Convert value counts of multiple columns to pandas dataframe - pandas

I have a dataset in this form:
Name Batch DXYR Emp Lateral GDX MMT CN
Joe 2 0 2 2 2 0
Alan 0 1 1 2 0 0
Josh 1 1 2 1 1 2
Max 0 1 0 0 0 2
These columns can have only three distinct values ie. 0, 1 and 2..
So, I need percent of value counts for each column in pandas dataframe..
I have simply make a loop like:
for i in df.columns:
I am getting the output like:
0 90.608831
1 0.391169
2 9.6787899
Name: Batch, dtype: float64
0 95.545455
1 2.235422
2 2.6243553
Name: MX, dtype: float64
and so on...
These outputs are correct but I need it in pandas dataframe like this:
Batch DXYR Emp Lateral GDX MMT CN
Count_0_percent 98.32 52.5 22 54.5 44.2 53.4 76.01
Count_1_percent 0.44 34.5 43 43.5 44.5 46.5 22.44
Count_2_percent 1.3 64.3 44 2.87 12.6 1.88 2.567
Can someone please suggest me how to get it

You can melt the data, then use pd.crosstab:
melt = df.melt('Name')
pd.crosstab(melt['value'], melt['variable'], normalize='columns')
Or a bit faster (yet more verbose) with melt and groupby().value_counts():
.unstack('variable', fill_value=0)
variable Batch CN DXYR Emp Lateral GDX MMT
0 0.50 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50
1 0.25 0.0 0.75 0.25 0.25 0.25
2 0.25 0.5 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.25
Update: apply also works:
df.drop(columns=['Name']).apply(pd.Series.value_counts, normalize=True)


How to remove rows so that the values in a column match a sequence

I'm looking for a more efficient method to deal with the following problem. I have a Dataframe with a column filled with values that randomly range from 1 to 4, I need to remove all the rows of the data frame that do not follow the sequence (1-2-3-4-1-2-3-...).
This is what I have:
12/2/2022 0.02 2
14/2/2022 0.01 1
15/2/2022 0.04 4
16/2/2022 -0.02 3
18/2/2022 -0.01 2
20/2/2022 0.04 1
21/2/2022 0.02 3
22/2/2022 -0.01 1
24/2/2022 0.04 4
26/2/2022 -0.02 2
27/2/2022 0.01 3
28/2/2022 0.04 1
01/3/2022 -0.02 3
03/3/2022 -0.01 2
05/3/2022 0.04 1
06/3/2022 0.02 3
08/3/2022 -0.01 1
10/3/2022 0.04 4
12/3/2022 -0.02 2
13/3/2022 0.01 3
15/3/2022 0.04 1
This is what I need:
14/2/2022 0.01 1
18/2/2022 -0.01 2
21/2/2022 0.02 3
24/2/2022 0.04 4
28/2/2022 0.04 1
03/3/2022 -0.01 2
06/3/2022 0.02 3
10/3/2022 0.04 4
15/3/2022 0.04 1
Since the data frame is quite big I need some sort of NumPy-based operation to accomplish this, the more efficient the better. My solution is very ugly and inefficient, basically, I made 4 loops like the following to check for every part of the sequence (4-1,1-2,2-3,3-4):
df_len = len(df)
df_len2 = 0
while df_len != df_len2:
df_len = len(df)
df.loc[(df.B.shift(1) == 4) & (df.B != 1), 'B'] = 0
df = df[df['B'] != 0]
df_len2 = len(df)
By means of itertools.cycle (to define cycled range):
from itertools import cycle
c_rng = cycle(range(1, 5)) # cycled range
start = next(c_rng) # starting point
df[[(v == start) and bool(start := next(c_rng)) for v in df.B]]
14/2/2022 0.01 1
18/2/2022 -0.01 2
21/2/2022 0.02 3
24/2/2022 0.04 4
28/2/2022 0.04 1
03/3/2022 -0.01 2
06/3/2022 0.02 3
10/3/2022 0.04 4
15/3/2022 0.04 1
A simple improvement to speed this up is to not touch the dataframe within the loop, but just iterate over the values of B to construct a Boolean index, like this:
is_in_sequence = []
next_target = 1
for b in df.B:
if b == next_target:
next_target = next_target % 4 + 1
14/2/2022 0.01 1
18/2/2022 -0.01 2
21/2/2022 0.02 3
24/2/2022 0.04 4
28/2/2022 0.04 1
03/3/2022 -0.01 2
06/3/2022 0.02 3
10/3/2022 0.04 4
15/3/2022 0.04 1

How to extract a database based on a condition in pandas?

