teams;HomeTeam;TeamID
RowSourceType: ValueList
BoundColumn: 1
ColumnCount: 3
ColumnWidths: 1.0";0";0"
Private Sub Combo108_AfterUpdate()
With Me
.ctrAB.SourceObject = .Combo108
.ctrAB.LinkMasterFields = .Combo108.Column(1)
.ctrAB.LinkChildFields = .Combo108.Column(2)
End With
End Sub
You could have "A", "B" for the form names in combobox RowSource and then if both forms have same name key fields, don't need them in RowSource, just hard coded. Not entirely clear what the key field names are. Then code like:
.subfrmAB.SourceObject = "subfrm" & .Combo108
.subfrmAB.LinkMasterFields ="packageDetailsID"
.subfrmAB.LinkChildFields = "packageDetailsID"
If you want to save "A" and "B" to main form record, then bind the combobox to field. Then for subforms to change for each record while navigating main form, also have code in form OnCurrent event.
Something to be aware of when coding interaction between form/subform: subforms load before main form - seems odd but is true.
One option is to create a dummy table with one record and bind the subform to that. But you'd have to read and write all the values with code.

When the user clicks a text box on my form, I need to assign an ID to the current record if there isn't one already

I have a form, frmEvent, for editing and creating records. Each record represents an Event. I have a pop-up form that displays the many-to-many relationships that associate one or more Persons to the current Event. This pop-up form is opened when the user clicks a text box on frmEvent.
The pop-up form displays all of the records in tblEventPersons where EventID = the ID of the Event record that is currently open. This normally works great. However, when my form is used to create a new Event record, Access does not assign an ID for the new Event record until at least one field has been changed. If a user creates a new Event record and tries to immediately open the frmEventPersons form, they get an error because the new Event record does not yet have an ID assigned.
I'm sure there's a very simple solution to this, but my searches have not yielded anything useful.
Well it is assumed that the main form has a record, and has some data and has a "ID" as you well asked.
However, if the form is moved to a new record, and you want to launch that next form that requires and needs the current forms ID that as you WELL note has not yet been generated?
Well, keep in mind that you current form WILL IN FACT generate the ID (assuming a auto number PK id column) if the current record has been "dirtied". We thus assume that the current record had SOME data editing. If it has NO EDITING done, then it actauly turns out is a bit of a trick to get Access force feed and generate that ID.
About the MOST easy way?
Dirty some field/column in the current form.
if isnull(me!ID) then
' this record does not yet have the PK id
' dirty some bound control.
me.MyEditDate = date()
end if
me.Dirty = false ' this will force a recrod save - gereate the "ID" you want.
docmd.Open "frmDetails",,,"FKColumn = " & me!id

Setting ComboBox RowSource property to query in "GotFocus()" method leaves blank values in ComboBox Access VBA

I want to populate my ComboBox in an Access form using VBA based on data from another table. Previously to do this I did the following:
In the Property Sheet -> Data tab I filled out Row Source and Row Source Type fields with this information:
Now whenever I clicked on the dropdown for my combobox, it would populate the dropdown list with all of the names from t_people table.
This limited me however to when data changed in the t_people's name column. In order to get an updated list, I must close the form and re-open it so that the query runs again. I have limited the access to this Access file so that the user is only presented with x number of forms, and cannot close/open them or others.
My solution is to remove the query on the form load, and instead run the query every time the combobox gains focus, has a click event or something of the same sorts. I did this with the following event in VBA:
'Run when the "name" combobox gains focus
Private Sub nameCb_GotFocus()
[nameCb].RowSource = "SELECT name FROM t_people"
End Sub
I have set breakpoints and this code does run. However, the the combobox is not populated after it does. How can I get the combobox to populate with the values from a query for each time the combobox gains focus?
Set the RowSource in design and add a .Requery when entering the control.
Private Sub nameCb_Enter()
End Sub

Add unbound combo box to form that can trigger a BeforeUpdate() event?

I have a datasheet form ItemsForm based on table Items. Items is one-to-many related to table StatusHistory, between Items.ID and StatusHistory.ItemID. There is also a Status table, with the relationship between Status.ID and StatusHistory.StatusID.
I want to add a StatusBox combo box to ItemsForm so that when the user selects a Status value from the box and then moves out of the record, which should trigger the Form_BeforeUpdate() event, a new entry is added to StatusHistory with the Items.ID of the currently selected entry.
I've successfully added the StatusBox field to the form and populated its list by setting its RowSource with a query of Status. But there are two big problems:
I can scroll through the values in the box's list, but after I
select one, it doesn't show up in the field; the field stays blank.
When I select a value in StatusBox, and then click onto another
record, the Form_BeforeUpdate() isn't triggered. It seems that
Form_BeforeUpdate() is only triggered if I modify data in the
fields from Items that the form is based on. Is there a different event that I should be using here?
Solved it as follows:
The ID field for Status is actually named StatusID instead of
ID. Fixing this allowed me to enter values into the field.
I put the code into the BeforeUpdate() event for StatusBox, viz:
Private Sub StatusBox_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
This means it gets triggered whenever I select an item in the list, rather than when I move to a new record, but for now that's all I need.

Updating a Database from DataBound Controls

I'm currently creating a WinForm in VB.NET bound to an access database.
Basically what i have are two forms: one is a search form used to search the database, and the other is a details form. You run a search on the searchForm and it returns a list of Primary Keys and a few other identifying values. You then double click on the entry you want to view, and it loads the details form.
The Details form has a collection of databound controls to display the data: mostly text boxes and checkboxs. The way i've set it up is i used the UI to build the form and then set the DataBindings Property of each control to "TblPropertiesBindingSource - " where value name is one of the values in the table (such as PropertyID or HasWoodFloor).
Then, when you double click an entry in the searchform, I handle the event by parsing the Primary Key (PropertyID) out of the selected row and then storing this to the details form:
Note: Detail is the details form that is opened to display the info
Private Sub propView_CellDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles propView.CellDoubleClick
Dim detail As frmPropertiesDetail = New frmPropertiesDetail = propView.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(0).Value
End Sub
Then, upon loading the details form, it set's the filter on the BindSource as such:
TblPropertiesBindingSource.Filter() = "PropertyID=" & id
This works great so far. All the controls on the details form will display the correct info. The problem is updating changes.
If i have the user load the details for say, property 10001, it will show a description in a textBox named descriptionBox which is identical to the value of the description value of for that entry in the database. I want the user to then be able to change the text of the text box (which they can currently do) and click the save button (saveBut) and have the form update all the values in the controls to the database.
Theorectically, it should do this as the controls are DataBound, thus i can avoid writing code that tells each entry in the database row to take the value of the aligned control.
I've tried calleding PropertiesTableAdapter.Update(PropertiesBindingSource.DataSource), but that doesnt seem to do it.
Ok, I was able to figure this out picking apart some code I pillaged from a friend.
Everything was ok, the problem was the updating
When I was saving the data, i was calling just:
The correct code, without changing anything else is:
Where RentalPropertiesDataSet is the database where TblProperties comes from. Inorder for this to work, make sure TblPropertiesBindingSource.DataSource is RentalPropertiesDataSet.Properties This was autosetup for me by VS08 when it created the BindingSource.
Basically, I needed to tell teh BindingSource to stop allowing the fields to be edited. Then we save the changes to the database, and lastly we tell the DataBase to accept the changes.