Why can not idea2022 run python program? - intellij-idea

I run a python program in idea2022.2, but an error appears, my environment is python3, jdk8, global enviroonment is python3. Does idea not support jdk8?
The burst error prompt is as follows:
'java.util.function.Function com.intellij.execution.target.value.TargetEnvironmentFunctions.getTargetEnvironmentValueForLocalPath(com.intellij.execution.target.TargetEnvironmentRequest, java.nio.file.Path)'

Workaround - disable Help | Find Action | Registry | python.use.targets.api.
Thanks to Pavel Karateev. Source:

Go to Settings/Preferences -> Plugins -> Installed
Uninstall Python plugin
Restart IDEA
Install Python plugin back
That should resolve the problem.

JetBrains at their best again.
Here is a solution for you:
Go there: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/631-python/versions
Download .zip of Python 222.4167.29 (Date Sep 14, 2022).
Press Shift 2 times, type "Plugins" and press "Enter".
Click the cog icon and then click "Install Plugin from Disk".
Select the plugin archive file (.zip) and click OK.
Click OK to apply the changes and restart your IDE if prompted.


IntelliJ IDEA Main Menu missing

After updating my Ubuntu to 20.04 this night, I noticed that my IntelliJ Main menu is missing.
The Problem is exactly the same as described here:
the SHOW_MAIN_MENU option shows no effect
the shortcut workaround is not working
the View | Appearance: Main Menu action is disabled:
I have tried multiple reinstalls both via snap & zipped standalone. Including purges of ~/.config/JetBrains and ~/.local/share/JetBrains without success.
Invoke Help | Find in action.
Type Experimental features.
Uncheck linux.native.menu.
Make Main Menu reappear IntelliJ IDEA in Ubuntu
System Details:
Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS
IntellJ IDEA Community 2020.2.3
How the issue was created: I wanted to hide the menu
Click View > Appearance
Uncheck Main Menu
Solution to make the menu reappear
Open folder: ~/.config/JetBrains
There could be more than one folder. I had two: IdeaIC2020.1, IdeaIC2020.2
Both has configuration xml files for the IntelliJ.
IdeaIC2020.2 seems to be the one with the configuration for IntelliJ.
IdeaIC2020.1 must have been for previous version or previous installation. Even if this is removed, IntelliJ worked.
Open IdeaIC2020.2 > options > ui.lnf.xml
Set value to true : option name="SHOW_MAIN_MENU" value="true"
I hope this helps.

