STM32G0B1CE Can the Boot Option bits be used to jump to system bootloader? - embedded

I have seen that there are quite a few questions about jumping from an app to the ST system bootloader, for example this one. These use the method of setting the MSP and PC then doing the jump with a function pointer.
This seems to cause an issue with the system bootloader dual-bank management whereby the first jump fails and a second jump needs to be done.
My question is - would it be possible/better to use the user option bytes to jump to the bootloader instead?
Since the OB register is read during boot in the OBL phase, if we set both the "nBOOT1 bit" and "nBOOT_SEL bit" and clear the "nBOOT0 bit" then do a soft reset would this avoid the empty check weirdness and let us jump to the bootloader in one go?
(Just for context - this would be the first step of doing updates via CAN as the MCU in question has a CAN bootloader built in)
Thanks in advance!

After some time tinkering with a dev board and with some help from Tilen Majerle I found that this is indeed possible and does work well.
I added the following in my main() while(1) loop so that when the blue button is pressed, the user option bits are modified and a reset is performed.
I found that we don't have to do the soft reset ourselves as the HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() function triggers the reset for us, after which we should boot into system memory according to the reference manual page 67.
Also I found that the flash and option bytes must be unlocked before setting the option bytes, but not locked afterwards or the reset won't occur.
Here is the code to do it:
// Basic de-bounce for testing
// Read, modify & write user option bits
// nBOOT1 = 1, nBOOT_SEL = 1, nBOOT0 = 0; will select system memory as boot area
uint32_t optBits = FLASH->OPTR;
optBits = (optBits | FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT1 | FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT_SEL);
optBits &= ~(FLASH_OPTR_nBOOT0);
// Unlock flash
// Clear OPTLOCK
// Set up struct with desired bits
FLASH_OBProgramInitTypeDef optionBytesSetting = {0};
optionBytesSetting.OptionType = OPTIONBYTE_USER;
optionBytesSetting.USERConfig = optBits;
optionBytesSetting.USERType = OB_USER_nBOOT0;
// Write Option Bytes
// Soft reset
NVIC_SystemReset(); // is not reached
I verified that the flash OPTR register is modified correctly (it goes from 0xFFFFFEAA to 0xFBFFFEAA, essentially just the nBOOT0 bit is cleared as the other two bits were already set). The MCU does reset at HAL_FLASH_OB_Launch() as expected and pausing the program reveals that after reset it is running the system bootloader based on the PC address.
I also verified it using STM32CubeProgrammer which allows me to view the PC and option bytes, plus lets me set nBOOT0 back to 1 and boot the board to my app.
As for reverting the OB settings programmatically, you could either use the Write Memory command before jumping to the app, or you could use the Go command to jump to the app then modify the option bytes first thing in your app.


(STM32) Erasing flash and writing to flash gives HAL_FLASH_ERROR_PGP error (using HAL)

Trying to write to flash to store some configuration. I am using an STM32F446ze where I want to use the last 16kb sector as storage.
I specified VOLTAGE_RANGE_3 when I erased my sector. VOLTAGE_RANGE_3 is mapped to:
#define FLASH_VOLTAGE_RANGE_3 0x00000002U /*!< Device operating range: 2.7V to 3.6V */
I am getting an error when writing to flash when I use FLASH_TYPEPROGRAM_WORD. The error is HAL_FLASH_ERROR_PGP. Reading the reference manual I read that this has to do with using wrong parallelism/voltage levels.
From the reference manual I can read
Furthermore, in the reference manual I can read:
Programming errors
It is not allowed to program data to the Flash
memory that would cross the 128-bit row boundary. In such a case, the
write operation is not performed and a program alignment error flag
(PGAERR) is set in the FLASH_SR register. The write access type (byte,
half-word, word or double word) must correspond to the type of
parallelism chosen (x8, x16, x32 or x64). If not, the write operation
is not performed and a program parallelism error flag (PGPERR) is set
in the FLASH_SR register
So I thought:
I erased the sector in voltage range 3
That gives me 2.7 to 3.6v specification
That gives me x32 parallelism size
I should be able to write WORDs to flash.
