How to add Database to default server in Postgres, if all databases are deleted? - sql

I ran and new node application that used a Postgres SQL server. It created a default database called postgres and I wanted to remove it.
I used the below command and close the connection and was able to remove that database.
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = 'postgres';
Now the pgAdmin looks like the below image.
I am not sure how to add a database again here. It always gives me errors while adding a new server that Database "postgres" does not exist. Any ideas or search query to google about this issue?

I am tempted to say that if you are randomly deleting system databases without first researching if they are needed, you deserve what you get. But while it is customary to leave the postgres database as default database for tools to connect to, it is certainly not forbidden to drop it.
The solution in your case is probably to reconfigure your pgAdmin connection to use template1 instead of postgres as "maintenance database". The only problem with that (and the main reason why the postgres database was introduced) is that it will prevent you from creating new databases with template1 as the (default) template if others are connected to that database as well.

You are connecting as user "postgres" and the default database name it will try is also "postgres". You should be able to specify a different database in the pgadmib settings though. Try "template0" and connect to that to create a new db.


Sql: export database using TSQL

I have database connection to database DB1. The only thing I could do - execute any t-sql statements including using stored procedures. I want to export the specific table (or even the specific rows of specific table) to my local database. As you can read abve, DBs are on diffrent servers meaning no direct connection is possible. Therefore question: Is it possible to write query that returns the other query to execute on local server and get data? Also note, that table contains BLOBs. Thanks.
If you have SQL Server Management Studio, you can use the data import function on your local database to get the data. It works as long as you have Read/Select access on the tables you are trying to copy.
If you have Visual Studio you can use the database tools in there to move data between two servers as long as you can connect to both from your workstation.
Needs Ultimate or Premium though:
RedGate has some usefull tools too:
Maybe you should ask at instead.
If you can login to the remote db (where you can only issue t-sql), you may create linked server on your local server to the remote and use it later directly in queries, like:
select * from [LinkedServerName].[DatabaseName].[SchemaName].[TableName]

Test ability to query MongoDB

In a SQL database, you might run a query like select 1 just to verify that you have a good connection to the database without needing to know anything about the contents of the database or even have permission to access anything in it. Is there a similar sort of query I can run in MongoDB, say against a database with no collections?
You can do it in many ways :
1.Run a basic info command about the database :
2- Run a mongoDb equivalent of mysql's 'show databases' or 'show tables'
'show dbs'
'use myDb'
'show collections'
The easiest way it's running ping command. And it's preferred way to verify connection with the database.
Reading stats or listing dbs is a good way to do it as well, but the result can be nondeterministic (and I am not sure how it would work with different permissions).

SQL Server Management Studio connection defaults to 'master' when selecting a database-specific object

In SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio, if I right-click on an object inside a specific database and choose "Select top 1000 rows ..", the database connection for the query window always opens on 'master' while the table name is fully qualified as [database].[dbo].[table]. This makes it impossible to jump in and tweak out this query and insert joins, etc., to the statement without also fully-qualifying everything I add, or add a USE statement, or select the database from the drop-down menu.
Is there a setting or something that will make query windows open with a database connection of the selected object browser's database rather than connect to 'master', and not fully qualify the object's database in the query text? I realize that I can register my SQL connection to default to my database, but we actually go through multiple new databases every week--in a given month I will have touched tens of databases--so it would be difficult to manage multiple database registrations. I would rather it if SSMS just connected to the specified database. Possible and straightforward?
If you are going in via Win Auth, are in a group, are using SA or some other userid, or are in a situation where changing your login is not really the solution, AND if all you wish to do is default to a database in the query editor:
In an existing open query editor, right-click, select Connection, Change Connection.
Click the Options button to expand the options.
In the Connection Properties tab, select the database you wish to connect to.
SSMS will remember your selection for that server. You may have to repeat for other servers, but it does remedy having a default database other than master.
There is no such setting for the SELECT TOP command, but you may be able to do this by changing the default database for your login. This is tedious if you're doing this often for various databases (much like changing the registrations, as I just noticed you already outlined).
Instead of using SELECT TOP 1000 (which in addition to not putting you in the right database context, also puts a TOP in that I assume you're just going to remove as well), you should right-click the table and choose Script Table as > SELECT to > New Query Window. This puts the context in the right DB, adds a USE command, doesn't have a TOP and doesn't database-prefix the table name.
If you want query window connects to some database by default, in SSMS go to the Security -> Logins, select the login that you use to connect to this server, and loock at the properties window. In page 'general' change the default database from 'master' to database you want to connect.
You could just put a USE [database name] at the top of the query window prior to executing a query. You do not need to fully qualify the database names if you do this. If you generate any scripts and version control them, this is a good practice to put at the top anyway. It at least prevents executing the script erroneously against the wrong database (say creation of a stored procedure).
USE MySpecialDatabase
SELECT * FROM MySpecialTable

