Creating a python module that calls functions from a module that requires installation in google colab - module

in my colab notebook, I ran
!pip install unusual_module
from unusual_module import useful_function
Then I defined my_function in my collab notebook. This definition included a call touseful_funcion. This worked fine.
Since then I have created which includes my_funcion. This .py is at the root directory of the notebook.
My notebook now begins with:
!pip install unusual_module
from unusual_module import useful_function
import my_own_module
These all run fine. However when i run my_funcion i get NameError: name 'useful_function' is not defined
I've tried:
having both !pip install unusual_module and from unusual module import useful_function at the start of
from unusual module import useful_function at the start of
both result in
NameError: name 'useful_function' is not defined
Why is this? and how do I fix it?


Cannot import name 'to_html' from '' using JupyterLab

I'm new using Jupyter Lab and Pandas profiling.
I'm trying to install and import and install Pandas Profiling in a jupyter notebook. I'm able to install pandas collab using pip, but unable to import the library. The error says I cannot import name 'to_html' from ''.
Here's the code and the error.
Funny thing is: I also tried to run the notebook in Google Colab, but I got a different but similar error:
ImportError: cannot import name 'PandasProfiling' from 'pandas_profiling' (/usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/pandas_profiling/
I already tried to use Jupyter Lab and Jupyter Notebook from Anaconda and Google Colab to see if it works, but no look.
conda install -c conda-forge pandas-profiling
See this question.
from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport
PandasProfiling object does not exist.

No module named 'stable_baseline3' even when it is installed in google colab

I am trying to set up stable baselines 3 in google colab. The document is connected to a local runtime on my pc through jupyter notebooks. On my pc i have installed stable baselines 3 using anaconda, and got the output saying essentially stable baselines 3 is installed. I have also run the cells:
!pip install stable-baselines3[extra]
!pip install stable-baselines3
!pip install stable-baselines3 --upgrade
Despite this, when i run the cell:
import stable_baseline3
from stable_baselines3 import DQN
I get the error on line 1 of ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'stable_baseline3'. I dont understand why this would be happening, does anybody know how it could be solved?
i had the same problem
try to import stable-baselines3 first in alone cell and it should work
!pip install stable-baselines3

pandas_profiling.ProfileReport(dataframe) in google colab

Why doesn't pandas_profiling.ProfileReport(dataframe) work in google colab?
Returns a type error.
TypeError: concat() got an unexpected keyword argument 'join_axes'
Just use pandas-profiling version 2.7.1 and you are good to go.Run this command in the colab !pip install pandas-profiling==2.7.1
Aishah Ismail's post on Medium may help you fix this issue.
Install the pandas-profiling package using pip.
! pip install
Restart your kernel = Go to "Runtime" in the option menu and click "Reset All Runtimes"
Execute your code to create your dataframe and create the pandas profile.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pandas_profiling import ProfileReport
df = pd.read_excel('fileName.xlsx')
profile = ProfileReport(df)
You may need to pip install pandas-profiling if the import above does not work.
!pip install pandas-profiling==2.7.1 Re-execute your code after the pip install.
When you try to display the profile do not use .to_widgets()--it isn't working in Colab.
If the above doesn't work, I suggest switching to Jupyter Lab or Jupyter Notebook. The pandas profile dashboard works well in the Jupyter environment.
I hope this helps! Pandas-Profiling a wonderful EDA tool--such a time saver.

Installed BeautifulSoup but still get no module named bs4

I'm using a Jupyter notebook, Python 3.5, and a virtual environment.
Within my virtual env I did:
(venv) > pip install BeautifulSoup4
Which seemed to run fine b/c the terminal output was:
Downloading beautifulsoup4-4.6.0-py2-none-any.whl (86kB)
100% |████████████████████████████████| 92kB 297kB/s
Installing collected packages: BeautifulSoup4
Successfully installed BeautifulSoup4-4.6.0
But when I run my Jupyter notebook I get:
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-5fe69888b1a1> in <module>()
5 from itertools import groupby
6 import pickle
----> 7 import bs4
8 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
9 get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')
ImportError: No module named 'bs4'
And I can't change the line import bs4 to from bs4 import BeautifulSoup which I've seen on other SO posts b/c its read-only and I'm not supposed to
Since you are using Python 3, I think you needed to do
pip3 install BeautifulSoup4
Just pip install would have been for the Python 2 package.
Other things to check:
First make sure you ran both the BeautifulSoup install in your virtualenv, and the python3 prompt or Jupyter notebook in your virtualenv. If you did the install in your root environment and the notebook is run in your virtualenv, or vice versa, you might have a mismatch in your site-packages directory.
Ensure that your package indeed installed by typing pip3 list at a command prompt, and noting that it appeared in the list.
Check that you Jupyter notebook is indeed running a Python 3.5 kernel (upper right hand corner of the browser window)
Check that the path where the package is installed is in your sys.path
Open a Python3 prompt or in Jupyter and run
import sys
print (sys.path)
I had the same problem, bs4 was installed in my virtual environment along with Jupyter Lab. Jupyter would throw the ModuleNotFound Error but if I opened the notebook in Visual Studio Code and chose the .venv as the interpreter, it worked.
I got it to work in Jupyter Lab by uninstalling from the virtual environment and installing with sudo apt-get install python3-bs4 instead.

ipython cannot search matplotlib while using tensorflow and jupyter also has import error

I am using python 2.7 in Ubuntu and recently updated tensorflow 0.12.1.
I installed jupyter today for my sample code of tf and I need to use matplotlib. It does not find module name matplotlib and ipython in tensorflow has same error.
1. How can I set path in virtualenv or ipython or jupyter?
After activate tensorflow, I need to use jupyter notebook.
This below in the script for error does not work.
import sys
import module-of-interest
2. other information: My environments are below.
mickyefromsd#DEKSTOP~$source ~/tensorflow/bin/activate
When I find matplotlib by python script under TF condition and before TF activation, it has below;
When I type 'which ipython', it has below (not by /usr/bin/ipython) ;
Btw, /tensorflow/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ it has ipython and jupyter.
(not in the same path of matplotlib)
3. My ipython under TF cannot find my existing matplotlib.
(tensorflow) mickeyfromd#DK-DESKTOP:~$ ipython
Python 2.7.11+ (default, Apr 17 2016, 14:00:29)
In [1]: import matplotlib ImportError: No module named matplotlib
4. I wanted to setup virtualenv, so I just run this
I followed this site. site:
(tensorflow) mickeyfromd#ipython kernelspec install-self --user
Installed kernelspec python2 in /home/mickeyfromd/.local/share/jupyter/kernels/python2
(tensorflow) mickeyfromd#DK-DESKTOP:~$
I cannot move the the folder (in the second step)
How can I make ipython to have path for Matplotlib?
That import error is due to change in environment of the jupyter notebook. You might have installed the packages in one environment and you are running the jupyter notebook in another environment.
I have got two environments (envs) in my Anaconda folder ( I have Anaconda3 folder to be specific ).
(windows key+cmd ) -> open the windows command prompt run as administrator.
Activate (name of the environment) -> eg.: activate tensorflow-gpu
Start installing packages using conda install
Note: For each environment you need to install all the packages you want to use, separately using the same process. This solution is for windows users, might work for linux users not sure though.
Additionally to make sure your conda environment is up to date run:
conda update conda
conda update anaconda
check this out :