But, this line give me an error (after unlocking the flash)
uint32_t sizeOfStorageType = ....; // Some uint I want to write to flash as test
HAL_StatusTypeDef flashStatus = HAL_FLASH_Program(TYPEPROGRAM_WORD, address++, (uint64_t) sizeOfStorageType);
auto err= HAL_FLASH_GetError(); // err == 4 == HAL_FLASH_ERROR_PGP: FLASH Programming Parallelism error flag
while (flashStatus != HAL_OK)
But when I start to write bytes instead, it goes fine.
uint8_t *arr = (uint8_t*) &sizeOfStorageType;
HAL_StatusTypeDef flashStatus;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<4; i++)
flashStatus = HAL_FLASH_Program(TYPEPROGRAM_BYTE, address++, (uint64_t) *(arr+i));
while (flashStatus != HAL_OK)
My questions:
Am I understanding it correctly that after erasing a sector, I can only write one TYPEPROGRAM? Thus, after erasing I can only write bytes, OR, half-words, OR, words, OR double words?
What am I missing / doing wrong in above context. Why can I only write bytes, while I erased with VOLTAGE_RANGE_3?
This looks like an data alignment error, but not the one related with 128-bit flash memory rows which is mentioned in the reference manual. That one is probably related with double word writes only, and is irrelevant in your case.
If you want to program 4 bytes at a time, your address needs to be word aligned, meaning that it needs to be divisible by 4. Also, address is not a uint32_t* (pointer), it's a raw uint32_t so address++ increments it by 1, not 4. As far as I know, Cortex M4 core converts unaligned accesses on the bus into multiple smaller size aligned accesses automatically, but this violates the flash parallelism rule.
BTW, it's perfectly valid to perform a mixture of byte, half-word and word writes as long as they are properly aligned. Also, unlike the flash hardware of F0, F1 and F3 series, you can try to overwrite a previously written location without causing an error. 0->1 bit changes are just ignored.

Bits Are Scrambled

The Problem: I send one value into a UART and nulls emerge on the other UART.
--- Details ---
These are both PIC processors (PIC24 and PIC32)
They are both hard wired onto a printed circuit board.
They are communicating, each via one of the UART modules which reside within them.
They are (ostensibly; according to docs) both configured for 115200 bps, 8-N-1
No handshaking, no CTS enabled, no RTS enabled; I'm just putting bytes on the wire and out they go.
(These are short little 4-byte commands and responses which fits pretty neatly)
The PIC32 is going 80 MHz.
The PIC24 has F[cy] = 14745600
i.e., it is going 14.7456 MHz
The PIC24 sends four bytes (a specific command sequence)
When I set a breakpoint at the Interrupt Service Routine for the UART, The PIC32 shows nulls, then I am seeing repeated hits on the (PIC32 code) breakpoint after the first four, and I continue to see nulls (which makes sense since the PIC24 is not sending anything)
i.e., the UART appears to be repeatedly generating interrupts when there is no reason
I did not write the code on the PIC32 side, and I am learning daily how it works.
Then I let the code just run, and I inevitably wind up on a line that says
52570 1D01_335C 9D01_335C _general_execption_handler sdbbp 0x0
When I get there,
The cause register holds 0080181C
The EPC register holds 9D00F228
The SP register holds 9F8FFFA0
This happened like clockwork, so I got suspicious of the __ISR that would not stop. MpLab showed me this...
433: //*********************************************************//
434: void __ISR(_UART1_VECTOR, ipl5) IntUart1Handler(void) //MCU communication port
435: {
9D00F204 415DE800 rdpgpr sp,sp
9D00F208 401A7000 mfc0 k0,EPC
9D00F20C 401B6000 mfc0 k1,Status
9D00F210 27BDFF88 addiu sp,sp,-120
9D00F214 AFBA0074 sw k0,116(sp)
9D00F218 AFBB0070 sw k1,112(sp)
9D00F21C 7C1B7844 ins k1,zero,1,15
9D00F220 377B1400 ori k1,k1,0x1400
9D00F224 409B6000 mtc0 k1,Status
9D00F228 AFBF0064 sw ra,100(sp) ;<<<-------EPC register always points here
9D00F22C AFBE0060 sw s8,96(sp)
9D00F230 AFB9005C sw t9,92(sp)
9D00F234 AFB80058 sw t8,88(sp)
9D00F238 AFAF0054 sw t7,84(sp)
9D00F23C AFAE0050 sw t6,80(sp)
9D00F240 AFAD004C sw t5,76(sp)
9D00F244 AFAC0048 sw t4,72(sp)
9D00F248 AFAB0044 sw t3,68(sp)
9D00F24C AFAA0040 sw t2,64(sp)
9D00F250 AFA9003C sw t1,60(sp)
9D00F254 AFA80038 sw t0,56(sp)
9D00F258 AFA70034 sw a3,52(sp)
9D00F25C AFA60030 sw a2,48(sp)
9D00F260 AFA5002C sw a1,44(sp)
9D00F264 AFA40028 sw a0,40(sp)
9D00F268 AFA30024 sw v1,36(sp)
9D00F26C AFA20020 sw v0,32(sp)
9D00F270 AFA1001C sw at,28(sp)
9D00F274 00001012 mflo v0
9D00F278 AFA2006C sw v0,108(sp)
9D00F27C 00001810 mfhi v1
9D00F280 AFA30068 sw v1,104(sp)
9D00F284 03A0F021 addu s8,sp,zero
I look a little more closely at the numbers, and I see that at that time, if we add 100 (0x64) to FFA0 (the bottom 16 bits of the SP) we get 0x10004, which I am guessing is 4 too much.
PIC Manual DS61143E-page 50 says that that nomenclature means, SW Store Word Mem[Rs+offset> = Rt and other experts have told me that the cause register is telling me that the EXCCODE bits are 7 which is the code for a bus exception on load or store.
Or, I'm totally guessing here (would love to get some experts' knowledge on this) something is not clearing something and I'm encountering infinite recursion on an int handler.
All of this is starting to make sense.
Could someone please suggest the most common reasons for an int like this to be repeatedly hitting me ?
Does anyone see any common relationship between the bogus nuls coming from the UART which could somehow be connected with this endlessly generated int ? Am I even on the right track ?
In your answer, please tell me how to acknowledge the Int from the UART. I know how I do that in the PIC24 (I wrote that code totally, in ASM) but I don't know how this is done in in C on the PIC32. Assembly will be fine. I'll inline it. I'm working with code I didn't write here, and I thank you for your answers
What is the most common reason that the UART (#1, in this case) would be repeatedly generating interrupts ?
The most common reason an interrupt subroutine is called over and over is that the interrupt request is never acknowledged in the routine.
Are you sure you clear the corresponding IRQ bit?
To ease UART debugging you should first connect the UART to a PC and make sure your target can communicate both ways with the PC. With two targets at the same time, you can't determine on which one the problem is apart from inspecting signals with a scope.
On many devices an interrupt must be explicitly cleared to prevent the ISR from simply re-entering when complete.
In most cases a UART will have status bits that indicate the source of the interrupt, knowing that might tell you something, but not telling us makes it difficult to help you. You can inspect the UART registers directly in the debugger, however in some devices the act of reading a bit may in fact clear a bit, and that is true in the debugger too, so be aware of that possibility (check the data sheet/user manual).
Some UARTS require their transmitter to be explicitly switched off to stop transmitting nulls, while others are triggered automatically when data is placed in the tx register and stop after the necessary number of bits are shifted out. Again check the data sheet/manual for the part. If the PIC32 code is known to be working, then since this possible error would be with the PIC24 code, it seems to fit. You can check this simply by using an oscilloscope on the Tx line from the PIC24, if it is transmitting, you will see at least start/stop bit transitions (framing). If there is nothing, then the problem is probably at the PIC32 end.
While you have the scope out, you can check that the bit timing is correct and that you are actually transmitting at 115200. It is easy to get the clocking wrong, and that should be your first check. If the baud rate is incorrect, the PIC32 will likely generate framing error interrupts, which if not handled may persist indefinitely.
Another possibility is that after transmission the PIC24 leaves the line in the "break" state, and that the PIC32 UART is generating "line-break" interrupts. That is why it is important to look at the UART status registers to determine the interrupt cause.
As you can see, there are many possibilities; I think I have covered the most likely ones, but more methodical debugging effort and information gathering on your part is required. I hope I have guided you in this too.
There were the three root causes which were in place...
The interrupt priority level was set at value 6 in the initialization code for UART1
The first line of the interrupt service routine was coded with an interrupt priority level of 5
The first three bytes of UART data were disappearing from the data stream (this is still unsolved)
Here's the not-so-obvious way they were causing the problem
First three bytes never appeared
Fourth byte did appear
Interrupt hit (as level 6) and invoked __ISR routine
__ISR was acting as ipl5 agent
First instruction executed (possibly more, I couldn't debug that accurately)
As soon as the first instruction finished, the "higher" priority 6 interrupt immediately kicked in
This resulted in the same interrupt again
The process repeated itself infinitely.
In short order, Stack Overflow resulted
The Fix
Make sure these two lines of code agree with each other...
The IPL line in the init code, wrong way then the right way
//IPC6bits.U1IP=6; //// Wrong !!! Uart 1 IPL should not be 6 !!!
IPC6bits.U1IP=5; //// Uart 1 IPL = 5 Correct way; matches __ISR
Interrupt Service Routine
void __ISR(_UART1_VECTOR, ipl5) IntUart1Handler(void) //// Operating as IPL 5
Poor design decision. If both are on same board SPI would have been more feasible and a lot faster.

NXP LPC17xx pending interrupts

I am facing a weird problem with the external interrupts of the LPC17xx series.
I have an external button set to external interrupt 1, falling edge with both an internal as an external pull-up resistor (p2.11):
PinCfg.Funcnum = 1;
PinCfg.OpenDrain = 0;
PinCfg.Pinnum = 11;
PinCfg.Portnum = 2;
This is a part of the ISR (including 200ms button debouncing timer):
void EINT1_IRQHandler(void)
uint32_t tim1Cnt = LPC_TIM1->TC;
if (tim1Cnt > ButtDebounceUs)
LPC_TIM1->TC = 0x00000000;
// Do work here
The "Do work here" section could take some time (e.g. more than 200ms in some cases). This is intended and no problem for the further execution of the program.
The problem is that when the ISR is entered first and I press the button a second time while the ISR is executing (this has to be done fast) a pending interrupt is set and causes the ISR to execute again if it has ended for the first time. This is normal behaviour I guess, since EXTI_ClearEXTIFlag(1) does not clear any pending interrupts in the NVIC. So I added NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EINT1_IRQn) to clear the new pending interrupts on several locations in the ISR code to be sure the pending interrupt(s) is/are cleared. Strangely enough this does not work at all.
Some my question is, how can I read the pending interrupts via JTAG/debugger (memory address?). And what is going on here? Can someone explain this behaviour and maybe has a clue how to fix it?
when the ISR is entered first and I press the button a second time [...]
This triggers the EINT1 Flag again, but after you cleared it first. Thats why
NVIC_ClearPendingIRQ(EINT1_IRQn) to clear the new pending interrupt
does not work, as EINT1 still signals the interrupt line. You need to call
again after the "work" to clear this flag.
I know that it is usually not a good idea to make such a long interrupt routine. But as I have stated in the question, this is intended. I need to make sure not other code in the main task is executed during the ISR.
But to come back to the question: someone else pointed out that it maybe is a good idea to move the EXTI_ClearEXTIFlag(1) to the end of the ISR. In this way no external interrupt can accur, nor any pending can be set during excecution of the ISR. This works, but I am still wondering why clearing the pending interrupt does not work. Maybe this only works for GPIO interrupts?

How does reverse debugging work?

GDB has a new version out that supports reverse debug (see I got to wondering how that works.
To get reverse debug to work it seems to me that you need to store the entire machine state including memory for each step. This would make performance incredibly slow, not to mention using a lot of memory. How are these problems solved?
I'm a gdb maintainer and one of the authors of the new reverse debugging. I'd be happy to talk about how it works. As several people have speculated, you need to save enough machine state that you can restore later. There are a number of schemes, one of which is to simply save the registers or memory locations that are modified by each machine instruction. Then, to "undo" that instruction, you just revert the data in those registers or memory locations.
Yes, it is expensive, but modern cpus are so fast that when you are interactive anyway (doing stepping or breakpoints), you don't really notice it that much.
Note that you must not forget the use of simulators, virtual machines, and hardware recorders to implement reverse execution.
Another solution to implement it is to trace execution on physical hardware, such as is done by GreenHills and Lauterbach in their hardware-based debuggers. Based on this fixed trace of the action of each instruction, you can then move to any point in the trace by removing the effects of each instruction in turn. Note that this assumes that you can trace all things that affect the state visible in the debugger.
Another way is to use a checkpoint + re-execution method, which is used by VmWare Workstation 6.5 and Virtutech Simics 3.0 (and later), and which seems to be coming with Visual Studio 2010. Here, you use a virtual machine or a simulator to get a level of indirection on the execution of a system. You regularly dump the entire state to disk or memory, and then rely on the simulator being able to deterministically re-execute the exact same program path.
Simplified, it works like this: say that you are at time T in the execution of a system. To go to time T-1, you pick up some checkpoint from point t < T, and then execute (T-t-1) cycles to end up one cycle before where you were. This can be made to work very well, and apply even for workloads that do disk IO, consist of kernel-level code, and performs device driver work. The key is to have a simulator that contains the entire target system, with all its processors, devices, memories, and IOs. See the gdb mailinglist and the discussion following that on the gdb mailing list for more details. I use this approach myself quite regularly to debug tricky code, especially in device drivers and early OS boots.
Another source of information is a Virtutech white paper on checkpointing (which I wrote, in full disclosure).
During an EclipseCon session we also asked how they do this with the Chronon Debugger for Java. That one does not allow you to actually step back, but can play back a recorded program execution in such a way that it feels like reverse debugging. (The main difference is that you cannot change the running program in the Chronon debugger, while you can do that in most other Java debuggers.)
If I understood it correctly, it manipulates the byte code of the running program, such that every change of an internal state of the program is recorded. External states don't need to be recorded additionally. If they influence your program in some way, then you must have an internal variable matching that external state (and therefore that internal variable is enough).
During playback time they can then basically recreate every state of the running program from the recorded state changes.
Interestingly the state changes are much smaller than one would expect on first look. So if you have a conditional "if" statement, you would think that you need at least one bit to record whether the program took the then- or the else-statement. In many cases you can avoid even that, like in the case that those different branches contain a return value. Then it is enough to record only the return value (which would be needed anyway) and to recalculate the decision about the executed branch from the return value itself.
Although this question is old, most of the answers are too, and as reverse-debugging remains an interesting topic, I'm posting a 2015 answer. Chapters 1 and 2 of my MSc thesis, Combining reverse debugging and live programming towards visual thinking in computer programming, covers some of the historical approaches to reverse debugging (especially focused on the snapshot-(or checkpoint)-and-replay approach), and explains the difference between it and omniscient debugging:
The computer, having forward-executed the program up to some point, should really be able to provide us with information about it. Such an improvement is possible, and is found in what are called omniscient debuggers. They are usually classified as reverse debuggers, although they might more accurately be described as "history logging" debuggers, as they merely record information during execution to view or query later, rather than allow the programmer to actually step backwards in time in an executing program. "Omniscient" comes from the fact that the entire state history of the program, having been recorded, is available to the debugger after execution. There is then no need to rerun the program, and no need for manual code instrumentation.
Software-based omniscient debugging started with the 1969 EXDAMS system where it was called "debug-time history-playback". The GNU debugger, GDB, has supported omniscient debugging since 2009, with its 'process record and replay' feature. TotalView, UndoDB and Chronon appear to be the best omniscient debuggers currently available, but are commercial systems. TOD, for Java, appears to be the best open-source alternative, which makes use of partial deterministic replay, as well as partial trace capturing and a distributed database to enable the recording of the large volumes of information involved.
Debuggers that do not merely allow navigation of a recording, but are actually able to step backwards in execution time, also exist. They can more accurately be described as back-in-time, time-travel, bidirectional or reverse debuggers.
The first such system was the 1981 COPE prototype ...
mozilla rr is a more robust alternative to GDB reverse debugging
GDB's built-in record and replay has severe limitations, e.g. no support for AVX instructions: gdb reverse debugging fails with "Process record does not support instruction 0xf0d at address"
Upsides of rr:
much more reliable currently. I have tested it relatively long runs of several complex software.
also offers a GDB interface with gdbserver protocol, making it a great replacement
small performance drop for most programs, I haven't noticed it myself without doing measurements
the generated traces are small on disk because only very few non-deterministic events are recorded, I've never had to worry about their size so far
rr achieves this by first running the program in a way that records what happened on every single non-deterministic event such as a thread switch.
Then during the second replay run, it uses that trace file, which is surprisingly small, to reconstruct exactly what happened on the original non-deterministic run but in a deterministic way, either forwards or backwards.
rr was originally developed by Mozilla to help them reproduce timing bugs that showed up on their nightly testing the following day. But the reverse debugging aspect is also fundamental for when you have a bug that only happens hours inside execution, since you often want to step back to examine what previous state led to the later failure.
The following example showcases some of its features, notably the reverse-next, reverse-step and reverse-continue commands.
Install on Ubuntu 18.04:
sudo apt-get install rr linux-tools-common linux-tools-generic linux-cloud-tools-generic
sudo cpupower frequency-set -g performance
# Overcome "rr needs /proc/sys/kernel/perf_event_paranoid <= 1, but it is 3."
echo 'kernel.perf_event_paranoid=1' | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
sudo sysctl -p
Test program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
int f() {
int i;
i = 0;
i = 1;
i = 2;
return i;
int main(void) {
int i;
i = 0;
i = 1;
i = 2;
/* Local call. */
printf("i = %d\n", i);
/* Is randomness completely removed?
* Recently fixed: */
i = time(NULL);
printf("time(NULL) = %d\n", i);
compile and run:
gcc -O0 -ggdb3 -o reverse.out -std=c89 -Wextra reverse.c
rr record ./reverse.out
rr replay
Now you are left inside a GDB session, and you can properly reverse debug:
(rr) break main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x55da250e96b0: file a.c, line 16.
(rr) continue
Breakpoint 1, main () at a.c:16
16 i = 0;
(rr) next
17 i = 1;
(rr) print i
$1 = 0
(rr) next
18 i = 2;
(rr) print i
$2 = 1
(rr) reverse-next
17 i = 1;
(rr) print i
$3 = 0
(rr) next
18 i = 2;
(rr) print i
$4 = 1
(rr) next
21 f();
(rr) step
f () at a.c:7
7 i = 0;
(rr) reverse-step
main () at a.c:21
21 f();
(rr) next
23 printf("i = %d\n", i);
(rr) next
i = 2
27 i = time(NULL);
(rr) reverse-next
23 printf("i = %d\n", i);
(rr) next
i = 2
27 i = time(NULL);
(rr) next
28 printf("time(NULL) = %d\n", i);
(rr) print i
$5 = 1509245372
(rr) reverse-next
27 i = time(NULL);
(rr) next
28 printf("time(NULL) = %d\n", i);
(rr) print i
$6 = 1509245372
(rr) reverse-continue
Breakpoint 1, main () at a.c:16
16 i = 0;
When debugging complex software, you will likely run up to a crash point, and then fall inside a deep frame. In that case, don't forget that to reverse-next on higher frames, you must first:
up to that frame, just doing the usual up is not enough.
The most serious limitations of rr in my opinion are: you have to do a second replay from scratch, which can be costly if the crash you are trying to debug happens, say, hours into execution x86 only
UndoDB is a commercial alternative to rr: Both are trace / replay based, but I'm not sure how they compare in terms of features and performance.