How do i get the names of all the tables inside a database?

EDIT2: Found a fix! I used the number of the desired schema instead of the name. Should've thought of that before, really! And i think the error messages could've been a bit better aswell. Thanks for all your time!
How can i get the names of all tables inside a database through sql inside asp classic?
The server is running windows 2008, iis7.5 and microsoft jet. I've tried all the querys i could find on the internet (and here) but none have worked.
If i add a ; to the query to run a set of querys at the same time it gives me an error because the statement isn't over at the semicolon.
The master.mdf database cannot be accessed because it's of unknown format.
The sysobjects variable apparently doesn't exist.
I am using mssql 2000 format. (.mdf)
The connection is made through classic asp with the Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider and ADODB connection/recordset.
How do I get list of all tables in a database using TSQL?
Query to get the names of all tables in SQL Server 2008 Database
I've found two folders containing databases. One is in C:\program files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL10_50.SQLEXPRESS\mssql\binn\templates and contains master.mdf, mastlog.ldf, model.mdf, modellog.ldf, msdbdata.mdf and msdblog.ldf. The other one is also in the \binn\template data directory and contains master.mdf, mastlog.ldf, model.mdf, modellog.ldf, MSDBData.mdf, MSDBLog.ldf, mssqlsystemresource.ldf, mssqlsystemresource.mdf, tempdb.mdf and templog.ldf. Maybe these is of some interest?
How can i tell if i have permission? Does it give a permission denied error?
Please help! No, don't. Read the 2nd edit at the top.
FROM sys.Tables
Have you tried the example from:
I almost always use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA views:
If this isn't working for you, the SQL user your site is running under may not have access to the system objects. This is actually a good thing, as giving your site access to the underlying database schema can leave you vulnerable to SQL injection.
So if you do go this route, proceed with caution.
The mdf by itself is useless: you need a database engine (a.k.a. a SQL Server instance) to "run" it. As I understand the question, this is your problem.
Then you can use sysobjects in your database: unless you have added your tables to the master database
There is no practical way to use an mdf directly: if nothing else download MSDE

SQL Server 2005: Invalid object name exception

In VS2005, I am using a DLL which accesses a SQL Server. The DLL returns a SQLException
Invalid object name 'tableXYZ'
but tableXYZ is a table in the database.
Should it be looking for dbo.tableXYZ instead? Is this a permissions issue with the login being used?
This could be an issue with the owner of the tableand permissions.
for example the table owner may be dbo so the full table name will be dbo.TableXYZ The user you connect as, could be for example SQLUser may not have access to the dbo schema. So can only access tables such as SQLuser.TableXYZ
I'd check the permissions that you use to connect to the database.
Using dbo.tableXYZ makes it clearer what you want - the tableXYZ in the default dbo schema. There could be a tableXYZ in another schema, too - then SQL Server might not know which one you want.
And it could most definitely be a permissions issue. If you connect to that database in SQL SErver Mgmt Studio as that user - can you see that tableXYZ table??
UPDATE: does the DLL require a specific connection string, that you might not have copied into your calling app's app.config file?? DLL's in .NET can't really have their own mylibrary.dll.config - it will not be read by .NET by default.
you have to use the databasename in your connection-string - otherwise it would just connect und you have to use dbo.databasename.tableXYZ.
you can find the various connection-strings here
As a starting point, you could turn on an SQL Server Profiler trace, to see how the DLL is connecting to the database. e.g. you should be able to see what credentials are being used. You could also confirm to make sure the code is connecting to the right database etc.