I'm having a problem when I try to run my app it shows me this annoying message
1- Decompiled .class file , bytecode version:52.0(java8)
2- Files under the "Build" folder are generated and should not be edited.
Recently I compiled dotent runtime source 6.0.1 and aspnetcore source 6.0.1, and used Rider to debug aspnetcore project. Basically all dlls can be debugged with breakpoints, only Microsoft.Extensions.* cannot. Rider Debug Console outputs something like : "Loaded Assembly '/usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App/6.0.1/Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions.dll'
Loading module /usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App/6.0.1/Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions.dll in application domain 1:clrhost
Pdb file for assembly /usr/local/share/dotnet/shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.App/6.0.1/Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions.dll was not found or failed to read ” , about 25 Microsoft.Extensions The .* pdb files are not getting after compiling the source code. How to get these pdb files? And how to set up to debug Microsoft.Extensions.*.dll? Not using SourceLink etc.
I include a .xlsx file as one of my project resources. If i edit this file in the projectName\Resources folder, the updates do not register when I compile the project and it only uses the state of the resource when I first added it.
Normally I would just re-add the resource but this project will eventually be compiled over the command line without the use of the IDE.
My project can't seem to find the compiled java classes in the bin folder, although they are all there. This affects the basic editor functionalities, like code completion and code navigation etc.
I have several folders containing .java files and add them as sources through "Use as Source Folder" to the project source. They are compiled and added to the project's bin folder. If I go to the menu Project/Properties/Java Build Path/Source tab, all the source folders that were added appear and the default output folder is set to MyProject/bin so I don't see where the problem lies...
I managed to get it working by adding the bin folder through "Add External Class Folder" to the Libraries and then giving MyProject as "Source Attachment" (for the navigation).
This is more than ugly so I was wondering where the problem could lie...
I have a renderscript in my android project which compiles properly. The .bc file generated looks correct and there's also the corresponding .class file that gets generated (ScriptC_...class). However, I can't seem to find the 'gen' directory.
How do I go about fixing this? I'm on AndroidStudio 0.2.5, API 17, gradle 1.7 and the buildsystem 0.5.+. Here's the project structure:
The new build tools place generated files in $project_dir/build/source/.
Under source, there are separate directories for aidl,r,buildConfig and rs.
Each further divided into debug and release.
Update: From my tests for a RenderScript named test.rs, with
#pragma rs java_package_name(com.example.android)
the Java sources are being generated at:
Use JDK , I can compile a .java file into a .class file, then I can run the .class file, does this mean that the .class file is the final executable file running on JVM ?
Moreover, what's a jar file ? and the difference between jar file and .class file ?
1. A class file is a byte code files, which is executed by the JVM, it has no meaning outside the JVM. Making it meaningful only on JVM but not outside, is what makes every java program run in its own sandbox .
2. Jar file is a collection of all the class file, libraries necessary to run the program, consider its an easy way to pack all the files and depending library and providing a single file. We also have Runnable Jars which can be known as Executable Jar
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Now this byte-code is converted to machine level executable during Run-time by the JIT (Just In Time Compiler). JIT will look for the runtime intensive part of the program during Runtime, and then it will convert it into machine level executable, this part of the program is known as Hot-spot, and the JIT is known as Hot-Spot-Compiler.
A jar (java archive) as its name says is an archive or collection of java classes that are ready to be executed.
A java decompiler is a tool that makes a reverse engineering from .class extension to .java extension.
To make a jar use following link
Or using windows command promt
jar cf MyApp1.jar C:\JavaProject\MyApp