Nathan Fellman wrote:
But does reverse debugging only allow you to roll back next and step commands that you typed, or does it allow you to undo any number of instructions?
You can undo any number of instructions. You're not restricted to, for instance,
only stopping at the points where you stopped when you were going forward. You can
set a new breakpoint and run backwards to it.
For instance, if I set a breakpoint on an instruction and let it run until then, can I then roll back to the previous instruction, even though I skipped over it?
Yes. So long as you turned on recording mode before you ran to the breakpoint.
Here is how another reverse-debugger called ODB works. Extract:
Omniscient Debugging is the idea of
collecting "time stamps" at each
"point of interest" (setting a value,
making a method call,
throwing/catching an exception) in a
program and then allowing the
programmer to use those time stamps to
explore the history of that program
The ODB ... inserts
code into the program's classes as
they are loaded and when the program
runs, the events are recorded.
I'm guessing the gdb one works in the same kind of way.
Reverse debugging means you can run the program backwards, which is very useful to track down the cause of a problem.
You don't need to store the complete machine state for each step, only the changes. It is probably still quite expensive.

Event handling in embedded code

I want to know how events are used in embedded system code.
Main intention is to know how exactly event flags are set/reset in code. and how to identify which task is using which event flag and which bits of the flag are getting set/reset by each task.
Please put your suggestion or comments about it.
Thanks in advance.
(edit 1: copied from clarification in answer below)
Sorry for not specifying the details required. Actually I am interested in the analysis of any application written in C language using vxworks/Itron/OSEK OS. For example there is eventLib library in vxworks to support event handling. I want to know that how one can make use of such system routines to handle events in task. What is event flag(is it global/local...or what ?), how to set bits of any event flag and which can be the possible relationship between task and event flags ??
How task can wait for multiple events in AND and OR mode ??
I came across one example in which the scenario given below looks dangerous, but why ??
Scenarios is ==> *[Task1 : Set(e1), Task2 : Wait(e1) and Set(e2), Task3 : Wait(e2) ]*
I know that multiple event flags waited by one task or circular dependency between multiple tasks(deadlock) are dangerous cases in task-event relationship, but how above scenario is dangerous, I am not getting it....Kindly explain.
(Are there any more such scenarios possible in task-event handling which should be reviewed in code ?? )
I hope above information is sufficient ....
Many embedded systems use Interrupt Service Routines (ISR) to handle events. You would define an ISR for a given "flag" and reset that flag after you handle the event.
For instance say you have a device performing Analog to Digital Conversions (ADC). On the device you could have an ISR that fires each time the ADC completes a conversion and then handle it within the ISR or notify some other task that the data is available (if you want to send it across some communications protocol). After you complete that you would reset the ADC flag so that it can fire again at it's next conversion.
Usually there are a set of ISRs defined in the devices manual. Sometimes they provide general purpose flags that you could also handle as you wish. Each time resetting the flag that caused the routine to fire.
The eventLib in VxWorks is similar to signal() in unix -- it can indicate to a different thread that something occurred. If you need to pass data with the event, you may want to use Message Queues instead.
The events are "global" between the sender and receiver. Since each sender indicates which task the event is intended for, there can be multiple event masks in the system with each sender/receiver pair having their own interpretation.
A basic example:
#define EVENT1 0x00000001
#define EVENT2 0x00000002
#define EVENT3 0x00000004
#define EVENT_EXIT 0x80000000
/* Spawn the event handler task (event receiver) */
rcvTaskId = taskSpawn("tRcv",priority,0,stackSize,handleEvents,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
/* Receive thread: Loop to receive events */
STATUS handleEvents(void)
UINT32 rcvEventMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
UINT32 events = 0;
if (eventReceive(rcvEventMask. EVENTS_WAIT_ANY, WAIT_FOREVER, &events) == OK)
/* Process events */
if (events & EVENT1)
if (events & EVENT2)
if (events & EVENT_EXIT)
return OK;
The event sender is typically a hardware driver (BSP) or another thread. When a desired action occurs, the driver builds a mask of all pertinent events and sends them to the receiver task.
