VS Code Vue <template> <script> <style> autosuggestion - vue.js

It's been a time since I have been programming with Vue.
But when I started entering something like vuedef in a newly created .vue file it auto-suggested me the following instead of writing it all on my own:
I can't remember how I did that but I guess it was a certain word I had to type.
Maybe it comes from an VS-Code Addon?

vuedef comes with Vetur: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=octref.vetur
For any modern Vue3 apps, you can use Volar (it's officially the one to use now too): https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Vue.volar
Those 2 are also quite nice:
Vue3 snippets: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=hollowtree.vue-snippets
Vue snippets: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=sdras.vue-vscode-snippets
You should have plenty of choice after that!
You can also create your own snippets of course directly into VScode: https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/editor/userdefinedsnippets#_create-your-own-snippets


Support folding Pug blocks in Vue in VS Code

Is there a way to get VS Code to support folding blocks within Pug when used in Vue single-file components? That is:
<template lang="pug"
Based on this bug report the fact VS Code isn't doing this already seems to be do with using Vetur.
Adding this to settings.json fixed it:
"[vue]": {
"editor.foldingStrategy": "indentation",

Why is my frontend code behaving differently locally versus production?

Currently just a BootstrapVue VueJS frontend project I have, I have 4 playing cards that I would ideally like to keep on one line/row (as it does locally), but stacks when I view it in production (using Heroku, if it makes a difference)
Currently the code for this is like:
class="row d-flex nowrap mt-3"
....etc for the other cards....
I've played around a lot with different classes and justify-contents and all that stuff, but continually get different local vs prod results. And I can confirm the code on Heroku is up to date because it redeploys with each new commit and I've added some new features since attempting to fix this styling issue and those appear properly.
Styling issues like that are most commonly due to scoping issues of your CSS. If you inspect the element locally you will likely see that only the local styling has been applied, while if you inspect the element in production, you will see that either the selector contains more CSS (due to identical selectors in two different components), or another selector is applied altogether.
You are getting this problem, because in dev-mode it only loads the CSS of the components you are viewing. In production mode, all the CSS of all components is combined.
To solve the problem, you have several options:
You can use the scoped attribute on your style tag. Vue will automatically add a data-attribute on your component, and scope the styling using that data attribute. This does commonly not work nicely with things like popups that are moved out of their previous location.
<!-- something here -->
export default {
<style scoped>
button {
// This only styles the buttons in this component, rather than every button in the application
If you need to style sub-components as well, you can just use a class on your root element and style everything relative to that. You would need to make that class a unique name in your application, but if you just use the name of your component that shouldn't be a problem.
<div class="comp-card">
<!-- something here -->
export default {
name: 'Card'
<style lang="scss">
.comp-card {
button {
// All buttons that are descendants of our component are now styled.
I see two issues with the given code, addressing these may not resolve your issue, but may remove some interference.
Bootstrap provides the class .flex-nowrap for applying flex: nowrap – it should be noted that nowrap is the default behaviour of flexbox, and this may not be needed anyway.
Some attributes in your div appear to be style declarations, and ought to be in the [style] attribute as shown below, or a <style> tag if using SFCs
class="row d-flex mt-3"
style="justify-content: space-between; width: 100vw"
Caching of applicable files can vary between local and production environments.
Browsers accessing production servers may cache older versions of files and make it appear that the change was not made. The server may have newer files than what the browser is using.
UI changes in production might be issue of CSS Optimization in build process of vue cli.
Did you try to serve/run build locally if it works then it might issue on production site/cache/browser etc. Try local build with serve or any other tool to verify.
If css optimization issue in build then re-configure build config with underlying tool like webpack or vite etc whichever used.

How can I make different HTML and component files in Vue.js?

Is there any way to make two different files for HTML and components in Vue.js? Meaning the HTML code is in a different file from the component's code like with Angular.
If your goal isn't to avoid precompilation, you can still use single-file components and split the js and css into different files. They include an example of this structure in the docs.
<div>This will be pre-compiled</div>
<script src="./my-component.js"></script>
<style src="./my-component.css"></style>

Split template, script and styles (HTML, JS and CSS) in nuxt.js component files

What is the best way to split nuxt.js views, components (and layouts) into separate files (at design time, not after build)? With complex and large views and components I find it extremely annoying when I need to switch between template and script (to look something up, etc.).
Ideally, I would be able to define:
- foo.vue.html
- foo.vue.js
- foo.vue.css
and let the build/generate process do the rest. I am using generation of prerendered SPAs (nuxt generate) so the solution, if there is one, would have to be compatible.
You need to do it somewhat manually like described in vue docs
<!-- my-component.vue -->
<div>This will be pre-compiled</div>
<script src="./my-component.js"></script>
<style src="./my-component.css"></style>

Vue Component with external template and style?

Can I have a Vue component where the template is found in an external file (.html)? Can we do the same with the style (.scss)?
This will assist our development where we can have front-end HTML devs work on the HTML and styling and the javascript devs can work on the component logic and behavior.
Is it possible to reference/import a template and style in a vue component?
The answer is yes, but the entry for you component would contain a template, not a script. From Single File Components section of Vue.js docs:
Even if you don’t like the idea of Single-File Components, you can still leverage its hot-reloading and pre-compilation features by separating your JavaScript and CSS into separate files:
<!-- my-component.vue -->
<div>This will be pre-compiled</div>
<script src="./my-component.js"></script>
<style src="./my-component.css"></style>