How to format xmllint xpath result output? - xmllint

I have the problem that I get an XML from somewhere and am just interested in a subset of the information it contains and want to have the output readable, but I cannot get xmllint to format the result of an XPATH evaluation with more than one element coming out of the latter. See this minimal example:
<datetime>2022-08-18 00:00:00</datetime>
<name>Behind the garage</name>
<name>In the classroom</name>
<name>In the garage</name>
Of course, when I fetch that data from some server, it just gives me a single line:
<currentMeasurements><datetime>2022-08-18 00:00:00</datetime><sensor><type>temperature</type><name>Behind the garage</name><value>10.5</value></sensor><sensor><type>noise</type><name>In the classroom</name><value>POSITIVE_INFINITY</value></sensor><sensor><type>temperature</type><name>In the garage</name><value>11.0</value></sensor></currentMeasurements>
Prettyprinting it on the commandline is easy (the following commands assume that the long line has been copied to clipboard and is accessible as /dev/clipboard):
cat /dev/clipboard | xmllint --format -
That gives me a formatted string (like the minimal example above). But I want to only have a subset of all data, which I can do with an XPATH expression. For example, if I am not interested in any noise but only temperatures, I can do this:
cat /dev/clipboard | xmllint --xpath "//type[text() = 'temperature']/.." -
This works, however, it doesn't format the output, which makes the result unreadable (especially when the data gets un-minimal of course):
<sensor><type>temperature</type><name>Behind the garage</name><value>10.5</value></sensor>
<sensor><type>temperature</type><name>In the garage</name><value>11.0</value></sensor>
Even when providing --format as well, the output is not formatted. And when I pipe the result into another xmllint --format -, it complains that there is Extra content at the end of the document – of course, the XPATH result does not have one single root.
So my question could be translated into any question like
How can I format the result of an XPATH evaluation with xmllint?
How can I format XML input with "more than one root" with xmllint?
How can I wrap a root node around an XPATH evaluation result?
My only solution up to now is to wrap the xmllint call into a subshell and add printf statements around, but I think it can be done more elegantly:
cat /dev/clipboard | (printf "<myNewRoot>"; xmllint --format --xpath "//type[text() = 'temperature']/.." - ; printf "</myNewRoot>") | xmllint --format -


Issues converting a small Hex value to a Binary value

I am trying to take the contents of a file that has a Hex number and convert that number to Binary and output to a file.
This is what I am trying but not getting the binary value:
xxd -r -p Hex.txt > Binary.txt
The contents of Hex.txt is: ff
I have also tried FF and 0xFF, but would like to just use ff since the device I am pulling the info from has it in that format.
Instead of 11111111 which it should be, I get a y with 2 dots above it.
If I change it to ee, I get an i with 2 dots. It seems to be reading it just fine but according to what I have read on the xxd -r -p command, it is not outputing it in the correct format.
The other ways I have found to convert Hex to Binary have either also not worked or is a pretty big Bash script that seems unnecessary to do what I thought would be a simple task.
This also gives me the y with 2 dots.
$ for i in $(cat Hex.txt) ; do printf "\x$i" ; done > Binary.txt
For some reason almost every solution I find gives me this format instead of a human readable Binary value with 1s and 0s.
Any help is appreciated. I am planning on using this in a script to pull the Relay values from Digital Loggers devices using curl and giving Home Assistant a readable file to record the Relay State. Digital Loggers curl cmd gives the state of all 8 relays at once using Hex instead of being able to pull the status of a specific relay.
If "file.txt" contains:
and you run this:
perl -ane 'printf("%08b\n",hex($_))' file.txt
You'll get this:
If you use it a lot, you might want to make a bash function of it in your login profile along these lines - being extremely respectful of spaces and semi-colons that might look unnecessary:
bin(){ perl -ane 'printf("%08b\n",hex($_))' $1 ; }
Then you'll be able to do:
bin file.txt
If you dislike Perl for some reason, you can achieve something similar without it as follows:
tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' < file.txt |
while read h ; do
echo "obase=2; ibase=16; $h" | bc

How to replace strings in text with id from second text?

