How do I cast a timestamp column as a MM/DD/YYYY in BigQuery - sql

I'm trying to cast the results of an entire column in BigQuery in MM/DD/YYYY format

We can try to use FORMAT_DATE function to make it, we can refer to this link Supported Format Elements For DATE to use your expected date format from the datetime type.
SELECT FORMAT_DATE("%m/%d/%Y", Time_Column)


SQL - Date format conversion issue (AUTO to 'MM/DD/YYYY')

In Snowflake, I have a column in a created table called "Date1", that has dates formatted as AUTO (ex. 2022-06-17). I am trying to query that column, but need the date formatted as 'MM/DD/YYYY', yet everything I've tried returns an error of some kind.
When I try date(Date1, 'MM/DD/YYYY) the error says that it can't parse 2022-06-17 for MM/DD/YYYY. When I try to_date(Date1 [MM/DD/YYYY]) or try_to_date(Date1 [MM/DD/YYYY]) the error says it doesn't recognize MM.
Any thoughts?
If you're trying to display the date using a specific format, you're converting to a varchar rather than a date:
select to_varchar(current_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY');
If you're trying to compare a column with a date to a formatted string in MM/DD/YYYY format then:
select current_date = try_to_date('08/04/2022', 'MM/DD/YYYY');
You should try to provide correct format to match 2022-06-17 literal:
FROM tab_name;
Your column is already of type DATE. TO_DATE() and TRY_TO_DATE() convert non-date formats (string, integer) to a DATE type. They are not a means to format your DATE for presentation.
Date data type and presentation format are indepent.
You can alter your session to change the default display format of a date, but the underlying representation in the database remains the same.
alter session set DATE_INPUT_FORMAT='MM/DD/YYYY';
alter session set DATE_OUTPUT_FORMAT='MM/DD/YYYY';
select <col_name> from table; -- Now will show as MM/DD/YYYY for date columns

Convert string of YYYYMMDD to YYYY-MM-DD Date format in Snowflake

Based on the example mentioned here in the Snowflake documentation, why are the date and timestamp values returning different values just by changing the ORDER BY clause? Also, I am trying to convert a string to a date format which is not returning correct results in Snowflake while this works fine in other SQL based Engines. Need help from experts on this.
This query
SELECT '20200710', TO_DATE('20200710');
is returning the following output
20200710 | 1970-08-22
Also tried:
SELECT TO_DATE('20200710', 'YYYY-MM-DD');
and got the error:
Can't parse '20200710' as date with format 'YYYY-MM-DD'
To convert to a date data type, you would use:
I would recommend just keeping the date data type. But if you want a string in the format YYYY-MM-DD:

NULL values in a string to date conversion

I have a table with the following data:
logs.ip logs.fecha logs.metodo 19/Nov/2018:03:46:33 GET
All data columns are string and I want to convert logs.fecha into date with the following format: YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
I try the following query:
SELECT TO_DATE(from_unixtime(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(fecha, 'yyyy-MM-dd'))) FROM logs
Results of the query are NULL in all rows.
How can I make the conversion string to date for all rows? I know I must use ALTER TABLE but I don't know how to do it.
The reason you get null is because the format of the input string is different from the input passed to unix_timestamp. The second argument to unix_timestamp should specify the string format of the first argument. In from_unixtime you can specify the output format desired. If nothing is specified, a valid input to from_unixtime returns an output in yyyy-MM-dd format.
The error can be fixed as below.
from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(fecha,'dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss'),'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
You just have to tell Oracle the date format you are reading with TO_DATE.

How to convert string with a specific date format like 'mm/dd/yy' to date object in hibernate query

One of the columns my_column in my table is of type varchar where i store value of date in string. The format is 'MM/DD/YY'. I want to use cast function of hibernate to convert this column value to date. But it appears that the cast function accepts string of 'yy-mm-dd' format to convert. Is it possible to use cast for string with specific date format for conversion. Something like this: cast(am.my_column as date format 'mm/dd/yy')
cast function in hibernate is used this way: cast(am.my_column as date).
My use case is basically converting the column value from string to date and making a date comparison. cast(am.my_column as date format 'mm/dd/yy') > '12/30/2017'
Instead of casting a column value inside the query, you may consider to give '12/30/2017' as parameter (with type of Java Date). So that you can directly write am.my_column > :parameterDate

Convert from varchar into date in SQL Server

This looks easy solution but I can't seem to figure out as to why this is not working for me. I have a column that has data like this:
All I want to do is to convert from varchar into a date column, but I am getting this error:
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
Here is my simple query:
select convert (date, DateField) as convertedField
from myTable
Nothing wrong with the two examples you have given. There are some bad dates in your table which cannot be converted to date.
Use TRY_CONVERT function for bad dates it will return NULL
select TRY_Convert(date,DateField)
From myTable
You should always store dates in DATE/DATETIME datatype.
If you want to see the records which cannot be converted to date then
select DateField
From myTable
Where TRY_Convert(date,DateField) IS NULL
If working with a specific date format like mm/dd/yyyy You can specify it in Convert() function like the following
If it still is not working, use TRY_CONVERT() to get which rows are throwing this exception:
This will return rows that cannot be converted
TRY_CONVERT() will return NULL if conversion failed
Read more about DateTime formats here:
SQL Server CONVERT() Function tutorial
You need to specify the format of date time while formatting. The date in your table is currently in U.S format so you should pass the third argument 101 in your convert function.
SELECT CONVERT(date,[DateField],101) FROM myTable;
Working Fiddle here
More info about date time style here: