.NET confused, too many files - asp.net-core

I have a server running tons of apps like IIS, VS, VS Code etc. Can someone tell me what these folders are:
I have an old version of .NET Core but .NET Core uninstall tool cannot find it, it doesn't even show up in add or remove program.
Can I download the latest binaries of the SDK and just swap the directories?

shared/Microsoft.NETCore.App/<runtime version> This framework contains the .NET runtime and supporting managed libraries.
shared/Microsoft.AspNetCore.{App,All}/<aspnetcore version> contains the ASP.NET Core libraries. The libraries under Microsoft.AspNetCore.App are developed and supported as part of the .NET project. The libraries under Microsoft.AspNetCore.All are a superset that also contains third-party libraries.
Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App.Ref describes the API of x.y version of Windows Desktop applications. These files are used when compiling for that target. This isn't provided on non-Windows platforms.
For more packaging details ,you can refer to this document.
If you can't uninstall the old version of .net core, you can download the version you want and specify to use this version in your project. You can take a look at this case.


.Net Core Project Referencing .Net Frameork Projects Problems?

I have a question about .net Core project.
I have a .Net Core Project referencing other projects.
The problem is that a few projects show the warning saying that "Package 'XXXXX' was restored using .NetFramework, Version=v4.6.1.... instead of targer framework .NetCoreApp".
What kind of problems could I have?
Also can I deploy this in Linux for instance and still working fine?
warning showed
Thanks guys
Look at this thread - For a .Net Core 2.1 project, Why does Nuget restores .Net 4.6.1 packages?
What it basically means is the package you have loaded not suitable for .NET CORE, and was restored using a different version of .Net Framework.
Check if the package exists for .NET CORE (search thru NuGet Manager)
Regarding whether it will work on Linux or not - it depends on the package dependencies (e.g. if it is depending on WinForm for example, it probably won't work on Linux).
Even if it will work, I suggest finding a package suitable for .NET CORE.

How to update from Microsoft.NetCore.App 2.0 to 2.1.4

I created an ASP.NET Core Web API project in Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7.2.
When I created it, it was Microsoft.NetCore.App 2.0.
Now I want to update to Microsoft.NetCore.App 2.1.4 but I can't because Visual Studio tells me:
Implicitly referenced by an SDK. To update the package, update the
SDK to which it belongs
I download the latest version of .NET Core and I installed it, but I got the same issue.
Any ideas?
Don't confuse SDK (=> Build tools) versions with .NET Core versions.
The 2.1.* SDK versioning was unfortunate, the versioning scheme has since been changed and the scheme transition will be (mostly) complete with the release of .NET Core 2.1.
You don't need to update the Microsoft.NETCore.App NuGet package as it only contains build references needed to build your application.
For self-contained applications, you can also set the <RuntimeFrameworkVersion> property inside the csproj file, but starting with the .NET Core SDK 2.1.300, you no longer need to as it will know about the latest versions.
As Martin points out above, the SDK and .Net Core Runtime are separate entities.
I went to https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/windows and downloaded the latest SDK (2.1) and installed it on my local machine. You'll need to close any open VS instances to complete the SDK installation.
Open your project's csproj file and update netcoreapp2.0 to netcoreapp2.1 and while you're at it you can update the "Microsoft.AspNetCore.All" to version 2.1. This will save you from having to update the nuGet package.
Worked for me. Best of luck.

TeamCity can't build a portable/custom targeted library

I have a solution with a core library that is portable, targeted at Windows Store, .NET 4.5 and Windows Phone 8.0
This project will not build via TeamCity.
[12:31:36][GetReferenceAssemblyPaths] C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(983, 5): warning MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework ".NETPortable,Version=v4.5,Profile=Profile78" were not found. To resolve this, install the SDK or Targeting Pack for this framework version or retarget your application to a version of the framework for which you have the SDK or Targeting Pack installed. Note that assemblies will be resolved from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) and will be used in place of reference assemblies. Therefore your assembly may not be correctly targeted for the framework you intend.
Is this a known problem or do I have to install something?
Install the Windows Phone SDK. Although the portable library offer's a bunch of platforms to be commonly compatible with, it still needs the relevant SDKs installed.

