.Net 6 Blazor Not Able to Get Detailed Error Message - blazor-server-side

I have a .Net 6 Blazor server side app.
The app has an error
Error: There was an unhandled exception on the current circuit, so this circuit will be terminated. For more details turn on detailed exceptions by setting 'DetailedErrors: true' in 'appSettings.Development.json' or set 'CircuitOptions.DetailedErrors'.
I have tried setting the CircuitOptions.DetailedErrors = true.
I have ensured I am in Debug mode, i.e. the Environment.IsDevelopment switch is set to true.
if (builder.Environment.IsDevelopment())
builder.Services.AddServerSideBlazor().AddCircuitOptions(x => x.DetailedErrors = true);
and I have set 'DetailedErrors: true'in appSettings.Developmnet.json and appSettings.json.
"AppSettings": {
"DetailedErrors": true,
However this has not affected the error message in anyway.
I am still am unable to get the detailed error message.
Any ideas on what else to try?

Please make that the appsettings.production.json file is populating with the same flags in the publishing folder path. This happens normally when appsettings.json is different from appsettings.{Environment}.json file.


Serilog Additional Properties with Exception logging

I am using serilog with asp net core 3
It is setup and logging exceptions automatically - so i have no error handling to log the errors.
I was attempting to add extra context properties to logged items, and have added middleware to log these.
LogContext.PushProperty("Email", email);
LogContext.PushProperty("Url", url);
These are added if i manually log myself but any logs added automatically when an error occurs does not have these items added.
Any ideas?
NOTE: i have read this...
This is the closest i have found to working around the issue, but this catches the exception and manually logs it, which is a shame if this is the only way it can be done.
At first, LogContext is a stack; properties that are pushed onto the stack must be popped back off by disposing the object returned from PushProperty():
using (LogContext.PushProperty("Email", email))
using (LogContext.PushProperty("Url", url)){
// middleware code
Otherwise, the behavior may be non-deterministic.
but any logs added automatically when an error occurs does not have these items added
I assume that error logging occurs outside of the scope, where these properties don't exist. In this case, try ThrowContextEnricher to enrich the exception log with properties from the original context where the exception was thrown.
// call it once on app startup
// then each throwing will capture context,
// so you can enrich log in exception handler:
catch (Exception ex)
using (LogContext.Push(new ThrowContextEnricher()))
Log.Error(ex, "Exception!");
Or simply register ThrowContextEnricher globally at LoggerConfiguration (in this case ThrowContextEnricher.EnsureInitialized() is not required). So every exception log will be enriched:
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
Disclaimer: I am the author of that library, and I also left an example in this answer.

Phantomjs caching issue

I'm following This to get a website's dynamic content inside an MVC application.
I've received the data once or twice, but after that I'm getting an error -
ApplicationCache driver.ApplicationCache threw an exception of type
'System.InvalidOperationException' OpenQA.Selenium.Html5.IApplicationCache {System.InvalidOperationException}
Driver does not support manipulating the HTML5 application cache. Use the HasApplicationCache property to test for the driver capability
The error that you're encountering is due to the fact that PhantomJS can't find anything in the appCache and hence throws this exception. Please see the underlying code here, which states
public IApplicationCache ApplicationCache
if (this.appCache == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Driver does not support manipulating the HTML5 application cache. Use the HasApplicationCache property to test for the driver capability");
return this.appCache;
And the reason, why this is coming to be null is that currently PhantomJS doesn't supports this app caching. The default capabilities for this is set to false in the PhantomJS code . You can see this here, which mentions
"applicationCacheEnabled" : false,

CakePHP in plugin can't Load model

Im using plugin, I want just to load data from my table as json, the problem is in local it's working and in the server I found this error in log :
Internal Server Error The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
Please contact the server administrator at webmaster#localhost to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
my model:
class Indisponibilite extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Indisponibilite';
my function:
public function getIndisponible () {
$indisponibles = ClassRegistry::init('Indisponibilite')->find('all');
echo json_encode($indisponibles);
$this->layout = 'ajax';
$this->autoRender = false;
$this->render(false, "ajax");
First of all: Please check the docs about JSON Views which are much more MVC and Cake-ish. For Cake 2.x check here.
Also, don’t set error_reporting. CakePHP should handle all this for you. Setting Configure::write('debug', 0) will turn off error_reporting for you.
To find your error, check the logs, turn on debug and see what’s up there.

how do i get an exception out of a web service?

