Trying to figure out the base url and endpoints to use RETROFIT - api

I'm new to using retrofit and I'm trying to consume an API but I'm having trouble determining the endpoints to use with RETROFIT. Can anyone help?


How to update options in Restsharp v107 (RestClientOptoins)

I'm not finding any RestClient method to update its options, what I need to do is for example disable FollowRedirects for certain requests.
How do I do the following but with v107?
client.FollowRedirects = false;
Background: maybe a separate issue but current problem is that RestSharp is not following a redirect URL to Okta from a Location header of a response, it goes to the main Client URL instead. That is why I've decided to disable redirects to try following the redirect manually.
Most if not all of the properties in RestClientOptions are used to configure the HttpMessageHandler instance wrapped by RestClient. As each RestClient instance wraps a single HttpClient (and its handler), those options cannot be changed. It works the same way as configuring HttpClient, where you cannot change the AllowAutoRedirects property of the handler once it's configured.
That's why the documentation suggests using a specifically configured RestClient instance per remote API. Normally, the API uses a single convention and configuration requirement.
I have seen that some authentication endpoints require redirects, but most of the time the RestClient instance used to get the authorization token is not the one used to access the API itself with the retrieved token. So, the solution would be to have a separate instance for that purpose. Normally, it's only used once to get the token, then you can dispose it and reuse the token.
I keep posting the authenticator example from the docs
Concerning RestSharp not following redirects properly, it's not what RestSharp does as it doesn't compose or execute HTTP calls physically. It just wraps HttpClient.

How can I call a SignalR Hub via Postman?

I know it seems a duplicate question from this thread Is it possible to call a SignalR Hub from Postman, but I already know that it is possible, after Postman version > 8.0 using WebSocket Request block. But I can not find any good example of how to do it.
I can connect to my hub via Postman, just by passing the hub Url like this:
But I don't know how can I call the hub method and pass the parameters. Currently, my client program.cs code calls
await hubConnection.InvokeAsync("GetTrades", _username);
and my connection.On:
hubConnection.On<Trade>("ReceiveTrades", (trade) =>
var tradeAsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(trade);
Console.WriteLine($"Trade received: {tradeAsJson}");
How it would be to represent this calls from postman?
I create a sample project with signalR, you can download it from github. We can open site with https://localhost:44381.
Tips: please replace SignalR_ConnectionString in appsettings.json.
And if we want connect to signalR hub, we can use postman, you can follow the steps like below picture.
use wss://localhost:44381/chatHub.

How to ignore ResponseWrapper in ASP.NET Core Web API response

I have an web api project in .net core and in Startup there is configured to use a response wrapper "
But this format is applied for all the api methods in my project...
I want an api method in my solution that sends another format response , for example a simple xml. I want to know how to ignore that Response wrapper that is applied for all methods? Is there any decorator for that method ?
I solved my issue.
I had built a custom decorator for methods that is able to modify header response.
In the Response wrapper I succeded to manage and to modify the response

How to invoke MobileFirst adapters with curl and SOAP?

Good day,
We have the requirement to call a MobileFirst Adapter via curl and SOAP, ommiting authentication.
An example how to do it with curl and application/x-www-form-urlencoded looks like this, but we also require to invoke the adapter using SOAP.
curl -XPOST -d 'adapter=PushAdapter&procedure=sendNotifications&parameters=["[\"UserA\",\"UserB\"]", ""]' http://localhost:10080/application/invoke
The reason is, we want to trigger sending PushNotifications through a network zone that only allows SOAP.
We are open to different suggestions, like implementing a new JavaAdapter (not JS), implementing an extra WebService, or anything that pops up which could fulfil the requirement in an acceptable way.
I hope someone can come up with an idea how to call Adapters via SOAP, ommiting authentication.
Thank you,
---- Edit ---
I added a new Java Adapter, like the video from Hasan suggests.
Thank you very much for that hint :)
There i added a WebService like this:
#OAuthSecurity(enabled=false) // Disable the imfAuthentication :)
public class ExternalPushService {
public String push(#WebParam(name="name") String name) {
return name + "ABC";
I can now do HTTP POST Requests to the http://localhost:10080/app/adapters/PushBridge/soap/push Endpoint, but the SOAP is not parsed.
Instead i get the complete Envelope in the "name" parameter.
If i do a SOAP call to PushBridge/soap, i get 405 Method not allowed.
Does someone have an idea, how i can get SOAP working out of the box there?
Answer is: NO
when you adding #WebService in your java adapter this the warring facing:
Problem description:This annotation requires a web service project. Convert the Java project to a web project targeting the specified runtime environment
SOAP base service are based on the JAX-WS specification.
Java adapters are based on the JAX-RS specification.

Yodlee Rest API (coblogin) doesn't work with simple Rest Client

I'm trying to implement the Rest API for Yodlee using Spring RestTemplate.
For starter I'm trying to use the simple chrome extenuation to test the API but it doesn't seem to work.
(see image url here)
The content type needs to be application/x-www-form-urlencoded and the request needs to be properly formatted.For example:
I've noticed that the error messages for the rest api are extremely unhelpful.