Prevent Celery From Grabbing One More Task Than Concur - rabbitmq

In Celery using RabbitMQ, I have distributed workers running very long tasks on individual ec2 instances.
What is happening is that my concurrency is set to 2, -Ofair is enabled, and task_acks_late = True worker_prefetch_multiplier = 1 are set, but the Celery worker runs the 2 tasks in parallel, but then grabs a third task and doesn't run it. This leaves other workers with no tasks to run.
What i would like to happen is for the workers to only grab jobs when they can perform work on them. Allowing other workers that are free to grab the tasks and perform them.
Does anyone know how to achieve the result that I'm looking for? Attached below is an example of my concurrency being 2, and there being three jobs on the worker, where one is not yet acknowledged. I would like for there to be only two tasks there, and the other remain on the server until another worker can start them.


RQ Worker Processing Jobs in a Batch

Say you have a RQ Queue with lots of jobs, which gets filled from various sources.
Those Jobs would be more efficiently processed in batches, eg pulling and processing 100 Jobs at a time.
How would you achieve this in RQ?
Would you need to write a custom Worker class to pull multiple jobs at once, or a custom Queue Class to batch jobs when they are given out, or some other approach?
I think that Tasktiger, which is based on redis like RQ, can better fulfill your needs. From the README:
Batch queues
Batch queues can be used to combine multiple queued tasks into one. That way, your task function can process multiple sets of arguments at the same time, which can improve performance. The batch size is configurable.

celery multiple workers but one queue

i am new to celery and redis.
I started up my redis server by using redis-server.
Celery was run using this parameter
celery -A proj worker
There are no other configurations. However, i realised that when i have a long running job in celery, it does not process another task that is in the queue until the long running task is completed. My understanding is that since i have 8 cores on my CPU, i should be able to process 8 tasks concurrently since the default parameter for -c is the number of cores?
Am i missing something here ?
Your problem is classical, everybode met this who had long-running tasks.
The root cause is that celery tries to optimize your execution flow reserving some tasks for each worker. But if one of these tasks is long-running the others get locked. It is known as 'prefetch count'. This is because by default celery set up for short tasks.
Another related setting is a 'late ack'. By default worker takes a task from the queue and immediately sends an 'acknowledge' signal, then broker removes this task from the queue. But this means that more messages will be prefetched for this worker. 'late ack' enabled tells worker to send acknowledge only after the task is completed.
This is just in two words. You may read more about prefetch and late ack.
As for the solution - just use these settings (celery 4.x):
task_acks_late = True
worker_prefetch_multiplier = 1
or for previous versions (2.x - 3.x):
Also, starting the worker with parameter -Ofair does the same.

How to prevent ironworker from enqueuing tasks of workers that are still running?

I have this worker whose runtime greatly varies from 10 seconds to up to an hour. I want to run this worker every five minutes. This is fine as long as the job finishes within five minutes. However, If the job takes longer keeps enqueuing the same task over and over and a bunch of tasks of the same type accumulate while the worker is running.
Furthermore, it is crucial that the task may not run concurrently, so max concurrency for this worker is set to one.
So my question is: Is there a way to prevent from enqueuing tasks of workers that are still running?
Answering my own question.
According to support it is not possible to prevent IronWorker from enqueuing tasks of workers that are still running. For cases like mine it is better to have master workers that do the scheduling, i.e. creating/enqueuing tasks from script via one of the client libraries.
The best option would be to enqueue new task from the worker's code. For example, your task is running for 10 sec - 1 hour and enqueues itself at the end (last line of code). This will prevent the tasks from accumulating while the worker is running.

Using RabbitMQ as Distributed broker - How to Serialize jobs per queue

Each Job in my system belongs to a specific userid and can be put in rabbitmq from multiple sources. My requirements:
No more than 1 job should be running per user at any given time.
Jobs for other users should not experience any delay because of job piling up for a specific user.
Each Job should be executed at least once. Each Job will have a max retries count and is re-inserted in queue (or probably delayed) with a delay if fails.
Maintaining Sequence of Jobs (per user) is desirable but not compulsory.
Jobs should probably be persisted, as I need them executing atleast once. There is no expiry time of jobs.
Any of the workers should be able to run jobs for any of the user.
With these requirements, I think maintaining a single queue for each individual user makes sense. I would also need all the workers watching all user queues and execute job for user, whose job is currently not running anywhere (ie, no more than 1 job per user)
Would this solution work using RabbitMQ in a cluster setup? Since the number of queues would be large, I am not sure each worker watching every user queue would cause significant overhead or not. Any help is appreciated.
As #dectarin has mentioned, having multiple workers listen to multiple job queues will make it hard to ensure that only one job per user is being executed.
I think it'd work better if the jobs go through a couple steps.
User submits job
Job gets queued per user until no other jobs are running
Coordinator puts job on the active job queue that is consumed by the workers
Worker picks up the job and executes it
Worker posts the results in a result queue
The results get sent to the user
I don't know how the jobs get submitted to the system, so it's hard to tell if actual per-user MessageQueues would be the best way to queue the waiting. If the jobs already sit in a mailbox, that might work as well, for instance. Or store the queued jobs in a database, as a bonus that'd allow you to write a little front end for users to inspect and manage their queued jobs.
Depending on what you choose, you can then find an elegant way to coordinate the single job per user constraint.
For instance, if the jobs sit in a database, the database keeps things synchronised and multiple coordinator workers could go through the following loop:
while( true ) {
if incoming job present for any user {
pick up first job from queue
put job in database, marking it active if no other active job is present
if job was marked active {
put job on active job queue
if result is present for any user {
pick up first result from result queue
send results to user
mark job as done in database
if this user has job waiting in database, mark it as active
if job was marked active {
put job on active job queue
Or if the waiting jobs sit in per-user message queues, transactions will be easier and a single Coordinator going through the loop won't need to worry about multi-threading.
Making things fully transactional across database and queues may be hard but need not be necessary. Introducing a pending state you should allow you to err on the side of caution making sure no jobs get lost if a step fails.

Load Balancing job queue among disproportionate workers

I'm working on a tool to automatically manage a job queue (in this case, Beanstalkd). Currently, you must manually set the number of available workers to pull jobs off the queue, but this does not allow for spikes in jobs, or it wastes resources during low job times.
I have a client/server set up that runs on the job queue server and the workers. The client connects to the server and reports available resources (CPU/Memory) as well as what types of jobs it can run. The server then monitors queues and dictates to the connected clients how many workers to run to process that queue once a second. There are currently a hundred or so different worker types and they all use very different amounts of CPU/memory, and the worker servers themselves have different levels of performance.
I'm looking for techniques to balance the workload most effectively based on job queue length and the resource requirement of each worker - for example, some workers use 100% of a core for 5s, while others take microseconds to complete. Also, some jobs are higher priority than others.