Add script into HTML using vite and vue 3 - vue.js

I have one js file which needs to be put in the public directory and needs to add it in the final production build as a text/javascript.
I have checked the options in vite config but couldn't find anything useful. The files I add contain a global JSON object and can be accessed directly.
To achieve this, I tried this solution.
import { fileURLToPath, URL } from "url";
import path from 'path';
// import test from "./src/assets/test.js"
import test from "./public/test.js"
import { defineConfig , loadEnv} from "vite";
import vue from "#vitejs/plugin-vue";
import { loadingScript } from 'vite-plugin-loading-script'
export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => {
// Load env file based on `mode` in the current working directory.
// Set the third parameter to '' to load all env regardless of the `VITE_` prefix.
const env = loadEnv(mode, process.cwd(), '')
return {
// vite config
define: {
__APP_ENV__: JSON.stringify(env.VITE_REDIRECT_URL),
__TEST__: test,
plugins: [vue()],
server: {
hmr: {
overlay: false,
resolve: {
alias: {
"#": fileURLToPath(new URL("./src", import.meta.url)),
build: {
// rollupOptions: {
// external: ['__APP_ENV__'],
// output: {
// globals: {
// __APP_ENV__: JSON.stringify(env.VITE_REDIRECT_URL),
// }
// }
// }
export default {
API_URL: "",
with the above changes, I got the console.log('__TEST__', __TEST__) as expected JSON object but it doesn't work with the production build.

maybe you can try including the js file to the html in the public directory


"You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file". Electron+Vue

I am trying to use the npm package "Typeorm" in my Electron + Vue project, but when I run it I have this error:
Module parse failed: Unexpected character '​' (2:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See
| import { EntitySchema } from "typeorm"
> ​
| export default new EntitySchema({
| name: "Post", // Will use table name `post` as default behaviour.
But I don't even have a webpack.config.js in my project. Not even inside files from frameworks that i'm using. So I can't follow the tips of this
The file that contains this import:
import { EntitySchema } from "typeorm"
export default new EntitySchema({
name: "Category", // Will use table name `category` as default behaviour.
tableName: "categories", // Optional: Provide `tableName` property to override the default behaviour for table name.
columns: {
id: {
primary: true,
type: "int",
generated: true,
name: {
type: "varchar",
This is my Babel.config:
module.exports = {
presets: [
To try to make it work, in my vue.config.js I added this "transpileDependecies", as suggested in #vue/cli-plugin-babel/preset . But it stills the same error.
const { defineConfig } = require('#vue/cli-service')
module.exports = defineConfig({
transpileDependencies: [
configureWebpack: {
devtool: 'source-map',
pluginOptions: {
vuetify: {
Other similar questions did not help..

How to use tailwindcss in a custom Nuxt3 module?

I am building a custom Nuxt3 module and want to use tailwindcss to style
my components.
However, I am having trouble setting up tailwindcss for my module.
I tried to set it up, like I would with a normal css file:
In the 'src/' folder I have the follwing components:
#import "tailwindcss/base";
#import "tailwindcss/components";
#import "tailwindcss/utilities";
import defaultTheme from ("tailwindcss/defaultTheme")
module.exports = {
content: {
files: [
theme: {
extend: {
fontFamily: {
sans: ['"Inter var"', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
variants: {
extend: {},
import { resolve } from 'path'
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import { defineNuxtModule, addPlugin, addComponent } from '#nuxt/kit'
export interface ModuleOptions {
css: boolean
export default defineNuxtModule<ModuleOptions>({
meta: {
name: '#nuxt-module/polkadotjs-wallet',
configKey: 'polkadotjs-wallet'
defaults: {
css: true,
setup (options, nuxt) {
const runtimeDir = fileURLToPath(new URL('./runtime', import.meta.url))
// add the plugin
addPlugin(resolve(runtimeDir, 'plugin'))
// add components
const componentsDir = resolve(runtimeDir, "components")
name: "Hello",
filePath: resolve(componentsDir, "Hello.vue")
if(options.css) {
nuxt.options.css.push(resolve(runtimeDir, "css/tailwind.css"))
While this approach works to use normal css styling, I cannot make tailwind work like that.
Running it like this does not give me an error, but it also does not enable me to use tailwind.
I think I find a way, but I'm just discovering Nuxt 3.
Maybe my answer won't be perfect, but as far as I read the documentation and the #nuxtjs/tailwindcss code, that's all I found to work.
move your runtime/css/tailwind.css to runtime/tailwind.css
I'm not sure this file is really useful, as there is a default one provided by #nuxtjs/tailwindcss (see in your node_modules/#nuxtjs/tailwindcss/dist/runtime/tailwind.css)
update your tailwind.config.js for content property. It's an array of string for me. Actually, your paths are relatives. But in your app, these paths will take the components app and not the one of your module. You need to give absolute paths.
import defaultTheme from ("tailwindcss/defaultTheme")
import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'
const srcDir = fileURLToPath(new URL('../', import.meta.url))
/** #type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
content: [
srcDir + '/**/*.{js,ts,vue}', // or separate in folders ?
theme: {
extend: {
fontFamily: {
sans: ['"Inter var"', ...defaultTheme.fontFamily.sans],
variants: {
extend: {},
last part, but the most important, you need to update your module.ts. I would write yours like this :
async setup (options, nuxt) {
const runtimeDir = fileURLToPath(new URL('../src/runtime', import.meta.url))
* Here, you use the installModule to specify that
* your module USE the #nuxtjs/tailwindcss module.
* I think this is the way to add the tailwind module
* to your playground, or the app that will use your module
await installModule('#nuxtjs/tailwindcss', {
* Here, you specify where your config is.
* By default, the module have a configPath relative
* to the current path, ie the playground !
* (or the app using your module)
configPath: resolve(runtimeDir, 'tailwind.config'),
// add components
const componentsDir = resolve(runtimeDir, "components")
name: "Hello",
filePath: resolve(componentsDir, "Hello.vue")
* for these lines, I don't know if they are still useful
* please check them before keeping them :-)
const runtimeDir = fileURLToPath(new URL('./runtime', import.meta.url))
// add the plugin
addPlugin(resolve(runtimeDir, 'plugin'))
if(options.css) {
nuxt.options.css.push(resolve(runtimeDir, "css/tailwind.css"))
Does this help you ?
References :
installModule for Nuxt3 Modules
default configPath for #nuxtjs/tailwindcss