I have a web service that runs perfectly when i reference it from within the project solution. As soon as i upload it to the remote server, it starts blowing up. Unfortunately, the only error message I get is on the client side "faultexception was unhandled by user code". Inside of the web service, I have exceptions handled in all of the methods, so I'm pretty sure it's getting caught somewhere, but I don't know how to see it. I suspect that the problem is permissions related, but I can't see where it's happening.
I tried placing an error message into object returns, but it's still not making it out; something like this:
public bool SetDirectReports(ADUser user)
var adEntry = new DirectoryEntry(string.Format("LDAP://<GUID={0}>", user.Guid), "administrator", "S3cur1ty");
if (adEntry.Properties["directReports"].Count > 0)
user.DirectReports = new List<ADUser>();
foreach (string directReport in adEntry.Properties["directReports"]) //is being returned as full distinguished name
var dr = new DirectoryEntry(string.Format("LDAP://{0}", directReport), "administrator", "S3cur1ty");
return true;
user.DirectReports = new List<ADUser>();
return false;
catch (Exception ex)
user.HasError = true;
user.ErrorMessage = "Error setting direct reports: " + ex.Message;
return false;
but its' still not catching. I was hoping for a better approach. I'm not sure if I could add something that would output the exception to the console or what. Any help would be appreciated. TIA
P.S. this isn't necessarily the method thats crashing, there's a web of them in the service.
You should dump all of your exceptions to a log file on the server side; exposing error information to the client is a potential security risk, which is why it's turned off by default.
If you really want to send exception information to the client, you can turn it on. If you are using a WCF service you should set the "includeExceptionDetailsInFaults" property on for the service behavior, as described in this MSDN article on dealing with unhandled exceptions in WCF. Once you do so, you will have a property on the FaultException called Detail that should itself be a type of Exception.
For better error handling you should also take a look at typed faults using the FaultContract and FaultException<> class; these have the benefit that they don't throw the channel into a faulted state and can be handled correctly:
// do stuff here
catch (Exception ex)
var detail = new CustomFaultDetail
Message = "Error setting direct reports: " + ex.Message
throw new FaultException<CustomFaultDetail>(detail);
If you are using an ASP.NET Web Service, you should set the customErrors mode to "Off" in your web.config. This will send back the entire exception detail as HTML, which the client should receive as part of the SOAP exception that it receives.
The error your are seeing ("faultexception was unhandled by user code") is happening because this is a remote exception and it is standard behavior to only display exceptions on the local computer by default. In order to make it work how you intend, you need to change the customErrors section of the web.config and set it to Off
UPDATE: I found a related question: c# exception not captured correctly by jquery ajax
(Three years later..)
Here's the solution I came up with, along with some sample WCF code, and Angular code to catch, and display the exception message:
Catching exceptions from WPF web services
Basically, you just need to wrap your WCF service in a try..catch, and when something goes wrong, set a OutgoingWebResponseContext value.
For example, in this web service, I've slipped in an Exception, which will make my catch code set the OutgoingWebResponseContext value.
It looks odd... as I then return null, but this works fine.
public List<string> GetAllCustomerNames()
// Get a list of unique Customer names.
throw new Exception("Oh heck, something went wrong !");
NorthwindDataContext dc = new NorthwindDataContext();
var results = (from cust in dc.Customers select cust.CompanyName).Distinct().OrderBy(s => s).ToList();
return results;
catch (Exception ex)
OutgoingWebResponseContext response = WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse;
response.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden;
response.StatusDescription = ex.Message.Replace("\r\n", "");
return null;
What is brilliant about this try..catch is that, with minimal changes to your code, it'll add the error text to the HTTP Status, as you can see here in Google Chrome:
If you didn't have this try..catch code, you'd just get an HTTP Status Error of 400, which means "Bad Request".
So now, with our try..catch in place, I can call my web service from my Angular controller, and look out for such error messages coming back.
.then(function (data) {
// We successfully loaded the list of Customer names.
$scope.ListOfCustomerNames = data.GetAllCustomerNamesResult;
}, function (errorResponse) {
// The WCF Web Service returned an error
var HTTPErrorNumber = errorResponse.status;
var HTTPErrorStatusText = errorResponse.statusText;
alert("An error occurred whilst fetching Customer Names\r\nHTTP status code: " + HTTPErrorNumber + "\r\nError: " + HTTPErrorStatusText);
Cool, hey ?
Incredibly simple, generic, and easy to add to your services.
Shame some readers thought it was worth voting down. Sorry about that.
You have several options:
1) If you are using WCF, throw a FaultException on the server and catch it on the client. You could, for instance, implement a FaultContract on your service, and wrap the exception in a FaultException. Some guidance to this here.
2) You could use the Windows Server AppFabric which would give you more details to the exception within IIS. (requires some fiddling to get it working, though)
3) Why not implement some sort of server-side logging for the exceptions? Even if to a file, it would be invaluable to you to decipher what is really happening. It is not a good practice (especially for security reasons) to rely on the client to convey the inner workings of the server.

RavenDB in embedded mode - Raven Silverlight Studio (Raven.Studio.xap) not working

I have a small console application doing some persistence with Raven which is working fine, but I just can't get the Raven Studio Web-App working.
I think I have read every article/blog post on the web which is around, but I haven't got it working.
The project is referencing the Raven.Client.Embedded, Raven.Client.Lightweight and Raven.Storage.Esent assemblies)
Here is the really simple code starting up my console app:
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
EmbeddableDocumentStore store = new EmbeddableDocumentStore { DataDirectory = #"C:\temp\ravendata", UseEmbeddedHttpServer = true };
while (true)
string line = Console.ReadLine();
if (line == "w")
Changeset cs = CreateChangeset();
using (var session = store.OpenSession())
The question is: Where to put the Raven.Studio.xap in order to get it running in the browser (http://localhost:8080/Raven/studio.html)?
It's not working in the bin/debug output folder of my console app (which would be the most logical area where it should be), as well as it isn't if I put it in the root of my console application.
Sorry to ask this thing again, but it seems there is some point I am missing on this to get it up and running. ;)
Thanks for your help, R's, Rene
You are right, I've tried it using a new console application project and had the same issues, altough I copied the file Raven.Studio.xap into the \bin\debug AFTER I had seen the error message for the first time.
I found out, that the reason for this has to do with browser-caching. Even though the file would be available now, the embedded http-server returns 304 Not Modified, because it had sent the If-None-Match header into the request. Therefore, the cached "not-found" page in the browser cache will be used.
I fixed it and sent a patch to Ayende. However the solution now is:
1) make sure Raven.Studio.xap is under \bin\debug
2) clear the browsers cache