The sender needs to obtain the taskID of the receiver. The taskID can be a global,
int RcvTaskID = ERROR;
eventSend(RcvTaskID, eventMask);
it can be registered with the driver/sender task by the receiver,
static int RcvTaskID = ERROR;
void DRIVER_setRcvTaskID(int rcvTaskID)
RcvTaskID = rcvTaskID;
eventSend(RcvTaskID, eventMask);
or the driver/sender task can call a receiver API method to send the event (wrapper).
static int RcvTaskID;
void RECV_sendEvents(UINT32 eventMask)
eventSend(RcvTaskID, eventMask);
This question needs to provide more context. Embedded systems can be created using a wide range of languages, operating systems (including no operating system), frameworks etc. There is nothing universal about how events are created and handled in an embedded system, just as there is nothing universal about how events are created and handled in computing in general.
If you're asking how to set, clear, and check the various bits that represent events, this example may help. The basic strategy is to declare a (usually global) variable and use one bit to represent each condition.
unsigned char bit_flags = 0;
Now we can assign events to the bits:
#define TIMER_EXPIRED 0x01 // 0000 0001
#define DATA_READY 0x02 // 0000 0010
#define BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x04 // 0000 0100
And we can set, clear, and check bits with bitwise operators:
// Bitwise OR: bit_flags | 00000001 sets the first bit.
bit_flags |= TIMER_EXPIRED; // Set TIMER_EXPIRED bit.
// Bitwise AND w/complement clears bits: flags & 11111101 clears the 2nd bit.
bit_flags &= ~DATA_READY; // Clear DATA_READY bit.
// Bitwise AND tests a bit. The result is BUFFER_OVERFLOW
// if the bit is set, 0 if the bit is clear.
had_ovflow = bit_flags & BUFFER_OVERFLOW;
We can also set or clear combinations of bits:
You'll often see these operations implemented as macros:
#define SET_BITS(bits, data) data |= (bits)
#define CLEAR_BITS(bits, data) data &= ~(bits)
#define CHECK_BITS(bits, data) (data & (bits))
Also, a note about interrupts and interrupt service routines: they need to run fast, so a typical ISR will simply set a flag, increment a counter, or copy some data and exit immediately. Then you can check the flag and attend to the event at your leisure. You probably do not want to undertake lengthy or error-prone activities in your ISR.
Hope that's helpful!
Sorry for not specifying the details required. Actually I am interested in the analysis of any application written in C language using vxworks/Itron/OSEK OS.
For example there is eventLib library in vxworks to support event handling.
I want to know that how one can make use of such system routines to handle events in task. What is event flag(is it global/local...or what ?), how to set bits of any event flag and which can be the possible relationship between task and event flags ??
I hope above information is sufficient ....
If you're interested in using event-driven programming at the embedded level you should really look into QP. It's an excellent lightweight framework and if you get the book "Practical UML Statecharts in C/C++" by Miro Samek you find everything from how to handle system events in an embedded linux kernel (ISR's etc) to handling and creating them in a build with QP as your environment. (Here is a link to an example event).
In one family of embedded systems I designed (for a PIC18Fxx micro with ~128KB flash and 3.5KB RAM), I wrote a library to handle up to 16 timers with 1/16-second resolution (measured by a 16Hz pulse input to the CPU). The code is set up to determine whether any timer is in the Expired state or any dedicated wakeup pin is signaling, and if not, sleep until the next timer would expire or a wakeup input changes state. Quite a handy bit of code, though I should in retrospect probably have designed it to work with multiple groups of eight timers rather than one set of 16.
A key aspect of my timing routines which I have found to be useful is that they mostly aren't driven by interrupts; instead I have a 'poll when convenient' routine which updates the timers off a 16Hz counter. While it sometimes feels odd to have timers which aren't run via interrupt, doing things that way avoids the need to worry about interrupts happening at odd times. If the action controlled by a timer wouldn't be able to happen within an interrupt (due to stack nesting and other limitations), there's no need to worry about the timer in an interrupt--just keep track of how much time has passed.