Unable to resolve assemblies that use Portable Class Libraries

I'm having a problem with assembly resolution on an end-user machine and I believe it's related to using Portable Class Libraries....
I have a .NET 4.0 application that was originally written in Visual Studio 2010. Recently we upgraded to Visual Studio 2012 and we've created a few projects that are Portable Class Libraries. I don't believe we need these features now, but we're also building a Windows 8 Store application that might benefit from these libraries.
When I compile my project, what exactly does the portable library feature do? I expect that it allows me to run it on different frameworks without modification or recompiling.
When I look at the library in reflector dotPeek it shows the Platform attribute as:
And the references seem 2.0-ish:
mscorlib, Version=
System, Version=
System.Runtime.Serialization, Version=
When I run the application on this end-user's machine, I see an error in the log file:
Could not load file or assembly, 'System.Core, Version='
Googling System.Core seems to refer to SilverLight -- which appears to be one of the targeted frameworks.
This machine does not have Visual Studio installed, but has .NET 4.0 (4.0.3 update)
Is there something I should be doing differently to compile, something I should investigate in my dependencies or something I should be looking to install on the end-user machine? What does the refer to?
For .NET 4, you need an update (KB2468871) for Portable Class Libraries to work. From the KB Article:
Feature 5
Changes to the support portable libraries. These changes include API
updates and binder modifications. This update enables the CLR to bind
successfully to portable libraries so that a single DLL can run on the
.NET Framework 4, on Silverlight, on Xbox, or on the Windows Phone.
This update adds public Silverlight APIs to the .NET Framework 4 in
the same location. The API signatures will remain consistent across
the platform. All modifications are 100 percent compatible and will
not break any existing code.
Also see the "Deploying A .NET Framework App" section of the MSDN Portable Class Library Documentation.
EDIT: Actually, if the machine has .NET 4.0.3 installed as you mention, that should be sufficient. Can you double-check to make sure that it is actually installed?

MonoDevelop 2.6 Beta 1 (2.5.90) Targets .NET 1.0 Framework in Csproj files?

Can anyone tell me why when I create Monotouch projects in the latest drop of MonoDevelop it is targeting the 1.0 framework instead of 3.5, as my projects in earlier versions do? This causes it to not be loadable in VS2010, which I tend to use for coding, while building/testing in MonoDevelop. Here is the version info:
Release ID: 20509002
Git revision: 35a0397615c02f7830d46dfcd31a6c0cb86e9f85
Build date: 2011-04-06 03:37:58+0000
And here is the difference in the csproj files between versions:
The v3.5 was a bug; MonoTouch projects never targeted the .NET v3.5 framework. They target the MonoTouch framework, which is arbitrarily versioned as v1.0.
Improvements in MD 2.6 have allowed us to deal with custom .NET frameworks in a similar way to VS 2010. This means that instead of storing the "closest" .NET framework then internally switching it to the correct framework after the project is loaded, we can directly handle particular project types using a particular custom framework.
If you want to load MT project in VS, you already have to make changes to the project - temporarily remove the project flavor GUID (though a trivial VS addin could make that unnecessary). This framework version fix means that you also have to change the target framework to one that VS has. For MonoTouch 4, rather than using .NET 3.5, I would recommend using either Silverlight 4 or .NET 4.
The best solution would be to set VS to actually use the MonoTouch framework, so you'd get accurate code completion and compilation. In VS 2010 that's now possible. Simply set the TargetFrameworkIdentifier of the project to "MonoTouch", then install the custom framework by copying all the MonoTouch framework assemblies to C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\MonoTouch\v1.0 and adding a FrameworkList.xml manifest in the RedistList subdirectory.
I've created a small open source project that enables you to build MonoTouch projects inside Visual Studio 2010. The readme for the project also explains how to get round the "v1.0" problem for the target framework version.
The project is available at https://github.com/follesoe/VSMonoTouch.
Since that's a Monotouch project, nobody expects it to work for Visual Studio or Windows.