I've got two CSV files. The first file contains organism family names and connection weight information but I need to change the format of the file to load it into different programs like Gephi. I have created a second file where each family has an ID value. I haven't found a good example on this site on how to change the family names in the first file to the ids from the second file. Example of my files:
$ cat edge_file.csv
$ cat id_file.csv
I basically want the edge_file.csv output to turn into the output below, where Source and Target have changed from family names to ids instead.
I haven't been able to figure it out with awk since I'm new to it, but I tried some variations from other examples here such as (just testing it out for the "Source" column):
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]=$1;next}{$1=a[$1];}1' edge_file.csv id_file.csv
Everything just prints out blank. My understanding is that I should create an array for the Source and Target columns in the edge_file.csv, and then replace it with the first column from the id_file.csv, which is the Id column. Can't get the syntax to work even for just one column.
You're close. This oneliner should help:
awk -F, -v OFS=',' 'NR==FNR{a[$2]=$1;next}{$1=a[$1];$2=a[$2]}1' id_file.csv edge_file.csv

Store my "Sybase" query result /output into a script variable

I need a variable to keep the results retrieved from a query (Sybase) that´s in a script.
I have built the following script, it works fine I get the desired result when I run it
isql -U database_dba -P password <<EOF!
select the_name from table_name where m_num="NUMB912" and date="17/01/2019"
echo "All Done"
"EXECUTE_DAILY" 97 lines, 293 characters
user#zp01$ ./EXECUTE_DAILY
(1 row affected)
But now I would like to keep the output(the_name: NAME912) in a variable.
So far this is basically what I'm trying with no success.
variable=$(isql -U database_dba -P password -se "select the_name from table_name where m_num="NUMB912" and date="17/01/2019" ")
But, is not working. I can't save NAME912 in a variable.
You need to parse the output for the desired string/piece-of-data that you wish to store in your variable. I tend to make my life a bit easier by making sure I can easily/quickly search/parse out what I want.
Keeping a few issues in mind ...
I tend to use isql -s"|" -w10000 to ensure (most of the time) that a) the result set has all columns delimited with the pipe ('|') and b) a single row of data does not span multiple rows; the pipe delimiter makes it easier to parse out columns that may contain white space; obviously (?) use a different delimiter if a pipe may be part of your actual data
to make parsing of the isql output a bit easier I tend to add a unique, grep-able (literal) string to the rows that I'm looking to search/parse
some databases (eg, SQLAnywhere, Oracle) tend to mimic a literal value as the column header if said literal string has not been assigned an explicit alias/header; this means that if you do a simple search on your literal string then you'll get a match for the result set header as well as the actual data row
I tend to capture all isql output to a temporary file; this allows for easier follow-on processing, eg, error checking, data parsing, dumping contents to a logfile, etc
So, with the above in mind my code typically looks something like:
$ outfile=/tmp/.$$.isql.outfile
$ isql -s"|" -w10000 -U database_dba -P password <<-EOF > ${outfile} 2>&1
-- 'GREP'||'ME' ensures that 'GREPME' only shows up in the data row
select 'GREP'||'ME',the_name
from table_name
where m_num = "NUMB912"
and date = "17/01/2019"
$ cat ${outfile}
... snip ...
|'GREP'||'ME'|the_name | # notice the default column header = 'GREP'||'ME' which won't match my search for 'GREPME'
|GREPME |NAME912 | # this is the line I want to search/parse
... snip ...
$ read -r namevar < <(egrep GREPME ${outfile} | awk -F"|" '{print $3}')
$ echo ${namevar}

