Which could be the best Xpath to Get text when there is a text on both <td> - selenium

I have the follow xml which I need to scrape:
<div class="tab_product_details">
<td> text 1 </tr>
<td> text 2 </tr>
<td colspan = "2">
<td> Adjustment</td> this text i do not need it!
<tr class="feature">
<td> text3</td>
<td> text4 </td>
My actual xpath is the following:
text1 =response.xpath('//div[contains(#class,"tab_product_details")]//td[followingsibling::td[not(table)]]')
text2 = response.xpath('//div[contains(#class,"tab_product_details")]//td[2]')
But I continue to get the texts that have no pair
Any help very welcome, thanks!

If you want to get text if both cells (td) are not empty try
//div[#class = "tab_product_details"]//tr[count(./td[normalize-space()]) = 2]/td/text()[1]
//div[#class = "tab_product_details"]//tr[count(./td[normalize-space()]) = 2]/td/text()[2]


Replicating a table

I'm having trouble replicating this table. I'm confused with the rowspan and colspan. I would really appreciate it if someone helps.
Click here to view image of the table
Here you go:
<td colspan="7">The Error Rate on Different Forms</td>
<td rowspan="2">Form name</td>
<td rowspan="2">A</td>
<td rowspan="2">B</td>
<td rowspan="2">Total Fields (X = A x B)</td>
<td rowspan="2">Fields with errors (Y)</td>
<td colspan="2">Error rate* (Y/X) x 100 (%)</td>
<td colspan="7">High Risk Errors</td>
<!-- normal tr td -->
<td colspan="7">Low Risk Error</td>
<!-- normal tr td -->

Find the first element matching conditions with preceding-sibling

My goal is to find the text contains in the first preceding-sibling which match.
My xpath is the following one : //*[#id='myid']/parent::td(/preceding-sibling::td/label/a)[1]
Here I want the text of the td/label/a the most close of the parent of //*[#id='myid'].
Can you tell me if you see any mistake please? Thank you a lot.
Update 1
This one is working //*[#id='myid']/parent::td/preceding-sibling::td[2]/label/a but it is not everytime 2, sometimes it can be 6 or whatever.
Update 2
Example 1
<input id='myid'>
Example 2
<input id='myid'>
Example 3
<input id='myid'>
I don't think you'd need to go up to any ancestors; just go to the first preceding td (that contains a label/a)...
You can use xpath below. Get first parent tr and it's child label/a
One more way is to use union operator in xpath with all locators for all cases in order you need:
//input[#id='myid']/ancestor::td/preceding-sibling::td/label/a | //input[#id='myid']/ancestor::tr[1]/preceding-sibling::tr//label/a
Seems like table content are dynamic as i can see in your examples but <tbody> must be one for that table.

how to check if a tag is the last one

I am using Selenium and Java to write a test. I have the DOM below:
<th>Subfield Border</th>
<th>Field Border</th>
<tr id="333877">
<input type="checkbox" checked="" class="copySubfieldBorderCheck"/>
<td class="s">No</td>
<tr id="333877">
<input type="checkbox" checked="" class="copySubfieldBorderCheck"/>
<td class="noBorderBoldRed">Yes</td>
I want to get the tr that has a td tag whose text is No and alos it LAST td tag's text is Yes
I am looking for something like this:
//tr[./td[text()='No'] and ./td[text()='Yes' and isLast()]]
An easy way would be to concat the 3rd and the last cell and then filter the text on NoYes:
//tr[concat(td[3], td[last()])='NoYes']

ng-repeat with tables not working

I am a fairly new web developer, just needed quick help with some view code.
I was looping through an object in my controller called "products". I was displaying all the data of each item fine before I wanted to organize it in a table.
Could anyone see the problem with my code? I'm a very weak front end designer, back end is my niche, so it could be a very simple error.
<tr ng-repeat="product in Ctrl.products">
<td><img ng-src= "{{product.image}}"></td>
You can't insert a TR inside a TD. You need to insert a full table inside the TD to achieve what you want.
You can use rowspan properties:
<tbody ng-repeat="product in Ctrl.products">
<td rowspan="2"><img ng-src= "{{product.image}}"></td>
<td rowspan="2">{{product.description}}</td>

Selenium - pulling data from a website table assign to variable

I am attempting to pull a value and a header (string) from a website, but unable to find the element using selenium.
My Code
I used Firebug to get the XPath and this is what it determined:
Dim Right as double
Dim Marker as string
Marker = selenium.findElementByXPath("//*[#id="DimensionForm"]/p[1]/table/tbody/tr[2]/td[3]").getAttribute("value")
Right = selenium.findElementByXPath("//*[#id="DimensionForm"]/p[1]/table/tbody/tr[3]/td[3]").getAttribute("value")
<form id="DimensionForm" name="validate" action="Dimension" method="post">
<div style="margin-top: 7px"></div>
<p><table width="100%" cellspacing="0" border="0" cellpadding="0" class="element">
<td> </td><td class="formtitlenobg" colspan="6" align='right'>
AREA DIMENSIONS (AREA A) <span class='quote'> Front</span> 25.24</td>
<tr align="right">
<td class="tablerowlightgreen" width=10> </td>
<th class="formtitle" width=250 align="left">Property</th>
<th class="formtitle" width=50>Check</th> <th class="formtitle" width=75>Front</th>
<th class="formtitle" width=75>Center</th><th class="formtitle" width=75>Left</th>
<th class="formtitle" width=120>Right</th>
<th class="formtitle" width=100>Total</th>
<td class="tablerow" width=50> </td>
<td class="tablerow"> </td>
<tr align="right" nowrap>
<td> </td>
<td class="table" align="left"><strong>
Property O</strong></td>
<td class="table">+</td>
<td class="table">10</td>
<td class="table">12</td>
<td class="table"><strong>12</strong></td>
<td class="table"><strong><font class="front">
<td class="table">120</td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
You have incorrectly nested quotes:
Perhaps you meant:
Note the single-quotes in the second line!