Why wont buefy work when added to my wuxt.js project? - buefy

I am using a wuxt.js set up: https://github.com/northosts/wuxt
I am trying to incorporate Buefy using the method stated on this page: https://buefy.org/documentation/customization/
I added the imports to the page.vue. I'm not 100% sure on were to add them as it does not say.
When I add the buefy code my local host then wont load.
Not really sure where to go from here been at it for hours :(


Add another main page to vue 2.6.6 project or inject a view without applying the styles imported in index.html

I've a problem with a Vue-js application (Vue 2.6.6).
I need to create a new page in this application that must not be affected by vuetify and other styles placed in the head of index.html file. I wanna now if it is possible to inject a view (navigating to it with routing) without applying styles or if it is possible to create another entry point for the app, making it as a multi-page application.
I've found a documentation for doing it, but the structure of files and folders they talk about is different from mine (I did not create the project) and I don't understand what I gotta do to set multiple pages.
I have a "main-priv.js" file inside src, not a "main.js", don't know if it is same.
I'm really bad with configurations and stuff like that, I've probabily taken the wrong life choice with this work, but nevermind, can you help me?

Bootstrap tooltip not showing in ASP.Net MVC application

I've got a rather weird scenario going on here. I am trying to add tooltips to an existing ASP.Net MVC application in which I'm upgrading Bootstrap to 4.6.2. The upgrade was very smooth with no complications; I just want to replace the default display of titles with the nicer looking tooltips, but for some reason they're not appearing. I tried to simplify things by creating a new view to isolate the problem, and still no tooltip. I tried again with completely new solution, and wouldn't you know it, it works! So my question isn't "how do I create tooltips", but "how can I debug what's going on in the failing project?"
Here's what I've discovered so far. I believe you can see everything that's relevant in this screenshot of the nearly-empty view. All the included script files are there in the right order, my script is there, initializing the tooltip, and there are no messages in the console. When I hover over the link, a new <div> element is added to the DOM. In DevTools, I use the arrows to expand the tree, showing everything in the tooltip. The .fade:not(.show) CSS selector is the reason I don't see it. In the working solution, the show class is properly added to the tooltip's <div>.
So, could there be some setting in the existing application preventing the addition of the show class? Is something failing in the tooltip code,causing it to never add the show class without reporting errors? How should I continue debugging this? I tried stepping through the bootstap.js file, but being a JS noob, I'm getting a little lost. The screenshot is from Chrome, but I see the same behavior in Firefox.
This turned out to be one of those embarrassing oversights. My BundleConfig.cs file was still pointing to old Javascript files that were still hanging around after the upgrade. I should have seen it in the version numbers in the <script> tags.

Hook not visible and modules issue

Goodmorning everyone. I'm going crazy behind a very simple new hook.
I just wanted to add the share buttons in the blog articles, I added the hook in theme.yml as shown in the image, I reset the theme and the module but nothing to do, I don't see the hook if I try to insert the module.
Moreover from this insertion onwards I am no longer able to reset or uninstall the module, it returns me the error you see in the image. What am I doing wrong?
Check if your hook exists in the ps_hooks tables if not add it there.
You need to register it in the ps_hooks database,maybe the ideal can be to create a module, and in the installation register the hook and assign a template that shows what you need in the hook.
Prestashop documentation

How can I implement server side rendering (ssr) on the vuetify project that is 100% complete?

I had install my project vuetify with this reference : https://vuetifyjs.com/en/
My project has been 100% complete. Now I want to implement SSR for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
I search on google and I find there exist 3 option to implement SSR to vuetify project
If I using option 2 or option 3, it seems I must to change my template. Maybe I should rewrite my code on the template. Because my template using vuetify template. I don't know if I choose option 1. Whether it also has to change my template or not. I must to try it first
What I want to ask is if in my position I have completed the 100% vuetify project, which is the best choice I should choose for SSR implementation?
Do I have to rewrite my code or is there another way to implement it?

How to use (Is there) code completion without using vue-cli

i try to do my first steps with vue.js.
My Question is:
Is there a possibility for the use of code completion if i dont wat to use the cli.
Therefore i have no .vue-Files.
I just use vue by binding the script (vue.js) over the < script>-tag to my html code.
I created a new javaScript-File (myVue.js) and also include it per script-tag in my html.
Vue itself is working correctly!
My problem is that the plugins i found so far (for sublime etc.) are not working with the .js-files.
Is there a way to use code completion and (correct) syntaxhighlighting in .js-files?
Thanks for having me.