Ckeditor5 styles plugin as separate buttons (not dropdown) - ckeditor5

Is it possible to configure CKEditor5 styles plugin as separate buttons, not dropdown? I'm using the angular version.
I know it is possible for heading plugin, but I need styles plugin buttons also.


Shadow control with Vuetify

I'm using the v-app-bar label for my header and I want the shadow of the element to be lighter since it looks too prominent. I'm unable to apply box-shadow attribute to the v-app-bar element.
should I do?
Method 1
You can use component prop called elevation. Look into the app bar docs into API section ( and select PROPS tab you can see elevation prop.
Method 2
You can use builtin elevation classes. You can read more about them here:
Method 3
Vuetify allows you to customize sass styles.
If you go here: and select SASS tab you can see that they provide some variables which you can edit.
One of them is elevation which is responsible for box-shadow.
Of course to do so you need to have vuetify installed as a vue-cli plugin or in a we pack environment as you can read here:
Method 4
You can apply css directly but not to the v-app-bar because it's only vuetify component name which then gets generated into HTML. You can inspect your page using e.g. chrome dev tools and see what structure app bar has and then apply css styles to the right element.

CKEditor5 styles dropdown

Sorry if this has been addressed before.
CKEditor4 provided feature of Styles dropdown where we were able to add custom CSS classes. However, I do not see this feature in CKEditor5 version.
Styles dropdown
Could someone please guide on this if there is any other way to get the Styles dropdown with CKEditor5?

Bootstrap different color themes in same instance

So I have a site and I'm using Bootstrap 3.3.7 and sass. I'm being asked to have a "dark theme" page and the ability to set different types of color themes based on certain pages.
There might be a page with white-label branding, or a dark theme, or a blue theme.
I'm being asked to keep everything else the same.
I'm thinking about having those pages add a class to the body tag that changes the CSS colors, but what are the best practices for changing all colors in a bootstrap 3.3.7 sass style controllers.
Bootstrap colour code are present under variables file(bootstrap/**/_variables.scss) were we can play on it.
But when it comes to theme development best way to handle the colour is we can have separate scss for colour code, where the folder or file structure can be followed like bootstrap or as per the developer style.

How to extend the Image plugin in ckeditor5 with custom elements?

We're evaluating an upgrade from ckeditor 4 to the new ckeditor 5, but I need to be able to extend the Image plugin/package with some custom elements, e.g. a text input for licensing information about the image, a button/checkbox for toggling the image to be a thumbnail or not etc.
How can I add these custom elements in the image package and write my own javascript code to handle the values from these elements?
The image toolbar is being controlled by the config.image.toolbar property. It accepts names of UI components registered in the editor.ui.components factory. In other words, it works like the main editor toolbar which is configurable via editor.toolbar and you can learn more how to create buttons here: Creating a simple plugin.

XPages Extension library DOJO Tab container control CSS Modifications

I want to know, Is there any way to change the Style sheets of the extension library DOJO Tab container control?
Thanks & regards,
Yogesh Kashid
The best way to change the Style sheets of the extension library DOJO Tab container control is to create and use an own css resource. This way you can change every single table part's look and it would be valid for all DOJO Tab container controls in your application.
Create under Resources\Style Sheet a my.css file
Add the Style changes for DOJO Tab classes in my.css file. The style classes start with "dijitTab..." and you can find them analyzing the rendered page in browser.
For changing the tab labels to red you would write e.g.
.dijitTabContainerTopNone {
color: red;
3 . Add the my.css class to your theme
<theme extends="oneuiv2.1">