Join of two files introduces extraneous newline - awk

Update: I figured out the reason for the extraneous newline. I created file1 and file2 on a Windows machine. Windows adds <cr><newline> to the end of each line. So, for example, the first record in file1 is not this:
Bill <tab> 25 <newline>
Instead, it is this:
Bill <tab> 25 <cr><newline>
So when I set a[Bill] to $2 I am actually setting it to $2<cr>.
I used a hex editor and removed all of the <cr> symbols in file1 and file2. Now the AWK program works as desired.
I have seen the SO posts on using AWK to do a natural join of two files. I took one of the solutions and am trying to get it to work. Alas, I have been unsuccessful. I am hoping you can tell me what I am doing wrong.
Note: I appreciate other solutions, but what I really want is to understand why my AWK program doesn't work (i.e., why/how an extraneous newline is being introduced).
I want to do a join of these two files:
file1 (name, tab, age):
Bill 25
John 24
Mary 21
file2 (name, tab, marital-status)
Bill divorced
Glenn married
John married
Mary single
When joined, I expect to see this (name, tab, age, tab, marital-status):
Bill 25 divorced
John 24 married
Mary 21 single
Notice that file2 has a person named Glenn, but file1 doesn't. No record in file1 joins to it.
My AWK program almost produces that result. But, for reasons I don't understand, the marital-status value is on the next line:
Bill 25
John 24
Mary 21
Here is my AWK program:
awk 'BEGIN { OFS = '\t' }
NR == FNR { a[$1] = ($1 in a? a[$1] OFS : "")$2; next }
$1 in a { $0 = $0 OFS a[$1]; delete a[$1]; print }' file2 file1 > joined_file1_file2

You may try this awk solution:
awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS="\t"} {sub(/\r$/, "")}
FNR == NR {m[$1]=$2; next} {print $0, m[$1]}' file2 file1
Bill 25 divorced
John 24 married
Mary 21 single
Using sub(/\r$/, "") to remove any DOS line ending
If $1 doesn't exist in mapping m then m[$1] will be an empty string so we can simplify awk processing


Understanding two file processing in awk

I am trying to understand how two file processing works. So here created an example.
zzz pq Fruit Apple 10
zzz rs Fruit Car 50
zzz tu Study Book 60
aa bb Book 100
cc dd Car 200
hj kl XYZ 500
ee ff Apple 300
ff gh ABC 400
I want to compare 4th column of file1 to 3rd column of file2, if matched then print the 3rd,4th,5th column of file1 followed by 3rd, 4th column of file2 with sum of 5th column of file1 and 4th column of file2.
Expected Output:
Fruit Apple 10 300 310
Fruit Car 50 200 250
Study Book 60 100 160
Here what I have tried:
awk ' FNR==NR{ a[$4]=$5;next} ( $3 in a){ print $3, a[$4],$4}' file1.txt file2.txt
Code output;
Book 100
Car 200
Apple 300
I am facing problem in printing file1 column and how to store the other column of file1 in array a. Please guide me.
Could you please try following.
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$4]=$3 OFS $4 OFS $5;b[$4]=$NF;next} ($3 in a){print a[$3],$NF,b[$3]+$NF}' file1.txt file2.txt
Output will be as follows.
Study Book 60 100 160
Fruit Car 50 200 250
Fruit Apple 10 300 310
Explanation: Adding explanation for above code now.
awk ' ##Starting awk program here.
FNR==NR{ ##Checking condition FNR==NR which will be TRUE when first Input_file named file1.txt is being read.
a[$4]=$3 OFS $4 OFS $5 ##Creating an array named a whose index is $4 and value is 3rd, 4th and 5th fields along with spaces(By default OFS value will be space for awk).
b[$4]=$NF ##Creating an array named b whose index is $4 and value if $NF(last field of current line).
next ##next keyword will skip all further lines from here.
($3 in a){ ##Checking if 3rd field of current line(from file2.txt) is present in array a then do following.
print a[$3],$NF,b[$3]+$NF ##Printing array a whose index is $3, last column value of current line and then SUM of array b with index $3 and last column value here.
' file1.txt file2.txt ##Mentioning Input_file names file1.txt and file2.txt

awk to read the file1 and file2 and print difference between two

I have two files named: File1 & File2 Where File has 100 names while File2 has 1000 names , now I want awk to read the File1 and File2 and print only the names which are there in File2 and not on File1.
Your help & time much appreciated.
Example: Below File1 & File2 names...
So, Output should be:
awk 'FNR==NR{a[tolower($1)];next}!(tolower($1) in a)' file1 file2
$ cat file1
$ cat file2
$ awk 'FNR==NR{a[tolower($1)];next}!(tolower($1) in a)' file1 file2
FNR==NR If the number of records read so far in the current file
is equal to the number of records read so far across all files,
condition which can only be true for the first file read.
a[tolower($1)] populate array "a" such that the
indexed by the first
field in lowercase from
current record of file1
next Move on to the next record so we don't do any processing
intended for records from the second file.
!(tolower($1) in a) IF the array a index constructed from the
field 1 ($1) in lowercase of the current record of the file2 does not exist (!)
in array a, we get boolean true (! Called Logical NOT Operator. It is used to reverse the logical state of its operand. If a condition is true, then Logical NOT operator will make it false and vice versa.) so awk does default operation print $0 from file2
file1 file2 read file1 and then read file2

AWK Retrieve text after a certain pattern where the 1st and 2nd columns match the values in the 1st and 2nd columns in an input file