How to generate a build that exports each file type to its own folder? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Vite - change ouput directory of assets
(3 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
I'm using Vite. How to generate a build that exports each file type to its own folder?
I need an output similar to this:
I solved it by adding the build script in vite.config.js
Refs: Vite - change ouput directory of assets
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import vue from '#vitejs/plugin-vue'
import svgLoader from 'vite-svg-loader'
import alias from '#rollup/plugin-alias'
import { resolve } from 'path'
import { imagetools } from 'vite-imagetools'
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [
entries: [
find: '#',
replacement: resolve(__dirname, 'src'),
build: {
rollupOptions: {
output: {
assetFileNames: (asset) => {
let typePath = 'styles/site'
const type ='.').at(1)
if (/png|jpe?g|webp|svg|gif|tiff|bmp|ico/i.test(type)) {
typePath = 'images/site'
return `${typePath}/[name]-[hash][extname]`
chunkFileNames: 'scripts/site/[name]-[hash].js',
entryFileNames: 'scripts/site/[name]-[hash].js',

How can I display the current app version from package.json to the user using Vite?

With create-react-app one could use process.env.REACT_APP_VERSION for this.
Is there an equivalent in Vite?
For React & TypeScript users:
Add a define to your vite.config.ts:
import react from '#vitejs/plugin-react';
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
define: {
APP_VERSION: JSON.stringify(process.env.npm_package_version),
If you haven't got one already, define a vite-env.d.ts or env.d.ts and add a declare:
declare const APP_VERSION: string;
You'll now be able to use the variable APP_VERSION anywhere in your code & Vite will substitute it at compile time.
Note: You may need to restart your TS server for the declaration to be picked up by intellisense:
VSCode MacOS: ⌘ + ⇧ + P > Restart TS Server
VSCode Windows: ctrl + ⇧ + P > Restart TS Server
EDIT: For TypeScript, see Jamie's answer to set the types.
If you want to use plugin, see Adarsh's answer
But it's very easy to implement it yourself.
You can use define in vite.config.js. Read about it here
export default {
plugins: [vue()],
define: {
'__APP_VERSION__': JSON.stringify(process.env.npm_package_version),
<div>{{ version }}</div>
export default {
data () {
version: __APP_VERSION__
or with <script setup>
<script setup>
const version = __APP_VERSION__
<div>{{ version }}</div>
You should be able to change '__APP_VERSION__' as long as it doesn't conflict with javascript syntax or other variables.
If you don't want to use define, there is a vite plugin for just this.
// vite.config.js
import loadVersion from 'vite-plugin-package-version';
export default {
plugins: [loadVersion()],
Will inject import.meta.env.PACKAGE_VERSION with the version specified in your package.json.
Vite 4, React, Typescript setup
This worked for me.
I imported package.json in vite.config.ts and defined a PACKAGE_VERSION environment variable.
import { defineConfig } from 'vite'
import react from '#vitejs/plugin-react'
import packageJson from './package.json';
export default defineConfig({
plugins: [react()],
define: {
'import.meta.env.PACKAGE_VERSION': JSON.stringify(packageJson.version)
I added "resolveJsonModule": true to the compiler options of tsconfig.node.json.
I added "./package.json" to the include array of tsconfig.node.json
"compilerOptions": {
"composite": true,
"module": "ESNext",
"moduleResolution": "Node",
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"resolveJsonModule": true
"include": ["vite.config.ts", "./package.json"]
In order to make intellisense work for PACKAGE_VERSION, I added it to vite-env.d.ts
interface ImportMetaEnv {
readonly PACKAGE_VERSION: string;
// more env variables...
interface ImportMeta {
readonly env: ImportMetaEnv
I could use {import.meta.env.PACKAGE_VERSION} anywhere in my react app to show the package version.
This worked for me:
import { version } from '../../package.json'
In case anyone is interested, this automatically increases the version in package.json and makes it available to the application.
import { defineConfig } from 'vite';
const increasePackageVersion = () => {
try {
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const packageFilePath = path.join(__dirname, 'package.json');
const packageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(packageFilePath, 'utf8'));
packageJson.version = packageJson.version.replace(/(\d+)$/, (match, p1) => {
return parseInt(p1) + 1;
fs.writeFileSync(packageFilePath, JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 2));
console.log('New version is', packageJson.version);
} catch (error) {
console.log('Error in increasePackageVersion', error);
export default defineConfig({
build: {
lib: {
entry: 'src/main.js',
formats: ['es']
plugins: [
define: {
'__APP_VERSION__': JSON.stringify(process.env.npm_package_version),
Below Answer includes
Secure Way of Importing Vue version.
Incrementing semantic versions using npm commands
Secure and Semantic Way of Versioning using npm and env