Please help me
The below one is the problem...
write an expression to extract a new dataframe containing those days where the temperature reached at least 70 degrees, and assign that to the variable at_least_70. (You might need to think some about what the different columns in the full dataframe represent to decide how to extract the subset of interest.)
After that, write another expression that computes how many days reached at least 70 degrees, and assign that to the variable num_at_least_70.
This is the original DataFrame
Date Maximum Temperature Minimum Temperature \
0 2018-01-01 5 0
1 2018-01-02 13 1
2 2018-01-03 19 -2
3 2018-01-04 22 1
4 2018-01-05 18 -2
.. ... ... ...
360 2018-12-27 33 23
361 2018-12-28 40 21
362 2018-12-29 50 37
363 2018-12-30 37 24
364 2018-12-31 35 25
Average Temperature Precipitation Snowfall Snow Depth
0 2.5 0.04 1.0 3.0
1 7.0 0.03 0.6 4.0
2 8.5 0.00 0.0 4.0
3 11.5 0.00 0.0 3.0
4 8.0 0.09 1.2 4.0
.. ... ... ... ...
360 28.0 0.00 0.0 1.0
361 30.5 0.07 0.0 0.0
362 43.5 0.04 0.0 0.0
363 30.5 0.02 0.7 1.0
364 30.0 0.00 0.0 0.0
[365 rows x 7 columns]
I wrote the code for the above problem is`
at_least_70 = dfc.loc[dfc['Minimum Temperature']>=70,['Date']]
num_at_least_70 = at_least_70.count()
The Results it is showing
204 2018-07-24
240 2018-08-29
245 2018-09-03
Date 3
dtype: int64
But when run the test case it is showing...
You are not correctly extracting the subset.
As suggested by #HenryYik, remove the column selector:
at_least_70 = dfc.loc[dfc['Maximum Temperature'] >= 70,
['Date', 'Maximum Temperature']]
num_at_least_70 = len(at_least_70)
Use boolean indexing and for count Trues of mask use sum:
mask = dfc['Minimum Temperature'] >= 70
at_least_70 = dfs[mask]
num_at_least_70 = mask.sum()

sum over columns using different length

I have a pd df.
The table looks like:
lifetime 0 1 2 3 4 5 .... 30
0 2 0.12 0.14 0.18 0.12 0.13 0.14 .... 0.14
1 3 0.12 0.14 0.18 0.12 0.13 0.14 .... 0.14
2 4 0.12 0.14 0.18 0.12 0.13 0.14 .... 0.14
I want to sum the columns from 0 to 30 based on the column "lifetime" value, so the results looks like:
lifetime Total
0 2 sum(0.12+ 0.14) # sum column 0 and 1
1 3 sum(0.12+0.14+0.18) #sum from column 0 to 2
2 4 sum(0.12+0.14+0.18+0.12+0.13) #sum from column 0 to 3
How can I do it? Thank you for your help!
You can use where with broadcasting:
s = df.iloc[:,1:]
s.where(df.lifetime.to_numpy()[:,None] > np.arange(s.shape[1])).sum(1)
0 0.26
1 0.44
2 0.56
dtype: float64
Define the following function:
def mySum(row):
uLim = int(row.lifetime) + 1
return row.iloc[1:uLim].sum()
Then apply it and join the result with lifetime column:
df = df.lifetime.to_frame().join(df.apply(mySum, axis=1).rename('Total'))
The advantage over the other solution is that my solution creates
the target DataFrame, not only the new column.