Sigasi in Eclipse

I have just installed the Sigasi Studio pluginin Eclipse (version: Eclipse IDE 2018-12). When I try to launch it,to make a new VHDL file, I get the following:
The selected wizard could not be started. org/eclipse/lsp4j/Range
(occurred in com.sigasi.hdt.vhdl.ui.VhdlExecutableExtensionFactory)
How I could solve it, please?
Thank you in advance.
Thanks to the Sigasi support, I was able to solve the problem. They wrote me:
The lsp4j plugin version is to recent for the xtext version that ships
with Sigasi Studio 4.2. This issue has been resolved in the preview
channel of release 4.3. Therefore - if you wish to use the plugin
version of Sigasi Studio - I recommend to install the 4.3 preview
following the steps explained on
That's all. Now, I would like to configure Sigasi with GHDL (as a compiler, when I run the project) and GTKWAVE (ad a waves viewer). How can I do that?
Thanks in advance.
SIGASI + GHDL + GTKWAVE (all in one)
It is very powerful combo that you can set up. ATTENTION i use macOS 10.13.6:
Step 1
Make sure you have both installed GHDL and GTKWAVE typing
$ which gtkwave
$ which ghdl
Step 2
Open Sigasi an make new Project and create an additional compile.sh file with:
/usr/local/bin/ghdl -a --workdir=$WORKING_DIR/work.ghdl $WORKING_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/$PROJECT_NAME.vhd;
/usr/local/bin/ghdl -a --workdir=$WORKING_DIR/work.ghdl $WORKING_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/$PROJECT_NAME_TB.vhd;
/usr/local/bin/ghdl -e --workdir=$WORKING_DIR/work.ghdl $PROJECT_NAME_TB;
/usr/local/bin/ghdl -r --workdir=$WORKING_DIR/work.ghdl $PROJECT_NAME_TB --vcd=$WORKING_DIR/$PROJECT_NAME/simulation.vcd;
now, be aware, for each project you create your own variables like
I use always Dropbox for such approach because then i can access via Windows as well.
And of course, there is a possibility to create custom variables in Sigasi -> External Tool Configurator -> Program -> compile_sh -> environment to pass them to make compile.sh independent. Here you have to deal with it by yourself =)
Step 3 .
Set up you External Tools Configurations to let shell script be executed by Sigasi Studio and create the .vcd file for gtkwave:
Click on currently created Project (in my case it is the PWM_Generator).
After that click on Run -> External Tools -> External Tools Configurations ....
Then go to the left sidebar and under Program create your own anchor like compile_sh.
Finally you have your route :
And now extend this anchor by a custom created shell script :
Main->Location gets ${workspace_loc:/PWM_Generator/compile.sh}
Main->Working Directory gets ${workspace_loc:/PWM_Generator}
Click Apply and Run and that's it !!! After this you can program VHDL / Verilog and compile via Run -> External Tools -> compile_sh having created .vcd. In your project appears the gtkwave file and there just double click and it starts. =)

IntelliJ IDEA error: cannot find vm options file

I'm trying to launch IntelliJ IDEA but the following error pops up:
Cannot find vm options file
This happened to me in Ubuntu 16.4, and the pycharm.vmoptions file was under the bin/ directory.
I was trying to run the shell script with this commands:
cd <path_to_pycharm_installation>/bin
source pycharm.sh
Running the bash script without the "source" command solved it for me:
The explicit solution is to set an environment variable named $IDEA_VM_OPTION:
export IDEA_VM_OPTION="[path-to-'.vmoptions' file]"
Search in the file idea.sh:
grep -ri "vmoption" ./bin/idea.sh
You will see that the search path for .vmoptions file is either:
So, copy file bin/idea64.vmoptions into one of above locations if you have 64 bit JVM installed or file bin/idea.vmoptions else.
The following information is current as of April 23, 2019 for version 2019.1.1 of IntelliJ Ultimate that was installed via JetBrains Toolbox app version 1.14.5179
Locate the start menu item for IntelliJ. For me, it was at:
%APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\JetBrains Toolbox\
with the name:
IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
right-click on the above item and choose Properties
Change the empty Start In: text box to read:
Once the above work-around has been performed, IntelliJ 2019.1.1 Ultimate will stop emitting the error:
Error launching IDEA cannot find VM options file

An internal error occurred during: "Start Ruble bundle manager"

