How to authenticate user from LDAP using php? - ldap

I have configured LDAP server but i am facing problem to bind user and also not able to authenticate user using PHP, I have used this code.
instead of example I used our server Details.


Using Flask Login with LDAP safe and secure

I am creating a login page with an authentication using LDAP. I could see LDAP3 packages for flask with login forms as well. I am looking for a form where the developer of the portal(say me or anyone in our team) should not be able to add any print statements and sniff the username and password when someone log in...
The flask form is exposing the password variable as a plain string. Even if it doesn't expose , it is possible to put a print statement in the flask_form validate function.
Is there any option available like the form is bundled as binary or c-python module where the developer has no option to sniff the credentials at all..
If not possible or no options available as they know off, any other framework like django helps for these usecase?
By design, server-side LDAP authentication requires the server receive the username & password from the user and relay that information to the LDAP server. This means a developer could insert a line that logs all credentials out somewhere, grab the passwords from process traces, dump memory, etc. If you don't want any of the developers or system administrators to have access to user passwords, use some type of federated authentication instead of LDAP.
In a federated authentication scheme, the user auths against some other source (e.g. ADFS) and your app checks a token that essentially says "this trusted other auth source says the person is Lisa".

How do I set up my own ldap in laravel

The existing ldap is only used for authentication. For the application that I created, for example authentication is successful then the user will be able to enter into the system. If not successful then the error message will appear.
How do I set up my own ldap in laravel. with postman and token?
If you can, avoid using LDAP :)
Having said that, try this small tutorial:
You will have to ask your IT administrator for the real connection data of your production LDAP server.

OpenAM + two LDAP servers

I'm a newbie in the LDAP + Liferay + OpenAM world, so I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction in a problem I have. In a real life environment, there are 2 LDAP servers, a OpenAM server and a Liferay application. What the customer needs is to authenticate users in Liferay against OpenAM, and OpenAM should use the LDAP servers. Problem is, the user exists only in one of the LDAP servers (it will be moved from one to the other in one point of the future). What the customer wants is:
Users must be able to authenticate independently of what LDAP contains the user.
The obtained token must be valid for both LDAP servers, as it will be used in a different service (I have no control over it) against only one of them to validate authentication.
As I said, I'm new to this world so, if the answer is too complex (I'm afraid it will be for me), maybe you could point me to books or docs that could resolve this scenario.
You should configure LifeRay to use OpenAM for all authentications and you can configure OpenAM to use both LDAP servers (use different realms).
Details for OpenAM configuration will be in the OpenAM documentation.
As the previous answer states you should route all your authentication requests to the OpenAM server and let it validate the credentials against the right LDAP server. Using two different realms (one for each LDAP server) won't work in your case since that will require LifeRay to know where to find the user before hand. Also, sessions are linked to a specific realm.
There are multiple solutions to your problem. Here are just a couple:
Option 1
If you have control over the authentication flow. That is, if your application uses a custom UI and communicates with OpenAM via REST, you could create two different authentication module instances under a single realm (let's say two instances of the DataStore authentication module) each one pointing to a different LDAP server.
Let's call this module instances DataStore1 and DataStore2. Your application can collect the user credentials (username and password) and submit them to DataStore1. If authentication succeeds the user is already logged in. If it fails, the application can try with DataStore2.
Of course this is not ideal since you'll be making two authentication requests per login instead of just one.
Option 2
A better option (though more complicated to implement) would be creating a custom authentication module. This module can try authenticating the user against LDAP Server 1 and then try with LDAP Server 2 if the first authentication failed. Notice that with this option you don't need custom logic on the application side since it will only send a single authentication request to the OpenAM server. In fact, you can protect your application with an OpenAM Policy Agent.
Another advantage of this approach over Option 1 is that you can migrate your users behind the scenes assuming that the end goal is to migrate users from LDAP Server 1 to LDAP Server 2. If the first authentication succeeds your custom code could read the user entry from LDAP Server 1 and copy it over to LDAP Server 2.
Hope this helps you solve the problem.

MarkLogic LDAP - assigning an external name to a role not working

I am using MarkLogic version 8.04 on CentOS 6. I am trying to do external authentication/authorization using LDAP.
I've created an external security authentication object:
name ldap-config-simple
authentication ldap
authorization ldap
ldap server url ldap://<my server address>:389
ldap base ou=<mycompany>,dc=<info>,dc=<my org>
ldap attribute sAMAccountName
ldap default user cn=<user id>,ou=xxxx,ou=yyyyy,dc=<info>,dc=<my org>
ldap bind method simple
and associated it with an HTML App server (here are the pertinent settings):
authentication basic
internal security true
external security ldap-config-simple
And I have associated an LDAP group to a role (here are the pertinent settings):
external name cn=marklogic,ou=groups,dc=<info>,dc=<my org>
The problem is that authentication fails when I try to access the App server using my LDAP user. The log for the external LDAP server shows that the search string that MarkLogic sends looks like this:
(member=cn=marklogic,ou=groups,dc=<info>,dc=<my org>)
But the LDAP server is expecting the search to be:
(memberOf=cn=marklogic,ou=groups,dc=<info>,dc=<my org>)
The LDAP Server admin assures me that "memberOf" is the accepted standard for this type of query. We are using an OpenLDAP server - it is a pretty standard LDAP installation. Is there a way to have MarkLogic send "memberOf=" for the search rather than "member=" ?
Note that I was able to authenticate with my LDAP user ID through the App Server when I associated my user's DN in the LDAP server to a configured MarkLogic user. But I would prefer to use the Role based authentication since that puts the access controls in the LDAP server.
Any help appreciated.
Answering my own question. It is working now with the configuration above - although I didn't make any changes. MarkLogic support told me that a previous configuration may have been cached. In the process of debugging this I did a network packet trace to see exactly what MarkLogic was sending and it looks like it actually requests both the "memberOf" and "member" groups - I guess the LDAP admin only saw the latter in the logs.

Impersonate user with admin credentials in ApacheDS

I want to implement FORGOT password and I need to set the new password for the user without knowing the original one. Because of that I cannot authenticate to LDAP (ApacheDS) with the user credentials. However, when I change the password using the admin credentials the password policy is not applied.
So, I'm trying to see if I can authenticate as the admin but act as the user. Is there any way to implement this functionality against ApacheDS.
Consider using the Proxied Authorization Control as defined in RFC 4370. I am not an Apache DS expert, but I could find the following control on their site.
The site also has an example on how to use this control (Scroll down to the section called The Proxied Authorization Request Controls. The code snippet is using the UnboundID LDAP SDK for Java)
I hope this helps.