Attempting to subscribe to a Shopify Webhook w/AWS EventBridge produces error: "Address is an AWS ARN and includes api_client_id 'x' instead of 'y'" - shopify

I'm running this request through Postman. Some posts to the Shopify developer forum (e.g., this one) express without clear explanation that the request should be made within the Shopify app that would be subscribing to the Webhooks, but Postman seems to work, too.
In Postman . . .
Here's the endpoint:
Here's the GraphQL body:
mutation createWebhookSubscription($topic: WebhookSubscriptionTopic!, $webhookSubscription: EventBridgeWebhookSubscriptionInput!) {
topic: $topic,
webhookSubscription: $webhookSubscription
) {
webhookSubscription {
userErrors {
Here's the payload being sent (notice the "client_id_x" value within the arn property):
"webhookSubscription": {
"arn": "arn:aws:events:us-east-1::event-source/aws.partner/",
"format": "JSON",
"includeFields": "id"
Here's the response I receive:
"data": {
"eventBridgeWebhookSubscriptionCreate": {
"webhookSubscription": null,
"userErrors": [
"message": "Address is invalid"
"message": "Address is an AWS ARN and includes api_client_id 'client_id_x' instead of 'client_id_y'"
"extensions": {
"cost": {
"requestedQueryCost": 10,
"actualQueryCost": 10,
"throttleStatus": {
"maximumAvailable": 1000.0,
"currentlyAvailable": 990,
"restoreRate": 50.0
What's entirely unclear is why Shopify is insisting upon validity of "client_id_y" when, in AWS, the value being displayed is undeniably 'client_id_x'. Extremely confusing. I don't even see what difference using the Shopify app would make except that it produces a client_id value that works counter to one's expectations and intuitions.
Does anyone know why the heck Shopify isn't just using the client_id value of the event bus created earlier in Amazon EventBridge?

Same happend to me and I was lucky to find a solution.
The error message is just missleading.
I replaced the API Access Token for the Shopify Rest API Request (X-Shopify-Access-Token)
with the one from the Shopify App holding the aws credentials.
admin/settings/apps/development -> app -> API credentials -> Admin API access token. (can only be seen after creation)
Then I could subscribe webhooks to the app via the Rest Interface.


kucoin websocket api, how to "subscribe" to their public channel, they say no authorization required, but they ask for a token :(

The question is about kucoin websocket public channel (not trades) just last trades
I just want a live feed of trades like other crypto exchanges...
but when I want to connect to "wss://" I get WebSocketError: Received unexpected status code (401 Unauthorized)
the documentation lack explications :(
normally with other exchanges I can just do this in javascript
bybit_market_ws = new WebSocket("wss://");
bybit_market_ws.onmessage = event => bybit_trades(;
bybit_market_ws.onopen = event => bybit_market_ws.send(JSON.stringify({"topic":"trade","params":{"symbol":"BTCUSDT","binary":false},"event":"sub"}));
function bybit_trades (jsonx) { console.log(JSON.parse(jsonx)); }
so how can I do that with kucoin websocket ?
according to the documentation i would need a "public token"...
but there is no explication on how to get that token :(
does someone knows how I would retrieve the last trades via websocket (public) channel ?
Note that the following steps may be changed when the API is updated.
All information can be found at
Get the public token
Send a empty http POST (GET will not work) message to
"code": "200000",
"data": {
"token": "2neAiuYvAU61ZD...",
"instanceServers": [
"endpoint": "wss://",
"encrypt": true,
"protocol": "websocket",
"pingInterval": 18000,
"pingTimeout": 10000
Connect to the Websocket
With the data of the repsonse above:
websocket: endpoint + "?token=" + token
Example: wss://
Get all supported trading pairs
send a http GET message to
"code": "200000",
"data": [
"symbol": "REQ-ETH",
"name": "REQ-ETH",
"baseCurrency": "REQ",
"quoteCurrency": "ETH",
"symbol": "BTC-USDC",
"name": "BTC-USDC",
"baseCurrency": "BTC",
"quoteCurrency": "USDC",
Get trading data
When the websocket connection is established send a http POST message:
"type": "subscribe", //subscribe or unsubscribe
"topic": "/market/ticker:BTC-USDT,BTC-USDC"
maybe this answer will not please you at all, but i will try, most of the people who work from the API in KuCoin do it with python, in fact the SDK for Nodejs is out of date, your best bet is to ask in the telegram channel, there are KuCoin engineers who always help, although most of them use python, there is also the academy channel, where there are examples, in short I can only mention references because I was also where you are, and the best I could do was that and review the SDk code and from there intuit and create my own adjustments
PD: the datafeed.js file is your best option, check it out