I've install the Aptana3 Eclipse plugin, I am using eclipse Version: Juno Service Release 1
Build id: 20121004-1855.
Each time I launch eclipse I see an error dialog that says:
An internal error occurred during: "Start Ruble bundle manager".
How can I fix this error?
I was having the same problem after a fresh install of Eclipse and Aptana.
What fixed it for me was very close to what Jason mentioned in his Answer. I checked the available software sites in Eclipse --> Preferences --> Install/Update --> Available Software Sites.
In this window there was an option for Aptana that was checked. I had given it a name of "Aptana" previously and the location was "http://download.aptana.com/studio3/plugin/install".
There was a second location listed for Aptana at "http://download.aptana.com/studio3/plugin/update/" but this option was not checked nor did it have a name. I gave it the name "Aptana Update" and I put a check in the box. I then restarted Eclipse and the error went away.
Let me note that I am using:
Eclipse Standard/SDK
Version: Kepler Service Release 1
Build id: 20130919-0819
Aptana Studio 3
Try checking the available software sites in Eclipse --> preferences. Use the search field in preferences to get there quickly. I noticed there was an entry for:
The above address isn't the location of the package. Once I unchecked that box and selected the one for:
Apanta http://download.aptana.com/studio3/plugin/install
it started without the error. Not sure if this is the full solution, but it seems to work.
Look at your .log to find which bundle has an issue.
Then uncheck, remove or change wrong url in the install/update available software sites : Eclipse -> Preferences -> Install/update -> Available Sofware Sites
(to check this url, just copy/paste and look in browser..)
Aptana update site (at current time...) : http://update.aptana.com/update/studio/3.2
Install the support file for Windows
this solved my problem in Windows. As by Linux it comes as default.
I solved this by using rvm to install zlib. I looked through my log file (Eclipse: Help > Aptana > View Log File) and saw a zlib error message right before the NullPointerException. If zlib isn't in your log, this probably won't fix your problem ;-)
My system (Ubuntu) already had zlib1g and zlib1g-dev installed.
rvm pkg install zlib
rvm reinstall 1.9.3
Find the Folder bundles in your installation.
do a chmod to allow the user read and write to this folder:
chmod 775 <apptanaFolder>/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles -R
Be Happy, cause you solve your problem!
Here in German Language:
There is a patch for this:
I confirm it solves the problem.
I tried the solution of Jonathan to no avail, although one of the adresses for Aptana was indeed unchecked and unmarked.
What worked for me was simply updating the plugins though Help --> Check for Updates.

How do I install uncrustify?

How do I install uncrustify? I followed the instruction to install uncrustify but when I run it, it does not work. Can anyone give me some help installing this tool? I want to run it on objective-c code in xcode 4. Thanks in adavance
On OS X Mavericks 10.9.1 :
1- to install brew, open a terminal windows and type :
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)"
It will ask you to download some other files, answer OK for all (for more information see : http://brew.sh/index_fr.html).
2 - to install uncrusify, open a terminal windows an type :
brew install uncrustify
3 - to make your code beautiful, download BBUncrustifyPlugin-Xcode available at https://github.com/benoitsan/BBUncrustifyPlugin-Xcode
You will just have to :
compile the project
copy the file uncrusify.cfg in your home directory
restart Xcode.
NB : With BBUncrustifyPlugin, you don't need to use Automator.
4 - After restarting Xcode, use the menu Edit > Uncrustify Selected Files to uncrustify the selected items in the project navigator.
Your code is now beautiful! That's magic!
post-scriptum : You can easily change your uncrusify configuration file by using :
http://universalindent.sourceforge.net (better in my case)
I hope that this will help!
I setup Uncrustify with Xcode 4 like so: http://blog.carbonfive.com/2011/03/10/code-formatting-in-xcode-4/
Can you explain what you tried to do, what you expected to happen, and how it didn't work?
Download zip
On Windows, download the latest version of Uncrustify here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/uncrustify/files/latest/download
Extract zip
The program is a standalone exe, so just extract the downloaded uncrustify-...-win32.zip file anywhere. For this example, I'll use C:\Uncrustify. So, the uncrustify.exe would be in that directory.
Add directory to PATH System Environment Variable
In Windows 7+: Type Winkey + env - Select "Edit the system environment variables"
On the Advanced tab, click the Environment Variables button at the bottom.
In the System variables section at the bottom, click the Path variable, then click the Edit... button.
Click the New button, and type C:\Uncrustify, or the directory that you extracted uncrustify.exe to.
Important: Click OK to close the dialog boxes or your change will not save.
In a CMD window, typing where uncrustify should return the path to the uncrustify.exe.
In my case it shows C:\Uncrustify\uncrustify.exe
Close Atom and reopen it. Now you should be able to atom-beautify and it will use Uncrustify to format your selection