Pandas: 1 dataframe comparing rows to create new column

I have a problem which I cannot seem to get my head round.
df1 is as follows:
Group item Quarter price quantity
1 A 2017Q3 0.10 1000
1 A 2017Q4 0.11 1000
1 A 2018Q1 0.11 1000
1 A 2018Q2 0.12 1000
1 A 2018Q3 0.11 1000
Result desired is a new dataframe call it df2 with an additional column.
Group item Quarter price quantity savings/lost
1 A 2017Q3 0.10 1000 0.00
1 A 2017Q4 0.11 1000 0.00
1 A 2018Q1 0.11 1000 0.00
1 A 2018Q2 0.12 1000 0.00
1 A 2018Q3 0.11 1000 10.00
1 A 2018Q4 0.13 1000 -20.00
Essentially, I want to go down each row, look at the quarter and find last year's similar quarter and do a calculation (price this quarter - price last quarter * quantity). If there are no previous quarter data, just have in the last column.
And to complete the picture, there are more groups and items in there, and even more quarters like 2016Q1, 2017Q1, 2018Q1 although i only need compare the year before. Quarters are in string format.
Use pandas.DataFrame.shift
The code below assumes that your column Quarter is sorted and there is no missing quarters. You can try with the below code:
# Input dataframe
Group item Quarter price quantity
0 1 A 2017Q3 0.10 1000
1 1 A 2017Q4 0.11 1000
2 1 A 2018Q1 0.11 1000
3 1 A 2018Q2 0.12 1000
4 1 A 2018Q3 0.11 1000
5 1 A 2018Q4 0.13 1000
# Code to generate your new column 'savings/lost'
df['savings/lost'] = df['price'] * df['quantity'] - df['price'].shift(4) * df['quantity'].shift(4)
# Output dataframe
Group item Quarter price quantity savings/lost
0 1 A 2017Q3 0.10 1000 NaN
1 1 A 2017Q4 0.11 1000 NaN
2 1 A 2018Q1 0.11 1000 NaN
3 1 A 2018Q2 0.12 1000 NaN
4 1 A 2018Q3 0.11 1000 10.0
5 1 A 2018Q4 0.13 1000 20.0
I have updated my code to handle two things, first sort the Quarter and second handle the missing Quarter scenario. For grouping based on columns you can refer pandas.DataFrame.groupby and many pd.groupby related questions already answered in this site.
#Input dataframe
Group item Quarter price quantity
0 1 A 2014Q3 0.10 100
1 1 A 2017Q2 0.16 800
2 1 A 2017Q3 0.17 700
3 1 A 2015Q4 0.13 400
4 1 A 2016Q1 0.14 500
5 1 A 2014Q4 0.11 200
6 1 A 2015Q2 0.12 300
7 1 A 2016Q4 0.15 600
8 1 A 2018Q1 0.18 600
9 1 A 2018Q2 0.19 500
#Code to do the operations
df.index = pd.PeriodIndex(df.Quarter, freq='Q')
df2 = df.reset_index(drop=True)
df2['Profit'] = (df.price * df.quantity) - (df.reindex(df.index - 4).price * df.reindex(df.index - 4).quantity).values
df2['Profit'] = np.where(np.in1d(df.index - 4, df.index.values),
df2.Profit, ((df.price * df.quantity) - (df.price.shift(1) * df.quantity.shift(1))))
df2.Profit.fillna(0, inplace=True)
#Output dataframe
Group item Quarter price quantity Profit
0 1 A 2014Q3 0.10 100 0.0
1 1 A 2014Q4 0.11 200 12.0
2 1 A 2015Q2 0.12 300 14.0
3 1 A 2015Q4 0.13 400 0.0
4 1 A 2016Q1 0.14 500 18.0
5 1 A 2016Q4 0.15 600 0.0
6 1 A 2017Q2 0.16 800 38.0
7 1 A 2017Q3 0.17 700 -9.0
8 1 A 2018Q1 0.18 600 -11.0
9 1 A 2018Q2 0.19 500 0.0

Efficient method for using formulas in a pandas dataframe

I am trying to add a column to a dataframe based on a formula. I don't think my current solution is very pythonic/efficient. So I am looking for faster options.
I have a table with 3 columns
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([
columns=['seg', 'reach', 'len']
# print df
seg reach len
0 1 1 20.0
1 1 2 50.0
2 1 3 30.0
3 2 1 30.0
4 2 2 40.0
5 2 3 30.0
# Formula here
for index, row in df.iterrows():
if row['reach'] ==1:
df.ix[index,'cumseglen'] = row['len'] * 0.5
df.ix[index,'cumseglen'] = df.ix[index-1,'cumseglen'] + 0.5 *(df.ix[index-1,'len'] + row['len'])
#print final results
seg reach len cumseglen
0 1 1 20.0 10.0
1 1 2 50.0 45.0
2 1 3 30.0 85.0
3 2 1 30.0 15.0
4 2 2 40.0 50.0
5 2 3 30.0 85.0
How can I improve the efficiency of the formula step?
To me this looks like a group-by operation. That is, within each "segment" group, you want to apply some operation to that group.
Here's one way to perform your calculation from above, using a group-by and some cumulative sums within each group:
import numpy as np
def cumulate(group):
cuml = 0.5 * np.cumsum(group)
return cuml + cuml.shift(1).fillna(0)
df['cumseglen'] = df.groupby('seg')['len'].apply(cumulate)
The result:
seg reach len cumseglen
0 1 1 20.0 10.0
1 1 2 50.0 45.0
2 1 3 30.0 85.0
3 2 1 30.0 15.0
4 2 2 40.0 50.0
5 2 3 30.0 85.0
Algorithmically, this is not exactly the same as what you wrote, but under the assumption that the "reach" column starts from 1 at the beginning of each new segment indicated by the "seg" column, this should work.