Invalid variant ID while creating checkout for Shopify

I am trying to create checkout url using Admin API with following params.
"checkout": {
"line_items": [
"variant_id": 37033347711169,"quantity": 2
Unfortunately its returning below error which is not properly documented anywhere that I could find.
"errors": {
"line_items": {
"0": {
"variant_id": [
"code": "invalid",
"message": "is invalid",
"options": {}
I also tried Shopify-api ruby gem and got same error. There are some similar issue online, but none answers why that issue is occurring and how to fix it. This is new app under development which will create custom checkout. There's only one sales channel which is "Online Store" and is enabled for all products. Any ideas how to fix this issue? Any help is appreciated.
You seem to be mixing up concepts here. The checkout API is only associated with the Storefront API, and has nothing to do with the Admin API.
So this URL: /admin/api/2020-10/checkouts.json seems to be impossible. There is no endpoint in the admin API for checkouts, whereas, Storefront API which does have checkouts, might be your proper URL. So try that:
And if you have the correct token in your header, it will likely work.


When I query GitHub's GraphQL API with the following:
query RetrievePackagesAssociatedWithRepo($repo: String!, $owner: String!) {
repository(name: $repo, owner: $owner) {
packages(packageType: NPM, first: 10) {
edges {
node {
I received an error stating:
"errors": [
"locations": [
"line": 6,
"column": 11
"message": "Your token has not been granted the required scopes to execute this query. The 'id' field requires one of the following scopes: ['read:packages'], but your token has only been granted the: ['read:gpg_key', 'read:org', 'read:public_key', 'read:repo_hook', 'repo', 'user'] scopes. Please modify your token's scopes at:"
I followed the link and added the necessary permissions.
I tried to Authorizing a personal access token for use with SAML single sign-on but, the SSO button to enable is not present.
development settings token
Documentations I Followed: Creating Personal Token! | Authorizing Personal Token!
After trying out theses methods, the same error message persists "Your token has not been granted the required scopes".
My goal, through Github's API, is to retrieve packages associated with its repository.
Is there something I'm missing.

Figuring out which FCM tokens are expired from a firebase response with several registration ids

Firebase rest endpoint for push notifications lets you send a message to several people at once by passing the tokens through "registration_ids" array instead of "to". When the response comes back it looks like this:
How are you supposed to correlate the NotRegistered errors to a particular token it was sent to?
The results are in the same order as you specified them in the request. So only your last token was valid.

Create MasterCard tokenization API

I have a mobile app containing payment method via MasterCard. I have this tutorial:
I want to create Tokenization which contains customer's master detail, I have followed this tutorial part: Create or Update Token (with system-generated token).html?locale=en_US
I tried with :
"sourceOfFunds": {
"type": "CARD",
"provided": {
"number": "5123450000000008",
"expiry": {
"month": "05",
"year": "17"
Note: The number is a mastercard test number.
I am always get this error:
explanation "Invalid credentials."
result "ERROR"
I followed the params in second URL.
Can anyone help? Are the params correct or I missed something?
In your configuration file, you need to set the following:
$configArray["merchantId"] = "[merchantId]";
// API username in the format below where Merchant ID is the same as above
$configArray["apiUsername"] = "merchant.[merchantId]";
// API password which can be configured in Merchant Administration
$configArray["password"] = "your api password";
Setting the above parameters in the config file will solve your problem
Try replacing "ap-gateway" with the real gateway provided for you. Your merchantID is not supported in test gateway.
First, you should ask you bank to enable the tokenization for your merchant account
you have to set Authorization->Basic Auth
Username : Your_MerchantID
Password : ApiPassword
"session": {
"id": "SESSION0002510583427E2239608H32"