Can I view only a specific part of code and make the rest disappear? - intellij-idea

I'm using IntelliJ and VSCode and i'm wondering if there is a way to mark a part of the code and the tool will only display and focus on that code and will make the rest disappear. This will help to get rid of clutter code that i'm not interested in.

You can point the cursor over the code block you want to focus on, press Ctrl+Shift+NumPad - to collapse all code blocks and press Ctrl+NumPad - to expand the selected one. See Write and edit source code | Code Folding for more information.
In addition you can consider using Distraction Free Mode.


How to find the name for indentation of object-attributes in .tsx-file in PhpStorm

I'm editting a .tsx-file and are reaching upon this bonkers file-formatting:
... If I enlarge the window a bit, then it makes more sense:
But I would still like to change it, so value and onClick aren't aligned all that way to the right. Ideally, it would try to align them with the opening bracket (as they do), unless the opening bracket is more than 35 characters, from the line start. Or something like that.
Now, I assume that it's the TypeScript-formatting that dictates the Code Style for a .tsx-file. But when I open the settings: Editor >> Code Style >> TypeScript then there are BAZILLIONS of settings.
Which leads me to three questions:
Does anyone know what I need to change, so object-attributes doesn't follow the opening-brackets width?
Could I find the name of what I'm looking for, in some smart way? I tried hovering over the massive space, hoping that the little yellow light-bulb could shine some light on, what I was after.
Are there any presets, to be found somewhere? So I don't need to engineer a new Code Style, if I dislike the default.
Make sure that the following option is disabled:
Settings (Preferences on macOS)
Editor | Code Style | TypeScript | Wrapping and Braces
Function call arguments: Align when multiline
NOTE: It is possible that the default value has been changed somewhere since the previous version as I have seen a few questions for the same option but different language (PHP and JavaScript).
HINT 1: Did you know that you can paste your own code in the preview area and start changing options to see how they will affect it? It helps locating the right option a lot.
HINT 2: There is a special popup that shows formatting rules applied to the code. It does not show all possible options but can give you a hint what to look for. To invoke it:
Use Help | Find Action... (or Action tab on Search Everywhere -- they use to be different popups but are using the same popup nowadays)
Type adjust to filer actions
Select and invoke "Adjust code style settings" action
It will give you a popup with applicable rules (it's a limited set: may not list all).
An example for PHP code:

How to make my own Code abbreviation in intellij idea

in IDEA ,I can type soutto represent System.out.println();and I want to know how to make my own code abbreviation.For example, alias System.out.print(); to sounor any other names
This is called a Live Template in IntelliJ.
Go to File > Settings > Editor > Live Templates. From there, select Java and on the right, you'll see a plus sign. By clicking it, you'll get a 1. Live Template and that will get you a new abbreviation.
Name it soun and the text should be
Once you're done, make sure you've enabled that abbreviation by clicking the check box next to it.
The docs of IntelliJ cover in detail what the syntax is for these templates.
The $END$ syntax indicates the position of the cursor when the code snippet is complete, and you can no longer press Tab to jump to the next variable.
There are more variables to look at as well and other configurations to do!
Edit: there is an answer here for this question, but it looks like it doesn't necessarily answer the question asked on that post, so that's why I've decided to post a dedicated answer (tackling the issue at hand).

Having difficulty getting ZeroBrane to highlight code, autocomplete, etc
Here is an example. For some reason code is simply not being highlighted using the Lua 5.2 interpreter. Autocomplete doesn't appear to be working correctly either. Also whenever I declare a function it doesn't automatically add a space in the middle and the end at the bottom which I've seen. These would all be immensely helpful starting off. I have never coded before.
I don't see any issue with the highlighting, as the Lua code in your snapshot is highlighted. I'm not sure why auto-complete is not working in your case, but if you type "pr" and don't see "print" and "pairs" offered when Lua 5.2 interpreter is selected, you may want to open a ticket and we'll investigate.

Intellij: Highlight current block of code

I was wondering if it is possible to highlight the block of code you are working on in Intellij Idea.
There was a similar question here: Is there a way to highlight the currently active code block in Visual Studio 2010? .
So what I mean is that if you have clicked into e.g. a method or a while loop... ,the background of the whole block becomes a bit lighter or whatever.
There's already one such feature, but it's more subtle, in the form of a vertical line inside the left gutter... I can't recall whether it's enabled by default or not, but you can activate it by File -> Settings -> Editor -> General, scroll to the Highlight on Caret Movement section (about half of the page).
I looked around for a while but I have not yet found a way to change its appearance to match your description, although I personally prefer this less intrusive highlight than having all the background changed.
P.S. Not sure this is relevant or useful to you, but there was a plugin I tried a while ago called CodeGlance which offered a scrollable-map of the class:
I don't know when this feature was implemented. As of 2021, if you double click anywhere in the scope ( but not on text ), Intellij selects the current block of code ( text within two curly braces ).

Saving a position while coding?

Back in olden times, I used to code with an editor that allowed you to mark where you were in the code with a keypress. You could jump to another point in the same or another file to check a reference or somesuch. When you were ready, you could hit another keypress and return to the point you saved.
I've long since migrated to Dreamweaver and wanted this functionality. Does it exist in DW? If so, I missed that part of the manual. If not, any suggestions on an editor that DOES have that functionality?
There is no official way to do it, but you could use the code collapse feature to create something like a bookmark. Collapse the single line and DW will have a mark at that line number until you clear it.