awk/sed - generate an error if 2nd address of range is missing

We are currently using sed to filter output of regression runs. Sometimes we have a filter that looks like this:
/copyright/,/end copyright/d
If that end copyright is ever missing, the rest of the file is deleted. I'm wondering if there's some way to generate an error for this? awk would also be okay to use. I don't really want to add code that reads the file line by line and issues an error if it hits EOF.
here's a string
2016 jan 15
end copyright
date 2016 jan 5 time 15:36
last one
I'd like to get an error if end copyright is missing. The real filter also would replace the date line with DATE, so it's more that just ripping out the copyright.
You can persuade sed to generate an error if you reach end of input (i.e. see address $) between your start and end, but it won't be a very helpful message:
/copyright/,/end copyright/{
$s//\1/ # here
This will error if end copyright is missing or on the last line, with an exit status of 1 and the helpful message:
sed: -e expression #1, char 0: invalid reference \1 on `s' command's RHS
If you're using this in a makefile, you might want to echo a helpful message first, or (better) to wrap this in something that catches the error and produces a more useful one.
I tested this with GNU sed; though if you are using GNU sed, you could more easily use its useful extension:
This command only accepts a single address.
Exit 'sed' without processing any more commands or input. Note
that the current pattern space is printed if auto-print is not
disabled with the -n options. The ability to return an exit code
from the 'sed' script is a GNU 'sed' extension.
This command only accepts a single address.
This command is the same as 'q', but will not print the contents of
pattern space. Like 'q', it provides the ability to return an exit
code to the caller.
So you could simply write
/copyright/,/end copyright/{
$Q 42
Never use range expressions /start/,/end/ as they make trivial code very slightly briefer but require a complete rewrite or duplicate conditions when you have the tiniest requirements change. Always use a flag instead. Note that since sed doesn't support variables, it doesn't support flag variables, and so you shouldn't be using sed you should be using awk instead.
In this case your original code would be:
awk '/copyright/{f=1} !f; /end copyright/{f=0}' file
And your modified code would be:
awk '/copyright/{f=1} !f; /end copyright/{f=0} END{if (f) print "Missing end copyright"}' file
The above is obviously untested since you didn't provide any sample input/output we could test a potential solution against.
With sed you can build a loop:
sed -e '/copyright/{:a;/end copyright/d;N;ba;};' file
:a defines the label "a"
/copyright end/d deletes the pattern space, only when "end copyright" matches
N appends the next line to the pattern space
ba jumps to the label "a"
Note that d ends the loop.
In this way you can avoid to delete the text until the end.
If you don't want the text to be displayed at all and prefer an error message when a "copyright" block stays unclosed, you obviously need to wait the end of the file. You can do it with sed too storing all the lines in the buffer space until the end:
sed -n -e '/copyright/{:a;/end copyright/d;${c\ERROR MESSAGE
;};N;ba;};H;${g;p};' file
H appends the current line to the buffer space
g put the content of the buffer space to the pattern space
The file content is only displayed once the last line reached with ${g;p} otherwise when the closing "end copyright" is missing, the current line is changed in the error message with ${c\ERROR MESSAGE\n;} inside the loop.
This way you can test what returns sed before redirecting it to whatever you want.

Updating Values on json file A using reference on file B - The return

Ok, i should feel ashamed for that, but i'm unable to understand how awk works...
A few days ago i posted this question which questions about how to replace fields on file A using the file B as a reference ( both files have matching ID's for reference ).
But after accepting the answer as correct ( Thanks Ed !) i'm struggling about how to do it using this following pattern:
File A
{"test_ref":32132112321,"test_id":12345,"test_name":"","test_comm":"test", "null_test": "true"}
{"test_ref":32133321321,"test_id":12346,"test_name":"","test_comm":"test", "test_type": "alfa"}
{"test_ref":32132331321,"test_id":12347,"test_name":"","test_comm":"test", "test_val": 1923}
File B
{"test_id": 12345, "test_name": "Test values for null"}
{"test_id": 12346, "test_name": "alfa tests initiated"}
{"test_id": 12347, "test_name": "discard values"}
Expected result:
{"test_ref":32132112321,"test_id":12345,"test_name":"Test values for null","test_comm":"test", "null_test": "true"}
{"test_ref":32133321321,"test_id":12346,"test_name":"alfa tests initiated","test_comm":"test", "test_type": "alfa"}
{"test_ref":32132331321,"test_id":12347,"test_name":"discard values","test_comm":"test", "test_val": 1923}
I tried some alterations with the original solution but without success. So, Based on the Question posted before, how could i achieve the same results with this new pattern?
PS: One important note, the lines on file A not always have the same length
Big Thanks in advance.
After trying the solution posted by Wintermute, it seens it doens't work with lines having:
{"test_ref":32132112321,"test_id":12345,"test_name":"","test_comm":"test", "null_test": "true","modifiers":[{"type":3,"value":31}{"type":4,"value":33}]}
Error received.
error: parse error: Expected separator between values at line xxx, column xxx
Parsing JSON with awk or sed is not a good idea for the same reasons that it's not a good idea to parse XML with them: sed works based on lines, and JSON is not line-based. awk works on vaguely tabular data, and JSON is not vaguely tabular. People don't expect their JSON tools to break when they insert newlines in benign places.
Instead, consider using a tool geared towards JSON processing, such as jq. In this particular case, you could use
jq -c -s 'group_by(.test_id) | map(.[0] + .[1]) | .[]' a.json b.json > c.json
Here jq slurps (-s) the input files into an array of JSON objects, groups these by test_id, merges them and unpacks the array. -c means compact output format, so each JSON object in the result ends up on a single line in the output.