Is it possible to load demo data automatically after I upgrade/install a module? - odoo

I want to odoo to create/update the demo data every time if i install/upgrade a module.
And Is it possible or any workround to implmenet this?

Yes, it is possible.
When we install the module, it executes all files listed in the manifest file. And when we upgrade the module, it skips demo files to load. So the data attribute is important in your situation.
Data/Odoo tag attribute with noupdate="0" and noupdate="1" will decide to create/update xml content. noupdate="1" will freeze the xml content.
You can try this:
Create a demo file / normal xml file. Inside the manifest file, declare in the data attribute not in the demo attribute.
Optional: Data/Odoo tag declared with noupdate="0".


Proactively control div that will be created from the server side

I will expect <div class ="fromLibrary> to be created from a library's js file.
So I want to add a behavior on my client so that it watches the div with "fromLibrary" being created and add a styling to it dynamically?
I can go on node_module and change the specific .js file but library will get constantly updated and will overwrite what I modified.
Does that technique exist or am I being funny.
Thank you for help in advance.

Dynamic component path in vuejs

I have a divided my vuejs application in to components and whenever i update the architecture of the application, I need to change the component path wherever added. This makes the application maintenance difficult. So I have added the component path to settings.json file and with that I am trying to load the component. But this is not working. Please see the code below.
import Registration from platform.urls.uiComponent+'Account/Registration'
Does any one have any idea how to set dynamic component path in vuejs ?
According to this answer it is not possible to do that. There is however an alternative way to achieve what you want to do if you use a tool such as webpack. In webpack configuration you can define an alias for a directory e.g. components, which you can use and afterwards change in a centralized location.

dojo internalize html templates

When using filter and pagination plugins for EnhancedGrid, the HTML templates for the same are loaded from dojox\grid\enhanced\templates.
Is there any way by which I can avoid the server requests for these HTML files by making them part of the Enhanced Grid's inline javascript?
You should make a custom dojo build that creates one js file as a result. follow this instructions from a previous QA:
How to build Dojo into a single file, given a list of dependencies?
The build should add those html files inline, but doesn't. I googled a bit and found this link related to your problem:
It suggests a fix using this link
If you are using the AMD style of module definition, then you can specify a text dependency like so:
define(["dojo/text!some/file.html", "other/module"],
function(template, otherModule){
// to use the contents of the html file, treat template as if it were a normal string
someNode.innerHTML = template;
The build system should automatically convert the text dependency to an inline string literal. Most Dojo files are already formatted to use this feature, but I can't account for dojox modules. I'm not sure whether similar functionality is possible with the dojo.require/dojo.provide system of dependency declaration.
I have got the solution. Those struglling from this issue pls. note that there is bug with Dojo 1.7.1 and we need to use Dojo 1.8.3 and use internStrings option with the build command. You should see HTML files being interned in the build-report.

Dojo 1.8: Seems that there's no way to load dojo file into contentpane, is it?

Hi I have tried every ways and means to load dojo page into ContentPane.
It seems That I am not able to do that. Correct me if I am wrong.
Looks like the only solution is through the creation and destroy of any widget while running
The dojo docs for dojox/layout/ContentPane (which allows references to script files) mentions your issue:
NOTE that dojo.require in script in the fetched file isn't recommended Many widgets need to be required at page load to work properly
It looks like you just need to require these files in the parent widget.

Dojo custom widget with external JavaScript libraries dependency

I'm developing a custom Dojo widget which in fact acts as a wrapper for Timeline JS library (
Is there a possibility to include the required JS code for Timeline in the custom dojo widget or must I include manually in my "index.html"??
Thanks in advance.
Do you have control over the Timeline source code, that is, are you hosting it yourself?
If this is the case you could turn the dependency into a dojo module by inserting an appropriate dojo.provide call on the top or you could just straight up copy-and-paste everything inside your MyWidget.js source file.
If this is all ends up too compicated for you to consider it worth it, adding the script tag by hand on the index.html is not that bad (given how base Javascript actually doesn't have a real module system you could use instead)