My input file (file1) looks like this:
part position col3 col4 info
part1 34 1 1 NAME=Mark;AGE=23;HEIGHT=189
part2 55 1 1 NAME=Alice;AGE=43;HEIGHT=167
part2 19 1 1 NAME=Emily;AGE=16;HEIGHT=164
part3 23 1 1 NAME=Owen;AGE=55;HEIGHT=181
part3 99 1 1 NAME=Rachel;AGE=76;HEIGHT=162
I need to retrieve the text after "NAME=" in the info column, but only if the values in the first two columns match another file (file2).
part position
part2 55
part3 23
Then only the 2nd and 4th rows will be considered and text after "NAME=" in those rows are put into the output file:
I don't need to preserve the order of the original rows, so the following output is equally valid:
My (not very good) attempt:
awk -F, 'FNR==NR {a[$1]=$5; next}; $1 in a {print a[$1]}' file1 file2
Something like,
awk -F"[ =;]" 'FNR==NR{found[$1" "$2]=$6; next} $1" "$2 in found{print found[$1" "$2]}'
$ awk -F"[ =;]" 'FNR==NR{found[$1" "$2]=$6; next} $1" "$2 in found{print found[$1" "$2]}' file1 file2
What it does?
-F"[ =;]" -F sets the field separators. Here we set it to space or = or ;. This makes it easier to get the name from the first file without using a split function.
found[$1" "$2]=$6 This block is run only for file1, here we save the names $6 in the associative array found indexed by part position
$1" "$2 in found{print found[$1" "$2]} This is executed for the second file. Checks if the part position is found in the array, if yes print the name from the array
Using gnu awk below would do the same
awk 'NR>1 && NR==FNR{found[$1","$2];next}\
$1","$2 in found{print gensub(/^NAME=([^;]*).*/,"\\1","1",$NF);}' file2 file1

Confusion about awk command when dealing with if statement

$ cat awk.txt
12 32 45
5 2 3
33 11 33
$ cat awk.txt | awk '{FS='\t'} $1==5 {print $0}'
5 2 3
$ cat awk.txt | awk '{FS='\t'} $1==33 {print $0}'
Nothing is returned when judging the first field is 33 or not. It's confusing.
By saying
awk '{FS='\t'} $1==5 {print}' file
You are defining the field separator incorrectly. To make it be a tab, you need to say "\t" (with double quotes). Further reading: awk not capturing first line / separator.
Also, you are setting it every line, so it does not affect the first one. You want to use:
awk 'BEGIN{FS='\t'} $1==5' file
Yes, but why did it work in one case but not in the other?
awk '{FS='\t'} $1==5' file # it works
awk '{FS='\t'} $1==33' file # it does not work
You're using single quotes around '\t', which means that you're actually concatenating 3 strings together: '{FS=', \t and '} $1==5' to produce your awk command. The shell interprets the \t as t, so your awk script is actually:
awk '{FS=t} $1==5'
The variable t is unset, so you're setting the field separator to the empty string "". This means that the line is split into as many fields as characters you have. You can see it doing awk 'BEGIN{FS='\t'} {print NF}' file, that will show how many fields each record has.
Then, $1 is just 3 and $2 contains the second 3.
first of all !. Could you explain better what you really want to do before you ask ?. look....!
more awk.txt
12 32 45
5 2 3
33 11 33
awk -F"[ \t]" '$1 == 5 { print $0}' awk.txt
5 2 3
awk -F"[ \t]" '$1 == 33 { print $0}' awk.txt
33 11 33
awk -F"[ \t]" '$1 == 12 { print $0}' awk.txt
12 32 45

awk print line of file2 based on condition of file1

I have two files:
cat file1:
0 xxx
1 yyy
1 zzz
0 aaa
cat file2:
A bbb
B ccc
C ddd
D eee
How do I get the following output using awk:
B ccc
C ddd
My question is, how do I print lines from file2 only if a certain field in file1 (i.e. field 1) matches a certain value (i.e. 1)?
Additional information:
Files file1 and file2 have an equal number of lines.
Files file1 and file2 have millions of lines and cannot be read into memory.
file1 has 4 columns.
file2 has approximately 1000 columns.
Try doing this (a bit obfuscated):
awk 'NR==FNR{a[NR]=$1}NR!=FNR&&a[FNR]' file1 file2
On multiples lines it can be clearer (reminder, awk works like this : condition{action} :
awk '
NR!=FNR && arr[FNR]
' file1 file2
If I remove the "clever" parts of the snippet :
awk '
if (NR == FNR) {arr[NR]=$1}
if (NR != FNR && arr[FNR]) {print $0}
' file1 file2
When awk find a condition alone (without action) like NR!=FNR && arr[FNR], it print by default on STDOUT implicitly is the expressions is TRUE (> 0)
NR is the number of the current record from the start of input
FNR is the ordinal number of the current record in the current file (so NR is different than FNR on the second file)
arr[NR]=$1 : feeding array arr with indice of the current NR with the first column
if NR!=FNR we are in the next file and if the value of the array if 1, then we print
No as clean as a awk solution
$ paste file2 file1 | sed '/0/d' | cut -f1
You mentioned something about millions of lines, in order to just do a single pass through the files, I'd resort to python. Something like this perhaps (python 2.7):
with open("file1") as fd1, open("file2") as fd2:
for l1, l2 in zip(fd1, fd2):
if not l1.startswith('0'):
print l2.strip()
awk '{
getline value <"file2";
if ($1)
print value;
}' file1