Why are my js files being loaded as `index.html` instead of the actual js files created by webpack?

I'm creating a simple build from webpack, using typescript, jade, and stylus. When the final index.html file is spit out, however, it seems to think the js files are just the index.html file and not the actual js files bundled up by webpack and dynamically inserted at the bottom of the html body.
My project directory structure looks like this:
- dist (compiled/transpiled files)
- server
- dependencies
- index.js
- app.js
- app.[hash].js
- polyfills.[hash].js
- node_modules
- src
- server
- dependencies
- index.ts
- app.ts
- client (ng2 ts files)
- index.jade
This is my webpack build:
'use strict';
const webpack = require('webpack');
const path = require('path');
const HTMLWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
const WebpackShellPlugin = require('webpack-shell-plugin');
const rootDir = __dirname;
* Resolve paths so that we don't have to use relative paths when importing dependencies.
* Very helpful when scaling an application and changing the location of a file that my require another file
* in the same directory as the one it used to be in
const pathResolves = [path.resolve(rootDir, 'src'), path.resolve(rootDir, 'node_modules')];
console.log('path', path.resolve(rootDir, 'src/server'));
module.exports = {
entry: {
'app': path.resolve(rootDir, 'src/client/main.ts'),
'polyfills': [
output: {
path: path.resolve(rootDir, 'dist'),
filename: '[name].[hash].js'
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.component.ts$/,
use: [
loader: 'angular2-template-loader'
loader: 'ts-loader',
options: {
configFileName: path.resolve(rootDir, 'tsconfig.client.json')
include: [path.resolve(rootDir, 'src/client')]
test: /\.ts$/,
use: [
loader: 'ts-loader',
options: {
configFileName: path.resolve(rootDir, 'tsconfig.client.json')
exclude: /\.component.ts$/
test: /\.jade$/,
use: ['pug-ng-html-loader']
test: /\.styl$/,
use: [
{ loader: 'raw-loader' },
{ loader: 'stylus-loader' }
resolve: {
extensions: ['.js', '.ts', '.jade', '.styl'],
modules: pathResolves
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'polyfills'
new HTMLWebpackPlugin({
template: path.resolve(rootDir, 'dist/index.html')
* Define any environment variables for client
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
APP_ENV: JSON.stringify(process.env.APP_ENVIRONMENT || 'development')
* This plugin is required because webpack 2.0 has some issues compiling angular 2.
* The angular CLI team implemented this quick regexp fix to get around compilation errors
new webpack.ContextReplacementPlugin(
And finally, this is the src/server/app.ts file that serves up index.html:
import * as express from 'express';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as morgan from 'morgan';
import {
from './dependencies/config';
function app(Container) {
const app = express();
const config: Config = Container.get(Config);
if ( {
app.get('/', (req: express.Request, res: express.Response) => {
const indexPath: string = `dist/index.html`;
const encodeType: string = `utf-8`;
const html = fs.readFile(indexPath, encodeType, (err: Error, result: string) => {
if (err) {
return res.status(500).json(err);
return res.send(result);
return app;
The browser console shows the following 404 error messages (they're red in the browser console) when i go to localhost:3000:
GET http://localhost:3000/polyfills.9dcbd04127bb957ccf5e.js
GET http://localhost:3000/app.9dcbd04127bb957ccf5e.js
I know it's supposed to be getting the js files from dist/[file].[hash].js, but can't seem to make it work with webpack. Also, I should note that I set NODE_PATH to ./ in my gulp nodemon config. Any ideas why this isn't working?
Figured it out on my own. Forgot to add app.use(express.static('dist')) middleware to the app.ts file.